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i always forget that
the people that artists
sing and write about
are real

they ordered coffee next to me
they sold you your favorite book
they smiled at you in passing
they handed you a coupon on the street
they stood next to you in an elevator

they are real

i want to be the person you
write about
the person who becomes my next
favourite character
or subject in a song

i want to be special enough that
maybe one day
someone will care enough about me
to make me last forever
in their art
 Jul 2013 Victoria LaRochelle
If you treat me like dirt,
I will become dirt
And I will lay there.
And I will not move until you move me.
Then you'll feel how "insignificant" I really am.
I've always been banging my head into walls,
Started at age two.
It has gotten me a lot farther than you think.
Saying your name brings me so much exhaustion
That I could faint by the time
The first syllable exists my lips.
If I ever start to make sense,
Let me know.
It means I'm starting to lose it,
Well actually,
Starting to find it.
Tragically I fear my subconscious has been looking for "it"
On my days off.
I believe you taught it to do that?
**** you.
i took a trip up the coast with
the greatest people i know
we laughed and sang
swam and hiked

i hadn't felt that happy since
the day you told me you loved me

its amazing what a swim
can do for the soul and body
it felt like a dream
the green water
alage below
pebbles between toes

it was a dream
these people i love are
like the characters in a story
vibrant and full of life
i feel like I'm on the sidelines of
the greatest story ever told

san carpoforo changed my mind
and changed the way I thought about life
and all the people i know and love
all the people who have made me
who i am today

drive up the coast with
the best people you know
i promise that you won't be the same when
you drive back down

— The End —