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Victor Tripp Jul 2014
Wet tears overflow the banks of sad eyes
it seems that sorrow is holding court and is in session again
hiding the smile that tries to come forth like the natural dawn
and one never really knows the journey from tears to triumph
and how long it will take to reach
for there are far to many who could tell of the strain of tears on the human heart
Victor Tripp Jul 2014
Look what they done to my freedom,ma
it was just here a few minutes ago, but America done stole it away,
chains on my neck,legs and soul everywhere I go
its enough to drive a grown man insane
see my silent tears water the dust my red bloodcrying turning the clay
wish I had wings to fly away
but all of me is hurting night and day
see what they done to my  freedom ma,if I could just rrest on your ***** for a little while
until the dark lonely night turns into the golden day
they put a noose around my freedom and dreams ma, chained both my hands and feet, took away my very smile and turned me into a slave
look what they done to my freedom, ma
it was just here a minute  ago, but Americca done stole it away
look what they done to my freedom,ma

ou know it was here just a minute ago
Victor Tripp Jul 2014
MY LOVE I'm thinking of you
it's growing dark outside as the sun is pulling its color away from Earth
slowly, cautiously,silently
I can smell the Earth scents, still warm in the air
leaves and grasses, living and dead flowers fragrances from some nearby place,all these odors and many others
of cooking and flowers mingled and mixed into a indefinable potpourri
by the cool and welcomed breeze that dares to rustle the leaves and break the hush
somehow, its my favorite hour of the day, twilight
it has a haunting quality as all things pause and grow still
while the departing daylight silences their colors
old lives and new ones. the honored,the thief, rich man, poor man,beggar man,-all caught up in the stillnesof time,waiting,wondering, listening.
perhaps the Earth too will stop and the seas spin and might never be another dawn for us beyond this night
I wish I knew what thoughts you held concerning me
I only know that you must let time remember our love
the currents of which run deep
as I behold your face in the reflecting pool of my dreams
and now in prayerlike silence
I thank you for setting me free from yesterdays lonliness
I wait here for you to walk softly into my waiting arms
as you enter softly in to my presence
Victor Tripp Jul 2014
On that last day of goodbye
we hope that you will go slowly
but come back quickly to visit
for the landscape of our lives will be less without you
your smile was a morning sun of greeting that warmed us
and the soft voice was like romantic music
that swept over our spirits
like April rain refreshing
dear friend, goodbye is such a sad word
but inside the mirror of memory
you will not fade
Victor Tripp Jul 2014
Death cannot end or steal the spirit that lives in those we leave behind to grieve us as over life's tossed sea it strives
the feeble soul lifts over the tide
as toward lighted portals glide
to float upon a wider sea
until a heavenly port eyes see
when home at last through the restless waves
held in the Master's hand
we sail a lovely sea, so vast
it bounds beyond human grasp
known only to the Mighty one who calmed the roaring waters
our Father ,and our God
Victor Tripp Jun 2014
Rememberances of you, each new sun rise put new sweet thougfhts
upon my mind
the graceful way that that you walk into a room and that very special smile
you cast at me, like receiving a gift on Christmas morning
seems to fit my style,I look forward to your hand finding its way
softly into mine,trading glances across the dinner table each
star filled night and when I'm far away knowing within  that
you have the strength and love to make everything  alright
Rememberances of you, make me so thankful that my longed
for dreams within came true
rememberances ,so many rememberances  of you
Victor Tripp Jun 2014
You're the reason that love has come my way and the inspiration
to make it through each passing day.
As the hours tick on by, you're the reason I lose track of time
You're the reason that I sought you out as mine
When my need is great you never turn me aside
You're the reason I'm so happy and checked my selfish pride
Get down on my knees and thank the Lord for this feeling
Gently growing ever so quickly deep inside
You're the reason that keeps our love alive

— The End —