The ravens of dawn circle a slumbered cavern,
A portal into the eyes of my past,
While the sweet echo of your laughter,
Thrice calls my heart to awaken.
Lead me, this transformative space so bright
Where visions unfold in the silhouette of wisdom.
Who guides me on this day of thresholds crossed,
Bridged to an age of new realms?
The Morrigan dances, infusing the moment,
Her song whispers in the quiet of my thoughts.
Have we just met, or have our souls always known
Each other, across the tapestry of lives,
Now woven together,
Igniting the sweet breath of potential flames?
I have awakened.
I step through this open doorway,
The threshold stretches long; I am drawn to it!
With open arms, I walk into the light,
Wisdom shines bright, searching, yearning;
You have swept me into a dance of expanding skies,
Constellations twinkling, all pulling, all pushing.
Life opens through uncharted paths.
I’ve been blinded by the familiar,
Yet discover you—a wondrous surprise;
A kaleidoscope of extravagant moments,
Heartfelt laughter, and love at play.
Gliding along like a dream,
Cocooned in the warmth of new wonders.
This creativity blooms in our shared laughter,
Telling me what to feel, what to explore.
Why can we not be taught how to love without fear?
“Grow up, would you.”
I find my kaleidoscope glasses,
Walking through a portal with an extended threshold,
So long, so deep.
A light on the other side—
Bright beyond imagination!
A silhouette of you waiting,
Holding your glasses too...
Filled with fire and splashing joy,
Contained in the same vessel.
Is it possible?
We are all made of atoms,
Circling the force that binds our existence,
Finding our way to one another.