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victor tripp Dec 2015
Our time just ended and now I see , It was just all one big laughing joke
To everyone but me, funny how love can run smoothly than stop
I feel the whole world is laughing now , but not with me
I should throw my hands up and say goodbye to a rotten affair
My brain says just walk away,  but hidden in side my heart I still do care
You played such a leading part, than up and walked away
Left me broken and talking to myself as you made a clean getaway
You know it's difficult to rejoice at any time with a ripped out heart
And these are the feelings that I have to say
When sorrow in bad blood has written down your name
Hope that one day love will smile on you again
But as for me, every day will be just the lonely same
victor tripp Dec 2015
Life is too brief to live all alone.
I need someone to come for my very own.
I will care tenderly for you and you will do the same for me.
Our love will be forever, shower me with your love, shower me.
Shower with all the love I've been waiting here for.
I've been hurting inside as this song I now sing
But know a true love when it comes can change everything.
Your love will comfort me and mine will indeed do the same for you
This joy that we share will last forever.
Shower me please somebody shower me with your love
Here and now with the love I've waited for.
I close my eyes on bended knees and pray that all of my dreams
do come true.
Until you come by here, please know that I belong to only you.
Waiting days and nights patiently for you, knowing if a man has a
dream someday it will come true, and I keep hoping to soon be with you.
Like the night stars shine high above in the sky
Our dreams will come together both yours and mine.
Shower me with your love, shower me with all the love I've been
longing for.
victor tripp Dec 2015
Cradle me in the softness of your arms
Let our love be the tender shelter from the world's harm
For its in you that I place my sacred trust
As the future awaits before us
Please allow me to say
Cradle me in the softness of your arms
victor tripp Dec 2015
What are we doing right now to save our teenage girls and boys
Out on city streets selling their bodies and being treated like
Throwaway toys. We need to raise protesting voices to our legislators
And really make some voting noise in an effort to save
The unprotected children every girl and boy. This is a daily problem in
Our country. We see with open eyes our children hurting and dying
And far to wise. We owe it to all of our children in Philadelphia
And around the world a clean and loving childhood every boy and girl
Human life people, should not be viewed as cheap
Far to many are dying away from home on the mean and ***** streets
And before you lay a tired head down  to sleep tonight
In your warm and clean bed, what about the children?
victor tripp Dec 2015
On the last day of November rain from the sky fell  down on me
Soft as your tender touch just as refreshing
I'm grateful for the little and big things that you do
Did you ever notice the delight in my eyes when you walk into the room
I want to love you into the next two centuries
So glad you want to spend that time with me
When other people's dreams are tired and done
I want you as the only one
To share the laughter and the pain
victor tripp Nov 2015
Seems we have  an on and off love affair
One minute you love me and the next you don't care
I'm kind of sick and tired of this
We both know only to well that it will destroy our wedded bliss
Girl don't let it cause your feelings inside nap
Come over here and sit on my lap
Put up a white flap and let me hold you my dear
And show in demonstration how much I care
And let us stop right now
This on and off love affair
victor tripp Nov 2015
Your love is my concern
That"s why it must be treated tenderly
We go together oh so well
And I need you to ever remain loving and strong
Here with me.
And the nights when I'm all alone
Your lingering memory is always so free
Your love  rests in my heart and mind
And I want that pure sweetness to always be
victor tripp Nov 2015
Trash along the curb line and on the streets
People walking around with growling bellies
From not enough to eat
Better not speak or look at anyone or their mean look
Or razor tongue will cut you down
Philadelphia is called the city of brotherly love
Here markers and monuments stand silent from all of those shot and
Killed honoring the young and old who have died
A fact that it's very clear and evident that more peace and human
Understanding should have been tried
I know for myself that in this big place
You cant make it on your very own
Because people in many large numbers find themselves lost and crying
All alone. I'm telling on philadelphia
Which is now my home
victor tripp Nov 2015
Trough out recorded history
Women have made history and helped men make history
By being by their side and now I want to salute all women
Around the world, young or old and just say thank you
For your contributions small or great to the world in which we live
And enjoy. And to every man with even a little intelligence
Should know that behind every star their is a light
Behind and beside every man their is a good woman
And men this is what you should do: cook or take that lady in life dinner. Buy some flowers with no other purpose than that you love her
Pull out her dinner chair. Massage her tired feet and toes. Rub her back
And shoulders tenderly. Treat her to a day at the spa. And salute her
When she enters the room. Most of all, give your lady a standing
Ovation.Keep away from her doom and gloom. Keep that happy smile
On that lovely face.At every given moment try to please. And The
Return on your love and caring will be returned and knock you on
Your manly knees.
Give your lady a standing ovation
victor tripp Nov 2015
A heart is a house for love
And I'm ready for you to move into mine
It's been awhile since there're been a love in my life worth talking about
But this love is fresh and new
Want to put on  on your left hand a wedding band
And every night look forward to coming home to you
Thank god that I'm not wasting my time
Need you only to be always mine
A heart is a house for love
And I'm ready for you to move into mine
victor tripp Nov 2015
A brighter day is coming soon for me
And I 'll  no longer have to pretend to be somebody else
Get a chance to be finally be free
You see the future is really determined by every one filling out each
Dream. You know that a man or woman can't be scared in any way
So it seems, in limiting the strong drive to immortality
You know pretending becomes a drug that slowly steals
Peace of mind , having taking to your self in a daze
It happens all the time
victor tripp Nov 2015
A brighter day I know is coming for me
And I will finally be myself and won't have to pretend any more
Be able to stand tall and walk free
You see your future is determined by being strong and helping your self
If you don't know just where you're going
How can you lead or direct somebody else?
A man achieve to much of anything if he's scared or keeps limiting
Himself.Pretending becomes a drug blinding you
So just can't see, it might take a lot of time uncovering
The real man or woman that be totally
victor tripp Nov 2015
Times like this
I wish your love was still around
Missing the sound of your voice
That was known so well
And when love spoke my name
Times  like this, miss holding you close to my heart
Wish we could recapture that long ago dream
Even though I know that it died
And was buried. So it seems
Missing you quite frankly, in times like this
Wishing that you were missing me
But you're not even around to hear me sob and cry
victor tripp Nov 2015
Love can overtake your heart in the blink of an eye
And stop the tears plus sadness nobody to hold had you cry
With its perfume you will reek. No more lonely times to seek
I tell you that its passion is a promise that it will keep
Yes, love can steal away your heart in the blink of an eye
When it comes softly in your  life it will be a revelation
You'll want to stand right up and cheer giving your sweet one  a ovation
Love can overtake your heart in  the blink of an eye
victor tripp Nov 2015
Baby, please stay in my corner
To the very world I want  to confess my love so proud
Don't you know girl, that your chic presence presence by my side
Makes me inside want to cry out loud
Never want to let you ever down
Darling I love you, stay in my corner
Never want you  to be filled with an uncalled for deep sadness
If you go away it would be sheer madness
Girl, I know that this guy is not the perfect man and I'm being real
But ever hurting your feelings or breaking your heart
Is not even in my future plans
Yes, there'll be times , being human I know that I'll fail that's true
Need you kiss and  hold me and let our sweet love prevail
Please don't listen to the confusing words I sometimes say
Don't lock the door to your heart and chase this hurting one away
Baby, stay in my corner
victor tripp Nov 2015
Let the Christmas sweet melody play
And let all men's hearts be peaceful and calm
Putting aside worry hate and fear
Let joy fill the air
I know that the Lord will be there
Wrapping mankind 's spirits in loving holiday cheer
Nov 2015 · 333
Move On By Victor Tripp
victor tripp Nov 2015
Sadness will really show what you're made of
And should you be tired of something or someone in your life
You're not alone. Everybody gets tired sometimes
But I'm telling you to get up off your knees
Because you've got some believing to do
Light a fire of courage in your belly
Give your self another chance
Rise up and shake off shame's dust
Don't just sit there cry and mourn
Move on
victor tripp Nov 2015
Your love is the sunshine pouring down on me
Pushing away the world's darkness
It's the future of my life
I'm investing my feelings in you
My sweet gift every day
The one who keeps the blues from coming near
Keep on sharing that sunshine with me
I need that sunshine
Nov 2015 · 567
Hold You Up By Victor Tripp
victor tripp Nov 2015
I know that our love for each other isn't perfect
But it's all we have to give and it's given without doubt or fear
Rest your troubled heart with me
Smell the fragrance of a warm tender love
Let it teach you that it came down from above
Woman release your doubts and fears
Don't you know that I'll be holding you up ,when everyone you
Depended on before are long gone, let me show you the way
To a better tomorrow, comforting and drying all tears
In the valley of sorrow,a caring friend to listen to your voice on the phone at night.I want to hold you up in the twilight years
And when you're down make it known that I'm near
Ease you on pass each nightmare and tear, you know woman
I'll always hold you up, you know that I will
Nov 2015 · 375
The Promise By Victor Tripp
victor tripp Nov 2015
Your love has given my life a divine lift
Making us stronger together and determined to forsake each other never
My feelings are attuned to yours and I promise to love only you
As long as this life will last and intend to love you as the seasons come
And go.
victor tripp Nov 2015
I feel my heart beating so fast
Need to be held close and kept real warm
Don't have any hidden secrets to keep
Just want to be held close to your side
Kept cozy and warm until I drift off to sleep
So I would ask very kindly and ever so soft and sweet
Please take me in out of this storm
victor tripp Nov 2015
Lofty ambitions are sometimes to high
For some people to reach, causing them to fall between the cracks
And into a spiral of defeat and failure
Trapped within their own miserable existence
Making the best of it
Tasting the bitter wine of defeat
In the cold sorid hours   of minutes reaching out
Putting death holds on strength reason . Living in depression's grim
Prison.Thinking you were wed to it from the womb
Until its loneliness , you cannot confide in  nor reason with
victor tripp Nov 2015
Please see me through the eyes of your heart
As you continue to fully believe in me, our heaven sent love
Will never depart and the world won't be able to break your believing
Or give our new born relationship a false or uncertain start
And if we both wake up tomorrow and this dream is still here
I'll look into your dark lovely eyes and still be pleased years from now
Under skies of darkest blue. This man of yours will still be holding hands
And as time slowly takes our youth away
While traveling down the road of life
I'll turn and look  and sing one last song to you
victor tripp Nov 2015
Grand Daddy introduced me to country music, when I was a tiny little
Thing and later on, both of us would play our guitars side- by -side
And together folks would stop outside while passing by just to hear us Sing. Somehow I strayed away from country music, while growing up
Got into  pop music funk and blues, have to confess  and tell on myself
That's the truth,but I believe to this very day, even though I'm grown
Now , that country music is in my roots
victor tripp Nov 2015
She was born Eunice Waymon, but changed into Nina Simone
This concert pianist who rode her subway dream of fame uptown
All the while singing in a deep blues voice: '' Birds flying high, you know
How I feel, breeze driftin' on by, you know how I feel, it's a new dawn,
It's a new day, it's a new life for me. yeah,it's a new dawn, it's a new day,
And I'm feeling good. Fish in the sea, you know how I feel, river runnin'
Free,you know how I feel,blossom on the tree, you know how I feel
It's a new dawn, it's a new day, it's a new life for me, and I'm feelin' good
'' I love you porgy, don't let him take me. Don't let him handle me
And drive me mad. If you can keep me , I  wanna stay here, with you Forever, And I'll be glad, yes, I loves you porgy, don't let him handle me, with his hot hands, if you can keep me, I wants to stay with you
Forever, I 've got my man
victor tripp Nov 2015
Don't give  yourself to someone, who won't really care about
Your value or even your worth, who won't be home at night
Or during the day work, curse you out and belittle
And treat you just like dirt, your current nightmarish condition
Doesn't define just who you really are, and you may night be looking now
But an earthly prince will come and seek you out, And treat like the queen
You really are, love prepared a place for me at its table
When misery hung my head in doubt, when low self-esteem threw an
Upper cut and nearly knocked my confidence out, when I grew dizzy
From looking high low everywhere, love brought me out the place
Of old dead memories, and I clearly heard its voice indeed,
When love called me out
victor tripp Feb 2014
I keep,battling, myself, but, am, slowing, drifting, away, was, clean, and sober, of drugs, for, twenty- six years, but, the, needle, in, my left, arm, while, lying, on, the bathroom,floor, drove, lasting, life, away, won, an Oscar, for, portraying, famed, author, TRUMAN CAPOTE, who, wrote, IN COLD BLOOD,sadly, I won't, be, picking, up, my ,young, children, today, felt, really, comfortable,on , the, movie set, or Broadway stage,had, so many, roles,left, for, the audience, to see, years ago, when, drugs, ruled, and called, out, my name, day or night,I  ingested, whatever, was,near,but, now, as my eyes, flicker, on life, for, the very, last time, dying here, wish, there, was, more, control, and resolve, I had, seems, the final, bow, always, says, goodbye
victor tripp Feb 2014
Make me feel like, I'm loved.  Make it seem like, I really matter.  Chase away the dark clouds of doubt, hiding inside, my head, gently serve a platter of warm laughter,to my soul.  Just don't hold out all the love, I am really after. Make me feel like, I'm loved. Please don't play peek-a -boo with my delicate emotions.  You know pretense is so very much hated. But in your case, I am happy as achild that I waited. Make me feel like, I'm loved. Let the waves flow like, an unchainedocean. Only thing that I know, I never want these feelings to go. these, good. I want to throw back my headand tell all naysayers," see, I told you so." Make me, feel, like, I'm loved.
victor tripp Jan 2014
The flag still,waves, in front, of the small, town, firehouse, where, I grew up, in the key, of life, the place, of my teenage, beginning, sweet memories, my heart, is ,now feeling, for salem county, town, where I, moved on, from, so, very,long, ago,street songs, of youth, still playing, inside, my head, songs, that , carried, me, over, the bridge, of youth, to manhood, waiting, silently, in  the distance, my thoughts, are all, aglow, thinking back, on salem county, I left,behind, so very, long ago,place, where fate, gave me, my first,puppy, and the,afternoon, of , that new, discovered, soft kiss, that made, me, so, brave, and, the joining, of two, on the, the old, pink painted, house, of a salem county, porch
Jan 2014 · 1.9k
victor tripp Jan 2014
Like an artist, creating, his very own, masterpiece, on fine,canvas, in creative,brush strokes, of mental, thoughts, within the mind, I created you, before, your presence,came forth, masterpiece in body,  and thought, masterpiece, of my own,design, for all, the world, to see, a masterpiece, that changed, even me, painted,beauty, in real,vision, that my eyes, beheld, in human,form, masterpiece of elegance
Jan 2014 · 331
victor tripp Jan 2014
That first,or final kiss, beautiful memories,fly back into the mind,on gentle wings, shared by young, or old, a sweet treasure, it unfolds, the kiss, is a thrilling story told, never a copy, of a copy, the kiss, creates a sudden, change, of mind, and heart, brings new hope, birth, into, your life, the experience, should never, really be missed, the kiss
victor tripp Jan 2014
In the ghetto, time and grime,don't hold back, the years or the tears, scream out, in the night, nobody hears or cares, but, I'm still holding on, there are  fears, out here, nobody has  met yet, I'm still holding on,walking city streets,praying that, death,won;t get to me, sooner or later,I'm still holding on,strangled, by the secret wishes,inside, hoping the fake,dreams of smoke, entering the bodies, and noses, I see,don't **** off , the real dreams, of those, not on the pipe, *** being used, to sooth, away each tired,ache or lack, people, being used, to escape, from the ghetto blues, so, I'm still holding on,watching  kids, doubledutch, on sidewalk cracks, lots seeded, with tossed mattresses, junked cars, rotting trash,stray dogs, I see dice thrown down, roller hoping to get lucky, and I'm still holding on
victor tripp Jan 2014
In the ghetto, time and grime,don't hold back, the years or the tears, scream out, in the night, nobody hears or cares, but, I'm still holding on, there are  fears, out here, nobody has  met yet, I'm still holding on,walking city streets,praying that, death,won;t get to me, sooner or later,I'm still holding on,strangled, by the secret wishes,inside, hoping the fake,dreams of smoke, entering the bodies, and noses, I see,don't **** off , the real dreams, of those, not on the pipe, *** being used, to sooth, away each tired,ache or lack, people, being used, to escape, from the ghetto blues, so, I'm still holding on,watching  kids, doubledutch, on sidewalk cracks, lots seeded, with tossed mattresses, junked cars, rotting trash,stray dogs, I see dice thrown down, roller hoping to get lucky, and I'm still holding on
victor tripp Jan 2014
In the ghetto, time and grime,don't hold back, the years or the tears, scream out, in the night, nobody hears or cares, but, I'm still holding on, there are  fears, out here, nobody has  met yet, I'm still holding on,walking city streets,praying that, death,won;t get to me, sooner or later,I'm still holding on,strangled, by the secret wishes,inside, hoping the fake,dreams of smoke, entering the bodies, and noses, I see,don't **** off , the real dreams, of those, not on the pipe, *** being used, to sooth, away each tired,ache or lack, people, being used, to escape, from the ghetto blues, so, I'm still holding on,watching  kids, doubledutch, on sidewalk cracks, lots seeded, with tossed mattresses, junked cars, rotting trash,stray dogs, I see dice thrown down, roller hoping to get lucky, and I'm still holding on
victor tripp Jan 2014
IN the ghetto,time, and grime,don;t hold back, the years or tears, scream out, in the night,nobody hears,or cares, but,I 'm still holding on,there are fears,out  here, nobody, has met, yet, I keep on holding, on, walking city,streets, praying that, death, won't get , to me, sooner, or later, I keep holding on, strangled, by the secret,wishes, inside, hoping the fake,dreams,  of smoke, entering the bodies, I see, and each nose, don't **** off, the real dreams,  that the ones, not on the pipe, being sought, ***, being used, to sooth , the ache, lack away, people, being used, no escape, from the ghetto blues, so, I'm still, holding on,  watching children, doubledouch, on sidewalk cracks,lots seeded, with tossed mattresses, junked cars, rotting garbage, stray dogs, dice thrown down, hoping to get lucky, and I keep holing on
Jan 2014 · 394
victor tripp Jan 2014
I saw her on the train,today, and couldn't remember her name, from interaction,long ago,which clearly means, in my life,and yours,people and things,much like passing trains, come and go
Jan 2014 · 414
victor tripp Jan 2014
I miss your warm warm,smile, and gentle touch, to my spirit,it meant so very much,thoughts of you, every now and than,rise up like sunshine, in my mind,I can see you sitting, at the kitchen table, tired back, and body, toward the door, having come in , from  a late ,work night,or hear  you, walking up the stairs, and know, that alright,sometimes, you come home, much to tired, to eat, and all that's on your mind, is how fast,you can fall into the dark,arms of sleep,I miss you,even though, we were together,for only a brief time,like a glowing candle,blown out,by a sudden breeze,but sometimes,sad things happen to us in this life, without an understandable reason or a rhyme, I know that you can't hear me, across death's wide miles,pardon me, while I get a tissue,but I miss you
victor tripp Jan 2014
So many people gone,death  came, and took them. all away, but I keep holding on, because in time, and life, I want to stay, there are no more tears, as onward, this man goes, looking forward,to greet the coming years,before  moving on, so I keep holding on, won't sing no more sad , and mournful songs. got to keep holding on, through the mist of disappointment, you know, at every  funeral, I  wept  a lot of real, falling tears, and when no one, was looking on, at me, wrestled with each, new hidden fear, I keep  holding on, got a lot of living,yet to do, until each, and every single moment,left is gone, I keep holding on
Jan 2014 · 453
victor tripp Jan 2014
YOUR love,came as a promise,but turned into a keeper,eventually allowingyou,to explore with yielded permission, the territory of my responses,that was so long ago, and like all loves ,in this life,the new turned into the old, sweet like aged wine or cheese,each moment of time, I long to keep, my passion, desire, stirred fresh,and to have and hold,this present love forever
victor tripp Jan 2014
Emptiness, loneliness, are like being, in the middle, of a great forest, far  removed from people, feeling, noise, houses, everything.  Yet old men fished in the running creek, children biked under the warm sun, or played tag, on the road, deer were seen, all the time, early mornings, fog kissed the ground, and the neighborhood, was bathed in quiet, on certain days , and times, rain falls, like holy water, those upon those hoping, for miracles,or some magic,to make everything better, or at least,bright and new
Jan 2014 · 608
victor tripp Jan 2014
IF you haven't my  read, my poetic  voice,for quite some time,its only because, on January 3rd, on a Germaintown street, I blacked out,fell  down ,and on the sidewalk hurt,my head,somebody passing by,called 911, when being put, into the ambulance on the way,to Chesthill Hospital,I was awake, long enough, to tell the ambulance driver my medical history, and who to call, each loved one,close to me,I  put in room,570A, propped up, in a bed,with bars on either side, that went up or down, and  as the Iv, dripped into,my right vein,while lying on,my back,I thank the Lord, that I was still, alive, and here,above, the ground,the cardiogist, thought, that I would need,a pacemaker,but on the treadmill, as I walked for seven full,minutes, even he,was amazed, and I'm  grateful ,that I came home,on JANUARY 6th,and now am writing, and sharing this very,poem, because I could,have been down, deep, on the other side,of life, in a newly dug fresh grave.
victor tripp Dec 2013
your love,filled my yesterday, and will surely satisfly ,all of my,their's no desire,within for my mind, to reach back, into the past, for an old love that I could borrow.I wait in silent  time, to hear your key, quietly open,the lock,and a waiting ear, for words,that you might say, its like longing,deep down inside, for Christmas every single day. let me thank you, for each and every,moment, thank you,for today. Its true,that no knows for,sure, if love will last, or the dream,inside will,endure,but,we must risk,the chance,on a relationship, that might fade, and if, it was ,not meant to,be, than we go,our separate ways,with the memories,that we freed, but, I'll put all,of that, out of my mind, in order to say,our hearts might be, overcast, but let me, thank you for today
Dec 2013 · 1.8k
victor tripp Dec 2013
his name was John Coltrane, and when his long fingers,touched tenor saxophone keys, his notes slapped jaded, sullen attitudes, about jazz, including my own, musical notes ,leaped, bent, twisted, soaredin the air, as he played ,with eyes closed, as if lost in,a personal dream, the saxophone moaned, cried. whispered, told the good news, on the mountaintop, Coltrane was in the house, rocking it, he did it,simply, yet, unlike any other,ever heard before ,that moment, gone now, in the shadows of time, but his music, remains, still gathers new followers attention,pointing ,an indignant finger of cool, at those, who wish, they knew,coltrane, before he left, the station
victor tripp Dec 2013
I never thought,or realized, that in speaking,your name, I would have tears in my eyes, you were the  presidential first father, of south africia, but now, you, nelson mandela, sleep among, the giants of history, like George Washington, laid out the framework, conceived in liberty, a new nation, under God, injecting into the veins of your country, liberty without malice, for all peoples, all colors, who walked democracy's long road,to freedom, by your side, always refusing to let the scorning, heat, of racism, put out, the light, of your divine humanity,  ever lifting up, a fist of victory, toward a new dawn, of opportunity, patience, love for all, while ever remaining , a risen hope, in the body of politics, refusing to bow , to  the cruel headwinds,of hate, even after, breaking rocks, of harsh, prison punishment,for twenty- seven years, you went in, a prisoner, coming out, a president,no, the relentless, sun of hate, never blew you,off course, as a king, who walked, among us, in peace, with a freedom metal, nobel peace prise,one who kept, the common touch, with embraced humility, smiling, greeting, the known and unknown, the rich, the poor, the tired, the weary, nelson mandela, you were true,royality and grace, among us
victor tripp Dec 2013
I never thought,or realized, that in speaking,your name, I would have tears in my eyes, you were the  presidential first father, of south africia, but now, you, nelson mandela, sleep among, the giants of history, like George Washington, laid out the framework, conceived in liberty, a new nation, under God, injecting into the veins of your country, liberty without malice, for all peoples, all colors, who walked democracy's long road,to freedom, by your side, always refusing to let the scorning, heat, of racism, put out, the light, of your divine humanity,  ever lifting up, a fist of victory, toward a new dawn, of opportunity, patience, love for all, while ever remaining , a risen hope, in the body of politics, refusing to bow , to  the cruel headwinds,of hate, even after, breaking rocks, of harsh, prison punishment,for twenty- seven years, you went in, a prisoner, coming out, a president,no, the relentless, sun of hate, never blew you,off course, as a king, who walked, among us, in peace, with a freedom metal, nobel peace prise,one who kept, the common touch, with embraced humility, smiling, greeting, the known and unknown, the rich, the poor, the tired, the weary, nelson mandela, you were true,royality and grace, among us
victor tripp Dec 2013
people told me, what love could do, I  would laugh their words away, than your  love rearranged, and made my life, new again, who would have thought, that  I  could  love you, this way, who could have thought, that I coul, love you this way,your love, took,me in, and  made me ,your own, who would have thought, that I could, love you, this way, your love, mended me, when  this man, was broken, and could not, find my way, your arms , are my warm shelter, from disappoints and storm, when the winds, of doubt, knocked me down, your hand, stayed in mine, each time, planting  a kiss, on my troubled brow, who would have thought, that I could, love you, this way,  I thought I knew you,yesterday, but i'll  know you better, today, in everyway, who would have thought, that I could love you, this way
victor tripp Dec 2013
will the real,stand up, and who will I see, there  are so many, split up parts, to my life, its almost like, living, a false identity, to my sisters, I'm the older ,smiling brother, to my brother, the one he remembers,singing and laughing and singing,  often working 12 hour shifts, unlike any other, and to mom , if she were still alive, I'd be, the first born,loving son, working to help, his siblings, grow up,, to my co-workers, I talk, but not a lot, but do my job, with everything , I've got, to the neighbors, they  probably think  me friendly,yet reserved, I gave a quick hello, and a quicker goodbye, to the vote seekers, my is a favorite friend, but they  never can help , the pain inside, that never ends, to my girlfriend, across town, woman who opens, passion's door, in the heat of discovery, deep down , life is so much more,will the real me, stand up, everybody wants, and needs, something, from me, a personal thing to be gained, waiting around, to steal your goods, or even your own name,, nothing left . to give. not even, my personal dreams, everything is moving, so fast, nothing  remains ,  the same, will the real me, stand up, either run away, or take a brave bow, will the real me, stand up, I need to know who,you are, now
victor tripp Nov 2013
as I near your river of  love, I want you to sweetly,call my name, and let me  bath, you see ,its been  such a long time, and these  precious moments, we  should not let pass, so won't  you please open, up that gentle  river of  love, let me bath, let the waves wash away, any doubts, or fears,  about what we're doing here,  they've already  taken away, just come  here,  let  me bath, away my  yesterdays of  the past, I'm weeping now,  that these tender, moments will  last, you see, I  need to bath,  and keep on bathing, in your river, of love,  making all within so glad,  you know  that  every man, needs  a touch of the river,of love, or he'll remain ever , so sad, river of love, just take me in, and let me bath
victor tripp Nov 2013
green grass wilts and flowers die, and once loving hearts, no longer try, but what we share today, is now and always, we've encouraged each other ,through both doubts and fears, there were also times, when we wiped, each others tears,but the love inside us , will  ever be strong, now and always, respect and concern, keeps us both true,facing the the troublesome waters, just me and you, and I know deep down , I'll keep this oath until my dying  day, to be there holding my darling close,now and always
victor tripp Nov 2013
When I look into your eyes, I feel like a king upon a throne. Boldly claiming everything in this world, as my own.  You're my solid valiadation, as I melt in your sweet sensation, never felt so needed and alive, as when I look into your eyes. There is love's bright sunrise, and new dreams come true, when I look into your eyes. I am the man God meant for me to be, when I look into your eyes. Peace that makes every thing alright, when I look into your eyes.
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