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  Dec 2021 avery
Elizabeth Kelly
If you are seeking
May you find what you’re looking for
And if you don’t find what you’re looking for
May you be found by what is seeking you
avery Dec 2021
do you know anything about yourself
or is it a distraction, for attention
Do you love yourself, or the things people convinced you that you are
how would someone even know themselves if all they know is what they’re told
all they think about, must be crazy
no matter how much time I spend with myself, in the end I’m more interested in you
avery Dec 2021
oh the places I’ll go
I knew I’d end up where I need
No matter if it’s where I want
No use in fighting it, that hurts
Throw yourself into the waves and teach yourself to swim
Don’t be too scared of the sharks before you’ve laid eyes on the reef
Show them you can, show them you care
Do it out of spite, do it out of hate
Find the drive, don’t crash the car
Get bit, bite back
Return stronger, taller
avery Oct 2021
where are you going? who are you with?
who do you call? for how long?
why do you walk like that, talk like that..
read like that, write like that..
converse with them, why do I?
how did I find you, and you me
beehive, anthill, sky
city, town, school..
who are you,
where did you come from?
Speaking of the general public, eye contact references the feeling of minuscule in the world, around your peers and friends and subordinates and superiors. the wonder of complication in other people's lives and pity or fascination by it. the love for the world and the range of feelings and activities in it. the library and the number of strangers I see every day here. it's fun to watch them and see where they go, how they pass me. I am in their lives for only a few minutes and yet, I still think about them for way longer than they probably think bout me.
avery Oct 2021
Sanity comes with being bothered
Not caring
Not worrying
Not glancing
Is insane
Is for the psychopaths

Fast flashes fall leaves fly by
I don’t see them until I say to cry
I love my mom
I have good grades
I am happy but
I broke my marble
avery Oct 2021
One day our world may end
I don’t need another lover
avery Oct 2021
Notice me
Sit with me
Talk with me
Learn with me
Grow with me
See with me

Know everything about me
How high I like my benches
How green I like my grass
How small I like my spiders

Climb with me
Scratch with me
Fall with me
See where I put my footholds
Bleed where I do

Wash my clothes
Make me food
Finish my thoughts

There’s so few who could, who wants to.
hard to find
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