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Nov 2023 · 70
Victoria Thng Nov 2023
we didn’t speak about us to anyone present,
we just existed like we didn’t exist before this,
like we were two strangers meeting for the first time.
Jul 2023 · 289
hard pill.
Victoria Thng Jul 2023
it’s hard to admit sometimes,
that i’m always the one that people choose not to want.
the fact that i have to let go of everyone i love,
and ever loved.
not because i do not want them,
but because they do not want me.
Nov 2018 · 1.1k
young heart.
Victoria Thng Nov 2018
don’t hurt anymore,
young heart.

you don’t deserve
to be the old soul
that you are.
© victoriathng
Mar 2016 · 525
safe keep.
Victoria Thng Mar 2016
You can keep moving
while I stay here;
to safe keep everything
we once had.
© victoriathng

— The End —