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Dec 2017 · 490
relationships pt.4
v Dec 2017
you told me that you're sorry

you told me you don't mean to hurt me

i love you and you tell me that you do too

our conversations stretch to the wee hours of the night

hours of rest i cannot get back

but all i see

is them on the latest posts on your instagram
Dec 2017 · 150
i'm mad
v Dec 2017
i'm mad

you didn't choose me

i should've tried harder to be

i shouldn't be the one on my knees

i'm mad

you chose them

they were there for you; but i wasn't there not because i decided to

i'm mad

they bring you out a lot

they can meet you everyday while i'm stuck in training - to be better at my career

i'm sad

i should've tried harder

should've found ways for us to be together

i'm sad

they can be with you every second of the day

while im stuck here in a training course where i'm forced to stay

but i'm glad

that you were finally able to choose

even though it meant that i had to lose
Dec 2017 · 249
relationships pt.3
v Dec 2017
at the end of the day you come to me to destress

you come to me to tell me how your day went

you come to me for comfort

you come to me for acceptance

you come to me with trust in your heart

but why didn't you come to me when it was time to choose

you tell me it didn't feel right to choose me

however every single time we talk to one another

it feels so right

i have so much love to offer

but you only come to me when their love didn't cover what you needed it to

you told me you loved me and i believed you

but it wasn't me when it came for the time to choose

i may not know them like you do

i may not be able to judge them like you do

maybe there is a reason they are with you

and maybe theres a reason for me to lose

do you know why a raven is like a writing desk?

just like the reason you chose them

i havent got the slightest clue
"them" is singular here
Dec 2017 · 270
holiday destinations
v Dec 2017
how much would i love it

without you by my side

i could go anywhere at any time

but without you there i would feel lost

wherever you are

thats where i will be happiest

even in the scorching deserts of Egypt

and the darkest vacuum of space

wherever you are

thats where i would be happiest
Dec 2017 · 169
coping mechanisms
v Dec 2017
writing doesn't help

it makes me feel the pain better

and in turn

Dec 2017 · 217
v Dec 2017
you don't need to love yourself for others to love you

ignore what they said; for you are beautiful

you may not see it now; nor will you see it later

but i believe you will discover yourself

layer by layer

so keep at it; try your best

it's okay not to love yourself just yet

but i urge you to realize that even if you do not

know that you would be in the heart

in someone else's chest
earlier today i was harrassed by another author for my style of writing and this is my response. i was deeply affected by what they said and i hope anyone reading this stays strong for whatever hardships that meet them.
Dec 2017 · 223
relationships pt.2
v Dec 2017
absence makes the heart grow fonder

my absence made your heart choose another
Dec 2017 · 437
v Dec 2017
they say a picture speaks a thousand words

but whenever i try to picture you in my mind

a thousand words could never reach my cords
Dec 2017 · 155
v Dec 2017
people stay up at night deep in thought

unable to sleep

they think of the day that has passed and the day thats waiting ahead

they think of what they've done and what they should have done

their nights filled with regret


my strongest feelings of regret

they hit me when i wake up in the morning

when i realize what i'm missing
it's you
Dec 2017 · 168
relationships pt.1
v Dec 2017
they say trust is important in a relationship

they say communication is too

you tell me all that bothers you

and we talk all night through

you said you loved me

and i told you that i loved you too

so why is it

that i was not the one chosen by you
Dec 2017 · 335
lost dreams
v Dec 2017
do you know how

in dreams

we create everything from our thoughts

from the tallest of trees to the smallest grains of sand

if this life was a dream

then you are the best thing i've ever thought of creating

the most stunning of sunsets could never diminish the sparkle in your eyes

the most melodious of canaries could not match the sweetness of your voice

not even the most beautiful of flowers could challenge the beauty that you possess

the darkest reaches of the oceans could not be compared to the depth of my love for you

but sometimes we lose our train of thought

and so i've lost you
im new at this so forgive me if i make any mistakes

— The End —