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Vidhi Agarwal Nov 2014
The stream of thoughts,
Give us a sensation of excitement,
When you feel those little butterflies
Dancing and tangling,learning to fly

In the land of our own,
We swing on and on
But then I see the hell coming
Destroying the heaven

Did you just say a dream?
Go away it is not your cup of tea
To dream isnt a child's play
You little fool can't you follow the old ordinary footsteps

But ..but no great leader took the same old way..
They all created their own path,
Through their own rough and dark..

Don't you get it ?
There is no space for dreamers out here.

But its my life.
No young little fool society decides your faith.
I don't think you want to die?
In those rough paths you won't survive.

Alas! They decided my faith without a the slightest of hesitation.
My dream got locked ..
Like a bird whose wings were torn
Even before it could learn to fly..
A dream that could be dreamt no more..

A dream that could be dreamt no more..
Personally speaking I love the last stanza of my own poem..
Vidhi Agarwal Nov 2014
In the hours of grievance,
My heart is beating
I am trembling,
My hands are cold
A shiver runs down my spine,
As my heart seems to fold itself in

Words seems to be silent,
Will no one hear my loudest scream?
The pain and the ache in my heart seems never to get healed,
I am locked in my own world of despair and saddness..

I cannot find a single soul to trust,
A friend who would hold me tight.
Who will walk with me and lie near me
Who will hear me to death and garnish me in every way
Is there no one to lead me out into the limelight?
Is this a god message to be independent and fly?
Why don't god seems to realize that I need my angel?

Will noone hold my hand and be there for me?
Will no one make me smile and heal me?
Alas, my hopes are fading away
Please my dear angel come right away.
I need you more than the universe does..
In my hours of grievance..
This innocent heart seems to stop.
Vidhi Agarwal Nov 2014
Failure is it?
Where the light seems unreachable?
And all you do is weep

Little child did you ever ask yourself about what really a failure is?
Why do you dislike the rollercoaster of life?
When all you want is to die.

Its not the failure which breaks you down
It just makes you strive higher
Why dont you take a bow?
Just smile and be a fighter

The battle which you thought has ended
It has just started
So keep your  head up little
Because all we know is that truths are bitter..
Vidhi Agarwal Nov 2014
Life goes la la la...
The dawn seems to break.
The first ray of light which wil hit me,
Will endeavour me to excellence.
This is more of a message and a thought
Vidhi Agarwal Nov 2014
I smell the scent of lavendar,
Where my soul is heard no more.
The hard truth,
Which shall be told no more.

The pain of losing,
And feeling the weak heart crying,
The heart which used to be lively once,
But the memories bounce
Back and forth bringing tears,
The silence that creeps inside day and night with fear.

Saddness fills the air,
The words seems to lose all its meaning,
The life seems meaningless with heart aches lingering.
My body is greiving..
The rain is pouring.
And here I sit on my table,
Trying to collect myself,
Sipping my cup of coffee,
Engulfing the hard truth inside.
This is my first poem which i find nice..

— The End —