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If my lips were but a chalice
would you drink?
 Aug 2012 Victoria Lynn
 Aug 2012 Victoria Lynn
you are that tiny
bud, the one about
to bloom.
the one that seems
to be singing
a song
that only I can
And bees and
birds and
[forget me nots]
nothing can resist you

But I simply
could not pick you.
Could not take you
from the vine.
Couldn't take you in
my hands
and squeeze and
hold you
all the time.

I couldn't destroy
in such a
selfish manner.

you are that tiny
[to watch you]
I've stared into the abyss,
For so long,
I fear its looking back at me,

Realizing all the thoughts,
I'm too afraid, to speak,

Digging into me,
Learning more with every,
Tear that falls,

I've been staring into the abyss for so long,
It knows me,
It knows my story,

It knows all the secrets,
I tried so hard to keep,

All the haunting memories,
I tried so hard to erase,

And it knows of these words,
How I scribbled them across the page,
With tears running down
My cheeks
The metophorical abyss gets us all from time to time.
I'd rather be in the way than out of the picture,

So go on, tell me I'm in the way,
That doesn't mean I'll move,

I fly with the wind, where ever it wants to take me, I go,

So if I ever just pop up somewhere,
Don't ask me what I'm doing there,
Because not even I know,
Life is a wild ride,
So hold on tight and prepare yourself,
Because life is all about the unknown,
This doesnt make any kind of sense,  I was just clearing my head a bit

— The End —