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Sam S 15h
Woke up with the sunrise, chasing time again
Every breath we take is a line we can’t amend
There’s a fire in the distance, flickering in the night
Reminding me that nothing’s ever promised in this life

So take my hand, let’s run into the unknown
Feel the wind, hear the earth in every tone
We’re only here for a heartbeat, so let’s make it last
Before the sky turns to ashes and the moments pass

Hold every moment, don’t let it slip away
Tomorrow’s not promised, so let’s live for today
We’re echoes of time, we’re the souls that remain
In the spaces between, we can break every chain
So hold every moment, while the stars still align
Embrace every heartbeat, let it pulse with the divine

I’ve seen faces fade, watched love drift apart
But in every broken piece, there’s a brand-new start
We’re the stories we carry, the lessons we learn
Every bridge that we cross is a flame that we burn

So take the risk, let’s dive into the deep
For in the darkest waters, we find truths we keep
The seconds we waste, they won’t ever return
But the love that we give is the fire we yearn

We’ll never stop learning, we’ll never stop growing
In every connection, there’s a piece of us glowing
No matter how fleeting, we’ll carry it through
In the end, it’s the love that defines what we do

In every fleeting second, there’s a lifetime inside
So hold every moment, we’re the flames that never die
I’ll leave this little reminder here for the future me—to not forget the value of every moment and the importance of living fully.
Sam S 2d
A car crash in slow motion,
And I didn’t hit the brakes—
Hell, I floored it.
Who needs safety when you can feel everything
All at once,
Like fireworks strapped to your chest?
We collided in a beautiful mess,
Like we were born just to break something
Or someone.
Spoiler: It was both.

You, with your hurricane eyes and devil-may-care grin,
Twisting chaos like a flame between your lips,
Daring me to get close enough to catch fire.
I saw through the veil of your laughter,
The hurt you masked with quick, fiery wit—
A shield for the scars you kept hidden.

I got close.
Oh, I got close.
Burnt my fingers on your laughter,
Tasted the smoke in your kiss
And thought, yeah, this is the good stuff.
Turns out, we were just two pyromaniacs
With a death wish and a matchbox heart.

But ****, wasn’t it exhilarating?
We weren’t a love story—
Nah, we were a crime scene,
Caution tape and all.
I should’ve known from the start
That this wasn’t going to end with sunrises and sunsets.
We were the wreckage you rubberneck on the highway,
The kind you can’t look away from
Because it’s too much—
Too bright, too fast, too everything.

And yeah, we crashed.
But don’t tell me it wasn’t worth it.
Tell me it didn’t feel like flying
Right before we hit the ground.
Tell me those sneaky nights didn’t taste like gasoline and adrenaline,
And we lit the sky on fire, didn’t we?

The aftermath?
It’s all in the details, baby.
You’ll stitch yourself up and I’ll do the same,
Both a little more cracked,
A little more alive,
And we’ll tell ourselves,
“I’m fine, I’m fine,”
Until we start believing it.

You’ll chase whatever ghost you think will save you,
And me?
I’ll walk through the flames like they can’t touch me.
I’m already ash, darling,
I’ve been through the fire,
And now?
Now, I blaze my own trail.
Sam S 2d
In the quiet of familiar places,
We feel the space you once filled,
A gentle ache that lingers on,
A friendship time can’t still.

Old friend, now part of the past,
Your laughter echoes, faint but true,
A whisper in the wind’s soft breath,
Always bringing thoughts of you.

“Sometimes you hit the bar, sometimes the bar hits you,”
You’d say with a grin, wise and wry.
Your words linger like a toast raised high,
A reminder of how you lived, unafraid to try.

Though years may dim the memories,
And days stretch long and wide,
You remain within our hearts,
A presence by our side.

Missed, yet never far away,
Your light continues to stay.

Lost to soon. Will always cherish every moment.
Sam S Sep 4

A flower once in shadowed ground,
Timid, fragile, lost, not yet found,
Yearning for the sun’s embrace
To lift its head, to find its place.

In time, the rays began to pour,
And fear gave way to something,

For in the earth, when strength is sown,
A flower stands, its courage grown
Forever seen, it’s spirit strong,
No longer wondering what went wrong.


A flower once in shadowed ground,
Timid, fragile, lost, unbound,
Yearning for the sun’s warm gleam
To rise and lift, to find its dream.

With time, the golden rays descend,
And fear gives way as shadows mend.

For in the soil where strength is sown,
A flower stands, its courage grown,
Its spirit bright, no longer lost,
With every petal, past is crossed.
Couldn’t decide on which edit i preferred. So here’s both versions.

— The End —