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vamsi sai mohan Nov 2014
How happy is the blameless vestal’s lot!
The world forgetting, by the world forgot,
Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind!
Each prayer accepted, and each wish resigned.
A quote by Alexander Pope....I have got it from the profoundly beautiful movie "eternal sunshine of the spotless mind (2004)"
3.1k · Jan 2015
A third eye
vamsi sai mohan Jan 2015
Beauty and ugliness are not in the eye,but in the mind;
Sense is coordinated by the mind.

Discrimination is the tool of mind,
The eye sees what mind wants to be seen.

To awaken the world and the life within
and to apprehend the wisdom of light,
The seeker must see with vision untainted by the memory.
Edited completely with the suggestions provided by the profound poet "Mucro pondero divinus"
vamsi sai mohan May 2015
"I age an eternity a moment,an eternity that is fleeting in a moment and you imbue the impermanence with your seraphic presence."

I am sitting under this tree whose leaves sway in circles like my memories fading into myself;
yet alone a few memories resist this disintegration,resisting the frailty of the of those memories whispers your voice and how you said "father,I have a wish",the tone sweeter than the voice of the ocean,when you are about to sleep and it's your bed-time story for me,you continue saying,"I want to live in the sky and be an angel who floats on the clouds,when I want to swing I would bend the rainbow into the oonjal and with every swing I hit the clouds so hard that it becomes so ecstatic and produces a roar.when I want to come to the earth,I come like a lightening which tickles the earth....."
I love how you sleep in the middle of the story and how your voice slowly disintegrates into the silence like how you didn't say "now I take this sound and whisper it in this ear and you are going to bury in your heart, this sound that emanated from me and buried in you could resonate with billion galaxies".

Do you remember this is the tree under which we used to play with the mud,you used to pour the water in the sand and cover the leg with the mud till the ankle and staunch it immobile for a certain period and when you suddenly remove the foot,it assumes the shape of your foot which looks like igloo.I love how you break the igloos that is when you try to fit your head in to its mouth in the obliviousness that it would break because your head is too big to fit in,I love how the specks of silt get struck in the strands of your hair.

Every subtle detail here becomes enormously exquisite and with every utterance I am drowned with the memories to a point of singular abstract thought.perhaps in the next life,I wish to born as your child because I want to spend my childhood in your lap,I have to live those moments when you lift me up and put me on your shoulders and pat my head till I sleep,that is the part of my life in which I have missed you and I will claim and live it....

I still remember reading your short story and the male character in the story says something like "there is no brightness without darkness and you are the darkness,perhaps when you die,the sun,the moon and the stars would miss their light shedding upon you,but I am the one who will be devoid of the darkness that which creates the very ambience for this life,that which creates this inimitable life..."I wonder what it means sometimes and what made you to think to write something like that,that which produces an inseperable thought..and I think I am too old now to contemplate on what it means......

The tree and I sit on this light-shed early morning ,I think every particle of light which is reflecting from me now shares my memory,so I suppose I spread this reminiscence all over this place,all that is seen and unseen shares our baffles me at the very thought that every experience we indulge in reflects on the very existence itself.... I take your voice wherever I go and live,it's like a plugin to my heart and you always whisper from within me,even now,It's 6:30 now and I hear you saying "close your eyes",I close my eyes and fade into the echoes of your voice.transcedence.

"She is like a lightening passing now through me like a tickle and so do I perceive every form of limitation as a transcendence..."
2.8k · Oct 2014
Divine power
vamsi sai mohan Oct 2014
The state of being with no suffering is Shakti
The state of awakening beyond sleep is Shakti
When love matures and sweetens that is Shakti
The fullness and fulfillment of masculine is Shakti

When the sweetness matures that is Shakti
The divine which resides in the thoughts is Shakti
Whatever work comes before us is Shakti
The state of mukti, the end, is Shakti

The braveness which destroys laziness is Shakti
The flame which is instilled in these words is Shakti
When the best of fruits are eaten that taste is Shakti
When thoughts of divine arise that is Shakti
Shankara who lives on top of the huge mountains, his lovely flame is Shakti

The lap where life flourishes is Shakti
The strength which guards the earth is Shakti
The flame which stops one from falling is Shakti (denotes inner strength that averts fall/defeat)
The tapas that eliminates confusion is Shakti

The finger which stops downfall is Shakti
The one who spans the whole expanse of sky is Shakti
Her highness who eliminates karma is Shakti
The inner flame which shines from within the heart is Shakti
It is a poem by "Mahakavi Subramanya Bharathiyar" written in tamil.The poem is about the energy that makes every aspect of life happen. It summarizes the whole activity that is life as the play of Shakti. The great poet says, “The lap where life flourishes is Shakti.” Shakti also enables us to break the bondages of karma and liberate ourselves.
2.6k · Feb 2015
vamsi sai mohan Feb 2015
I am the food but not mere taste,
I am the air but not mere breathe,
I am the odour but not mere smell,
I am the feeling but not mere touch,
I am the love but not mere emotion,
I am the destroyer of time but not mere time,
I am non-consequential but not unattainable,
light is just a happening of me but I am not the light,
I am darkness.
I am all-pervaded but utter stillness,
I am playful but utterly serious,
I am in absolute sleep or in utter wakefulness,
Universe is just a happening of me and I am nothingness.
That which is not..
2.2k · Dec 2014
An unbounded proposal
vamsi sai mohan Dec 2014
Somewhere after the nothingness and
antecedent to this somethingness,
Where you and me aren't two but an absolute one,
Where you and me aren't distinguishable by any means and no means,
And Where the time is unleashed from the unboundedness,
I want you to come to there with me consciously,
And that's where we will stay forever....ever...
Inspired by Chris weallans "Meditation" poem...though I have changed it entirely but the thought sprouted from his unrelentingly beautiful words....
2.1k · Mar 2014
vamsi sai mohan Mar 2014
Ever starts
Never ends
Some feelings don't fall apart,

Into the nothingness;
Unto the non-existence;
(which doesn't contradict with existence)
Detach from the self-centric universe,
ubiquitous nothingness.

Never you could me,
Nor could mine be you,
Yet we are endowed with insanity,
The innate insanity that secretes love.....
2.1k · May 2014
U for Unilateralis cordyceps
vamsi sai mohan May 2014
U for Unilateralis Cordyceps. The fungus enters an ant's body through its respiration. It invades it's brain and changes how it perceives smell, because ants do everything they do from their smell of pheromones, right? So this microscopic little fungal spore, then makes the ant climb up the stem of a plant and bite ******* a leaf, with an abnormal force. The fungus then kills the ant, and continues to grow, leaving the ant's exoskeleton intact. So, a small fungus drives an ant around as a vehicle, uses it as food and shelter and then as the ultimate monument to itself. And when the fungus is ready to reproduce, its fruiting bodies grow from the ant's head and rupture releasing the spores, letting the wind carry them to more unsuspecting food. There, our entire idea of free will down the bin.

One single small fungus spore does that to an ant. You have trillions of bacteria in your body. How do you know where you end, and where your environment begins.

We invent God, soul... heaven, afterlife...even life-imitating technology, all sorts of transcendence to cope with the idea of an absolute end. And then, we die for an idea that promises us some sort of immortality.
Ship of theseus....
1.9k · Dec 2014
Density of sounds.
vamsi sai mohan Dec 2014
Drenched in the sounds of the silent voice in my head,
and watched  it as it reached to my sinuous fingers curving the sounds,
Reading it, did I get deluged by the density of my words...
vamsi sai mohan Oct 2014
I want to live in a protoplasmic land:
Where only earth's natural resources are availed...
but not any exploitable extraction from nature.
where the cacophonies of friction are unheard..
Where the toxic air doesn't seem to arouse from the rooms of renaissance,
Where the sky synergizes with the nature,
Where the oeuvre of the planet remains pristine,
Where the trees vacillate with the harmony of winds.
Where there exists no manufactured light....
But only the piercing rays of self-igniting sun to synthesize the earth with seemingly eonian brightness...
And on nocturnals,star and moon drives me,if moon masquerades,i.e.,
When the commixture of cirrocumulus clouds form an impenetrable layers of watery clouds,
let the thundering light texture me while its clustering clouds embracing me with its rapturous rain,
Let the nature do its own karma,
I am not here to meddle in nature's subtle poise,
but to infuse into it......
O'shiva pave me the unobscure and quintessential way for me to dissolve in to you,
Let me drop my essential earth and dissolve my sumptuous and non-matter soul in to everlasting you....
Let me hush in to those singular days and solitary sounds....
1.6k · Dec 2014
The sweet pain.
vamsi sai mohan Dec 2014
My past cursed me as it met you lately,
And It told me henceforth you are my life,
Even if this is a curse I feel and live it as a boon.

Time is travelling eternally but I want it to stop at this moment when I have seen you..
Please time,do not follow me when I am with her.
If you are not with me,I am not there myself,
Even If I conquer the world,it wouldn't be on par with the pleasure I revelled in from loving you.
The oblique drizzling drops are piercing and drenching the life within me..which is me.
It is because of you this unbearable sweet pain.

breezed into my heart when I inhaled,but don't elude me when I exhale...
You are staring at me as if you haven't influenced me,
Love for you has erupted from nothing or perhaps from staring at your eyes.
Don't fill yourself with past,live in this moment.
I am dwelling in the dreams and the waking life is telling me that the truth is in the path of loving you..and it is showing to me as a dream.
If I call this as love,then it would be diminished before this sweet pain of loving you....
You had me at the realisation that the pain is sweet and the pain is an inseperable byproduct of I love you,I also love the pain that comes along with that.....
1.6k · Dec 2014
Eyes inward..
vamsi sai mohan Dec 2014
I want to reside at the brink to that eternity,
where your eyelids confluence and letting me slip into that consciousness,
There where every rivulet of drops is drifted by the impetus of love and inclusiveness.
1.6k · Nov 2014
Rudra(the roarer)
vamsi sai mohan Nov 2014
With the first Roar
Galaxies fell out of your
Void. Here we scream
to throw out all that
checks and chokes us.
In a Roar you created
the limitless Creation of yours
In a Roar, we wish to destroy
the listless creation of ours.

Hoping our roars will resonate
with your mighty Roar of Creation.

Tear we did the chords of Sound
Open we did the doors of the Profound.

May every wimpy sound we
make be in tune with your Roar.
The guru's poem...
1.6k · Nov 2014
vamsi sai mohan Nov 2014
A sound that is not from the vocal but exuded as a reverberation from you is what this universe is all about.....
The voice of shiva....
Aum the beginningless..........
1.5k · Dec 2014
I am not done yet...
vamsi sai mohan Dec 2014
Only when I am done giving,I can ask you for something in return..
But my love is a constant giving process..and
it gives me no room for asking u back...
The more I exude,the more I generate...
love is something that I generate and I am generating it constantly leaving me no space and time to think of whether u r giving back to me...
Shiva has given me this that is not exploitative by nature...and I am in eternal debt to him.
1.5k · Jan 2015
cease and live
vamsi sai mohan Jan 2015
only when you stop thinking,you will feel.
when you start feeling,you will live for what it is,
when you start living,you will experience what it is,
An experience is the basis of the life.

An experience has to stimulate a thought,
but it should not be the other way around.
If you don't experience the life as it is then You will experience the treachery of your own words....and actions..
1.5k · Sep 2014
peril of pride
vamsi sai mohan Sep 2014
Of anger, hate, greed and Pride
which is a greater folly
Anger for sure will make
you burn and cause distress
or death to the other. Hate
surrogate of anger, more
overt and consuming but
a child of anger. Greed
seems to have nothing to do
with the above two but breeds
anger and hate towards all
that thwart the insatiable
fire of greed. As there is not
anything that can fulfill the
gastronomy of greed.
Pride though looks pretty
and makes one perky
takes the pride of place
in destroying all possibilities
of human kind. As it is
the pride that sets one
upon a perch that deceives
Reality. A perch that
makes unreal real and the
Truth into Untruth
Anger, hate and greed
need the theater of Pride
to play. Pride is a crown
of thorns that makes
one perceive even pain as
pleasure. Pride is the
Maya, the delusion of life.
Refinement of ignorance
Is not Enlightenment.
Written by my guru...sadhguru ***** vasudev
1.4k · Nov 2014
vamsi sai mohan Nov 2014
The ability to recreate every moment you live and
imbue it with something as unique as "you" itself...
The absolute involvement with every moment of your life brings a great level of insight into life...
1.4k · Oct 2014
The reason for existence.
vamsi sai mohan Oct 2014
I don't know what it is,
and that is precisely the reason why I am living...
This life is the disguise of the divine.
Had we known the destination,there wouldn't have been any inertia...
1.4k · Dec 2014
vamsi sai mohan Dec 2014
I want to be a bard in the consciousness of the confluence of your eyelids,
Where the sounds merge into silence.
And nurture me from where your consciousness sprouts,
I would thrum like the waves of the ocean to the emanations of your reverberations....
1.4k · Oct 2014
hopscotch hunch
vamsi sai mohan Oct 2014
she was hopping hopscotch with the children in the sunset lawn,
At the dusk her pellucid eyes would glare the intense orange..
She was hopping from one rectangle to another as he was peering love through his eyes,
The sunset veils her shadow:
Her hair vacillating on her chin and his eyes blink on her subtle smile,
She sprawled her legs at the end of the box that is drawn on the land,
She sees the rested stone through the space of her legs,
And her immediate turnabout titillated him,
horripilations tickled his flesh,
Sprawling,spanning and love placating:
Thus Susurrus smile spake to him,
She Shouted a few flying syllables as she picks the stone in the celestial joy,
Subtle zephyr billowing on her confluenced lips,
The evening zephyr as cold as her breath,
He saw her only once,but he remembers every subtle detail infinitesimally..
He only saw her once,but he couldn't forget the voice of her eyes forever...
1.3k · May 2014
vamsi sai mohan May 2014
My moirai has cursed me for bumping into you on late,
albeit it is a curse,I texture it as a mot blessing,
as my experiences now shall be blossomed with our confluences,
and my fantasies shall emulate our trysts......
1.3k · Sep 2014
Self-Ignition mechanism.
vamsi sai mohan Sep 2014
Self-Ignition mechanism:

Someone said that the love is the result of misunderstanding,
Once you understand the other person absolutely and that's where the love ends.
I don't know if it is true,but..

What was once thought beautiful and graceful slowly seems to unveil its other face...
I wouldn't dare to call the other side as unkind or uncaring....If the love is too much to ask for in this life then I don't think it is worthwhile to living on this planet:
Unless I discover the true love is within me,emerges from within me ,
and I am the source of all my emotions,
And I just don't want the other person to ignite it...
If I spread my love to every life on this planet then every life on this planet would reciprocate it and this is supposed to be with humans either...L
Love is a quality.Love is not what you do,love is what you are...
1.3k · Dec 2014
Love and being loved.
vamsi sai mohan Dec 2014
The person who loves you is more important than the person whom you love....
It is seldom in the life that the person whom you love is the person who loves you so much...and it is unfortunate...
1.2k · Oct 2014
beautiful failure
vamsi sai mohan Oct 2014
Even loving you becomes the absolute failure,
It is the most beautiful failure I could ever think of....
For the simple moments when I feel actual passion.
I don't care if it is a delusion.
vamsi sai mohan May 2014
1.2k · Dec 2014
To the beloved.
vamsi sai mohan Dec 2014
I love you absolutely
and you don't have any idea
of what can I do for you.
Ask me the universe I will embed in your eyes,
and When you close your eye-lids
you can see what I feel and mean,
I can be anything you love,
I can do anything u want,
the only thing is you have to ask me
or I have to know that you need it....
and even by the ripples of your breath
or by the fluttering of your eye-lids,
I would know what you want without being told,
love is not just an utterance...
Love is for me the source of my existence,
and I want it to be as a blend of our existence,
and the divine reflection of our creation.
I love you .....
1.2k · May 2014
vamsi sai mohan May 2014
1.1k · Feb 2015
drawn into the vortex
vamsi sai mohan Feb 2015
Even in the feeblest attempts of discovering the self,
I am immersed in the sheer beauty of this life...
vamsi sai mohan Oct 2014
Initially it was dark,
I don't remember what has happened before,
Perhaps I am not supposed to,
I perceived the rays of light through her dark skin,
I evinced it by closing my eyes,
I freed my legs and it hit her,she laughed at it,
I  stole her breath,she didn't complain,
I drank the food she had,she relished it,
I didn't know that she took all the nutrition on the planet to nurture me,
I peed in her,she didn't care a hoot,
I experienced what she experienced,
She became a conduit of my experience,
Then I became the basis of her experience,
I had partaken the moments with her
Without knowing what she means to me,
For the first time I drew my breathe on the planet,I was beside her...crying
crying, because of the ecstasy for having seen my source on the planet,
For all the things I have done to her,she really loves me like she had never before...
She is the mother who is the secondary source of my existence on my planet,
I am in the eternal debt to her,
If I am in eternal debt to her,
Then I realized that how I should be to the source of my mother and the creation of existence,
I cannot owe anything to her,I can only bow to her...
she is the mother of all the creatures on the planet,
So I walk gracefully on the planet,loving every entity on the planet,
Because they are the creation of my mother.....
If I really love and respect my mother for what she is,
I should love and respect every creature on the planet for what they are,

Love everyone because that is our quality.....
1.1k · Oct 2014
Nomenclature of life.
vamsi sai mohan Oct 2014
From the conscious silence to the nomenclatural sound....
From the existential time to the reverberating silence...
Existential sound from the evolving time....
Evolved time from the sustained silence...
Time drenched into the time breeding timeless life....
Life is creator and creation,
It is the play of both of them,
We are their children and everyone of us,
Not just only human beings,every creature on the planet...
Existence is not human-centric,

We are living in the creation,creator is beyond physical....
Life is the voice of the creation,
and the source of our life cannot be seen through our eyes as it is more subtler and beyond physical,
Life is ubiquitous,there is nothing which does not have memory....
Even nothing which is everything and which is life also does have memory.....
Their memory is to act according to the intentions of other lives,
They carry our intentions and consequences,
Intentions and consequences are not apart,they are in the same moment
but one may descry the consequences after a certain period,
but they happen at the same moment as intentions does happen,
Silence bred sound,
and the sound bred me,
And then I am going to dissolve in to the silence......
Life is uncreated,In other words it created itself....
Let me dissolve in to the source....
You cannot breed consciousness nor silence nor the source of life,
one can only dissolve in to the larger entity....
1.0k · Sep 2014
Mathematics of love
vamsi sai mohan Sep 2014
Mathematics of love:

You divided me by zero love,
and it has become infinite......(love)
undo my memory
as the subtraction undoes addition....
1.0k · Dec 2014
vamsi sai mohan Dec 2014
Resolve is never stronger than in the morning,
after the night it was never weaker..
From the movie "naked" directed by Mike Leigh..
1.0k · Nov 2014
In search of truth.
vamsi sai mohan Nov 2014
In search of truth

Did I go back and forth

Wandered through mountains

Bathed in rivers sacred

With the pious

Whichever way the blind pointed

With hope and zest me travelled

Every which way I smelled his scent

But round and round is all I went

Wasted lives to know the one who is not

But the feverish pitch of seeking would cease not

What does it take to fathom the ocean

Even fish or whale is clueless of the ocean

It is only the salt that can be ocean

A salt doll I became

Just a plunge made me the ocean.

So all it needs is a plunge.
977 · Aug 2014
Life longing life...
vamsi sai mohan Aug 2014
Where did you go my queen,
Sun eluded,darkness hued the sky,
Clouds amalgamated and the sounds emerged,
Thunder tingling the mother earth,
Where did you go,you two little foot with your graceful fingers and celestial hands,
Wandering in the cosmos of obliviousness,
My mind envisaging your pastiche presence,
I see ur smile drifting on the rays of the imbued rainbow:
When the mellows of the zephyr that carried the voice of your breathe that breezed in to my breathe,

The ecstasy of tears cracked through the clustered clouds,
My hair winding as the zephyr roving through synecdoche strands...
My palm is under the influence of the dripping water,
and my eyes caught you floating, like the foliage leaf,
The ellipsoidal life carried your simulacrum,
I asked the drops of globular life that where did she impersonate you,
She limned with the bubbles that spoke chirpily:
"I saw her While I was in jaunt trip with the chariot clouds and lilting thunder,
she was strolling in the frolic fields fuddled with wallowing winds....
Her long hirsuite was in harmony with the zephyr,
As the brother zephyr was billowing in to her hair...".

I don't know where the place is,even my mind tends to imagine it,,
but I feel I too could fuse with you in the midst of that perpetual bliss,
I am waiting for you as my body transferring heat to the dripping life,
Didn't u hear those imbued silences that yelled your name...
Where did u go you plenary pulchritude,It is from you that I read what undulations are.....
If you don't come,I will...when I wouldn't...
We will melt as one to the one....
967 · Sep 2014
nonpareil love
vamsi sai mohan Sep 2014
Nonpareil love:

My love for her lavishes on me every moment,
but my longing of reciprocation of love resided in me only for a stint of time,
As I would be the last person on the planet that she wants to love or reply,
She remembers me only when she forgets everything,
I am glad that I exist at her boredom.....
At least she would fill her moments of ennui with one-word replies for me,
Her reply is oft rare,
and the rare is rapacious,
But my unremitting love never ceases to fantasize her replies,
Only to sentient one-word replies or blank replies with the awaiting eyes, schizophrenic mind and destitute sound,
And this sheer life is to her to resonant with her stoic silence,
It takes one lifetime to understand and love someone completely...
So let me disintegrate from this life only after understanding her silence and
only after my love transcends into eternity,
and only after when my love sprawls into her silence,
Even her one word replies rove me rapturously rattling into the rustic mountains of verdurous life and ravine rocks....
959 · Feb 2015
Consciousness of the choice
vamsi sai mohan Feb 2015
,I wonder what would be the next thing in the scale of evolution..what if one day everyone on the planet perceives what is done to them and what they are allowed to do and if they know that we are being operated by the mechanism of the default choice's of nature and now they want to take it over..and every one turn inward right now and not open their eyes for millennia until they attain moksha....even if it is remotely possible I love the idea of fooling the nature but again I don't think we are fooling her after all we are capable of making a choice because we have been provided that choice,so all we are doing that we are acknowledging the potentiality given to us and we are exercising the opportunity that nature has given to us...but again we are in her creation and we are a part of her intelligence so it is impossible to fool something in which we are a part of,we can never transcend the intelligence in which we are a part of...because you can be never something other than which you can be as we are in the realm of someone's creation..I think evolution is all about choices:The first scale of evolution had limited choices but this scale of evolution has unlimited choices..A human being can choose everything from birth to death once you are born..that which has happened before we were born perhaps is irrelevant ...and all this time we live as a human we are governed by the laws of the nature every moment and even if you transcend time,you can be the creator but then again you will do the best things possible and then again we are living in the best things possible..I wonder what is to be a creator,I mean a real creator Where you play with the elements and create a life out of is a really interesting thing that once we transcend time we are capable of creating life itself without any this kind of brings me to a question what good is a choice when we don't realise even that we are being given...we are being crushed by the default choice...we are lost in the basic rudiment choice made by the is may be because there are so many factors that govern these...but however we think we are being forced but I think we are being crushed by the default choice..the choice made by the creation...but if you take over and you choose then life will be your own design in her can create your own blue print...but however the blue print is made out of the creator governed laws..
vamsi sai mohan Dec 2014
The generation or society,where a human evolves out of his/her own curiosity,thrives and blossoms.

curiosity that is sprouted from the existential life that is constantly blossoming around you but not from the knowledge you have gathered gives a profound insight into life...
951 · Nov 2014
vamsi sai mohan Nov 2014
You cannot define silence as something that lacks sound.....
Let the lack of my own voice be heard.....
the second line is inspired by the movie "waking life"

by definition defining something per se is a  constrain....but the existence is boundless,why would someone try to add boundary to it?perhaps only to learn at the verge of unconsciousness,which is the brink of consciousness that utters one cannot define everything and no-thing....
947 · Nov 2014
vamsi sai mohan Nov 2014
Ever since You infused into my Being

My eyes have not known rest

Eyes open I see only you in all

Eyes closed I neither know

thought nor contemplation or Dream

Just your wild Dance unnuanced

Or the death defying stillness

My eyes know no rest nor respite

With the all seeing One infused in Me.

This blessed restlessness

This relentless assault upon My Being

Please do not stop, Do not stop.
A poem written by my guru....I love it so much.....
940 · Feb 2015
Eternal fire
vamsi sai mohan Feb 2015
What good is a star that burns in the space before your galactic eyes that ignited the space in my heart.
It has been on fire since then and now the conflagration is spread to my whole body and I am eternally raging with fire.
Had you ever rest your head on my spine,you would have listened to the conch shell of my heart...that slowly whispers my love in the form of reverberations...

I was thinking how could I possibly tell you how much you mean to me..
These words that I utter can only give you the faint idea of how much I love you,because the love that exudes from me cannot be compressed into words nor be distilled into actions nor be quenched with just kisses...
930 · Sep 2014
Never give up(An Epiphany).
vamsi sai mohan Sep 2014
The waves never gave up even if the shore is reverting them back....
The rain never gave up even if it's sewed into the gutter,
The clouds never gave up even after knowing that the bond of their cluster is going to be detached after few moments,
The land never gave up even if it's ,stomped,ploughed,drilled,bombarded and excavated by billions...
The air never gave up even if it is ****** with negative intentions,
The sun never gave up,even if it's burning in itself every moment,
The earth never gave up even if it's revolving continuously even without a momentarily detention...
When these profound lives never gave up,
Why should I give up something for someone who doesn't care about me...
I care for someone deeply because I have not only developed emotional bond with them but the deeper spiritual bond,
The bond of the spirit is much more stronger than the bond of blood..
This is the bond that makes me to care for them even if they don't exist right before me,
even if they don't care for me.....
I am indifferent to the life which doesn't care for me...
I give up my life for someone who cares about me....
and I care for everyone just not only the one who cares about me...
But a fruitful relationship evolves with someone who cares about me....
vamsi sai mohan Oct 2014
Few years from now where you
Will be living a fulfilling life and
myself unruffled inhabiting the latent aura ,
Ouch!then smites the peripetia,
Ensuingly at a gratifying glance,
You see me,you merely remember me.
Your mind ponders but your eyes struck
as if it has a memory,but
at the very Perceptively
poising moment I see you,
my mind and eyes struck intimately,and
Satiable senses synergize momentarily,
while the other senses get numb.
Nothing travels in my mind,
no electrical impulses,it is as if  I am meditating,
but my eyes gets emotional as if it bears an image.
It secretes the preserved fluid  
that gravitates  to my cheek,
where my hands scatter it along my face.
the years don't matter,even at the touch
of trance,you sprout from my thought.
The thoughts of partaken moments
vacillate in my mind,perhaps,
my senses don't work but
my heart works for you......
I love you for the millionth time,as
I say this it adds to another or nothing.

(A moment that happened for once,
never promised to happen twice nor hence,
but the fantasy pursues me thence,
the fantasy that pierces (me) )
877 · Oct 2014
vamsi sai mohan Oct 2014
If you resuscitate the world you see:It's an art.
10 words
862 · Nov 2014
o mother take me there..
vamsi sai mohan Nov 2014
O mother, take me there, where I find the gratifying grace,

Take me there, where I dwell in bliss,

Take me there, where I ramble in rapturous joy,

Take me to that miraculous planet and nurture me,

O mother, take me there, where I find the tantalizing nothingness,

Take me there, in to the surrealistic world and let me ponder over the nature’s allegories,

Take me to this exuberant excursion,

O mother, I have become claustrophobic, I cannot live in this enclosed space,

Take me to the infinity where I have no confinity,

Take me through the valleys of sunshine and glory,

O mother, Let me live the eternal love,

Let me smell the soil,

Let me hear the choirs of sea,

Let me be an epicurean,

Let me squelch and tread on the planet,

Let me see the picturesque of nature,

Let me lay my body on the roots of heaven,

Let me dandle on your knees,

Let me construe the dappled sky,

Let me live and leave,

O mother, instigate your benign impulsion,

I long to see you and the world,

I want to be resurrected,

O mother, I loved you before I knew, I believed in you before I knew.
The child descries the unfathomable beauty and exhilaration on the planet when he is in the womb and makes an earnest request to emanate him out of the gestation period....
824 · Sep 2014
Is this imp-possible...
vamsi sai mohan Sep 2014
To fill the silences of the ambience,
To unravel the sounds of the existence,
To frolic with the air and fire,
To dance on water,
To breath in space,
To fuse with land,
To see who is me and who is not me,
And understand there is nothing that is un-me,
To understand the fusion of the creation and creator,
To swim in the clouds that metamorphoses the moisture,(of air)
To hover in the air without wings,
To evade the stop that hurts me id est to killing the time wherefore it holds the universe,
To understand the cause of the origin of the universe,
To understand and explore the time,
Which is darkness,
To understand the darkness,
To understand how from darkness somethingness emanate,
To **** the time as my life exists in time,,
To portray the creation,
To kiss the venomous cobra,
To create the uncreated,
To dissolve into creation,
To rendezvous with the one who is responsible for this oneness,
To staunch into the silence,
815 · Aug 2014
Bucolic bliss...
vamsi sai mohan Aug 2014
The blessings of the water,
The drums of thunder,
The lucidity of the light,
Which emanates when the clouds amalgamate,
What a flinging fusion!
Nature is a fusion of life,
I breathe from the cloud,
Cloud is the confluence of air,
The consummation of air and water raptures rain,
There is a labyrinth in the life which always have a longing to either include or dissolve into one another,
In the midst of foggy lights of the day and night,
and the reverent glance of the nature,
The droplet of ellipsoid life escapades to the earth,
it blesses the every life of the planet apart from who evades it,
I didn't evade because I want her blessings,
So then did the tiny drops of dew get struck in my intricate strands of hair,
My clothes get drenched subsequently did my body,visage and eyes...
The content in the eyes is obliterated and now I see the intricate nature as it is,
The spatter of sky spluttering on the roving air and the life-strewn land....
Beauty is the creation,
Blithe and beatific are we,
and I am the man meandering on the idyllic rustic mountains in the
bucolic bliss....
vamsi sai mohan Sep 2014
If you evade me,
I will not enlighten you.
If you are oblivious of me,
I will not make obvious myself,
If you don't love me,
I will not seek love from you,
I you don't like me to pursue you,
I will not pursue you,
I will do whatever you intend,
Lest my resistance will hurt you,
If it distresses you,then it will distress me,
I impersonate your volition,
and I am your mother,
As an air and space I include you,
As a water you quench by including me,
As a land,I am your body,
If you cry,I cry...
If you are in distress,so will I be,
If you are blissful,so will I be,
and where by your intentions my existence around you emanates,
And I am always with you not as a thought nor physical presence,
but as an air,as a land,as a water,as a fire and as a space....
Always in contact because you are a product of my 5 elements,
And I have a memory,the memories are your intentions,
Every element that exists in and out,
transfigures with your volition,
So,if your intentions are pure,pristine,
Then you shall master my five elements,
If you seek me,then I will reveal myself....
Your seeking has to be super-intense that you could be receptive to the truth,
When I reveal myself,you will dissolve in me,
Into the eternal maternal muse....
Where bliss never cease to exist....
And then there are no intentions but unruffled reverberations.....
Seek me unto "that which is not"
From the creation...
805 · Sep 2014
A potential god.
vamsi sai mohan Sep 2014
Are the deepest relationships relished just to relinquish at that moment,
Every breath is drawn to being subsumed by you ,
Is this life an overture to eternity,
I am in this mischief game played by the nature,
And she dragged me into this game,
The moment I am here is the moment she disappeared from here,
I know two molecules of hydrogen and one molecule of oxygen combines to form the water....
But I don't know why it should happen....
I know water and air becomes rain,
But I don't know why it should happen,
I know the chemistry of the nature....
But I don't know why that blithe bond,
I know I am manufactured using those five-elements,
But I don't know why my existence,
My existence makes indifference to this planet,
Only a human on this creation has this potential to contemplate on this existence,not any other creation.
To think in a way we think,
To explore the ultimate possibility....
When we are given such kind of possibility I think we should at least acknowledge it,
We are the replica of the nature,
We are the prototype of the god,
Every human being is a potential god..
It makes us to question our existence,
When we ask the biggest question in our life,
Where all the questions can be condensed into a single question,
The answer which is not found in any books,teachings but in ourselves,
The answer which cannot be deciphered by our intellect,
The answer that only answers when our answer becomes the question,
and there where my thoughts cease to exist,
Only there I could ponder this universe..
Are we willing to spend the essential time on it,
Many-a-lifetimes take for a human to decipher the universe,
And when he does,he doesn't want to be here,
To move into the timeless existence,
To escape the time is to escape everything and nothing.
Are we willing to exist in the non-existential of thoughts to imbibe the existence,
Only when our seeking becomes super-intense,nature will reveal itself...
796 · Oct 2014
Irretrievable truth.
vamsi sai mohan Oct 2014
What is missing seems inevitably never existed...
As it is not to be felt irretrievable...
Only it was your hallucination that you thought that it was yours....
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