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Jimmy silker Jan 4
The ham sandwiches
You had as as a child at them funerals
Will never be beaten
Yes I know that seems crueler
Than the nature o what makes
You seems holier
Than the Pope his self.
Jimmy silker Jan 4
When you mean
What you overstate
There comes
A gap that some o your friends
Won't rate
Cos they clearly
Don't care for
Where you
Head for
The gate
And dive
Jimmy silker Jan 4
Licking *****
Is. O course
The job you have signed into
When  it goes  to  
The thing that thing
Doth damage the plate we know
That stamps the truth
How doth thou it do
And then contemplate into
What We all die alone
That seems where we came in here.
Jimmy silker Jan 4
Wrench what
There then
Up the front then round the back again
Over a bit toward what you want
Do a back flip into your own font
Talk to the ether
And expect an response
Take an audit of what you true want
Remember the thing
And then immediate forget it
The thing that you are
Is the sweat off the dickith.
The candle burns,
For light is gone.
A mind that churns
Writes ramblings on.

And yet, you see,
It's nothing new:
The void will spree
To weave its crew.

Such is this world—
From lie to lie,
Where tyrants curled
Are glorified.

To leave a mark
In verse or deed—
This lights the dark,
Our only creed.

Shame's ashes flare,
This base abyss—
A gateway where
Damnation twists.

In Russian:

Прах позорного мира

Горит свеча,
Ведь света нет —
Так сгоряча
Напишешь бред.

Но, впрочем, то
Обычный ход:
Ведь что НИЧТО
Впендюрит в сброд.

Таков весь мир —
В нём к бреду бред:
Палач — кумир...
Оставить след

В стихах, в делах —
Лишь это цель.
Позорный прах,
Дно — к Аду щель.
  Jan 4 Jimmy silker
aldo kraas
Walk on by
The park
Walk on by
The house of God
Walk on by
The bookstore
Walk on by
The road to success
Walk on by
The road to freedom
Because it is available
To anyone that wants it
Should you chase "happiness" too blindly,
You'll awake one day, unkindly,
Trapped in snares that hold you fast—
Fools are steered by beasts amassed.

They will ride, with sweet deception,
Promising joy and pure perfection.
When the feast divides, there's naught—
Few can grasp what's truly wrought.

Since our childhood, minds are tainted:
"World is bright and fine," it's painted.
Yet, to find that fabled treasure
Amidst misfortunes is the measure.

Woes are crafted, all contrived—
Madmen fail to see they've thrived.
"Happiness" within them lies,
Sharpened stones to test the wise.

For so few will truly mature;
This harsh truth remains obscure.
Look around, stare close and see—
Immaturity's vast sea.

In Russian:


Чаще "счастьем" озаботься —
Не заметишь, как очнёшься
В деградации силках.
Твари сплошь на дураках

Ездят, "счастье" обещая
При разделе каравая.
Что итог делёжки дырка,
Знает мало кто — промывка

Мозга с детства происходит:
Мир нормальный, умный, вроде,
И осталось только "счастье"
Отыскать среди Ненастий.

Все искусственны _Невзгоды —
То не знают сумасброды.
"Счастье" в _них как оселок,
И на очень долгий срок,

Ведь ВЗРОСЛЕЮТ единицы.
И такой расклад не мнится:
Погляди в упор вокруг —
Тьмище недорослей, друг.
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