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Under every breath was an apology
for daring to share
the same air as you
the radiant rose in bloom
And I the falling, clinging dew
im not so sure i believe in fate
but i have no doubt that
i was in the right place at
the right time
when your eyes first burned
right through mine
another time,
a different place
and i probably
would have never recognized
your grace

i dont know if i should thank
Fate or the stars or God
for aligning our paths but ive
never been more certain,
i want you and i (us) to last
longer than the light from
long-dead stars that continues
to race through space
searching for a set of eyes to
validate the existence of stars
that no longer are

and like that light that continues
to shine though it source
no longer exists

your smouldering eyes haunt
my mind,
and my passion for you
will forever persist
remember me as a mighty river emptying itself, unalterable, unbodily
if there is
anything beautiful
about my breakdown
it is because
were the cause
i can feel the
summertime restlessness
creeping in
and i find myself
with the places
ive been
and the place
i am in,
distant lands
whose names
i dont know
call for me
(and soon
ill go)
youre the reason
i cant sleep -
nights spent
vainly counting sheep
as i attempt
to delete
all the memories
i cant keep
(every memory youve
and when
sheer will dont do
i try
to drown my mind
to be rid
of you

your intensity
got the best of me
but now
id ****
to feel anything
at all
when the sunlight
kisses my shoulder
i find myself wondering
if maybe
thats what your
lips feel like

but you are
not confined
to the light,
i feel you
even in the night

the harshest storms
are like sunshowers
youre the silver lining
in my downpour

(and i find myself
reaching out to you
for more)
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