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I sailed a midnight ocean
To lands both near and far
But could not find a single thing
As lovely as you are...

I found the sweetest red rose
And placed it by your side
But shadowed by your beauty
The rose just withered up and ...died

So i  travelled to the east
For riches golden ...and refined
But none of them could sway me
Or indeed could change my mind

further still... i travelled
And braved the fiercest storm..
The cold winds wrapped around me
Your vision kept me warm...

I sailed a midnight ocean
To beyond the furthest star...
But knew theres not a single thing
As lovely as you are .
I wrote this for a girlfriend a few years back , i think she was my first real love ...but unfortunately i was the only one in love  :(
Shyness is my prison
Your love the only key
It's bars are made of silence
Only you can set me free

I sit tongue tied and lonely
Help my sentence now to cease
If you want me .. you  must give me
A sure way of release

A kiss a touch a promise
And i know i would be yours
Love it knows no boundaries
It's true .. can open doors

Silence is not golden
For me it is a curse
I want to say ' i love you'
In my mind the words rehearse

As i watch you from this prison
Will my chance just slip away ?
No chance to be your lover
Why ?..  three words... i cannot say

For shyness is my prison
Your love the only key
It's bars are made of silence
Be my saviour .. set me free.
Two baby spiders , crawling on the wall
One said to the other " How fast can you crawl "?
' I've no idea ' said the other..' Do you want to see' ?
'I'll start off at the corner .. and you can count for me  !
" GO " the baby spider said, and sets off at a rate !
He's halfway to the other side ..the counting's up to eight
Just then disaster strikes him , as he trips over a bump !
His legs fly out from under him , he slides upon his **** !
" OUCH " the baby said , as he got up feeling sore
And decided not to carry on .. in case there were some more !!
I remember writing this lying in bed , it was one of those nights when i was just too tired to : )
lonely is the night that has no true love,
fire can't tell what you are thinking of,
one place is far and two are near,
better to live in death than in fear,
holding something can feel like a flower,
knowledge gives strength and wisdom gives power,
you can't know the right without knowing the wrong,
love makes you weak but also makes you strong,
death is imminent, it will come,
life is precious, you only get one,
do not be silent if you know what must be said,
living at all is better than being dead,
you have more than the things you own,
sitting beside ignorance is sitting alone,
let your life go to where its meant to be,
all should always know that all are always free,
dont be afraid to share a bit of your wisdom. one who is wise need not show all his wisdom to the world, yet one who is wise will share when needed

— The End —