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  Feb 4 Waldo Griffith
looking out my window at night
watching the snowflakes fall like frozen tears
wiped away from a crying face

i walked outside to catch snowflakes in my mouth
happy for the first time in while
smiling- a real one this time
not just a fake upturned mouth

rushing inside to tell my sister
seeing my mom smiling
seeing my dad sleeping
i love being happy
i wish
i was happy every day
  Feb 4 Waldo Griffith
a secret im too scared to share with anyone
except random strangers on the internet:
i wish i had an eating disorder.
i would be sad
but at least i’d be skinny.

im sorry.
i really am.
im sorry im sorry im sorry
  Jan 28 Waldo Griffith
i wish i could feel it
the ache of not being enough
the way it once cracked me open

but now
there’s only silence
an emptiness where sorrow should live

nothing breaking

nothing healing


n u m b n e s s

  Jan 28 Waldo Griffith
Not knowing why
I try
Just to fail again
Get back up
Get pushed down
Not knowing why
Not knowing why...
  Jan 26 Waldo Griffith
how could anyone love an eliza
when it stumbles off my tongue
like it doesn’t belong to me?
it only sounded right when you said it
  Jan 9 Waldo Griffith
yeah, call me a ****.
it must be why i’m not only afraid of intimacy,
but any sort of physical touch as well.
  Jan 9 Waldo Griffith
And forth
Reach the line

I'm not that bad out of shape
But still struggling

Throat burning
Head pounding as if there's someone trying to bang their way out
And lungs desperately fighting for air

I give up...

I sit down when I reach the line
And try to catch my breathe
Instead of running back

Chest rising and falling
With each gasp for air

Why do you hate me?
Why aren't you working?

Coughs hurt my throat
And make me weak

I take my inhaler
But it isn't working
It's just making me shaky

Panic rising inside me

I can't breathe
I can't breathe
I can't breathe

I take another puff
And wait
Breathe out
And couch violently

I'm going to die
I'm going to die
I'm going to die

No one notices
(this note was written by headphones that plays trombone as if it was a flute)
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