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Anya Apr 2019
i would have loved
to have been your
for everything
Anya Nov 2017
You’re 3561 miles away from me now
Many people will ask how you got there
More people will ask why you didn’t tell
Because you’re 3561 miles away and I’m not entirely sure I can keep this quiet

Mile 1 was all those days you thought you couldn’t go on
The days where your world was ending and no one saw
The days when everything you loved was lost
So you’re 3561 miles away to keep those memories from rising up

Mile 147 was spent in the hospital
Because you couldn’t handle the pain anymore
You tried to get rid of it yourself
Well they thought you were crazy and they sent you away
So now you’re 3561 miles from all the people who think you’re insane

Mile 836 you were struggling to stay alive
You went through with something when you knew the odds were against you
You didn’t care anymore because life was enough trouble already
But now you’re 3561 miles away because you survived

Mile 2451 you thought up this crazy plan to get rid of everyone
You figured people had enough of you anyway so why not leave
You thought no one loved you and no one cared
Well you thought wrong because I’m still here
But you’re 3561 miles away and I can’t even show you how much I care

Mile 2915 and you’re counting down the days until you’re free
Because you’ll be an adult in six days but that doesn’t matter anymore
You’ll be gone before your birthday comes
And your memory gone faster than that
So now you’re 3561 miles away and can’t remember a **** thing

Mile 3428 and you’re starting to forget everyone you’re leaving behind
You look forward to the new life you’ll have
To all the new people you’ll meet and all the lies you’ll make up about your past
You’ll think of a new name and a new person to embody
And now you’re 3561 miles away from who you were

Mile 3557 you’re almost there
Tossing and turning in the little sleep you get
Overthinking this plan already but there’s no time to change now
You still haven’t told anyone you’re leaving
And you sure as hell haven’t said any goodbyes
You’re 3561 miles away and you didn’t have the decency to tell me you were gone

Mile 3561-this is it
This is where your new life begins
This is where you can forget everything and move on
Forget the ones who’ve cared forget the memories you’ve made
But there will be a day that all the pain swells up and bursts at your seams
Because you’re 3561 miles away and nothing will ever be the same.

-To the one person I’ve cared about the most. 11/5/2017
This is a very personal poem that I wrote. It is about a dear friend of mine that moved away without even telling me she was leaving. It's about the days and months leading up to her move, because deep down I know exactly why she did it and somehow I still don't completely forgive her.
Anya Mar 2019
to fall in love
oh how careless
and eager
of you to do

- how could you be so stupid

Anya Sep 2018
They tell me to "face my fears"
To give up what's important to me
To let myself be loved

I'm told that the knot in my stomach
Is trauma from my past
That it'll all go away once I find love

But I'm scarred and that's what they don't see
The bruises and cuts left on my heart
Feeling too sick to even get out of bed

Maybe facing my fear will better me
Falling in love
Giving my all to that one person should fix me
Anya Sep 2018
i have been asked "what does family mean to you?"
family are the people that haven't treated you like **** your whole life
family are the people who not only give their all to be with you
but the ones who give their all for you
family are the people that show you what true love feels like
because those people love you unconditionally

family does not always mean the ones who share your genes
but sometimes they are the ones who borrow your jeans
they are the friends, neighbors, coworkers, and people you trust the most
the ones who spend every day with you by choice, not by obligation
the ones who show you your flaws without belittling you

family is who you choose, not the ones who were "stuck" with you
Anya Jul 2018
I'm starting to forget the color of your eyes
And the sound of your voice when you would say "I love you"
I'm starting to forget that unbelievable feeling
When your eyes locked on mine
And we spent those incredible moments spaced out in our own universe
I'm starting to forget how it felt when your fingers plucked at every string of my heart
Only to let out a soft deafening note

The way my hand fit perfectly in yours
And the way your pinky twitched if I made a small move
And the sense of your soul
When we would spend every second laughing at stupid jokes
But forgetting them five seconds later
I've forgotten how it felt to be asleep in your arms late at night
To feel the warmth of your body pressed against mine
I've forgotten who you are and what you stand for
Your personality and minor quirks
The way you'd smile if I looked and you were already staring

And I've forgotten how it felt to be able to forget my worries because I had someone to confide in
And now I don't
Anya Aug 2017
Love is a spell and I'm cursed by it. I'm captivated by the pain it carries.
The feeling is weakening but I hold on evermore.
Hoping it'll change, dreaming for no more pain, wishing for the day this is no longer reality.
Praying you won't go but always seeing you leave.
Making me just a convenience,
letting me drown in my sorrow then you'll show up when I'm at the point of jumping just to hurt me again,
you'd rather be the one to do it, to hurt me repeatedly.

The pain you cause is constant
never easing my sorrow,
never giving me enough.
I hold on long enough to give you hope and as soon as you see the light you let go then I'm neglected.
Feeling used and mistreated like a porcelain doll left to collect dust.
While you're away drowning too and when you finally come back,
there's too many apologies,
too many broken memories to fix what's been broken.

What's left to do but except fall back into routine
so we talk again but this vicious cycle never ends
sooner or later we don't talk anymore but we both are falling on our own time why not live in a false reality?
We're better that way anyhow.
Making eachother laugh, thinking of corny jokes and ways to flirt.
Inside jokes that are stupid too but they're not stupid to me and you.
People tell us not to do this,
we say we don't want to give up.
We'd rather be together than end for the better
and maybe it's an illusion
or maybe we just can't see
what it is we do
or how we're meant to be.
Anya Aug 2017
I either want to scream or cry or maybe I just want to die.
Maybe that aching in my head will go away if I finally give in.
Give in to that little voice telling me to let go, telling me the world will be better without me.
Maybe that little voice was right all along and maybe giving in will be the best option.
I already have ways picked out, ways that will be simple and hardly hurt.
I could finally swallow those pills or I could go for a drive that ends it all.
I could cut open every scar on my body and lose every ounce of blood in my veins, that won't take long.
I've become numb to the pain of that dull razor blade.
I've learned to not have high hopes when everything ends in failure and the common denominator is me.
I'm the problem, I'm the reason everything ends, so maybe it's about time that I give in.
Anya Sep 2018
I keep waking up and all I see are dark days and dark skies
But with every passing week, the days stay dark
With every passing hour, my mood stays the same
Sad mornings filled with fears
Sad nights full of tears
Nothing but sad days
And every day the same

Wake up,
On repeat
Every single godforsaken day.

And every single day
I think of ways this could end.
Dying and completely forgetting it all.
Because they say there is no darkness in heaven.
That every good soul will rejoice and feel pain no more.
But if I wasn't good, will my pain still disappear?
If my life on Earth was full of sin, could I still treasure the peace in dying?

I'm told, "there's so much to live for."
But with everything I love gone, what is there to live for?
No love.
No desire to hold onto.
So why?
Why fight this battle that's been going on for 18 exhausting years?
Anya Feb 2018
He left a mark on her.
A bruised eye that matches a bruised heart
His love was the kind that couldn’t be reciprocated
Because a love like that wasn’t love at all
Because he left a mark on her.

Her hands were shaking with every twitch
She had to be careful about her next moves
Should she run?
Should she call the cops?
Should she wait for him to become a better man like she always does?
He left her terrified and trembling.

Nightmares flood her restless nights
She doesn’t sleep anymore
She can’t sleep anymore
That heavy fist flying towards her face stays imprinted on the back of her eyelids
He left her too afraid to close her eyes

These bruises he left behind won’t go away
The scars on her body aren’t disappearing
And no matter how hard she scrubs, the dirt from under her nails won’t loosen its grip
She falls apart when she remembers the truth behind the scars
“What doesn’t **** you makes you stronger” but why is she still weak
This isn’t finished but maybe you guys could give me some ideas?
Anya Mar 2018
I'm not sure how to describe the color of your eyes or the sound of your voice
Your eyes are almost always bloodshot and your voice always scared to fill the silence
You have a voice but you use it sparingly so that people can't hear the pain
because Lord knows if you talked long enough, you'd spill everything
You use make-up to cover the dark circles under your eyes
being that you don't get any sleep at night
People like to think they understand you and that they know your story
but the truth is, you'll never let people close enough to let your story be known
Sure they'll get bits and pieces of your life, depending on when they came into your life
but no one will ever know the full story- you don't even know the full story

I was told today "I never would've thought she was so...amazing"
Those words rang through my mind over and over again
I thought
"She doesn't know how amazing she is"
Anya Mar 2018
She found that sleeping the night away was the only way to make the echoes in her head quiet down.
And when she woke, she went through her day wishing she was asleep.
Anya Mar 2020
he keeps asking
I don't write
about him

my dear,
my sweet darling,
it is because
do not cause heartache
and pain
like the others did

I do not know
to write
when I am in love
Anya Aug 2018
if I were to try to drown in my sorrows
would you dive deep and be my lifeguard
saving me one last time
from the harsh waves of my insecurities

if I became mute so no one heard my thoughts
would you listen to the words
spoken in my silence

if I died one more time to bury my hurt
would you uncover my grave
and take away my pain

if I fought my fight and finally win this battle
would you celebrate the victory
I have become

if I said I love you for the last time
would you say forever and always
until the day you die
if I were to keep asking these pointless questions
would you continue to leave them unanswered
making me wish if only we had more time
Anya Jan 2019
i hate that you know me
I hate that you gripped my throat,
pushed me down and tried to control me
Your touch was an acid burn and
your mark permanently etched itself on my skin
Your fingers traced my lips while quieting my cries
Making me forget to release the breath I’ve been holding
I black out—
And you curse my absent mind
Because me blacking out took away the fun in your game
But that didn’t stop you from taking the innocence in my name
When you’re finally finished, I’m starting to wake
But my eyelids stay pressed tight to avoid the nightmare of you pushing me down again
And I hate that you know me
And every time someone mentions your name,
My legs shiver and quake
And the mark you left starts to burn once more
Anya Mar 2018
I love you
And I reiterate things when I mean them.
I love you.

Wholeheartedly and without fear
Completely and utterly overwhelmed with love for you
But I'm lacking love for myself
So if you could
Just maybe
Send a little love my way
And tell me I mean something
Then just maybe
I'll live to say once again
I love you

I love you
Anya Aug 2018
im angry with the lord
because i dont understand
how a young girl, only 5 years old
can die in a world
that an "all-powerful, all-loving" god controls

im angry with the lord
because i dont understand how a man can do such a thing
to his daughter
the man who should have carried her
through thick and thin
but left her to swallow the guilt
that isnt her fault

im angry with the lord
because i dont understand why
my mom is crying in her bed at night
because my "father" isnt around to help
because shes left to pay the bills on her own
and we struggle to just get by

im angry with the lord
because i dont understand
how there are children starving
and how there are people without homes
when this almighty being controls us

im angry with the lord
because he should be saving us
not condemning us to feel this pain
not turning his back when we pray
not leaving us in sorrow and suffering
which is the way i feel everyday

im angry with the lord
because i dont understand
what i have to do
in order to keep the happy moments rolling
how do i please him enough
to push out those awful moments

im angry with the lord
bc i want answers
why  do bad things keep happening
and the good people keep dying

im angry with the lord
because im sitting here
with tears in my eyes
and suicide on my mind
trying to keep my composure
while i try to read you these rhymes
and i dont understand whats wrong with me
because im angry with the lord.
Anya Dec 2017
She feels invisible
Full of insecurities, of doubts
No matter how much she reminds herself
That's she's not worth the struggle
She's still tired of people and their nonsense
People talk and gossip
Refusing to understand why
She's invisible
People laugh and enjoy life
Why can't she?
The capability of being noticed
It makes her envious
Living seems impossible
Being forced to live this "normality"
What's wrong with being different?
She's invisible
People scared of homosexuals, suicides, and "freaks"
Nothing's wrong with them
People feel unwanted-she feels unwanted
Undecided, under appreciated, never understood
Being afraid to even show her true self
She's invisible
Praying to be loved
She's hidden
Hiding who she is from fear
Making those beautiful artworks in her room
Her arms being her canvases
Sitting, thinking in the shower for ages
Always guilty for no reason
She's invisible
There isn't really a sad or depressing backstory to this, just a little something I wrote when I was like 12 or so. Hope you guys enjoy it.
Anya Jul 2018
here I am with all these late night thoughts
missing you and missing myself
but keeping you up
because I keep second guessing these late night thoughts

it's 1am and yet here i am
thinking and studying and confusing my words
thinking and fumbling til i get  hurt
mixing my feelings with my guilt
and mixing my pain with what i want to feel

all these late night thoughts trapped in my mind
making my head hurt
trying to think of these rhymes
but how my heart feels and how my head hurts somehow coincide
because i'm missing you and hurting at the same time

all is fair in love and war
but i'm the one who made my own heart sore
you did nothing wrong
and i'm sure you know
how sorry i am for tearing you down
how awful i feel for making you look like a clown

i'm not trying to make you sad
i'm just reminiscing on what we had
because those memories are the only ones that keep me sane
and push out those late night thoughts that seem to haunt my brain
Anya Jul 2018
it's 2am
and those late night thoughts are popping into my head
the ones where you remember
all the good, all the bad
all the right, and all the wrong
i'm remembering the time we've shared and the time we didn't
i remember the way your face lit up when you looked at me
the way our hands would brush each other when we got too close
it was almost taboo
the way we loved
the way we fell into that relaxed state of mind
because i was yours and you were mine
Anya Jun 2017
I've decided that there is no sunshine in the rain,
No medicine that could ease the pain.
There is no future for people like me,
No possible way to ever flee.
Being trapped in the darkness all alone
And never allowing yourself to grow old.
Stormy days that never go away
And soon everything just fades to grey,
My vision is blurred and the only thing I'm able to see
Is the darkness living inside of me.
Anya Jun 2017
you ask what I want
but what do I say
because I want you
in every single way.
I want your hands on my waist
as you draw me near.
your lips almost touching mine
as you whisper "come here"
you pull me in tighter
as I breathe you in
but I look up to see
a mold of your sins.
you've already left me for another
but I stay and wait for you,
my ideal lover.
as I collect dust like a statuette
I'll once again see your silhouette.
you'll return
when I can no longer bear the loneliness
but who's to say you even care?
so you leave once more
and my love finally disappears.
Anya Apr 2019
you may not be
the person i’m with
but you are
my person

Anya Dec 2017
I've found that makeup can cover the bruises just as well as it can disguise an ugly face.
I've learned that people aren't always kind and the world is a pretty ****** up place.
I've been told that you love me but I can't see past the fists flying toward my face.
I've seen the way you look into my eyes when you're sober and I feel the way my heart aches when you do.

I don't understand how "I love you" turns into "Shut up" so quickly
The love was there but it left when I decided to walk out the door.
You pushed me away and I finally chose to leave.
I got tired of all the lies and the punches thrown in my direction.

The bruises have faded away and I'm able to feel more than just oppressed.
I've grown stronger and I've learned that I am more than your hurtful words.
someone make a title for this
Anya Dec 2017
Don't tell me you love me if you don't.
Don't say "we'll be together forever" if we won't.
Don't tell me lies because you think that's what I want to hear.
Tell me the truth and finally prove you care,
I'm tired of the back and forth
And I'm tired of these games.
Tell me the truth when you're calling my name.
Is there someone else or did you lose feelings
I want to know because I'm tired of healing.
And when you call me "babe" is it just a show?
An act performed because your friends told you so?
title suggestions?
Anya Nov 2017
When the judge asked what I was thinking, I replied “no comment.”
What really came to mind was the betrayal, the fury, the angst, that I feel on a daily basis.
I can’t get through a single day without thinking about what you’ve done.
You’ve hurt me.
Not physically, no, but my heart is bruised and broken and there are scars on all my thoughts.
Some days I try to think of the good times we had together.
Going fishing, walking through the woods, fixing stupid broken cars...
But then your stupid mistake pops back into my mind and “I HATE YOU” follows close behind.
What you did was disgusting and from here on I out I choose to say “no comment”.
People don’t deserve to know what you did, you don’t deserve that kind of publicity.
You weren’t with me for my 17th birthday, you don’t see how much I’ve grown in the past 10 months.
And when your birthday passed by, it was as if you didn’t even exist.
Father’s Day was the same way too, because your fatherhood should not be celebrated.
Seeing you now, and hearing the frustrating plea deal you got disgusts me.
Three years of parole and you’re off the hook.
I have to carry this with me for a lifetime but you only get 1,095 days with it.
Do you know how many days are in the average lifetime? 27,765 days.
Your sentence is no where near as damaging as mine.
You will never know how I feel.
You will never care to ask.
You will never see me graduate, or get married, or have a family of my own.
You will be far, far away from me.
Maybe you’ll rot in a pickup truck like your own father.
Or maybe you’ll waste your days away and sit in your own filth like your mother.
But do not ever drag me down to that hell with you.
Don’t ever talk to me.
I don’t need your apology and I don’t need your love.
So when the judge asks “Do you have anything to say?”
I suggest you tell him “no comment.”
To the ******* who ******* up the rest of my life.
Anya Jul 2018
It's been a year and a half since you ruined this life for me
You missed my 18th birthday and you're about to miss my graduation
Legally, you're not allowed near me...which I'm grateful for
I've seen success and I've experienced failure
But you wouldn't know that
You could never know that.

I'm filled with less hate than I was
And I'm starting to see how this has been a long time coming
You weren't meant to go through this life with me
You weren't meant to be the father I needed,
You were just the ****** father I was stuck least until I was 16

I should've known I would be left to fend for myself
The same way you left my mother to cry on her own
Late in the night when she thinks no one can hear her pain
You're a *****, disgusting man
And Lord only knows why you were put on this Earth
Maybe to do harm, or maybe to teach me a lesson-
To not trust those who should be trusted
Anya Aug 2017
The day we started talking was the day you flipped the hourglass.
Our time was slowly slipping away the closer we became.
And deep down I knew that we would never last,
that our time together would just stay in the past.
We would never have a future and you taught me that.
So misplaced trust and misplaced feelings turned into me having to do a lot of healing.
My trust is shattered and my heart is broken while my love is sitting here, unopened.
I believed every lie you ever told and somehow I choose to think I'm not naive but you've reminded me that even friendly people can deceive.
I'm writing a story no one will read; the story of you and me.
The tale of a sad girl who gets her hopes up
and the guy who uses her until she breaks.
I was clumsy and I fell for you,
I tripped over every emotion you put on display, and yet I knew you would never stay.
So why am I here, why am I writing this
while you're running around with loose lips.
I thought you would stay true to your promise, thought you would at least try to be modest.
But you've been running your mouth and telling half-truths and I've learned that I'm just not in the mood.
I'm tired of the empty threats, tired of playing this game when there's nothing left.
Tired of being told it's all in my head when I'm just full of dread. This isn't the end nor the beginning somehow the whole time I had the story twisted.
My head became flooded with memories of those who've hurt me and listening to what I thought were lies just gave me more misery.
I'm sorry for losing my temper I'm sorry for pushing you away and now I understand if you don't want to stay.
I overreacted and you couldn't get a word in and maybe I shouldn't have been such a burden.
You won't admit it but I know that you were tired of my ****.
Because my feelings shine through and they always get the best of me, like the time we chilled at the movies.
Even though the film was rolling, we missed every scene getting distracted by each other's lips and other obscenities.
Maybe we moved too quick or maybe we just weren't a hit but either way I don't want to quit.
This feeling I have when I'm with you is a high like no other, a burning flame that can't be smothered.
I've returned to my bipolar ways and I'm sorry if we won't be okay.
I wanted to be with you and I still do the only problem is I don't know what you want to do.
Say we'll be together or tell me to leave us behind, if not I'll just stumble around blind.
Forgetting all the good times and the smiles you've put on my face, and even the times we've shared the same space.
All the sleepless nights and waking up late, the good, the bad, and our unfortunate fate.
Anya May 2018
In poetry I find the reasons to live
The reasons to persevere, to fight, to continue.
In poetry I find darkness, light, the cause for pain.
The words that can be read but never spoken.
The emotions that can be felt but never shown.
In poetry I find the people that are too broken
To live in a world where the status quo is "here's to hoping"
any thoughts on this?
Anya Apr 2018
Shut up, you love me
You say when I remind you of your dumb choice
Shut up, you love me
You say when I start to lose faith
Shut up, you love me.
Shut up
Shut up
Shut up

Shut up, you love me
You say when you're hiding the truth
Shut up, you love me
You say when there's nothing left to hold onto
Shut up, you love me.
Shut up
Shut up
Shut up

Shut up, you love me
I say when you need to know how much you still have to live for
Shut up, you love me
I say when I have to know what's going on
Shut up, you love me
So stop pushing me away
Shut up, you love
I plead as I'm begging you to stay
Shut up, you love me
As I pray for one more day

Shut up, you love me.
I could add so many more lines to this unfinished mess but I hope you guys enjoy it thus far
Anya Dec 2018
behind that slammed door
hides the burdens of motherhood
the consistent feeling of failure
and the pressure from growing up too soon

behind that slammed door
lays the woman who did it all her 20s
and became this emotional beast 20 years later

behind that slammed door
holds the secrets she’ll never tell
the pain she’s always felt
and the sorrow of living without purpose

behind that slammed door
anxiety and depression reside
little monsters that creep into your head
and ruin that ideal life

behind that slammed door
is the woman who raised me
who has belittled my insecurities
and who has trained me to give up

and behind that slammed door
oh, that cracked and ruined door
my mother lays awake
replaying every moment she’s ever thought
Anya Feb 2018
Thank you for leaving me
I’m grateful for how thoughtful you are
And how selfless you’ve been
Honestly, not sure how I could’ve made it through
The past 3 years without you
Thank you for always telling me the truth
Trusting me with your secrets
And sharing your life with me
I’m so glad I had the chance to call you my best friend

With complete sarcasm and best wishes,
-your “best friend”
Anya Nov 2020
bees, I am told, are going extinct
"save the bees!" everyone proclaims
because everyone is an activist these days
and why shouldn't we protect the bees?
after all, they are just bees
looking to drink nectar
it's not as if they do harm to the flowers
they leave behind

he told me that someday he would taste
the sweet nectar of my blooming flower
and when I kindly said
he grabbed my face
and threw me to the ground.
he left me,
wilting from the pain
and i had then learned
the difference between
the boys and the bees
Anya Aug 2017
You're not the mother I've grown up with.
You no longer give me kisses at night or wake me in the morning.
You don't sing me lullabies or give me gentle warnings.
You've turned dark and cold with your constant complaints.
Because I'm such a disappointment and not a perfect little saint.
I get tired of all the tears so I try to stay laughing.
I have a life that I want to live but for some reason you don't want that to happen.
I want to experience what the world has to offer even if it brings me down.
I want to have some fun without you being around.
Some day I'll leave this ****** place, I'll pack my bags and never look back.
It'll be so simple that you'll never find a trace of me.
These are my goodbyes, so tell my friends I love them and to stay safe, tell them I'm finally done with this arms race.
Anya Jul 2021
Do not tell him how much he means to you
until he tells you first.
Do not break your back until he shows
he would do the same for you.
Do not come off too strong, for boys don’t like
a girl with too much confidence.
Do not even think about cursing
if you want to be considered “wife material”
Do not think of yourself as your own person
because Lord knows your husband owns you.
Do not think freely, for you do not know
right from wrong.

Do listen to every godforsaken story he has to tell,
no matter how boring it is.
Do be attentive, never assertive, always willing.
Do let him in your pants even before
those three words are spoken because men want
a woman who knows her way around a ****.
Do appreciate every single thing he does for you,
even if it’s something you never wanted.
Do believe every word he says,
even if you know it’s a lie.
Do fall for all of his immaculate attempts
at explaining why you are wrong.

Do not listen to a single thing
on this stupid ******* list
if you want to fall in love.
Anya Dec 2018
Two weeks. It’s been two weeks since I’ve heard from you and I’m beginning to panic. My mind keeps racing back to the last time we didn’t speak for that long and the worst starts to fill my head. The thought of you being in a coma again is unfathomable but that’s the only explanation of why you’re not answering.
            Summer before senior year was hands down the worst summer of my life. I didn’t know it then, but you were my best friend. We didn’t talk much over the summer but we kept in touch, saying that when school started up again we’d never part ways. We started talking about some dumb boy and for some reason we got into a huge argument over that. Sometime during the next day I texted you a simple “Hey,” so I could apologize, but I didn’t get a response. I waited a few hours and you still hadn’t answered me. Maybe my first text didn’t go through; I send another text. Still, there was no response from you. Soon enough, a week passes by…and another…and we almost hit the one month mark but that’s when, “Bzzz! Bzzz!”
            I’m at work and finally your name pops up on my phone screen and I excitedly read the message. “If you’re reading this, it’s too late. Just kidding, but there is something I need to tell you…” I start to lose it. My eyes frantically read over the message and I can barely comprehend what’s going on. There’s something about you having brain surgery and something else about how you’re really sorry for making this decision. I think I saw something about how you purposely picked a fight with me that day because you’d thought it’s be easier than telling me what was going on. I can’t believe it. I can feel my lip quivering and my eyes begin to water while my breath can’t escape my lungs. I had to go through my entire shift at work pretending that I was alright even though my best friend was in a coma. I had to think about how my better half is suffering and there’s nothing I could do to save her because I wasn’t even sure which hospital you were in.
            While you’re sitting in the hospital I try to make small conversation with your sister. I tried to keep her spirits high while mine were running low. I couldn’t let her see that I was falling apart because I was the only one she had standing by her side. Eventually you wake up and we’re all relieved that you’re miraculously alive. Something seems off though and I couldn’t quite put my finger on it until that dumb boy we had argued over told me you had amnesia. He told me how when you woke up you didn’t even know who I was. It wasn’t your fault but you had no clue that you were my best friend. So I guess you couldn’t have known how awful that summer actually was.
            Fast forward a couple days to the start of senior year; I see you and I know you’re walking through the halls with a fake smile on your face pretending everything is okay. It was ironic how our smiles matched because we were both faking it the best we could. I helped you to all your classes even though you kept telling me you didn’t need the help. You put up a brave front and you told me, “Even though my world is falling apart, I can’t let anyone see me break down. What kind of valedictorian would I be?” That summed you up perfectly. No matter what you were going through you always had that fake smile plastered on your face.
            As senior year progressed we became inseparable. It was always the two of us together and people were amazed if they ever saw one of us without the other. We did all the smalls that senior year entails: football games, pep rallies, field trips, even prom. Soon graduation was upon us. We had done it. Through all the ups and downs, and all the challenges we had faced, we were finally graduating. You were excited to be attending the Naval Academy, your dream school. You were finally happy that you could permanently get out of Jersey. I knew that all the secrets you had entrusted me with would die as soon as were turned our tassels, because that’s what you had hope for and I couldn’t let you down.
            Summer begins. You throw a small going away party and I’m the only person who realizes this is the last time you’ll see any of us. I stay over and I try to make the time last because I knew it would be our last moment together. Emotions had gotten the best of me and I had to leave early the next morning so that I wouldn’t stain your couch with my tears. At the time I didn’t realize this would be one of my favorite memories of you.
            Summer is gone in an instant and it felt like just yesterday we were standing in your living room saying our goodbyes. We hadn’t talked much except for the occasional letter or two because you were busy at basic training. August came and you were allowed to have your phone back so after the couple hours of catching up, I had to go to work and you had to do some more training. College classes started and we were excited to say that we were finally college students.
            September and October passed us by in a blur. November comes and I was the only one excited for your birthday. Even though we can’t spend this day together, I still send you countless birthday wishes. The day after your birthday was the last time we talked. A week passed and by now I’ve sent you a dozen messages asking how you’re doing, but I don’t get any responses. Another week passes by and still no response. This is when I begin to panic. My mind races back to summer when you were in a coma. I can’t help but wonder if you’re dead or alive and this time I have no way of knowing.
            The one month mark is about to hit and I’m slowly losing my mind. Leaving you the day after your party was hard enough, how am I supposed to say goodbye when I can’t even see you?
            You wake up again, but this time it’s different. There’s the same case of amnesia but a different outcome because this time you don’t have the faintest idea of who I am and you aren’t recovering. You don’t know how much we’ve grown together or how much we’ve been through. You don’t know that if I look inside myself I can find broken pieces of you. I’m at a loss for words because when I speak to you, you’re looking through me as if I’m just another visitor in your hospital room. When people ask what happened to my best friend, all I can tell them is, “She’s still smiling,” and I could never forget the memory of you.
To all the people willing to read this long thing, thank you.
Anya Dec 2017
Compulsive liar
These are the flaws of my friends.
None are the same but they all carry these flaws with them.
And I am the one flaw they all have in common.

She's insecure because she's never given reassurance.
She's overdramatic because life is one big show to her.
She's irrational because nothing has ever worked in her life before.
She's a compulsive liar because no one would believe the truth.
She's suicidal because when life doesn't treat you kindly, you learn to give up.
I am their flaw because they are all me.
Anya Dec 2019
he told me
isn’t real
it’s for little girls
to dream about
until they fill the void
with some ******* guy
that treats them like ****
but if that’s the case,
why does he tell me
he loves me
Anya Mar 2020
I used to look to the stars
to determine our fate
But the stars that used to shine so bright
are bleak and darkened
Maybe the stars knew
that our time was limited

Turning toward the sky now,
I realize
That no matter how much time
you have
to appreciate something,
You only truly miss it once it's gone

And I guess you could say the same for people
Anya Apr 2018
What if I said I wanted you back?
Would you welcome me with open arms?
If I said I missed the feeling of our fingers intertwined when your hand held mine
Would you come hold my hand for another time?
If I told you I forgot what it was like to spend every second by your side
Would you come and be my shadow one last time?
If I said I forgot the color of your eyes when the light hits them just right
Would you look at me with that half smirk and remind me of that hazel sight?
Anya Feb 2018
Two years
Two ******* years
They always told me to stay away from liars and people who hide the truth
But I never thought I’d have to stay away from you

You were so much more than what you think
You shut out the good moments and remember the bad
Clinging to the times when everything went wrong
It’s backwards but it was all you thought you had

You blame amnesia and the doctors who ******* up
You blame the parents who didn’t watch you grow up
The ones who didn’t love your flaws
And the people who did you wrong

But now two ******* years
They gave you two ******* years
And yeah it’s not my business to know
But when you said “best friends” I thought you’d grown
Learned to trust at least some people
Learned to confront your problems and find comfort in others
I was wrong

You confide in yourself and give up on life
“**** the world”, you say with no care for anything
You drink away the pain then feel the burning ache in your throat
Running miles until your heart stops and the world goes black
Always saying “if I cut them off they won’t feel the pain when I’m gone”

You’ve been there
You’ve felt that pain of losing someone you love
So maybe you’re trying to protect us-protect me
But maybe you’re being selfish and can’t see
Just how much you mean and who you could be

Two ******* years
They go by in a flash
You’re thinking of the people you’ve left
And you’re wishing you had someone to share in your death
You’re all alone and the worlds gone cold
Because you turned everyone down and pushed us away
Made everything die and fade to grey

I mean, thank god for your sister, right?
Because she knows what’s going and couldn’t give any less *****
I guess she’s like you after all
Faking a smile and pretending everything’s okay
Even though when she gets home she can’t hide the pain

Maybe you’re hoping someone will write you a memoir
You had so many admirers anyhow
People who loved you and you couldn’t see
People who would give up the world to be successful by your side
But two ******* years means that won’t happen
Not that you would have liked that anyway

But who cares, right?
You never wanted love, compassion
So why should anyone care?
Why should anyone give a **** that you're breathing your last breath?

It’s *******
The idea that no one should
That you should leave this world feeling alone
That two ******* years from now you’re supposed to be gone
Complete and absolute *******

You’re hoping no one cares
Hoping you can disappear
And not see anyone’s tears
But two ******* years will pass
And you’ll hear the cries from the ones who couldn’t last
The whole way
its amazing how majority of my poetry is based on our friendship and the story of your life rather than my experiences.
Anya Jul 2021
when I was young
my uncle was so broken
from something his daughter did
that he shot himself in the chest.

he felt that his heart was so hurt
that he should help it to shatter completely
he never once thought that
maybe he could fix the broken pieces
he just took that leap
to not feel broken anymore

I think about that a lot
how maybe someday I could take that leap too
to you know, end my pain and suffering
but then I remember
he’s still living with that pain
how if he moves an inch in the wrong direction
he becomes paralyzed with pain

and then I change my mind
because I would rather
experience this hurt now
than to live with it my entire life
Anya Jul 2021
she told me to find the one
who treats me like the royalty i am
the one who writes my name in the stars
and delivers the moon to my doorstep

she said to never let them
forget to buy me flowers
to always remember
our love should be shouted
from the rooftops

she told me to find the one
who loves me unconditionally,
and brings the world to its knees
the kind of love where
we speak within the silence

i forgot to tell her
she was my one.
how should i edit this??? i feel like my point isn't clear...
Anya Jun 2021
I can't write poetry like I used to.
I don't live life the way I used to.
Yes, this is a good thing
And, yes, it does show that people change.
But I can't write poetry like I used to.
And nothing is more upsetting than this.
Anya Mar 2018
I'm scared.
Scared of what could be
Scared of what has been
Scared of all the moments that never happened.

I'm clinging to this fantasy of peace and togetherness
But the problem is with the mess in this
There's no peace when there's war
There's no love when there's hate
So why did I think I could change all of our fate

The world will break and remain broken
Fear will overpower the change we keep hoping
We know we can't make a difference
And all we need is for someone to listen

Throw out the pain and forgive the misfits
Change only comes when you let it
Praise the dedicated
**** the wicked
And push away the bigots

We don't need hate
We don't need violence
We need a reality check
And a hell of a lot of silence
From politicians who don't give a ****

Rather than fight for the people
Lawmakers are willing to let the people die
They **** the dream of a bright future
They ruin the idea of a safe place
Hiding their face behind
Corporations who pay them to keep shut
I need a name for this and I had "The American Nightmare" in mind but I don't like that so help me out por favor
Anya Jul 2021
a break up with you
would be catastrophic
the worst tsunami that there ever was

I am just not sure
how I let myself fall
so head over heels
Anya Feb 2019
no matter how much
i try
to reason with my heart
i can’t stop aching
and longing
for you
Anya Apr 2018
What do I say when people ask
"Where is she"
I thought we had a friendship but how is it that I'm not sure how to answer that question
People often wonder
"Who was she?"
"What did she accomplish?"
"She was amazing, why didn't she let it show?"
I could continue this list for five pages
But I won't.

You were, are, and will forever be amazing, no matter how many "faces" or "masks" you decide to try on.

— The End —