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Till yesterday I kept my scary spellings to myselff (like spelling MYSELF with two effs). Now (now that I'm a new woman) I can express myself freely like cows do at a dairy (even though they're tethered to automatic milking machines).
Before Johnny Pencil invented the first pencil, writers had to **** zebras to acquire pure zebra blood to compose love letters to women with small *******. These love letters were often sad. Here's one: "I had to **** a zebra a few minutes ago to write to you even though you're fat and ugly. Did the zebra deserve to die? Time will tell." A century later it was divulged that the letter's author was George Washington's grandfather, Hector Z. Washington.
As a quasi-gynecologist, I've been on many ***-boiling
adventures. 1 day I'm up past my eye-sockets in
shaven hair and the next day I'm performing
an intricate necropsy on a slick
chick who ain't exactly dead.
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