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May 2019 · 325
Urmila May 2019
White noise et al,
In a moment I won’t know you, and you won’t know me,
Time and its arbitrary hinges,
Fate and its random decisions,
Led us to becoming family,
And until blood flows through these mortal veins,
I will love the whole of you,
I will be grateful
Mar 2018 · 664
Tomorrow 2.0
Urmila Mar 2018
Silent crier,
These words are for you,
Let them comfort you,
That’s what they’re meant to do,
This trouble that engulfs you,
Won’t last forever,
Happy days that follow,
Won’t stay forever,
In the momentary illusion of fleeting joy and sorrow,
Look up to the sky,
Remember there is tomorrow
Mar 2018 · 345
Thank You, Stephen
Urmila Mar 2018
A peculiar smile,
Eyes bright,  
About Stephen Hawking,
I dare write
According to him,
It may be -
In another universe,
He is friends with me,
Perhaps that explains,
This feeling of loss,
In microgravity he floats,
Furthering his cause,
Selfishly I think -
After life will be okay now,
With Stephen there,
Figuring how,
An exceptional intellect,
As the world knows,
He was much more,
His humour shows,
Seemingly “wheelchair bound”,
Nothing stopped him,
He knew black hole sounds!
Thank you,
The man who studied time -
I hope somewhere,
You’re reading this rhyme
Mar 2018 · 672
Moon Gazing with You
Urmila Mar 2018
Eyes on the moon,
Fingers intertwined,
A near complete, peace of mind
Jan 2018 · 11.5k
A Prophecy of Love
Urmila Jan 2018
Within my soul I’ve found yours
Are they different?
They are one, they are one with the cosmos,
But our sub souls have a strong gravity acting on them,
A gravity unexplained by science,
A gravity we’ve chosen to name love,
Scientifically oxytocin creates this feeling, but oxytocin is a by product of this very gravity,
What we choose to believe is up to us
The sky is blue
Love is the fifth dimension
A day will come, far far away,
A collective surge of this gravity,
Will pull all creatures together,
There will be no anti love - no hunger no wars,
This dimension we only experienced in parts,
Will save us from our own destruction
Nov 2017 · 483
Disappointments (10w)
Urmila Nov 2017
On the menu tonight,
You have some,
You serve some
Sep 2017 · 378
Everything Will Be Fine
Urmila Sep 2017
All these crazy thoughts,
Present through the day, just undistracted right now

And I hear you breathe, sleeping next to me,
And everything is okay
Sep 2017 · 645
12.21 AM
Urmila Sep 2017
Why must I write?
When there's so much better,
Prose, poetry, free styling words,
So much more elaborate,
So beautifully knit together,
While I create patchworks of rhymes, and reason,
This silence would ****,
This inability to express to people,
Because paper patiently listens,
Because this desire-less life feels a little lived when pen meets paper,
But I don't write in ink,
Charcoal let's me rethink,
Who knows what's going to happen next,
And if you did, what would you really do differently?
Can you escape yourself?
Wherever you go, there you are
Sep 2017 · 377
Afford me Your Truth
Urmila Sep 2017
Truth comes at a price,
And I have emptied my purse to you,
I have offered my soul to the devil,
Tell me what else I can do
Waiting for an airplane at the train station?
Jul 2017 · 769
Urmila Jul 2017
Cannot overemphasise the importance of never giving up,
If you believe in a cause, a person, an idea, with every cell in your body,
No matter what logic and books and your friends and the internet may say,
If you have faith in something,
You owe it to yourself, and the object of your belief,
To fight -
Every hurdle in your way,
And if that hope and belief survives every hurdle...

So will you
It's not time to give up; it will never be.
Jun 2017 · 704
Pieces of Madness (10w)
Urmila Jun 2017
This brokenness,
is our oneness,
I don't want a cure
Cannot decipher whether you are my addiction or my medication.
Jun 2017 · 517
Sad Little Weakling
Urmila Jun 2017
At one point in time, you just want to surrender,
Accept that you're weak,
Maybe you were never strong to begin with,
All you want is...

Defeat (relief)
May 2017 · 459
Dark Matter
Urmila May 2017
It's funny just today,
You asked me, "you're an expert in picking dark chocolate, right?"
I guess I am the master of everything bitter,
And to you, it is starting to show
I like my coffee bitter, black water with no sugar, maybe I transcend that into the people I love too. So go away, I do not want to make you bitter.
May 2017 · 370
Picture Perfect(shun)
Urmila May 2017
I thought I could paint you a new picture,
Smiles, giggles, hugs and kisses,
I wanted a picture perfect life for you, with me,
For me, with you,
We've had those moments,
I am sure those were what they call ~heaven on earth~
And I love you, I do,
But day by day and everyday, my love,
I think, I feel, you'd be happier without me,
And I still want that picture perfect life,
For you, for you
May 2017 · 1.0k
Why Can't I Lie (10w)
Urmila May 2017
An inconvenient life,
A commitment to being honest,
Bad idea
May 2017 · 676
Hold Me
Urmila May 2017
Take me into you, mind and body alike,
Tired of this world, in your arms I seek respite,
You may shiver, of the cold within thyself, and my frigidity,
But still hold me close,
Believe me it's a necessity,
My bones may thaw, in the warmth of your embrace,
And if they don't, at least my tears may melt within you, some cold, aloof space,
You are the alpha and omega, the very breath my lungs inhale,
You are the rhythm in my beating veins,
Tired, of all the functions living entails
So hold me, love, let me be in your arms until time stops,
Don't ask me to move, keep me, just until the ball drops
May 2017 · 309
Lost and Found (10w)
Urmila May 2017
Ever so often
Do I find myself
Lost in you
May 2017 · 372
Empty Words
Urmila May 2017
That's the thing about words,
To some they mean the depth of the ocean,
To others they're the emptiness of conch shells,
Merely manifesting ocean sounds
Apr 2017 · 409
That Headache
Urmila Apr 2017
A constant headache,
A perpetual frown,
I can't even hide it anymore,
Everything is going down
I keep quiet,
For fear the words will be acid,
Garbage thoughts in a swollen head,
Silent storms in waters placid,
A dry throat, an empty heart,
Deep in the abyss,
Far from the start
Take me in, devour me once and for all,
Shoot me, take away the pain,
Go ahead, please don't stall
Apr 2017 · 1.1k
To my Sister
Urmila Apr 2017
I always seem to miss you,
When I am a little sad
I don't always tell you this,
For fear it'll sound bad

But I miss you in sadness,
Not for cheering up,
I miss you in sadness,
For we drink from the same cup

These lines don't make much sense,
As most of life does not,
I'm just missing you right now,
Knowing you'd understand my thought
Mar 2017 · 922
Nobody Won
Urmila Mar 2017
And in the end,
It didn't matter,
How much I love you,
How much you love me,
Heck it didn't even matter how I love you,
Or how you love me,
You're fighting your battles,
I'm playing with my demons,
And it doesn't matter how much I want to throw it all away,
to hold you close,
You are an unyielding force,
I'm a relentless addict,
And in the end,
Nobody wins
Jan 2017 · 672
Urmila Jan 2017
What should I tell you,
That I haven't already?

What I should I give you,
That you don't have already?

Guardian of my sanity,
I have lost everything to you,

What a great loss I've had,
For I've finally found you,

I have nothing left,
No abundance to offer you from,

I am but an empty pitcher,
I hope you will drink from
Jan 2017 · 501
Erebus 2.0
Urmila Jan 2017
There is only so much I can do from the outside,
Your life is yours alone, as much as I'd like to think we share it,
We don't

You smile and laugh, put on a show,
Sometimes I laugh along,
That's the only chance you won't let me go

These barricades and fences,
Put up around your heart,
I can see through them!
But can't tear them apart

In a bulletproof vest,
I'll fight with you
And one day, a long time away,
We will see this through
Oct 2016 · 709
Urmila Oct 2016
Are there ruins in your head?
Where I see treasures
Is there pain in your eyes?
Where I see hue lit sunsets
Is there darkness in your heart?
Where I see fear
Is there a secret in your laughter?
Where I hear tomorrows
Is there deceit in your words?
Where I see promises
Is there armoury in your arms,
Where I find comfort
Is there anything real?
Where I have built air castles
Is there hope?
In those ruins, that pain, darkness, laughter, words, arms,
all that I am hopelessly in love with
Oct 2016 · 402
Urmila Oct 2016
Am I that see through?
Do you always know what's running in my mind?
Do I smile too much?
Do you think that's all there is;
Whatever meets the eye is all there could be?
Is that what I think?
Am I questioning you to question me?
Is the world spinning around or am I?
Oct 2016 · 378
Urmila Oct 2016
You say you love all those things,
Things I know you're very fond of,
And then you say you love me,
And suddenly I'm not sure you grasp what that word means to me
Good night
Oct 2016 · 385
Urmila Oct 2016
When they come for me,
They'll find me alone,
No lover, no friend, no mother,
And I will rejoice,
To be in that state,
Unchained from clutches,
Memories erased,
I care not if you later remember,
And regret you didn't let me be,
You forced me to surrender,
Made a puppet of me,
No I won't care,
That you thought me a fool,
Label all you want,
Make yourself feel cool,
I've believed your lies,
And I've fought for you,
And the real **** up is,
I'd do it again too
Oct 2016 · 392
What to Do
Urmila Oct 2016
A hole in the gut,
And a gut feeling,
Do you trust the apparently holy?
Sep 2016 · 1.4k
You are My World
Urmila Sep 2016
The planets bend between us,
Stars sparkle in your eyes,
A great gravity pulls me to you,
Your smile becomes sunrise
There is no sense of time,
No space in between,
Just a world of possibilities,
Magic we've never seen
Sep 2016 · 385
Lost Morning
Urmila Sep 2016
My mind is in too many places right now,
Don't worry, you're with me in all of them.
Aug 2016 · 1000
Urmila Aug 2016
A whirlwind of emotions -
I'm feeling cold,
I'm feeling warm,
Maybe it's the insomnia talking,
But all I want right now,
Is a cyclone -
A whirlpool that takes us both away,
To a quiet place,
Where it's only you and me,
While we're young and wild and free
Aug 2016 · 392
Constantly Push Away
Urmila Aug 2016
It's funny,
This momentary sense of loneliness,
I push people away,
And miss them when they're gone,
Or is it just being with them that I miss?
But it's all the same,
A passing thought,
That's all, most everyone is,
Except you, constant
Aug 2016 · 350
I Write in Vain (10w)
Urmila Aug 2016
Could never perfectly sum up all that I feel
Aug 2016 · 429
Urmila Aug 2016
You look at me with hope,
I look at you with disbelief,
That look in your eyes is the purest thing I've ever seen,
I want to cover you up in a blanket of love,
Guard you from everything bad,
Kiss your eyes and fix your scars,
But I find myself holding back,
For you're an angel,
And I'm not sure I deserve the honour of loving you...
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