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Sep 2014 · 480
paper:poises the palabra
vamsi sai mohan Sep 2014
I don't want to blot you,not with my inconsquentiality,
nor do I want to etch you with my feelings,
you bore my feelings and strength unobtrusively,
perhaps with a tad resistance of gravity.
people take advantage of your limpidity
and write trivia on you as I do,
you enlightened me to the point of
absurdity and nothingness.
I thank for that,knowing that even
gratitude does make you indifferent.
you are only few of those who doesn't have
any intentions in the chores they perform.
I write on you,wipe you,tear you,distort you,
but you bear all with love and no resistance,
for that you have become irresistible.
I exude my happiness,exasperation yet
you are stoical,I imbibe that nonchalance.
you are slim yet you are eternally exporable.
you dwell in myriad artists yet
you are indifferent to anyone.
I perceive how indiscriminate you are and
how you are not prejudice.
you are the cluster of atoms that is closer to my heart,
perhaps the confluence of descendant atoms.
who says atom has no feelings I see here,
the way you embrace me
when my tears shed on you,
and when you endure it no more,
you just wrinkle yourself by absorbing me,
disintegrating yourself...................

Sep 2014 · 1.2k
Self-Ignition mechanism.
vamsi sai mohan Sep 2014
Self-Ignition mechanism:

Someone said that the love is the result of misunderstanding,
Once you understand the other person absolutely and that's where the love ends.
I don't know if it is true,but..

What was once thought beautiful and graceful slowly seems to unveil its other face...
I wouldn't dare to call the other side as unkind or uncaring....If the love is too much to ask for in this life then I don't think it is worthwhile to living on this planet:
Unless I discover the true love is within me,emerges from within me ,
and I am the source of all my emotions,
And I just don't want the other person to ignite it...
If I spread my love to every life on this planet then every life on this planet would reciprocate it and this is supposed to be with humans either...L
Love is a quality.Love is not what you do,love is what you are...
Sep 2014 · 587
The spectrum of love.
vamsi sai mohan Sep 2014
The rainbow that raptures in my eyes is drifted by the drops when it muses  you......
the thought generates the invoking image of you,
but the eyes ponder that fair?
I should have never let you know that I adore you absolutely.....
I should have never tried talking to you....

The immense love should have been preserved within me as a pastiche that imitates you in my thoughts,
It is not to be disclosed nor to be dispatched......

However I don't brood on those realms,
not on the past which I couldn't change.....
not on you who is ever with me,
Perhaps not as a physical existence but as the pitching nostalgia,
not on those beautiful engraved moments that is etched on my memory,
not on those coherent confluences ,
not on those non-physical intimacies we have had,
not on those sacred aural spectrums that seems to be poising amidst us,
what ever I had done was relevant to those circumstances,
but it is not relevant to the apparent circumstances.....
and that's what matters and that's what deeply hurts......

In the lilting limbo-love...
Sep 2014 · 548
Enwrapped in love.
vamsi sai mohan Sep 2014
When you stroke my forehead and brush my hair with your fingers gently and bask my head in to your bare laps,
You whisper your breath along with the stories of mundane effervescence,
you don't sing the lullaby either,
I would just slip serenely into the sleep...
and it badinages you for having seen my eyes enwrapped to unravel the otherworldly..
Then the chortle spreads across your chin and your forehead enfolds pondering the love,
You lift my head from your lap and replace it with the pillow and
It causes a little turbulence in my body which recognizes the difference between your lap and pillow..
Gently you pat my chest like the mother dabs the child..
and with my heart sentient the transience of your palm,
I am transposed again to the silted life......(dreams)
Sep 2014 · 573
The embodiment of his life.
vamsi sai mohan Sep 2014
He wants her to clutch his fingers when they are walking in the vernal jaunts,
He wants her to clung him in the thundering nights and let the heat of the body pass through their breaths...
and let the breaths breeze around the necks,
He wants her to snuggle his visage to her ***** when he is in low spirits,
He wants her to speak through osculation.
He wants her to listen to his copious conversations caricaturing his life..
He wants her to be in the spree silences to experience the existence.
He wants her to run after him in the rainy raptures and let the drops of the rain strew between them...
He wants her to plop her ear upon his chest so that the reverberations of his throbbing induce the dormant to her.
He wants her to know that she is the messenger of the seraphim,
Her existence is to acknowledge her creation and her beauty and her source..
He wants her to be the spur to his work..
He wants her to embody his life...
He wants her to be the afflatus of his life.
He wants her to know that his life is to her...
He wants her to attain the freedom from the cycles of life and death with him.
That's all he wants from her but for him it is vital..
Sep 2014 · 997
Mathematics of love
vamsi sai mohan Sep 2014
Mathematics of love:

You divided me by zero love,
and it has become infinite......(love)
undo my memory
as the subtraction undoes addition....
Sep 2014 · 310
The secret of the flight
vamsi sai mohan Sep 2014
It is not the flight that hurts you,
It is the stop that hurts you.
Sep 2014 · 399
vamsi sai mohan Sep 2014
Shall we deny it when it visits us?
Shall we not take what we are given?
There is only this.All else is unreal.
What else is life but being near you..
all that is me is given to you...and you to me...
I will be faithful to you.true.
Two no am.
The new world(2005)
Sep 2014 · 333
vamsi sai mohan Sep 2014
All that they have is given me...
vamsi sai mohan Sep 2014
If the love can be accrued...
Then the people around me would be sitting on their fat *** and ever-bulging bellies,
And then they would blame me for my relentless love...
Sep 2014 · 339
vamsi sai mohan Sep 2014
She does not know how she looks unless I picture her through my words....
unless she stares in my eyes,and my eyes traces her beauty...
If only mirrors weren't there,the world would have been sheer beautiful...
and the words would have gained a deference attention,
and stillness of water would have got more reflections...
and paintings would not have just smeared colors,
It would have textured the life...
Sep 2014 · 762
A potential god.
vamsi sai mohan Sep 2014
Are the deepest relationships relished just to relinquish at that moment,
Every breath is drawn to being subsumed by you ,
Is this life an overture to eternity,
I am in this mischief game played by the nature,
And she dragged me into this game,
The moment I am here is the moment she disappeared from here,
I know two molecules of hydrogen and one molecule of oxygen combines to form the water....
But I don't know why it should happen....
I know water and air becomes rain,
But I don't know why it should happen,
I know the chemistry of the nature....
But I don't know why that blithe bond,
I know I am manufactured using those five-elements,
But I don't know why my existence,
My existence makes indifference to this planet,
Only a human on this creation has this potential to contemplate on this existence,not any other creation.
To think in a way we think,
To explore the ultimate possibility....
When we are given such kind of possibility I think we should at least acknowledge it,
We are the replica of the nature,
We are the prototype of the god,
Every human being is a potential god..
It makes us to question our existence,
When we ask the biggest question in our life,
Where all the questions can be condensed into a single question,
The answer which is not found in any books,teachings but in ourselves,
The answer which cannot be deciphered by our intellect,
The answer that only answers when our answer becomes the question,
and there where my thoughts cease to exist,
Only there I could ponder this universe..
Are we willing to spend the essential time on it,
Many-a-lifetimes take for a human to decipher the universe,
And when he does,he doesn't want to be here,
To move into the timeless existence,
To escape the time is to escape everything and nothing.
Are we willing to exist in the non-existential of thoughts to imbibe the existence,
Only when our seeking becomes super-intense,nature will reveal itself...
Sep 2014 · 386
Timeless Life..
vamsi sai mohan Sep 2014
Anything that transcends time is a bliss...
Sep 2014 · 382
human-centric curse...
vamsi sai mohan Sep 2014
God never curses it's creation,
It is we who curses ourselves...
Sep 2014 · 1.3k
peril of pride
vamsi sai mohan Sep 2014
Of anger, hate, greed and Pride
which is a greater folly
Anger for sure will make
you burn and cause distress
or death to the other. Hate
surrogate of anger, more
overt and consuming but
a child of anger. Greed
seems to have nothing to do
with the above two but breeds
anger and hate towards all
that thwart the insatiable
fire of greed. As there is not
anything that can fulfill the
gastronomy of greed.
Pride though looks pretty
and makes one perky
takes the pride of place
in destroying all possibilities
of human kind. As it is
the pride that sets one
upon a perch that deceives
Reality. A perch that
makes unreal real and the
Truth into Untruth
Anger, hate and greed
need the theater of Pride
to play. Pride is a crown
of thorns that makes
one perceive even pain as
pleasure. Pride is the
Maya, the delusion of life.
Refinement of ignorance
Is not Enlightenment.
Written by my guru...sadhguru ***** vasudev
Sep 2014 · 447
Linga bhairavi
vamsi sai mohan Sep 2014
Seek her in Devotion
She is an ocean of Compassion
Seek her in Desperation
She is a steadfast Companion
Seek her in true Passion
You will be loved to Distraction
Just seek her in your Confusion
She will lead you to Fruition
written by my guru.....
Sep 2014 · 447
the mother and a kitten...
vamsi sai mohan Sep 2014
The mother and a kitten:

He was in a deep slumber when she sentient him,
left abandoned by his mother in the perilous world,
She couldn't resist herself but to hold him in her palms and to get him out of this vulnerable plight,
She touched with her bare fingers,
Her fingers which caused the convulsions in his body and he was astir from the sleep,
He ungainly postures his body from the ground,
With her gentle hand and nimble fingers she clasps him to her *****,
His starving triggered by then,
His craving cry from the parched throat was in resonance with the throbbing of her heart,
She couldn't bear the mewling and he was just delivered from the cocoon of the nature,
The immediate slake with the milk is most essential to his survival now,
Every moment she waits could bring only the harm to his existence,
She unveils her motherhood and unclothe her breast,
The deepest feeling trenched his soul which pushed her hands to snuggle his neck to her *****,
He dipped his silhouetted lips unconcerned about gasps to satiate his flesh,
He suckles the **** of her and sips the essence of the motherhood,
The tears tilted across her chin and then traversed to her breast and then to his face,
She then realized that the tears are shed from her eyes and drenched her body,
She couldn't even weep as she was holding him and she doesn't care a hoot about tears,
and with the satiated appetite his eyes slowly sinks into the darkness,
the mother mirth induces the rainbow in her eyes by seeing the kitten sleeping tranquilly in her hands......
Sep 2014 · 772
Is this imp-possible...
vamsi sai mohan Sep 2014
To fill the silences of the ambience,
To unravel the sounds of the existence,
To frolic with the air and fire,
To dance on water,
To breath in space,
To fuse with land,
To see who is me and who is not me,
And understand there is nothing that is un-me,
To understand the fusion of the creation and creator,
To swim in the clouds that metamorphoses the moisture,(of air)
To hover in the air without wings,
To evade the stop that hurts me id est to killing the time wherefore it holds the universe,
To understand the cause of the origin of the universe,
To understand and explore the time,
Which is darkness,
To understand the darkness,
To understand how from darkness somethingness emanate,
To **** the time as my life exists in time,,
To portray the creation,
To kiss the venomous cobra,
To create the uncreated,
To dissolve into creation,
To rendezvous with the one who is responsible for this oneness,
To staunch into the silence,
vamsi sai mohan Sep 2014
"In relinquishing the limited, the unlimited becomes yours.”
vamsi sai mohan Sep 2014
Introspection and retrospection:

He had her in distress as her relationship with her boyfriend was broken,
The relationship would never break in those days,
But these days it is viable as they have brittle foundation and material *******,
They don't imbue the feeling when they have to,when they say "I love you"
Loving is not bestowing gifts or texting at 1 and 2 in the nights,nor
Telling that I am thinking of you every moment,
and this hormonal ******* is viable to break at any moment,
"Love is an annihilation of oneself" so that he or she would include another person in to "themselves"
He asked her envisioning that she would share her feelings of distress,
As her habitual reply,she didn't reply to him.....
He doesn't want her to brood on the past,
he wants to tell her that there are always people who will disappoint others,who doesn't understand others....
Love has nothing to do with is your quality....don't have unrealistic expectations from others,it leads to misery.....
In the realm of that thought,
he thought he would console her...
But he doesn't know what she thought...perhaps she wouldn't have thought at all,
It doesn't seem strange to him,although,he knows:His love was always interpreted by her mind,not by her heart....
He spoke to himself
"I am not at least a friend to you,I never was,I don't know If I will....?you cannot even share your feelings to me...I am nothing for you,just a stranger...always...A stranger who is incapable of estranging from you".

He didn't tell her what he thought as he knows she is already in distress,
he doesn't want to be another disturbance or perturbance to her.....
Yes,you have heard it right!!! She always think of him as an annoyance and as an obstacle to her life.....
Perhaps She would never know that he has been an obstacle to make her to stride every higher step in her life....
He doesn't want to tell because he wants her happiness,
she doesn't want to react because she wants her happiness..... least they confluence at the common point of happiness...
The sprouted longing never born a fruit...
vamsi sai mohan Sep 2014
When I had no choice,I chose life.....
When I had one choice,I chose breath....
When I had unremembered choice,I chose my parents.....
When I had two choices,I chose to walk,
but when I had myriad choices,I chose you......
choiceless gave me choices,
and now I realized I can unchoose the blessed choiceless life,
through my sheer reverence and seeking thither my eternal maternal muse...
Sep 2014 · 904
nonpareil love
vamsi sai mohan Sep 2014
Nonpareil love:

My love for her lavishes on me every moment,
but my longing of reciprocation of love resided in me only for a stint of time,
As I would be the last person on the planet that she wants to love or reply,
She remembers me only when she forgets everything,
I am glad that I exist at her boredom.....
At least she would fill her moments of ennui with one-word replies for me,
Her reply is oft rare,
and the rare is rapacious,
But my unremitting love never ceases to fantasize her replies,
Only to sentient one-word replies or blank replies with the awaiting eyes, schizophrenic mind and destitute sound,
And this sheer life is to her to resonant with her stoic silence,
It takes one lifetime to understand and love someone completely...
So let me disintegrate from this life only after understanding her silence and
only after my love transcends into eternity,
and only after when my love sprawls into her silence,
Even her one word replies rove me rapturously rattling into the rustic mountains of verdurous life and ravine rocks....
Sep 2014 · 653
The detached singularity.
vamsi sai mohan Sep 2014
Relish the moment thoroughly either happiness or distress,
Don't let this moment impact the next moment,
Because the next moment has it's own birth,
Let every moment has it's birth and death in itself...
Don't try to carry it to the endless dimension of life as one cannot,
And it leads to the ultimate suffering,
If one has to drop that accrued moments at the entrance of eternity...
and you are going to drop it however...
So let it be your immediate volition to drop the essence of the moment,
"Memory is the past,future is fantasy,now is the existence".
So be with the existence always,it will undo the past and fix the future..
Sep 2014 · 525
The abandoned
vamsi sai mohan Sep 2014
As a gentle breeze she touches me,
by her oppressive silence she ignores me,
I fix my gaze to her enchanting eyes,
she itinerates herself impulsively,
By my due quixotic quality I love her,
But with her democracy she forsakes me...
Sep 2014 · 890
Never give up(An Epiphany).
vamsi sai mohan Sep 2014
The waves never gave up even if the shore is reverting them back....
The rain never gave up even if it's sewed into the gutter,
The clouds never gave up even after knowing that the bond of their cluster is going to be detached after few moments,
The land never gave up even if it's ,stomped,ploughed,drilled,bombarded and excavated by billions...
The air never gave up even if it is ****** with negative intentions,
The sun never gave up,even if it's burning in itself every moment,
The earth never gave up even if it's revolving continuously even without a momentarily detention...
When these profound lives never gave up,
Why should I give up something for someone who doesn't care about me...
I care for someone deeply because I have not only developed emotional bond with them but the deeper spiritual bond,
The bond of the spirit is much more stronger than the bond of blood..
This is the bond that makes me to care for them even if they don't exist right before me,
even if they don't care for me.....
I am indifferent to the life which doesn't care for me...
I give up my life for someone who cares about me....
and I care for everyone just not only the one who cares about me...
But a fruitful relationship evolves with someone who cares about me....
vamsi sai mohan Sep 2014
I thought I am the man with epicurean  appetite,
But it seems verily wrong as I realized the life around me is lingering on me with insatiable appetite,
Consuming my life nibblingly every moment,
Time is taking away my life with it's ubiquitous presence,
Water is leaking my life with every gulp,
Every breath I drew,it is drawing me thither where I evaporate myself,
With Every foot I feet on the earth,
the land is feeding on me as a friction and motion,
Planet is ******* my energy to spin around,
Space is trying to include me from my secluded life,
Life is taking away my life with every sentient moment,
I am walking every moment towards grave,
I am neither manufacturer nor destroyer,
So let me give away this life gracefully,blissfully,rather sinking hurtlingly in the Schadenfreude, melancholy and other non-sensical amalgamations,
Do I want to add some meaning to this meaningless life...
Or let it float in the thoughtless aura,
which is a conduit to the rendezvous with the creation,
Because that is where it is lying the lilting immortality I had not seen..
With the rapacious reverence to the nature...
vamsi sai mohan Sep 2014
Hmm...voila!That was the moment...
a minuscule moment yet it elicits and engulfs eternity...
To be in that moment is to have lived eternity...
Eternity engrossed me....her eyes are ardent architect of nature...
When I see her eyes I am vulnerable to her....
The consummate of air,flesh, water,fire...
Is the source of her eye,
A complex subtlety of life,
But what I see is the eternity,
The eternity that is encapsulated in her eyes,

What an ardent architecture,
only under her(nature) tutelage it could have been possible...
The zephyr from the air,and the water cascading from the bucolic mountains must have metamorphosed themselves with the verdant life on the earth to emanate such eyes:eternally evolving.
I am as enchanted as I could be,
Letting my life unfold itself with her gratifying glances,
Those glimpses of the eternity reverberates in me like the thunder,

Ruptured from the nature,
blossomed from the beatific earth,
Ensue:she is bearing the fruit entitled eyes...
so then an endeavor excursion of my sojourn had begun....
vamsi sai mohan Sep 2014
If you evade me,
I will not enlighten you.
If you are oblivious of me,
I will not make obvious myself,
If you don't love me,
I will not seek love from you,
I you don't like me to pursue you,
I will not pursue you,
I will do whatever you intend,
Lest my resistance will hurt you,
If it distresses you,then it will distress me,
I impersonate your volition,
and I am your mother,
As an air and space I include you,
As a water you quench by including me,
As a land,I am your body,
If you cry,I cry...
If you are in distress,so will I be,
If you are blissful,so will I be,
and where by your intentions my existence around you emanates,
And I am always with you not as a thought nor physical presence,
but as an air,as a land,as a water,as a fire and as a space....
Always in contact because you are a product of my 5 elements,
And I have a memory,the memories are your intentions,
Every element that exists in and out,
transfigures with your volition,
So,if your intentions are pure,pristine,
Then you shall master my five elements,
If you seek me,then I will reveal myself....
Your seeking has to be super-intense that you could be receptive to the truth,
When I reveal myself,you will dissolve in me,
Into the eternal maternal muse....
Where bliss never cease to exist....
And then there are no intentions but unruffled reverberations.....
Seek me unto "that which is not"
From the creation...
Aug 2014 · 758
Bucolic bliss...
vamsi sai mohan Aug 2014
The blessings of the water,
The drums of thunder,
The lucidity of the light,
Which emanates when the clouds amalgamate,
What a flinging fusion!
Nature is a fusion of life,
I breathe from the cloud,
Cloud is the confluence of air,
The consummation of air and water raptures rain,
There is a labyrinth in the life which always have a longing to either include or dissolve into one another,
In the midst of foggy lights of the day and night,
and the reverent glance of the nature,
The droplet of ellipsoid life escapades to the earth,
it blesses the every life of the planet apart from who evades it,
I didn't evade because I want her blessings,
So then did the tiny drops of dew get struck in my intricate strands of hair,
My clothes get drenched subsequently did my body,visage and eyes...
The content in the eyes is obliterated and now I see the intricate nature as it is,
The spatter of sky spluttering on the roving air and the life-strewn land....
Beauty is the creation,
Blithe and beatific are we,
and I am the man meandering on the idyllic rustic mountains in the
bucolic bliss....
Aug 2014 · 587
Unspoken longing...
vamsi sai mohan Aug 2014
She seldom said good night or did she reply,I didn't ask either,
She used to reply silence whenever I text her,(paraphrasing)
I created whatever I want from that silence,
I thought she is so magnanimous to provide such a nothingness to accumulate my thoughts,
But I don't know why they call it as a fantasy,anything that is created out of nothingness,
If this is a fantasy then the existence is a fantasy,as the existence is created out of nothingness,
I want her to be seen as a fictional figure rather than existential monument,
She never saw me with the eyes I saw her,
Perhaps I am talking about intention,
I think my love is unconditional and love is unconditional,
My feelings towards her doesn't have anything to do with her feelings towards me,
But sometimes it pangs me as how the flower feels when the bee sips the essence of it,
The flower accrues for over a period of time but the bee ***** out momentarily...
So did she **** out my love,
I love when she does that as the flower is indifferent to the suckling of bee,
Only her fragile silence invokes her virtual visage..
The visage with the black in her eyes,
The black which only eye-lids can shutter,
The moment she closes her eyes is the moment I see nothing,
The darting eyes,too irresistible to distract...
Aug 2014 · 412
Agenbite of inwit...
vamsi sai mohan Aug 2014
It seems that only enormous longing makes me to contemplate on you not the moments of happiness,
Because when I am happy I don't think about anyone or anything,
But do I want the happiness that doesn't include you?,
Antithesis is that enormous longing accrued over a period of time becomes suffering,
but I am absolutely happy to live this suffering that comes along with longing,
Because the moments of longing that thinks and yearn for you makes me much more blissful than moments of happiness that comes without you...
albeit the moments of longing are suffering...
I am willing to go through all the pain that comes along with your contemplations,partaken moments...
Aug 2014 · 907
Life longing life...
vamsi sai mohan Aug 2014
Where did you go my queen,
Sun eluded,darkness hued the sky,
Clouds amalgamated and the sounds emerged,
Thunder tingling the mother earth,
Where did you go,you two little foot with your graceful fingers and celestial hands,
Wandering in the cosmos of obliviousness,
My mind envisaging your pastiche presence,
I see ur smile drifting on the rays of the imbued rainbow:
When the mellows of the zephyr that carried the voice of your breathe that breezed in to my breathe,

The ecstasy of tears cracked through the clustered clouds,
My hair winding as the zephyr roving through synecdoche strands...
My palm is under the influence of the dripping water,
and my eyes caught you floating, like the foliage leaf,
The ellipsoidal life carried your simulacrum,
I asked the drops of globular life that where did she impersonate you,
She limned with the bubbles that spoke chirpily:
"I saw her While I was in jaunt trip with the chariot clouds and lilting thunder,
she was strolling in the frolic fields fuddled with wallowing winds....
Her long hirsuite was in harmony with the zephyr,
As the brother zephyr was billowing in to her hair...".

I don't know where the place is,even my mind tends to imagine it,,
but I feel I too could fuse with you in the midst of that perpetual bliss,
I am waiting for you as my body transferring heat to the dripping life,
Didn't u hear those imbued silences that yelled your name...
Where did u go you plenary pulchritude,It is from you that I read what undulations are.....
If you don't come,I will...when I wouldn't...
We will melt as one to the one....
Aug 2014 · 477
vamsi sai mohan Aug 2014
There started a defining moment:
Well,it's not a moment as it includes myriad moments in it...
A moment after moment piled up unimaginably flabbergastingly to give this moment the beauty it has now...
Every moment has a latent universe..
It is left for individual to claim for it...
A moment of Shiva's blink is the life of an ordinary human being;
A human is never ordinary if he seeks the truth and liberation and explore the unanimous possibilities of life...
A moment differs from person to person,life to life
I am in this moment,having my eyes set upon to imbibe the possibility of a human...
O'Shiva let me dissolve into you,
Let me dissolve into possibility that physically never exists,
But making this physical as a conduit unto that liberation...
Unshackle me from the realm of physicality...
Why this time-bounded play for me,
Let me get into timeless dimension where my bliss never cease to exist,
Perhaps because "me" as a mind doesn't exist...
Eventually I dissolve into"I" where there is no uniqueness but ubiquitousness;
Let me seep through your formless rock,
.....Let me transcend into subtlest dimension of life...
Let me be a part of your formless life,
Let me get incubated into you...
...If my life is a tune let me reverberate it...and resonate with my whole humanity.........
Jul 2014 · 681
vamsi sai mohan Jul 2014
One drop of love does it as one drop of pure water would do it,
One drop of love took billion folds in him as the ripples form from the bubbles of the fish,
That million folds couldn't find the expression nor thoughts but ineffable intimacy,
That million folds couldn't find the expression but Ardhanarishvara,
he has to incorporate her in to himself,
Shed half of hisself to synergize her,
emerged a perfect human being,
Half-masculine and half-feminine,
The source of creation and creation fused,
Body couldn't control it,it is too much for the flesh,
flesh is to grave but the energies are to rave,
raving not with the mind but with the existence,
existence being unto itself....
the cells are scattered and hitting the boundaries with the ecstasy ,
breath became boisterous,
tears tilted across the breast and chest,
death and birth in one breath,
No more human parameters,
there is no more he and she,there is one....
he is bound by no more logic nor she,
Logic is for the mind but she is for him,
O my soul long the cohesion,
the cohesion that frees the innate freedom,
Per se the freedom from the cycles of death and birth,
There is no thought as there is a lot,
they transcended the physical dimension
they inundated in the experiential dimension of life,
Jul 2014 · 573
vamsi sai mohan Jul 2014
Misty magic of the mountain dew
Drops so fragile and resilient
Drops hanging from the tips of leaves,
drops rolling down the blades of grass
Drops that linger upon the spider’s web
like a jewel of many splendored diamonds
Indestructible in its fragility
Beautiful as only a Trap can be.
Trap for the poor insect but palace
for the majestic spider crafting a
Cosmos of dexterity that decides
the fates of many lowly creatures
that are food and play for the
majestic spider with his many legs
and his spindle craft. The disdain
that he spills for the two legged
cripples as he dances upon his
agile ten legs casting inviting
nets of Hope and Death.
Death of the living who pity the Dead
Not knowing the ******* of life and freedom of Death.

The Only striving worth its name is to strive for death from which there is no resurrection. A Death so complete that it frees you of the need to exist. When you are free from the need to spin webs that are cast to trap. One who traps cannot leave the web either, trapped into his own trap.

Without setting a trap there is neither work, food nor play. So the trap has to be crafted with one’s heart strings of love, pain and ecstasy.

Décor not of diamonds but drops of ecstasy that only those steeped in love can smell. A trap that drips with juices of life that flood away the fears of death. Such an overflow of life that defies death and touches the Beyond Here and Now. Such a honey trap when you shake, drops of life will fall not unto Death but into the Beyond.

Veils of misty myopia
Cocoon one with the warmth
of blindness beautiful
The beauty of a leaf, flower,
light, shadow, breast, hair
The myopic mist makes it all fair
You may burn your way
through these veils of mist
O’Beloved trust me
Behold my spirit in your Heart
Hold my hand in love
Become an ecstatic drip
That will let you flow unto the Beyond.
Written by my guru
May 2014 · 1.2k
vamsi sai mohan May 2014
May 2014 · 1.2k
vamsi sai mohan May 2014
My moirai has cursed me for bumping into you on late,
albeit it is a curse,I texture it as a mot blessing,
as my experiences now shall be blossomed with our confluences,
and my fantasies shall emulate our trysts......
vamsi sai mohan May 2014
May 2014 · 1.9k
U for Unilateralis cordyceps
vamsi sai mohan May 2014
U for Unilateralis Cordyceps. The fungus enters an ant's body through its respiration. It invades it's brain and changes how it perceives smell, because ants do everything they do from their smell of pheromones, right? So this microscopic little fungal spore, then makes the ant climb up the stem of a plant and bite ******* a leaf, with an abnormal force. The fungus then kills the ant, and continues to grow, leaving the ant's exoskeleton intact. So, a small fungus drives an ant around as a vehicle, uses it as food and shelter and then as the ultimate monument to itself. And when the fungus is ready to reproduce, its fruiting bodies grow from the ant's head and rupture releasing the spores, letting the wind carry them to more unsuspecting food. There, our entire idea of free will down the bin.

One single small fungus spore does that to an ant. You have trillions of bacteria in your body. How do you know where you end, and where your environment begins.

We invent God, soul... heaven, afterlife...even life-imitating technology, all sorts of transcendence to cope with the idea of an absolute end. And then, we die for an idea that promises us some sort of immortality.
Ship of theseus....
Apr 2014 · 368
vamsi sai mohan Apr 2014
An ancient land
Where Man learned to excel
Without having to propel
himself away from the
Principles that maketh
life process and the universe

A land where man was not
eager to do his own will
but to fulfill the will of the divine

He grew in knowing and learning
to enhance himself into an
exuberance of intelligence and emotion
Enshrined the carnal and the divine
Delved deep into the innards
of creation, deciphered the primordial
mastered the melody and the math
of music of sound and all its
manifestations. Above all
found the doors of freedom
Assured of final freedom
Came to an ease and beauty
Where life was not burden but
a Bounty. A copious production
of effulgent and gentle beings
occurred. Masculine and feminine
found their fulfillment and
went Beyond. An ideal prey
for the brutal forces from
Bha meaning sensation, that is the basis of all experience and expression; Ra meaning Raga, the tune and texture of life; Ta meaning Tala, the rhythms of life, which involve both rhythms of the human system and nature.
Apr 2014 · 394
Intangible truth
vamsi sai mohan Apr 2014
Apr 2014 · 387
In this echoless aura......
vamsi sai mohan Apr 2014
The way I look at you,and                    
The way you don't look at me.            
intrigues me to the extent of insanity,
I love the way you try to evade me,    
bearing the smile at the verge of your lips,with the eyes darting hastily,and throwing the glances at interims of your breath,                                                        
trying to not to look at me desperately,
bearing the contradictions in your mind,
You do have a hunch,I guess,
Perhaps it is not to see me
but to perceive that I see you
It baffles me bluntly over the way
You manage to juggle with the other thoughts when I see you,where as in me,
the only thought that impulses is yours, May I dote on you in this echoless aura...........
Mar 2014 · 465
Rampant beauty
vamsi sai mohan Mar 2014
She is the raconteur.
Her presence is boisterous,
Words lack to depict her beauty,
Or does it relish the redundancy.
She is the replica of rapture.
The eternity that is encapsulated in her eyes.
Her benevolence is bolstering,
Her gestures are sporadically jesting,
Her looks are lavish,
Her voice is tranquilizing,
Her touch is tingling,
Her walks are wallowing,
when she strolls in the street,
entangled eyes ogle at her.
(her dimpled face,her cramped dress)
This persuasion is to her as
She leans herself in his arms,
With her neck unbend on his shoulder,
and strand of hair leaping on his lips,
as she then aligns herself  poking him passionately,
admist gazes with her enlarged engulfing eyes,
by which he is transfixed and couldn't answer her no more
when she questions him "How do I look",
With the wry suggestive smile on her visage....
Mar 2014 · 2.0k
vamsi sai mohan Mar 2014
Ever starts
Never ends
Some feelings don't fall apart,

Into the nothingness;
Unto the non-existence;
(which doesn't contradict with existence)
Detach from the self-centric universe,
ubiquitous nothingness.

Never you could me,
Nor could mine be you,
Yet we are endowed with insanity,
The innate insanity that secretes love.....
vamsi sai mohan Mar 2014
Shallow my hear
excurse my heart

Wind is withering,
mind is masquerading,
heads are nudging,
hands are roving,
fingers are clasping,
lips are clenching,
breathe is meddling,
smile is smothering,
looks are prodding,
eyes are staring,
tears are tinging,
(ascent of eyelashes,
descent of eyebrows)
bodies are blending,
skin is sweating,
nimble is my mind,
yet the thought is yours,

Shallow my hear
excurse my heart..... .
Mar 2014 · 639
vamsi sai mohan Mar 2014
The wandering wind bangs your hair,
then the glossy hair sways into your visage.
you wipe it back but then
it still retrieves its vicinity,
you blew the breath from your nether lip
such that the lower jaw leading
and the obsessive arena exists,
the undulating hair gets back into the realm,
sensing the resonance of the breath.
Bumped into the wind anew it salvages,
the more you adjust it,
the more it ensues.
what is that?Is that the repercussions of love?
Is the hair smitten with you or
Is it the enamour of the wind or Is it both?
the latent expression of love from the nature,
so does my love....
let me the wandering wind that is winding into your hair...

— The End —