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Mar 2016 · 284
Val Mar 2016
All the "I love you's and you're my world" were just lies.
"Forever and always" were just a joke to you
The "you're my one and only, my whole world" that was just a game
You just wanted to **** with me and the sad thing is, it worked
Nov 2014 · 586
What You Used To Be
Val Nov 2014
You used to be my sweet escape
You used to be my favorite place
Now all you are is my last mistake
You let me fall for you
With no attentions of catching me
You told me lies and I fell for them
Just like I fell for you
I guess that's my fault
My fault that I believed you was different
When in reality you was just like the rest
You are no longer my sweet escape
You are no longer my favorite place
All you are is my last mistake
That I should have never fallen for
Nov 2014 · 604
Val Nov 2014
She just  sits there
Staring out the window
Wondering if she will ever be good enough
Wondering what the point is anymore
Wondering if she disappeared if anyone would notice, if they would care
Or if they would just go on about their day like normal, like nothing ever happened      
She just sits there          
Staring out the window
Nov 2014 · 454
They Are Back
Val Nov 2014
They are back and I am terrified
Its like a black hole that you can't get away from      
They won't leave me alone
They make me think and feel terrible
They tell me I will never be good enough
Tell me I am not worth it
That I should just end it and no one would care
Maybe they are right, maybe not
That I do not know, but one thing I do know is
I want them to leave me and never come back
Cause I'm tired of feeling this way
Nov 2013 · 404
Val Nov 2013
He is the reason why I am still here
He is the reason why i want to wake up
He has saved me and don't even know it
He makes me smile, laugh,and want to live
He is the reason why I believe in love
He is the reason for all this and much more
Nov 2013 · 906
His Ringtone
Val Nov 2013
She picks up her phone
She just wants to hear his voice
Wants him to know how much she loves him
Wants him to understand why she has to do it
He doesn't pick up,she picks up the razor
She cant take it anymore
She slices one cut for every hate she got
The more she cut, the deeper they got
She wishes he would call before it is too late
Before she knew it she cut too deep
She hit the vein, now it is too late
The last thing she heard was a ringtone....
His ringtone
Nov 2013 · 394
3 Weeks and 5 Days
Val Nov 2013
In 3 weeks and 5 days everything is gonna change.
In 3 weeks and 5 days he will be gone.
It's gonna be hard not seeing him everyday
Checking up on him making sure he is okay.
My whole world is gonna change in just 3 weeks and 5 days and I don't won't it too
Oct 2013 · 356
Val Oct 2013
He is the reason I am still here
He is the reason why I want to wake up
He has saved me and he don't even know it
He makes me smile, laugh, and want to love
He is the reason for all of this and many more
Oct 2013 · 451
Too Late
Val Oct 2013
She picks up her phone
She just wants to hear his voice one last time
Wants him to know how much she loves him
Wants him to understand why she has to do it
He doesn't pick up the phone so she picks up the razor
She can't take all the hate anymore
She slices one cut for every name she was called
For every punch she got, for all the hurt she received
She wishes he would call to save her before it is too late
Before she knew it she went too deep
She hit the vein and it was finally all over
The last thing she heard was a ringtone...
His ringtone.....
Jul 2013 · 292
Val Jul 2013
Do you hear her?
She is calling out your name.
You are the only one that can save her.
She is only calling for you to help her. Save her.
Will you find and help her before its to late?
Jul 2013 · 359
Val Jul 2013
She sits all alone in the dark wondering if she will ever be good enough for anyone
She picks up the razor and puts another cut on her wrist. This makes her happy.
She forgets her problems for a minute while she watches the blood go down her arm.
She asks her self "When will people care? Why am I even here? What's the point?"
She puts yet another cut but this one deeper than the others. She likes the feeling.
She does it over and over again. Before she knows it there is a puddle of blood at her feet.
The blood won't stop. She knows she has gone to far. This is finally the end.
She starts to wonder if anyone will save her or if anyone will even notice she is gone.
She starts to feel weak and her legs give out. She falls to the ground.
She hears someone coming. They open the door and gasp. They try to help but it to late.
She is gone. She is finally Happy.

— The End —