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Nov 2013 · 645
Uzee Nov 2013
Oft do I find myself
Stumbling at the door
Leading to the memories
That I shut myself from

Oft do I think
To turn the **** over; rather trigger
Let the memories explode through
Pierce through me ; devouring until I'm no more

Oft do I think
Why I contain em anyhow
Since either way it kills
On either side of the door

Keeping them put on one side
Hole in heart bothers quite more
Feels empty and restless
This abyss consumes whole

Whilst letting em run on one side
Brings urge to feels, see,  hear her
Failing ; this slowly kills from inside out
This pain I feel more

THOUGH oft do I think
Passing out whilst reminiscing
Would me much more sweeter
Than passing out with
Uzee Nov 2013
These         little       moments      that      always      bring
little          feelings    which        crave        her          sight
moments    which     bring           her        words      back
that            crave         her           voice         so           stirring
always        her         words          so      beguilingly  deceitful
bring         sight         back       stirring     deceitful   despair
Oct 2013 · 524
Uzee Oct 2013
oft do I wonder
how tiniest of the things
can make biggest of the difference
lit a smile on the face ; of someone you care
and how sometimes these tiny things
can bring about despair
and hope that stings
oft   do   i
Aug 2013 · 685
Uzee Aug 2013
with the silence ill confess the truth
bound within the crooked lips for it lies
drenching away the slightest of the ruth
stuttering unspoken words
echoing silent cries
gushing blood
heart shook
Jun 2013 · 1.1k
Uzee Jun 2013
since the enchanted dream
In the night i saw
my insides are twitching
craving to draw

the exquisite meadow
luxuriant with wonders
cumulus clouds
narrowing in row

whence the water
Hastily sprang
hushing rapids
melodiously sang

prismatic reflection deceitfully shifts
the way the birds chanted in bliss

crimson sky
vibrant pattern it formed
beguiling wind
something it want

left me wonderstruck
rolling in stream
I glided the fall
ended the dream
Jun 2013 · 691
and hope fade away..
Uzee Jun 2013
swooshed the wind right through me
as bleakly whispered in my ear
the unspoken muzzy words
left my stun as they steer

for now I knew something
I knew not before
as I saw the utmost ray of hope
consumed by the darkness
craving for more

such was its haste
mollifying the very urge
just like sun relieves its ray
right at its verge
Jun 2013 · 815
Uzee Jun 2013
For a single glimpse of your face
sickly this heart craves
Dear falling in love with you
Has put me in a sickness so grave

sired by your mesmerizing eyes
spellbound by your ravishing smile
dear this heart thinks of no one else
will do anything to light that smile

the unforgettable moment,
the very first sight
when I got held by ur exquisite face
dear im still stupefied
by its gravity's might....

still do I think how I fell for you,
the incorrigible thirst to be by your side,
developed the moment I saw you,
Since then to absorb the gleam of your face,  
Dear do I strive,

I cannot simply describe this feeling
dear ur name round my heart looms
will love u till i'm breathing
All I can say is that I'm consumed...
this is the first poem
I ever wrote....
Jun 2013 · 717
two words ...
Uzee Jun 2013
how happened?
how drove ?
is delusion ??
is love??

none said
none done
face red
heart run

repeated glance
lasting bliss
unknown stance
notional kiss

innocent look
deceitful glare
heart shook
moment rare

feelings heightened
heart numb
eyes stunned
brain dumb

looks exchanged
heart faint
presence staged
sense taint

head rumble
must struggle
feet stumble;

talk plan
all crumbled

gone soon
like wind
left along
feelings bing
Jun 2013 · 1.3k
bewitching dream
Uzee Jun 2013
this sick,  euphoric feeling
despite destortion is bold
gate to enchanted world unveiling
so intense and cold

that angel throughout the night I've been dreaming
am I oblivious of something?
since even in the limbo ; her mesmeric presence I had been feeling

hovering abruptly with its flaky wings
swooshing tepidly ; gradual and low
even the fragile of its touch stings
so disruptive and slow

showering illusionary dream ;
gentle whispers
kissing with the crimson lips;
firmly clustered

my shriveled face effervescent
her elated aura phosphorescent

sudating through the very pores
deluded ;
was this really a dream
had I not been in a state so worse
with the prismatic love stream
Uzee May 2013
harbouring virtuousity,  curious to express
exhibiting,  she firmly held the pen
to jot down the mystic emotion,
the exquisite dream
oblivious of the mounting stress
the dissipating words recklessly fading
confused up wit
unable to sought down, the oblivion of sleep

knew not what to indite
unable to contemplate the very dream
but thoughtfully only was such the fuddled sapidness
the psychic images ; a subtle dream

dreary eyes
thirstily awaited
till the very amnesia faded

for the sole muzzy feeling,  this the only manifest
suffice the unenviable question
whence crept the feeling?
whence the love aviate?
where rested the answer?

sudden diaphanous streak
stroke sorely to the pounding wit
paralyzing her for the moment being

the sudden egest
whatever the persistent burden

for now
them thoughts voyaged operosely

beyond the abyssal pupil now dwelt
the glamorous face, snowy heavenly dress..  
the very words ; euphoric conversation
lasting gentle tepid touch
that had dourly crept and haunted
throughout the delusive night...

penned down
finally incurred
May 2013 · 496
always in my heart
Uzee May 2013
Dwells she in a place known
Where craving's most unlikely to be prone
Sings there she oft
Plays with my heartbeat a lot
Her voice in there suffice
The fragile warmth lies
Dwells she in my heart
My love
First and last
May 2013 · 1.5k
Uzee May 2013
slightest of her sight
was such it's gravity's might
wholly my heart shook
such was that compelling look

left me utterly sired
tangled like a tainted wire
heart crumbling
feet stumbling

blind by her aura's light
such was it's bright
my heart melodiously sings
trapped by her angelic wings

like she came from pretty moon
for me was she a boon
her rolling eyes something they meant
for I was hypnotized by her saccharin scent

wore exquisite crimson dress
that showered roses with zest

I knew one thing for sure
this love was veritably pure
no dream no fantasy this was
to aquire you my only devoted cause..
May 2013 · 693
left me undone...
Uzee May 2013
as I squint my eyes to the sun
the virile rays that run
straight through my eyes leaving me stun
still no harm done

the kaleidoscopic memories start to run
pouring through my eyes,  so much we had fun
played back , threw laughter while we punned
damage done

the agonizing feeling that still runs
all those elated times when I should have sung
the lyrics , the melody of my heart's feeling
and them unspoken words
indeed hath left me undone..

without you im in an indescribable state..
crumbling inside my heart has started to dilapidate..
the hole in my chest is an abyss
before i perish give me a goodbye kiss....
May 2013 · 640
if you were...
Uzee May 2013
If u were....

if thou were the star
ill be thy moon
will watch you glisten
thee an idyllic boon

if thou were the sky
ill be the ocean
to reach the end I'll pry
we'll meet at the horizon

if thou were the sun
ill be thy sunflower
towards your glamour I will turn
on your setting will I lour

if thou were a heart
ill be thy beat
our love ; a rhythmic art
will perish together
but our love will never fall apart
May 2013 · 801
Her Grace
Uzee May 2013
skimming the crowd,
was I looking for a face
a face that soothes the soul
pretty **** recherché

some while it has been
since last absorbed that face...
face to solace my eyes
pretty **** grace

took long not
for my eyes to get lock on
lock-on on that face
behind which stroke the sun

as I squinted my eyes
all I felt was the beam
which engraved that silhouette on my heart
the silhouette of that face
Pretty recherché

**** that grace...
**** that grace..
May 2013 · 485
moon's love
Uzee May 2013
Beneath the sky as I stand
Reaching out for the moon
For the moon's love is the strongest
To them stars love the moon
Not getting to touch its love
It still loves them life
For it only feels their light
Feintest sight
Bestow me some of ur patience
For such is the love
Not being able to reach out to them
But still love them life...
So i reach out to the moon......
May 2013 · 559
them clouds
Uzee May 2013
Shines faintly the sun
The deceitful warmth that runs
Before the clouds took a heavy breath
Sighed deeply to absorb in the rays depth

— The End —