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I wish I could sing you a song
I wish you could dance to the sweet melody
Of my heart drums
Today God gave the world this precious gift, indeed it is your special day,
I will keep my wishes for another day
But feel free to make my heart your wishing well
If not forever but at least just for today.
If you could give me the chance
I will paint you a sun
Create you a sky
Colour it with all the colours of the rainbow
And crown you the queen of all the galaxies of stars.

If you ask me, you deserve more than firewalls
You deserve the whole world.
You are worthy to worth more than wealth
If you most pardon me, let me make another wish
A wish only the almighty can grant indeed
I wish you the best of the best health
As a destined queen you are qualified to live a fiddle life indeed.

My dear, though my body is far away
My heart is always next to your glowing shadow
Dancing, smiling, drinking and sharing in your celebrations and sorrows.
Though our eyes had never seen face to face
But I daily commune with your words and your pictures are my windows.
We might never meet, no one can predict nature.
We might never be what I dare us to be but who can really tell the future?
Until the unpredictable happen, I pray your life should be sweeter than icing on a cake
I pray you live the life you want to live
And as long as it pleases God will.
I pray you can pry  into the deepest part of thee
To see the priceless treasures hidden deep in thee
I pray you pray for the grace to mount this beautiful golden throne
And above all, there is an expression I deeply want to make
Which is, Happy birthday to you an angel and a destined queen.
Hello poetry
My secret friend that love to publicize me
To your friends like me.
In you I hide my tears in form of words
When I blink out a smile you inspire me to put it in words
And you freely licence me to paint them on your wall
For all the world to criticize, follow, like and love.

I say Hello to poetry
When my heart is tired of the silence,
I turn to you for some solace
And you are never tired of my beautiful noise
You pay so much attention to my quiet voice
Like you are listening with your ears and still busy reading my lips
Though I'm lost in your world you still give me the chance to always take the lead.
Indeed you are a garden of inspirations
You motivate me even in my lowest moment
You are such a blessing to my nature
Convincing  your friends to cherish my effortless work is one of my greatest achievement.

I say hello to the poets
Of Hello Poetry
We are more than stars
We are galaxies,
Our flawless ceremonies of words are more than real
They are the greatest fantasies.
What else can I say
when all the words that are yet to be said
Are all sparkling obvious
Truly, Poetry is more than a culture but a behaviour.
Tribute to hello Poetry.
Don't spare my soul
To live without the mate of my soul
Use the second bullet
Pull the trigger and make me a ghost
Just how you did to my love.
How heartless you are indeed
For blindly taking my only peace
My heart will remain at war with thee
If you should turn without ending Me..

You have not done your worst
If it leaves me with everlasting loneliness
I'm worth nothing without this diamond your gun just stole from me
She was my all
I was also her all
You know we have been alive for each other
Why do you allow your gun to be so careless
To the extend you allowed it to clipped my feathers
How do you expect a bird to exist
Without its beautiful wings.

I'm a living dead
Without this your innocent victim
You have saddened my joy
You have untimely murdered my fun
You have kicked me down from my throne
You have step on a milky man toes
Oh, see how sandy you have made my food to become
My hope you have murdered
My sugar you have turned to bitter
My happiness you have boldly conquered  
Tell me what are you keeping me alive for.

What has she taken from thee
That she has to pay with her everything.
Why don't you tell me
So that I could pay with my life instead,
Don't you turn your back without finishing what you have started
You dragon in human form
A tool of the most high demon,
A killer of tomorrow
A teacher of sorrows
The greatest devil disciple.
Curses to your fingers if you fail to use it positively this once
More curses to the creators of this iron if you refuse to allow it to function
Please close your heart once again and **** me
vengeance is not of me mr murderer
Shut down your conscious once again and cause this reunion.
Happy Val.
How fast a vegetable heart can perish?
A toddler growing like a seed of corn
Planted on a fertile ground
So cherished,
Like a man after the king's heart.
Not knowing nature has a different plan against him
Or men of the underworld are strongly against his being
And too desperate to shower unending tears on her fresh mother's smiling cheeks
He was stolen away by death.

I can't forget that dark scaring night
Where all the heavenly bodies were dead asleep.
The echoes of his granny shout still live in my head
A shout she made like she just realised she has been praying into deaf ears
The prowess of which I plucked him off my mother laps to my chest
Still baffles me
The race we ran to the empty darkness outside
Reminds me of the speed of a certain Bolt from Jamaica.

In prayers, speed and tears
We continue our race to a center for health care
Too much fluid is lost, the doctor summited and aided us to continue our race for more competence.
Competence often too difficult to find in this part of Africa.
To cut it all short, competence was found
Treatment was made
Praises bell began to ring in our hearts for we thought he was already saved.
Yes, the next morning, he moved, smiled and uses hands to play!
But the noon that follows the whole story changed
And the ceremony of mourning began.
His spirited effort wasn't enough and he had to leave us,
No, he was jealously taken away from us
Just weeks before his first year birthday.

The stain of his tears still lives on my mother pillow
Reminding her that she was a grand mother for eleven months and a week ago.
His happy face still stand in a picture at a corner of her mother mirror
Recalling the fact that she has lost a gem to the world of ghosts.
His father striving to remain a man as he pushes to get loans
To pay up his medical  bills from family and folks even from supposing foes.

The pain of his departure never cease to add Bitter sound to my heart beat,
Though forgotten how cute he was when he was alive
But I never fail to remember how cute he became in dead indeed.
His demise was a script Unseen,
Till date it remain a prank to me.
Amidst all the experiences I have been forced to face
This is one of the scripts I wish it was never written nor played.
A true Story of the demise of my nephew, named emmanuel on january 22 2014. May is innocent soul rest in perfect peace.
Don't blame me
That I barely write love poems
You know poetry is emotional expression
And I'm just a lone poet
Barely in love long enough for such a romantic inspiration.

Don't blame me
That I barely talk about love
I live where roses don't grow
And butterflies feed on corpse.

Don't blame me
That I'm not too religious
Wars have been fought
Here so many times sake of that word
And I'm trying to prevent it from extending is fellowship into my thoughts.

Don't blame me
That I'm looking older than my age
More older than my mates
It is because I was born in a haste
Live  in a maze
Surviving on maize.

Don't blame me
If I'm not what you wish me to be
Or not where you want me to be
I'm just another person
striving to be different.

Don't blame me my friend
If I don't call
Or don't longer answer your calls
I'm trying to stop lying to you
Out of pride
That I have become what I used to brag that I will be.

Don't just blame me
If you still don't know my true me
Or how I truly look and feel
It might be because you like reading my words
Without attempting to read me.
So next time you want to blame me
Put yourself in my shoes
And tell me how it feels to be me.
Thumbs up to me
At least for a sweet Victory.
I never knew it pays to be different
Until I started paying attention to other things
A one decision that is about to kick start my life
Was the same I never wanted to look in the eye.
Somebody should have couched me better
That not all that seems better really matters.
I never knew I was that bad driver I never blamed,
It never occur to me that I was the one taking my destiny on a clock journey in faith,
I was that darkness that made my glory to shine vain,
It was my fault that my progress has been tortoise walking
How foolish I have been for not understanding ethos of times and seasons.
Forgive me dear fate,
You shouldn't have been blamed, I'm sorry.
Sorry for regretting why I was  created with you
Sorry for always accusing you
For all the woes I had put us through.
I have been a child indeed
A child too milky to recognise opportunities
A child too narrow minded to take a walk into chances.

Now my heart has grown
Grown enough to see two side of a coin on a spot
Grown enough to pry deep into bottom pots
Grown enough to pluck fruits from trees without a sickle
Yes I'm grown enough to make others grow into father figures.
I can now beat my chest that I'm becoming a man
No, I'm now a man!
Through my resolute mistakes, I had learned to bear more than a plan
After a long bare footed walk on thorns
I can now say patient dogs don't longer eat the fattest bone
Time don't wait for those who don't fight for their turn
Only fools still wait to see their shoes sizes before trying their legs in the available
Only lame minded people hate to grow to be dependable.
Thumbs up to me again
Just like in all human beings
I have found the key to all I need
Right inside of me
Finally my life is about to begin.
A True tale and Life experience of Yours Sincerely.
No peace in heaven
No life in hell
I had learnt .
Left by my tutor to choose
Choose between living in violence
Or dying doomed for eternity.
By my assumptions
The two seems too close for an option
By law no one is meant to sit on the fence.

They say "life is a journey"
But I wonder how I agreed to embarked on it at first
Maybe I was forced
Forced to be born
Or maybe it was my fault
My fault that I was too desperate to be born
Born into a world of wars
Where we fight against all
Against trust
Even against God.
I wish I knew the beginning before I was conceived
I wish I could tell where this path will end me
I wish Heaven is sure
Sure that I could end my journey here and cross
Cross into eternal peace without being judge
Judged by the devil for not being his follower
Or judged by God for not being as perfect as His followers.
I just wish all this second coming thing remain a prank
A prank That will end a joke contrary as plan
What a great relieve it will be
If the spirit leaves the flesh to be
So I could just sit on the fence in peace
And Losing Heaven stop being my greatest fear indeed.
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