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2d · 38
The climb out
Within my heart lies a quiet strength,  
a force where courage whispers.  
In the face of storms, I find my path,  
patience guiding me through the chaos.  

Why should I worry  
when challenges arise?  
Armed with fortitude,  
I step forward, unafraid.  

Instead of groans and tears,  
I greet each dawn with resolve,  
transforming fear into fire,  
summoning the strength that dwells within.  

Each setback becomes my teacher,  
reminding me of resilience,  
the power to rise again  
when shadows loom and doubts intrude.  

I call upon my spirit,  
embracing the unknown,  
knowing that trials shape my essence,  
turning hardship into wisdom.  

So, let the world present its challenges;  
I stand rooted in the virtue of courage,  
nothing can disturb my peace,  
for I am awake in the embrace of fortitude.
2d · 39
The ravens of dawn circle a slumbered cavern,  
A portal into the eyes of my past,  
While the sweet echo of your laughter,  
Thrice calls my heart to awaken.

Lead me, this transformative space so bright  
Where visions unfold in the silhouette of wisdom.  
Who guides me on this day of thresholds crossed,  
Bridged to an age of new realms?  
The Morrigan dances, infusing the moment,  
Her song whispers in the quiet of my thoughts.  
Have we just met, or have our souls always known  
Each other, across the tapestry of lives,  
Now woven together,  
Igniting the sweet breath of potential flames?  
I have awakened.

I step through this open doorway,  
The threshold stretches long; I am drawn to it!  
With open arms, I walk into the light,  
Wisdom shines bright, searching, yearning;  
You have swept me into a dance of expanding skies,  
Constellations twinkling, all pulling, all pushing.

Life opens through uncharted paths.  
I’ve been blinded by the familiar,  
Yet discover you—a wondrous surprise;  
A kaleidoscope of extravagant moments,  
Heartfelt laughter, and love at play.


Gliding along like a dream,  
Cocooned in the warmth of new wonders.  
This creativity blooms in our shared laughter,  
Telling me what to feel, what to explore.

Why can we not be taught how to love without fear?  
“Grow up, would you.”  

I find my kaleidoscope glasses,  
Walking through a portal with an extended threshold,  
So long, so deep.  
A light on the other side—  
Bright beyond imagination!  
A silhouette of you waiting,  
Holding your glasses too...

Filled with fire and splashing joy,  
Contained in the same vessel.

Is it possible?

We are all made of atoms,  
Circling the force that binds our existence,  
Finding our way to one another.
2d · 74
mid winter wet
Mouth filled with your flooded rain.  I'm synchronized in the light.
Like two children at play, a wonder on the streets of Casco Bay,  
My heart skips as I sidestep the cobbled, ice-laden paths,  
Splashing through puddles, we feed off each other's desire—  
Just one spin on the merry-go-round.  
Seats abound; places to grasp and relive our youth.  

WOOSH! A glimmer of wrapped wings swirls around me—  
Falling, diving, toward the ground in this exhilarating dance.  
A crash never manifests;  
She is a  mirror of my dash, now two ****** skyward,  
Our backs arch, eyes ablaze,  
Soaring to unfathomable heights of pure ecstasy.  

A search ignites, the deep thrum booming,  
Fingers strumming across invisible strings—  
My heart’s afire with a pulsing melody,  
Music familiar yet unnamed on this carousel, now just for two.  

Reappearing on the stone-studded streets,  
I walk to the water's edge,  
Bursting from a diamond's tip, where cherubs caress  
A billion luminous suns.  
My heart ignites, my lips blaze, yearnings align—  
Counting down the days until our meeting.
Once more, let us spin again...
Feb 20 · 49
Under the 7
Resonating with amplified energies,  
intentions unfold,  
a transitional portal is opening  
for our transformations to come.  
Impacting consciousness,  
the collective energies rise.

As I work towards my evolving self,  
does universal harmony layer divine intelligence?  


Release resistance,  
stay open, adaptable.  

The stones of foundation fall,  
where clarity and intention ignite change—  
the force greater than me,  
integrated, embody  
the change I wish for,  
aligning my intentions.

In reflection's embrace,  
I run slow through thresholds of connected realms.  
Can a humbled mind's dreams  
become tangible realities?

take my hand; step into the open door inferno.  
From my past, echoes blend with futures—  
together, we co-create this embrace.
Feb 20 · 44
an open door inferno
Something from my past,
Something from my future.

my path has led to the threshold of an aligned portal.

I will never again be the same.
Feb 19 · 156
Her Scales
I'm painted in a room of broken glass.  
Quite rather, I'm lost in her stars.

Ive checked three point one four times

H's Dust
The sun shined cold this morning, five below.  Cozy down, a fluff ball goddess of four, never failed.  but a goddess of two could be more? DING [big red], it's 7:53, ... Couldn't have herd my thoughts...  A reflection of two.  So beautiful.  well wishes just missed; a whisper of Marvelous action warms the fire.

"I've been Hijacked". Me too  

Tumbled thoughts, a path led to needed reflections, but I also desire to be wheel spin watched.  Our thoughts begin to pool, and flowed tides push and pull me through the day. An invited check mate.  The suns cold all but gone now.

Filled with wisdom and insight, might a flight accompanied multi goddess.  The cauldron is stirring. A feast for a dragon, and I've lost myself. Through a dance of waving foam, water splashed and trickled.  It runs down me inch by inch every and all but tickled.  

Evidence or self explored art, NICE, I'm not the only thing waterproof.

Ive been glad you exist too!
Feb 16 · 148
Exploit me
Is it even possible to feel the grand finale before the show has even begun?  I wonder.  You have cracked a door to a wardrobe of plenty, my clothes yes, never worn.  Hmmmm

— The End —