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 Jul 2013 umbrellas
drink my kisses like the nectar that you crave
mark my body and don't leave me unscathed
set me free in the love that you have made
but don't let me drown,
drown in all of that I
 Jul 2013 umbrellas
 Jul 2013 umbrellas
We were all born into this world,
as a bright and shining star;

beaming with life,
blinding radiance,
boundless potential,

and body
all the same;

and as we all know,
all stars,
are made of dreams;

and we also knew
that nothing could stop any of us;

but this tainted ground,
soiled with broken dreams
false hopes
and tattered seams

and as we each grew older,
we watched as our very own favorite stars began to fall,
and as we witnessed our falling stars,

our very own light started to dim,

we continued to watch as the suns around us,
closest to us,
the ones that shared the night sky with us,
burnt out,
and stopped shining all together

the dark dark sky was all that we had ever known

But the most heartbreaking to us of all,
was watching the brightest stars around us continue to shine,
even in the dark,
they continued to light up the skies with their passionate fire,
brighter than we ever could,
and we wished to ourselves,
to be reborn
as a bright star;
as they are,
and how they can light up the sad sky
and the burnt out stars around them
as they do,
with their brilliant light

they're different
they're special
we can never
shine as bright as them,

or so the dull dark skies had taught us to believe

But what do those stars
that shine the brightest
in the deep dark ocean
that was
the night sky

What do they have,
that we don't?

We're all made of the same stuff aren't we?

But even so,
we continue to just look up to the brightest stars
and tell ourselves that we could never
be one of them

shine as bright as them

light up the sky the way they have,

but we could.

we can,

you can.

if we only knew,
if only you knew.

if we were only told,

if only you were told.

if we were only once reminded

if only, you were, only once

that they are the same as me
and you!

they are not special
they are what you and me are
the only difference,
between us and them,
is that they realized sooner than we did

sooner than you did,

that we,

that you,
a bright brilliant shining star.

and that nothing,
can change that about you

no matter how dark the skies get
no matter how many stars around you would fall
no matter how dim your light has gotten after all

that even so,
you are still what you are
a star

and nothing can change
what you are

and a star
was born
to shine

so shine

because remember


are still
a star
 Jul 2013 umbrellas
i've swallowed the moon
just to illuminate my insides for you
to show the mess i am from within

i've touched the sun
to show you just how your hot touch is
how your finger tips are forever branded in my
 Jul 2013 umbrellas
you've got your hands wrapped around my neck
like the dreams from which i've try to hide
like the love that i've cast aside
like the noose that i've untide
 Jul 2013 umbrellas
She is
 Jul 2013 umbrellas
On many bitter winter days
she is what picks at my thoughts
she is what surges through my fingertips

During many darkened afternoons
she surrounds me with an unforgiving presence
around my bedchambers
in my heart
in my soul

When the eventide is evident in the sky
she is the earsplitting static
that grazes over my ears
that resonates throughout
my being

In the early bright of day
she fastens herself to me soundly
like the skin
that I am in
like the sweat during
a Spanish heat

During the restless day
she is the eagerness
she is the unrelenting spirit
that is me
she is my battered self
she is my demise
 Jul 2013 umbrellas
BB Tyler
Walking down the street;
I had just slipped into something comfortable.

I saw your head between
the horizon and the sidewalk,
and smiled at your lips
you didn't turn.
i didn't want you too.
you didn't.

why didn't you turn?

suddenly the rain hit me like
i imagined the cityscape drowned
in the paint rain.

It filled the transparent drops of gray
with the sky,
and your eyes,
and that look on your face

surfaces striking simutaniously
and spreading reflected light into my eyes,
like a sunset.
the spilling of
the sky,
your eyes,
the look on your face

i took cover in a man hole.
the shaft of illumination
from above
making me
half a man

the paint rain still came down
dripping into my

i stayed there;
not due
to apathy, anger
or you.
but just so i could see
the paint rain fall

i drowned like the city in the paint rain.
drenched in color.
i drowned in the paint rain,
that wasn't gray today

i drowned like the city
in the sky,
in your eyes,

i drowned in that look on your face
Copyright: Bennett Tyler

— The End —