I can still see your brown eyes staring
Hunting me down, hungry
I shy away, a thin veil of modesty
Protecting me from the truth
But I can’t hide for long
The real shield has always been my youth.
Naivety has always been a privilege
One that was not wasted on adolescents
Until teenager became synonymous with antidepressants
And now your brown eyes shift
Tracing my outline
I guess he’s too focused on my hemline
I’m not even old enough to drink wine.
Maybe he doesn’t care
Nothing wrong with taking a look
No consent involved in a quick glance
No one would believe a kid anyway
I have no experience in romance
No proof he even made an advance.
I’m just a silly little girl
Too young to be taken seriously
And yet somehow not too young
To be drooled over by a man’s tongue.