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4.2k · Aug 2013
...its not just a word
Elizabeth Frost Aug 2013
I wish Americans spoke Greek.
Did you know that there is more
Than one word for
Love, in the Greek language?
Agape. Eros. Storge.
And Philia.

Unconditional love.
I cannot even
Comprehend. How much
Love that is.
Unlimited. Unrestricted.
That's how all love should be.

Passionate love.
Sensual, emotional,
Romantic love.
The physical side...
Of love.
Intense, this kinda love
Needs a while to come out.
Don't rush.

Love as affection.
Parents love their children,
Wives love their husbands.
Acceptance into a
Special place in someone's heart.
Familial bonds. Caring love.

And Philia.
Loyalty to others,
Mental love.
This is the love between friends.
The love of objects,
And places, etc.
Not unconditional,
Not passionate,
Not affectionate. But just,

Our one word,
Love, is broken into
Four words.
I want to be Greek,
I want people to know what
Kinda of love I mean,
When I say,
"I love you."
To people.
2.0k · Jul 2014
Be my batman , my hero .
Elizabeth Frost Jul 2014
I really wish my best friends were like batman.
I would just throw up a signal and they would come rushing to my side when I need them.
This is the signal.

I need you now, but you won't know.
You won't ever know.
Maybe months from now.

I cant just pick up a phone and call.
"hey, its been a bad day."
That's imposing on their life and that's so rude.
Tell me what to do before I let myself.
1.4k · Aug 2013
I'm such an idiot.
Elizabeth Frost Aug 2013
I'm such an idiot
going Crazy over
Him. such and Idiot.
he's never going to talk
To me ever Again. I
doubt he ever Will.
I probably scared Him.
Or maybe I'm just too
Weird. he'd make a Great
friend. I kinda hoped we
were Friends after that night.
But i'm such an idiot.

i want to Disappear, maybe
block him so I can Hide from the
shame. I have no confidence.
it's about Time to cry. i want
to tell His friend to never
Mention me. save me the Embarrassment.

...i'm such an idiot...
870 · Aug 2013
I Sometimes Worry...
Elizabeth Frost Aug 2013
I sometimes worry...

Like a mother worries
When her toddler
Falls and scrapes a knee
And needs a kiss on a

Like a mother worries
When her 6th grader
Gets bullied
And starts thinking
About self-harm.

When her freshman
Stays home all year
Because they don't fit in
With the cool kids.

When their senior
Suffers from a broken heart
And weeps for days
Wishing it had never happened.

When their college bound baby
Goes off to live on their own,
To juggle school, a job and
A life.

Only a mother would
Understand how much
Is the simple origin
Of a lot of
815 · Aug 2013
... <3
Elizabeth Frost Aug 2013

He says that.
to ME.

He says,
"I love you"
So much.

He's unexplainable.

I've only but dreamed..
of the day, when I would be
Someone's... babygirl <3
and Now,
I'm his.
745 · Jul 2014
Elizabeth Frost Jul 2014
Who are you? A princess?
How about a cowgirl?
Maybe even a vampire?

What are you? Kind?
Sort of angry?
Full of love?

You are you. And unless you let others know.
You may never show who you are.
You will be their judgement,
Their rude remarks, you will be the empty comments,
You will be whatever they make you into.
Be you and don't let other people sculpt who you are.
It was the biggest mistake of my life.

I'm a princess, waiting in a tower to be swept away by my prince.
I'm a girl, wishing for sleepovers, manicures and movie nights with friends.
I'm a mother, looking for my children who I will love with my whole being.
I'm more than they think. I'm more than they say I am.
They are not me and I'm done with this life.
I want to be happy.
730 · Nov 2013
Drugs kill...
Elizabeth Frost Nov 2013

You aren't my drug,

Yet I'm addicted to you.
The music you love
Fuels the fire inside of me.
You aren't my drug.

Still I'm addicted to
'Babygirl' when it rolls off your tongue.
You aren't my drug.

But I'm addicted to
Vivid dreams of your warmth, overpowering the shivers that keep me awake at night.
You aren't my drug.

And I'm addicted to
The magic you disperse throughout days of despair.
You aren't my drug.

I am addicted. To
The simple 'I freaking love you.'
You are not my drug.

Drugs ****, and you
Make me alive as can be.
714 · Dec 2013
Elizabeth Frost Dec 2013
I stole a paper yesterday.
It was taped on a mirror,
in the girl's bathroom at school.

Do you know,
Do you know what it said?
I wanted to cry because, it was
so true.

"Warning.  Reflections in this mirror
may be distorted due to society's
interpretation of beauty."


I almost balled my eyes out
because I wish what I saw,
in that mirror, wasn't what
I was seeing.
700 · Aug 2013
Elizabeth Frost Aug 2013
He loves me...
He loves me not…
White, unflawed rose petals
One by one
Slipping through the air
Into a pool…
Of tears.

If only I could be
Pure and unflawed
Like the rose
From which the petals fall.

He loves me…
He loves me not...
The flower is

Losing its fullness,
It's beauty,
Being torn apart…
It reminds me of something,
But what?

He loves me...
He loves me not...
The last petal has been pulled,
The beauty is no more.

Now the connection has been made.

He loves ME not...
I am the rose,
Being torn apart by love
*Another old poem that I wrote last year*
660 · Aug 2013
Just this guy,
Elizabeth Frost Aug 2013
These feelings inside,
What could they be?
Love, sadness, actually just a sneeze.

Before I sneezed,
I thought something was there.
Love, sadness, maybe I'm just scared.

I just met him,
Why does he make me smile?
Love for sure? we'll see in a while.

He called me beautiful,
Says the sweetest things,
Now his friend's talking about rings!?

That escalated quickly.
Makes my heart flutter,
I'm starving now. Mind's in the gutter.

I've never met anyone like him.
I don't know what to do.
I should talk to someone, but who? ...who?

I'm so mixed on feelings.
This is so foreign.
Elizabeth Frost Aug 2013
My heart wants to break in two.
My search seems hopeless.
Why must life go on like this?

Shall I ever find true love?
Forever alone.
I do not want life like this.

What kind of love shall I find?
Friend love? True love? Love?
Where shall I look for this love?

Is love in a treasure chest?
How about a vase?
Maybe the love is not here.

A man, a beautiful man,
What is love really?
Is love a beautiful man?

If I do not know love, then,
How shall I find it?
How is love supposed to feel?

Butterflies in my stomach?
Too shy to speak words?
Rosie red cheeks when he smiles?

That is the love I dream of.
A beautiful man.
Why can't this sweet dream come true?

I can imagine him now,
Soft enough to hug,
Warm enough to cuddle with.

Why is he still in my head?
Why do I believe?
My love shall never be real.

I need to stop while I can.
Dreams out the window.
Now back to reality.
*this is an old poem I wrote last year*
604 · Jul 2014
Elizabeth Frost Jul 2014
I guess I just do it out of

I just love too much...
My psychologist even told me.

They hurt me when they break promises,
but I don't know what to think.
I just put on my brave face and do what is best.

This poem isn't poetic.
No metaphors or some deep meaning.
It's just my guilt.
I love too much.
589 · Aug 2013
Title of a love poem.
Elizabeth Frost Aug 2013
Movin' too
Tryin' too
It's safe to say
that I already let down
my guard.  

Wonderin' in
I seem desperate.
Worryin' if
he's taken.
when he will

Give him some
space, right?
Don't constantly
message him, right?
I'm trying, but its

I wish I could be
his and he,
583 · Aug 2014
Every minute of every day.
Elizabeth Frost Aug 2014
While the crickets chirps
And the owls hoot,
The bees buzz and
The flowers bloom.

While the stream flows
And the wind whispers,
The sun shines and
The clouds flow.

Every minute of every day,
There is life.
There is life in the world, in me
and in you. So why would I ever leave?

Every minute of every day, I am here.
And I love you.
Elizabeth Frost Aug 2013
i Know we have Spoken
but one Mere night, yet
It felt like Days.
You were the bright
Star that lit Up my Sky
when It was the Darkest.
you made Me smile when
i Wanted to cry.

you made me Feel.
cared for.
Reversed what my Sister
made me Feel.  
turned the Worst night
Into the Best.

I wonder to myself, are you
an Angel? sent from God to
Make me happy?
Welp, when I think of you,
i can't help But to Smile.
Grin, like an Idiot.
^.^ << I use that face
When I talk about

That's my face
i Use when I'm a
grinning idiot.

Welp, I stink at writing
For people.
I've, never
Tried actually.
There's a First
540 · Jul 2014
Still, forever.
Elizabeth Frost Jul 2014
I still miss you so much,
but you know I won't say anything.
It's like this love, or magic touch
that you have. It just makes the world
vanish and everything is okay
While the worries and all whirled
through the wind. I guess you've gown from me,
but that's not at all true on my end.
and so, with my whole  being, I plea...
come back, don't turn off the light
cause that's as sad as a sparrow
who has lost his gift of flight.
I guess my friends are drifting away. I sit alone at lunches, I am not invited to other people's houses anymore and I just feel like I am alone.  They were the one that made me always feel as if I had one friend.... and it feels like she's gone.
536 · Aug 2013
*The Perfection Of Love*
Elizabeth Frost Aug 2013
Why can't love be...
The same for everyone.
A rose,
Beautifully blooming in the spring.
A song,
Quietly hummed in tune.
As in fairytales.
To dry the tears we have shed.
For life-long happiness.
Gone to a new level.
Like love is supposed to be.
A poem, written last year.
518 · Jul 2014
Nobody, but me.
Elizabeth Frost Jul 2014
The wind whispers in my ear
As the trees beckon for my presence.
I need out and I have no one to take me.

Mom's getting loud
My sister is throwing a fit.
I need out but I have no one to help me.

Loneliness leads to bad
My thoughts eat away at my soul.
I need out cause it's getting to me.

He's on the phone,
She's on the phone.
They all are getting people out.
I need out. And nobody knows but me.
Elizabeth Frost Jul 2014
He doesn't compare her to a sunset
Or even a princess, not even a beautiful ocean.

He does it all wrong.

He doesn't hold her hand and kiss her,
Even on the cheek. He just doesn't
"Think about those things".

He does nothing at all.

I wish they would break up or take a break,
But she loves him so much.
A first love is hard to let go...

Not that I would know. Probably ever.
505 · Aug 2013
Why Can't They Understand?
Elizabeth Frost Aug 2013
Tears drip

my Face. In
Sadness. In
Anguish. But
Mostly In
Love. Raw,
True, Love.

Cuts, Blood, Suicidal
Thoughts. Stress.
Depression... Mere
Heartache. All occur in
Many. So very Many of the hearts That
I Love. So very Deeply.

I cannot Bear to
See this, or let Such words
Ring throughout my ears.
This is why I taste Salty
tears So often. nothing I do
can Save them from This
misery. this Hurt.

advice, A listening ear is all I
have To give. and Love. this Is
why i Cry. Not to Prove my love, but
Because I Love.
503 · Aug 2013
*What is Love?*
Elizabeth Frost Aug 2013
Love. Love... Love.
I guess I only ever imagined what Love would be like.
I honestly thought I knew what Love felt like.
I have been told that I
Greatly overuse the words 'I Love you'.
Never did I know, til the day I thought about losing my grandma,
Did I experience Love...
In the moment, when I thought about losing
The one I love the most,
My heart hurt, tears burned my eyes,
&& memories rushed through my head,
In the blink of an eye.
Small became my lungs,
Making the world fade as my breaths
Became shorter.  
My voice was gone and the world,
Just a simple blurr.
For those few hours that I sat in bed,
Thinking about her,
About what I would lose...
And I finally figured out what love feels like.
Last old poem <3
495 · Dec 2013
It's not worth the wait.
Elizabeth Frost Dec 2013
Thought about you today.
Do you know what I would give,
Just to have you call me babe once more?
I can't believe I thought I was special.

I don't know how people can be so patient.
How they can wait for something everyone else already has.
I'm not impatient, just tired.

I just want to sleep anymore.
Let me sleep. It's not worth the wait.

or the pain.
476 · Aug 2013
How can you?
Elizabeth Frost Aug 2013
How can you cut?
When you're so perfect?

How can you burn yourself?
When your skin is clear and beautiful?

How can you drink?
When you were given a life to live?

How can you hurt?
When I love you so much?

Does my love mean
nothing to you?

Rejecting my love,
is what hurts me
the most.
449 · Jun 2014
Elizabeth Frost Jun 2014
I wish I still wrote poetry.
Or even stories... but I'm done.

I'm past the stage in my life where
All I do it hurt because my "friends"
Made me. They told me things that

They were my downfall and I'm done.

432 · Jul 2014
They all won, except me.
Elizabeth Frost Jul 2014
I feel like I've lost her. he won, and
Every else is in on it.

It's sweet, that they are so in love,
But I didn't want to lose her.

We were already drifting,
And now it's official.
I've lost my best friend to the love,
Of her life.
408 · Aug 2013
Who could've knew?
Elizabeth Frost Aug 2013
He says,
L o v e
Y o u"
...but why?

Could it be true?
This is all so new.
I wonder what he means.

Yet, I love him too.
Who could've knew.
He's the man of my dreams.

I really wanna talk to him.
Hear his voice &&
See his cute little face.
But there's no way. And it makes me sad,
That I may never meet, this wonderful
Young man.
377 · Jul 2014
That one friend.
Elizabeth Frost Jul 2014
I'm pretty sure we all have that
one friend...

The one who we have the
best of times with, but very
rarely get to see.

The one who gives the best
advice and is always there, but
never at the same time.

It's like they just vanish, fall
off the face of the earth because they
are so busy with life.

The one you miss every
moment of every day.

I miss you.
Elizabeth Frost Jun 2014
Some day I'll wake up and feel
comfortable in my own skin, and be
Able to wear more than sweatpants and t-shirts.

I'll have clear skin, or
At least not huge red patches and
Craters in my face and feel confident in my "no makeup" motto.

One day I'll feel beautiful and have
Faith in myself and the courage to
Believe, one day I'll have a husband to love and cherish.

Today, I'll try and not dwell on what needs to change before I get there.

— The End —