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Jun 2016 · 502
Victoria Queen Jun 2016
Missing you comes in waves
and tonight I'm drowning,
weighted down by driftwood memories
and sinking with an anchored love.

I am the vessel,
your heart is the ocean;
may the waters become too strong
and swallow me whole.
May 2016 · 675
Victoria Queen May 2016
I dont want to be everything.

I want to be your morning coffee,
the caffeine crashing through your veins;
the smell of thunderstorms in June,
flooding your lungs with early summer.

I want to be the song stuck in your head,
your favorite tshirt
and the same pillow you sleep with every night.

I dont want to be everything,
but I want to be something
you'll always need.
Apr 2016 · 352
Victoria Queen Apr 2016
You and me are together
in dreams that I swear are memories.

Do you remember?
Apr 2016 · 654
Victoria Queen Apr 2016
You are the strange delicacy of a bruise,
turning in color with the passing of the hours and
radiating with a lingering hurt.

You are like hot water to the skin,
beating and burning until it scalds the surface but
soothing a deeper pain.

You are the knife I turn inside myself,
the wound I pick at while it tries to heal,
the flame I hold my hand up against
even though I know how it hurts -

and that is the beauty and burden of love.
Apr 2016 · 632
Victoria Queen Apr 2016
There is a constant war within my heart,
a redundant battle about whether it is full
or empty.
There is so much of you
swimming in the void,
that it's impossible to decipher between loss
and love.

In the endless stretch of midnight I find you
wandering along the synapses,
following my brain waves like road maps.
Only here do we still exist,
kept alive by dreams that I swear are memories.
So tell me,

*do you remember?
Feb 2016 · 366
Victoria Queen Feb 2016
I broke my heart into a puzzle of pieces
hoping to rebuild the empty people that I met.
Each one asked for a sliver,
but just one was never enough.

I discovered people were more hollow than full,
and that they took more than they gave.
Soon I was the empty one,
my fragmented love living in those
who had already left.

What a breathtaking hell you must endure
to search for yourself in the people you have loved,

but lost.
Feb 2016 · 735
Victoria Queen Feb 2016
The thing about Love is that it swallows you whole,
rather than taking bits and pieces at a time.
It does not ask permission,
it does not knock and wait for you to answer.

Love does not ask if you are ready,
or come at the right time;
it does not settle for
"maybe," or "almost."

Love does not rest, or
soften its grip.
It is not patient.

The thing about Love is that it
crashes through you like a wave;
it fills your lungs, breaks your bones and
drowns the cage around your heart.

Love destroys and rebuilds at once,
and I'm not sure whether to smile
or ache.
Feb 2016 · 346
Victoria Queen Feb 2016
Where will I be when love
When it doesn't make my
hands shake and my heart

Where will I be when love
When it sails instead of sinks,
holds me up instead of
drags me down

Where will I be when love
comes for me?

With you,
even if you are not there with me.
Jan 2016 · 330
Victoria Queen Jan 2016
The emptiness of midnight
has a way of moving the settled seas
of the heart.

The moon hangs desperately,
the darkness seeps into your skin.
The tides turn within your veins and
you sink.

It's there
in the depths of the waves that swell
and swallow your harbor:
the love you left to drown, but has found its anchor
in your bones.
Oct 2015 · 678
Victoria Queen Oct 2015
You live in memories
that dance along my ribs,
twist around my lungs and
swim in my veins.
I feel you like scars,
carved deep into my skin with
hurt and hope.

Sometimes I think you can hear me,
when it's 3:57am and the oceans between us are here
in my heart.
You have become my
breath -

I have to tear myself apart
to let you go.
Aug 2015 · 1.8k
Victoria Queen Aug 2015
To love you is to burn:
a wildfire moving boldly,
searing through my raw heart.

To love you is to drown:
my lungs opening
and collapsing,
flooded by your restless current.

Loving you and losing you
are two pains that bleed as one.
Aug 2015 · 826
Victoria Queen Aug 2015
You found me like a shipwreck,
weathered down to the frame and
splintered by salt and storm.

You became the nails, the boards;
the rudder and the raised sails.

Your heart is my compass,
and it guides me back home.
Jul 2015 · 726
Victoria Queen Jul 2015
You were like poetry,
words heavy with hopeful prayers
exhaled from the soul and breathed into old wounds.

You were like May mornings,
dripping with fresh green and illuminated by gold hues,
the air tangled between spring and summer.

You were a limitless love,
a flood in my hollowed and desperate heart;
find me adrift in your current,
and anchor me to you.
Jun 2015 · 731
Victoria Queen Jun 2015
My heart was rooted in weeds,
weak and tangled.
But you grew flowers in my veins,
planted beauty into my bones and
breathed life back into my tired soul

and, my God,
I am home.
May 2015 · 758
Victoria Queen May 2015
Meet me where the horizon collides
with the sea,
underneath the melting moon and between the particles of salt.

You are my daybreak, my
violet morning;
my mellow midnight turned
to a wildfire dawn.

Find me hidden in the constellations  

                                 and carry me home.
Apr 2015 · 492
Victoria Queen Apr 2015
Bring me your pain;
the hollow aching of your tired heart and the scars that run deep down to your bones.

Bring me your sorrow;
the loneliness that anchors you,
the hopelessness that has built its way into your core.

Bring me your suffering;
the silent storm that crushes you,
the infinite emptiness that consumes you.

Bring me your brokenness,
the sharp and scattered pieces of your dismantled self.

Come to me in fragments,
and let me love you whole again.
Dec 2014 · 831
Victoria Queen Dec 2014
She was the root of sadness,
She was night and day,
the moon and all the stars.
She was dismantled -
but that was the beginning of reconstruction.
That was the emergence of hope.
That was everything.

She was everything digging herself out of nothing.
Nov 2014 · 483
Victoria Queen Nov 2014
I love you more,
with every last breath you take
with every final beat of your heart.

And no matter how far heaven takes you, no matter where you fly -
I will find you, dangling from the stars
playing the piano on the moon
dancing on Saturn

and we will be together again.
I'll miss you.
Oct 2014 · 832
Victoria Queen Oct 2014
The way the sunrise sets the sky on fire at dawn,
or the silence of the woods at 3am.
The way fingertips feel on bare skin,
or the sleepy weight on my eyes after reading too many pages.
The smell of fire in the threads of my clothes,
or the laughter of children echoing from dead-end streets.

I overflow with words for the things I love most;
their graceful presence so simple, so understood.

But you walk up behind me and
your fingers trace the muscles in my back and
your breath settles into my skin and
you whisper, "Where have you been?"

And I have no words beautiful enough to describe that.
Oct 2014 · 696
Victoria Queen Oct 2014
Your lips tasted like cigarettes,
bitter sweet.
Your smoke flooded my lungs,
so I inhaled and held you in

even though it burned.
Oct 2014 · 524
Victoria Queen Oct 2014
Love. It's raw and it's unforgiving and it's brutally consuming. It creeps up on you like a thief in the night and steals away all that you believed you had protected. It's dangerous and it's heavy with risk. And still - it is the most precious and most sought-after gift. It's a desire that is rooted in our bones. Love is pain that you choose to succumb to. Love is seeing the darkest corners of someone's soul and refusing to quit. It means treading water that is deep and destructive but finding a way to keep your head above the current. Love is sacrifice. It does not surrender, it does not falter. It is the loudest hope. Listen to it.
Oct 2014 · 585
Victoria Queen Oct 2014
Find peace in your chaos
strength in your pain
hope in your despair.

Find beauty in your fear and
light in your darkness.

Find your whole amongst your pieces.
Sep 2014 · 464
Victoria Queen Sep 2014
Take me back to shaking hands
sleepless nights
tingling skin
a wild heart.

Take me back to nervous laughter
sneaking glances
catching breath
a flooded mind.

Take me back to muted thoughts
crumpled papers
swallowed words
lost chances.

You are my best kept secret
that I've waited hopelessly to tell.
Sep 2014 · 532
Victoria Queen Sep 2014
It's that moment right before I fall asleep;
the seconds that feel like minutes
and the minutes that seem to drag
in between shallow, steady breaths.

That little eternity after my eyes close
and my body settles into stillness.

That slow and silent drift,
hanging in the space between
reality and dreams.

That far away feeling of falling,
heavy but weightless.

It's in that dwindling descent, that
infinite moment

that timeless forever

that you
love me.
Sep 2014 · 386
Victoria Queen Sep 2014
It came to me in the middle of the night; I slept, trying to exist in a more beautiful place than reality. I often toss and turn, but on this night I remained still. One moment I was gone, hiding away in the corners of my mind that only uncover in the dead of the darkness; then, I was awake. My blood pumped feverishly and the sound of my heartbeat echoed. I watched a story of us play out like my favorite movie on the blank canvas of the ceiling, our love strong enough to set everything around me on fire. The scenes played on and on, and the room burned and burned; I wanted to reach out for you, peel you off of the paint above me and bring you to life in the space next to me under the sheets. You laughed at me, you blew me a kiss, you danced with me in the make-believe memories; you teased and taunted me, out of reach. I felt paralyzed, heavy, numb. If the blaze was real, I would have burned down with the plastered walls.

And then you were gone. You were no longer knotting your fingers through my hair, and we weren't slow dancing to Elvis in nothing but our bare skin. Our movie was over, and the fire was doused; my skin cooled and my muscles came back to life, reminding me of what is real. There was nothing to see but the blackness of the room, nothing to hear but my uneven breathing, and nothing to feel but the burn of salt in the cores of my eyes. It was 3:41am, and all the oceans of the world drained from me.

The rising of the September sun brought a wave of clarity; I rose with it, dressed absentmindedly and willed my body to bring me to the door. Not knowing where I would walk, I stepped out into that golden hue of early morning, and let the cool air drive its way into my skin to revive me. I walked and walked until I found myself at the edge of the sea, the music of the waves playing the most beautiful song. It was there that I found you again, standing beside me at the water. You found my fingertips with yours, leaned close enough that your breath traveled on the surface of my skin. You hesitated for a brief second before you pressed your lips just behind my ear, your kiss leaving the most beloved tattoo. In the spaces between heartbeats, you spoke to me in whispers:

"Believe in me as I believe in you. I will find you where and when our dreams collide."

And with that, you slipped away with the tide.
Sep 2014 · 654
Victoria Queen Sep 2014
If you go
I will have to follow,

for I am nothing
if not loved by you.
Sep 2014 · 465
Victoria Queen Sep 2014
I watch the flowers wilt,
the vibrancy of the trees dull and
I'm empty.

I feel the chill that comes with the wind,
the earth become hollow and cold and
I'm searching.

I see the daylight fade hastily,
the sky dissolve to gray and
I'm reaching.

You are my endless summer,
my forever found in flushed cheeks and freckled shoulders and
I will love you until we burn out with the sun.
Sep 2014 · 537
Victoria Queen Sep 2014
You are the smell of sleep in my hair
and the sounds of morning in the trees.
Wake me like the cool air,
slip under my skin but
stay with me like the dreams I always long to remember.

Stay with me,
eyes open,
forever mine.
Aug 2014 · 403
Victoria Queen Aug 2014
The ground beneath me
The sun above me
The prayer inside me

You are the everything
that I need.
Aug 2014 · 921
Victoria Queen Aug 2014
Do you ever lay your head down,
and feel like the rush of memories will drown you?

Look for my hand

Breaking the surface

Begging pleading praying

To be rescued.
Aug 2014 · 1.4k
Victoria Queen Aug 2014
If you are a wildfire,
then I am the hollow trees.
Surround and swallow me,
consume and crush me.

Burn me from the inside out.
Aug 2014 · 666
Victoria Queen Aug 2014
Let me show you the hidden treasures of the night,
guiding you with cold hands and
a wild heartbeat.

We'll find the most beautiful place:
far from the warm paved roads,
from the noises of the city,
from the lights.

Follow me,
speak to me with your touch and
I'll listen.

Lay with me;
we'll soak up the dampness of the summer air and
let the quiet of the darkness swallow us whole.

I can see the entire galaxy in your eyes,
and you are the only wish
I want to make.
Aug 2014 · 780
Victoria Queen Aug 2014
Time does not heal,
but pours salt in my wounds.

In the seconds and the minutes,
the hours in each day, every day,
it burns a hole through my heart.

Time seems to disappear and drag,
all at once;
And no matter if I keep track
or forget the amount passed,
the hurt remains.

Time is the torturer,
and it never softens its grip.
Jul 2014 · 751
Victoria Queen Jul 2014
It's in the sound of the crashing waves,
the feeling of the warm earth under my feet,
the smell of salt in the summer air.

It's in all of these simply beautiful things that I
see, feel, hear, smell
Jul 2014 · 1.1k
Victoria Queen Jul 2014
Light me like a fire,
and extinguish me like rain.
Illuminate my darkness,
and numb my persistent pain.
Jul 2014 · 1.5k
Victoria Queen Jul 2014
Can I melt into your bones
and become part of you?

Let me be the sound of your heartbeat,
or the blood pumping in your veins.

I'll be the air in your lungs,
the color in your eyes,
the lines in your palms.

Let me be the parts of you
that make you so beautiful to me.
Jul 2014 · 627
Victoria Queen Jul 2014
How do the wounded ones find a love
that will heal their brokenness,
when no one wants to cut themselves on all of the jagged pieces?

Find your way into my cracked and tired heart,
and make me whole again.

Remind me what it's like to be alive.
Jul 2014 · 641
Victoria Queen Jul 2014
You left the light on in my soul,
and it beckons me.
You are the faintest cry, the smallest hope,
the last ray of sun to light up my world and
then you're gone.
Stay and soothe the fire in my aching heart,
as it burns the brightest for you.
Jul 2014 · 1.2k
Victoria Queen Jul 2014
The last wave of sadness comes without warning,
strong and unforgiving.
It rips through walls built,
drowning out what's been sheltered.
The fragile heart is no match for the surge.

It is the eye of the storm;
It stirs up the deepest and darkest of waters,
brings in the heaviest of clouds.
It moves fast, muted but resolute in its presence;
Bearing down, its arrival is crushing.

It devastates but passes quickly;
The pieces of what's left behind will settle with the calm.
Remember the architecture of your raw heart,
the feeling of wholeness.
Remember, reconcile, reconstruct.
May 2014 · 16.6k
Victoria Queen May 2014
They say that over time, it dissipates -
it will drain from you, evaporate like smoke.
It will descend upon you, destroy you;
but will soon release you, and fade.

But with time it instead grows stronger,
demanding to be felt.
It knocks on the doors of my soul,
its urgency to be let inside unrelenting and ruthless.

Like an unpredictable storm, it lands and ravages,
leaving just fragments of a heart already rebuilt.
What is gone is the will;
the resiliency dulled, the courage spent.

It's a deep-rooted ****, an unrivaled opponent;
It's a malevolent fire that refuses to be smothered.
The Hurt:
a wound that permeates, and remains.
Oct 2013 · 904
Victoria Queen Oct 2013
I can feel you in the deepest, darkest places;
You are the trembling of my bones,  
and the pulse of my heart.  
You hold me together, but tear me apart -
forever hollow, but consumed by you.
My paradox.
Oct 2013 · 2.2k
Man (a memoir)
Victoria Queen Oct 2013
We sat on the couch, snuggled in blankets, watching "The Iron Giant." I was only eight and realized that my older sister had let me stay up past my bedtime.; it was almost 10:30 PM and the neighborhood had settled into a sleepy silence. My parents were out to dinner and a movie, a date-night that they rarely ever indulged in, and my sister was babysitting me instead of going out with all of her pre-teen friends. It felt nice to actually hang out with Sam, and bond with her.

A little more than halfway into the movie, the snacks caught up to me and I needed a drink. "Sam, can you pause the movie? Come with me to get something to drink really quick." Such a simple request, yet I could have never imagined, in my childish state of mind, what was coming within the next five minutes.

We both walked into the dark kitchen, and to this day I wonder why neither of us turned the light on. I leaned against the doorway that lead to the kitchen and watched as my sister went to the fridge. I asked for chocolate milk - the craving for it came unexpectedly. As she opened the door to the refrigerator, the light from the inside of it spilled into the short hallway leading to our front door. I followed the small pool of light with my eyes until I was suddenly looking at the door - and also looking at Him. I saw His figure looming on the other side of the door, His shadow moving slowly and quietly. My entire body froze; I felt paralyzed and lost the ability to hear anything except for my heart pounding within my chest. My small, fragile body stood completely still, and remained still even as I watched my front door open. The way He walked towards me seemed like slow motion, and He looked like a giant in the small hallway. I felt like I couldn't move a muscle or else I would fall apart, like a game of Jenga. Finally, He stepped into a sliver of light, and I stared into His mostly hidden face; He was wearing a hooded sweatshirt, with the hood covering His head and most of His face, except for His eyes. I felt shredded by the look in them - full of confusion, rage, and maybe even fear."You're never gonna believe this - but it was a giant metal man." I could hear the movie blaring from the living room. I felt the way the boy in the film did; I was staring at this Man who was a giant compared to me, and He must have been made of metal - no human, made of flesh and with a beating heart, could encounter a terrified child and still proceed to attempt to destroy her. He was a Giant Metal Man.

When my eyes met His in that moment, it shook me and tore me out of my frozen state. Finally, my muscles contracted as I took a step away and backed into the other side of the doorway. My chest opened up and drew in just enough air to let out a scream, and my eyes were darting around the room, looking at everything, because I didn't want to look at Him. Within seconds, Sam reacted. I had almost forgotten that she was in the room with me - all I could feel was His presence. I watched as she threw an entire gallon of milk at the Man; it made contact with something, but I'm not sure if it was with Him or the walls of the hallway. The carton exploded, and milk was gushing into the air like a volcanic eruption, washing over the walls and the floor and probably over Him. When the milk settled, all I could see was His dark figure running out of the same door He came in, leaving it crashing against the wall. His feet were audibly slamming down on the sidewalk outside. Then, there was darkness.

My senses shut down completely after He disappeared from my sight. I was moving, but my mind was somewhere else. My sister grabbed me and basically dragged my confused body into our bedroom; she ordered me to get on the floor and she shoved me under our bed. From the floor, I could see her feet moving frantically around the room. Things were being moved and thrown, and she was breathing heavily. Finally, she grabbed something and ran to our window that looked out onto the street. I saw a flash and heard the snap and the print; she had taken a picture with our Polaroid. The picture fell to the floor just next to the bed, and I watched as it developed slowly. I could make out nothing in the picture but a black, beaten-up Volvo. It was as if I was looking at a still-framed picture from a movie, and that everything going on in that moment was fake; but the sound of a car peeling ferociously out of my driveway outside snapped me right back into reality, and I knew that it was Him. I was angry that He was able to drive away from the nightmare that he created, and that I had to stay.

Still under the bed, my body began to recover from the state of shock it was in, and I cried out for my sister. She grabbed my hands and pulled me out from under the bed and asked me if I was okay, and if I could tell her anything that I saw. I couldn't form the words to tell her about His eyes, about His hidden face, and about how slow He was walking towards me, an innocent child. All I could do was cry and I began begging her to call our parents. She carefully lead me back into the kitchen, where the door was still swung open and the milk was flooding over the floor. She picked up the phone and first called our Aunt who lived on the floor above us, explaining in short what happened and asking her to please come downstairs. She immediately came with her son, our cousin, who is the same age as Sam, and she offered to call our parents and the police for us. I stood in the room trying to tell everyone what I saw and what happened, but I kept telling them that it happened so fast and I couldn't see His entire face. "His eyes," I said. I repeated it dozens of times. I was shaking uncontrollably, and could not calm my breathing.

The rest of the night is a blur. Police officers were coming in and out of our home, asking questions that I couldn't even understand or comprehend. My parents came home and were panicking, my mother on the verge of tears. At some point, I laid down in my mother's bed and fell asleep - when I woke up in the middle of the night, my older sister was in the bed as well. Then, I laid there and listened to the sounds of the night - the crickets, the late-night commuters that drove by once in a while, and creaks and cracks of the floor. The sun eventually came up, and I was still awake, almost waiting for a new day and new feelings. However, the shock was still there, and it hung over my head and lingered around me like a ghost.

Within the following week after that night, four different homes were burglarized on our street. Finally, we received a call that the cops had caught the Man, and my parents hoped that it would bring some relief to my sister and I, who were sleeping in our parents' room every night since our break -in. It didn't. It left me feeling nothing except more fear; I constantly thought of Him returning to our home and finishing His "job." I sat in the bedroom, where I hid under the bed that night, and watched out the window for hours on end every day, waiting for His car to appear. But the worst feeling that I had was when I finally let myself wonder why He had come that night, and what His plan was. I pictured the things He would have done to me and my sister if I hadn't screamed and triggered my sister's reaction. Would He have ***** me? Beat me? Kidnapped me? Killed me? The possibilities were endless because it was as if the story had no ending, and I had the option to write my own. I could not silence my imagination, or stop myself from thinking about what He was thinking about doing to me when He saw me in the doorway. It occurred to me that the look in His eyes was not fear, or confusion, or even rage -it was malicious intent. It haunted me for days, and then weeks, and soon enough, years.

12 years later, I have come to terms with the real-life nightmare that I experienced that night. I have accepted His presence in my life; He exists in the footsteps I hear late at night outside my house, the inexplainable noises that echo in the walls of my kitchen and living room and bedroom, and the pressure from the wind that causes my house to constantly move and settle at night. He has no name and no face in my head; the only thing that He has is eyes. His eyes watch me from the inside of my mind. He exists in my kitchen, as if a ghost in a haunted home. He exists in the disorders that He left me impaired with for the rest of my life. He exists everywhere around me. The only thing that's different about then and now is that I have learned to live with Him haunting my dreams, and my reality. I will always feel the fear - but it no longer paralyzes me. I suffered through the sleepless nights, and the nightmares when I actually did sleep; I dealt with the uncontrollable screams for help in the middle of the night when I was only dreaming. Now, all I have left to do is live; not without fear, but with fear and also understanding that there is a reason for everything. I have accepted the fact that I will never be able to separate myself from the memory or the terror that I have been subjected to living with, and to me, that is the first and biggest step that I needed to take.
This is a true account of one of the most terrifying nights of my life from my childhood. Writing this took just over 12 years; It's incredibly hard to relive the images and memories of that night. I was recently diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Panic Disorder, all stemming from this event. It's a big bite to swallow, but I've learned to live with all of it. Part of the coping process has been telling people and allowing my experience to exist outside of my head, and it has helped the most to write about it. I live freely and I'm not stuck in a world of fear - and I believe this kind of expression of the scariest moment of my life helps me with that.
Oct 2013 · 916
Victoria Queen Oct 2013
The days pass, the hours -
but it's each moment that lingers,

They are like dreams: the ones that seem endless.
The ones that consume and crush you,
and make your body hum as the blood pumps throughout.
They keep you asleep, but alive. Working.

And when it's over - when you awaken and you're
forced to see and think and feel,
the reality of it all ignites your soul.

The way that hot ashes travel with the wind like whispers,
is the way your memory idles around me.
Silent, but bold, you remain -
the perpetual scar on my heart.
Feb 2012 · 726
Fire and Ice
Victoria Queen Feb 2012
Frozen by the look in your eyes, I shiver
and then I melt.
Your touch revives my skin, lights up my soul, and shakes my heart.
The world and all that it holds is moving around us,
but I hear nothing.

We are rooted in ice, surrounded by glaciers:
they shift and they change, yet stay frigid and sharp.

Then, you breathe out, and I breathe you in;
your devotion could dissolve even the heaviest of frost.
When the earth thaws from the fire we set,
I will still be standing there with you - frozen, but ignited.
We are the ice that will never melt;
We are the flame that cannot be extinguished.
Nov 2011 · 720
Victoria Queen Nov 2011
You exist all around me.
You exist in and around my bedroom,
and you sleep with me at night.
You walk with me to my car when it's dark outside, and you force me to feel the darkness,
even when others tell me that it's impossible to feel.
You touch me when I dress and undress,
with the doors closed and the windows shut.
Your ghostly fingers graze the most vulnerable places on my body:
my neck, my wrists, and the space behind my knees.
You watch me from the inside of my mind,
keeping me up on the nights that I need sleep the most.
You whisper to me, telling me to look harder at night, listen longer in silence,
feel more with my hands when I can't see with my eyes.
You make your presence known when the strong winds of the night move my house;
the floorboards creak and settle, and the house hums. Or is that you?
Is that you lulling me to sleep?

It's as if you're protecting me from yourself,
because when I see you and hear you and feel you, I sense a guardian.
But I remember, with a rush of hurt, that you brought me here.
You left me here.
You are not an angel, but a ghost that lingers and haunts me.
You force me to fight you off, even when I sometimes want you to stay;
it is a paradox that leaves me empty, but drowning.

You are an angel and a demon, an ally and an enemy.
If you are really there, as I feel that you are, listen to me
as I have always listened to you:
Torment somebody else.
Nov 2011 · 753
Victoria Queen Nov 2011
Like a stone, I sink
And the water calms my skin.
I'll break the surface.
Nov 2011 · 814
Between Us
Victoria Queen Nov 2011
The secret between us is cradled within me. It whispers,
Holding hope. You are painted onto the canvas of my heart; you are the
Echo in the tunnels of my soul.

Sending me into a dream, you
Ease the storm in my ocean eyes. Every
Corner of my world is illuminated, and the
Racing of my heart is silenced.
Everything that was fractured, heals -
There is nothing about you that isn’t beautiful.

Blessed with the ability to believe, I
Embrace my feelings; they comfort me.
There is fear in the heart of love, and I
Withstand the grips of doubt, to hold on to you. I will
Empty the hourglass; you make me feel
Everything and
Nothing at the same time.

Unaccustomed to you, my chest is full of chaos. The
Secret between us is alive – it breathes air into me.
Nov 2011 · 770
Victoria Queen Nov 2011
One could never know the the heaven behind your eyes,
Or the stumble in your words
That generates the whispering of my heart.
It excellerates the jumble of my feelings
In my mind, in my soul, in the bones that hold me together.

One could never know the fractions of time lost,
Or the layers of hurt that built a broken home within my chest;
It surrounds and cradles the echoing worry that invades my heart.

One could never know the feeling of falling into holes
That seem deep enough, dark enough, to bury the world;
Or the sting of a dream,
That wakes me and escapes me, leaving me empty again.

But there is a sea of hope that drowns me in clarity;
It spreads over my skin and revives me, rescues me.
My heart has outgrown its shattered refuge,
And I find rest in the depths of forgotten emotions and forgotten smiles.

One could never know how it feels to pick myself up again:
For the sun to shine in through the windows of my soul.
Everything has been painted a color all over again
And the sky is blue blue blue -
Light blue, like you.
Nov 2011 · 784
His Hands
Victoria Queen Nov 2011
His hands always remember me.
Idling over my shaking shoulders,
Smoothing out the hair laying like waves across my back.

Running his fingers across the planes of my body,
Easing his way into every scar, crease and pore -
My everything, and his remembering hands.
Every rise of my chest, every
Movement of my muscles,
Brings him closer to me.
Erasing the pain that once
Rocked me to sleep in its seemingly unbreakable arms,
I open up the doors to my heart,
Never to lock them again. I've
Grown and changed - yet he always remembers me.

Holding onto every sweet word,
And loving the sound of his outspoken heart, it is clear
Now that there is light in the darkness.
Dancing my fingers into the spaces between his, I
Silently fall in love with him, and his remembering hands.
Acrostic poetry is a unique kind - the first letter of each line vertically spells out a word, or phrase in this case. If you read down the line, the capitalized letters at the beginning spell out "His Remembering Hands."

— The End —