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1.2k · Nov 18
Hidden Emotions
Kindinheart Nov 18
Don’t keep your feelings hidden
Tell one’s you love the truth
Convey all your words of emotion
To strengthen the bond of trust
Your emotions are hidden
Due to memories of the past
But don’t let this ever stop you
Expressing words felt by your heart
603 · Nov 24
My Inspiration
Kindinheart Nov 24
Eyes of brown , lips of pink
Hair of golden strands
Eyebrows dark in a curving arc
And a smile to light up the day
A loving heart and caring soul
Kindness in abundance
364 · Sep 28
Do i leave
Kindinheart Sep 28
Thought about it before
Talked about it to
Now maybe i need to
Don’t know what to do
Afraid to take the option
Damed if i do , damed if i don’t
I need to make my mind up
Give it a try , to give me a break
Maybe then i’ll understand
Exactly where i am
And exactly what i have to do .
306 · Nov 6
My broken heart
Kindinheart Nov 6
We laid in each others arms
Talked about plans for tomorrow
Dreamt at night of the future
Nothing happened, but sorrow
Now I'm left with my memories
Of a love i miss every day
But life is forever changing
I had to move on with time
Some special days are hard
Especially for my broken heart .
300 · Nov 21
Love me tomorrow
Kindinheart Nov 21
If you love someone more today
Than you did yesterday
Make sure you love them more
Tomorrow than you did today

Tell them you love them
Tell them you care
Tell them if they need you
You will always be there

Tell them ,otherwise if you don’t
they might never know
276 · Sep 16
Seeking Freedom
Kindinheart Sep 16
Why do i feel penned in
When there is no cage
No bars to stop me
No one to watch over me
I need to be free , breath the air
Not sure what to do
But my heart will show me
Maybe to somewhere where skies are blue
No dark clouds to follow me
With no emotional doors to hinder me
To a place where i can feel loved
Somewhere i can  feel free .
201 · Sep 18
The meeting
Kindinheart Sep 18
When i met a young woman
Little did i know
All the love and affection
To me , one day she would show
But now she is in a hard place
My help i will gladly give
I surrender all my kindness and love to her
To help her find her way
I want her to find love in the future
To get her life back on track
I will always stand by her
Until she gets warmth back in her heart.
191 · Sep 25
Cry of help
Kindinheart Sep 25
A cry of help, one night i heard
A cry of fright , a friend in need
She cannot ask , afraid in shame
I do not judge , love her the same
My offer is hers , she has to claim
I do not judge and apportion blame
I hope we meet , my heart his hers
She needs my help , i’ll gladly give .
Kindinheart Nov 8
I don't have any photo’s
Only memories and dreams
Reminding me of a love
I once held close to me
My heart was on fire whenever she was near
My heart was her’s, her body enchanted me
Our bodies and souls we shared together
Cannot explain the bond we had
We just blended together
Never thought she would ever leave me
Wishing now , that time would have stood still.
160 · Nov 20
Kindinheart Nov 20
We all wear a mask
That no one can see
Sometimes to hide emotions
That can change our personality
But if you look closely , at eyes in the mask
These tell a story , but also the truth
Making the mask irrelevant .
147 · Nov 19
Talking Eyes
Kindinheart Nov 19
Eyes convey more than words can say
Eyes are gateways to everyones soul
Eyes show emotion , good or bad
Eyes display passion more than words can say
Glare or sparkle ,it does not matter
For the love shown in our eyes
Displays all that counts in our lives .
137 · Sep 29
How do i explain
Kindinheart Sep 29
Overthinking everything
Trying to work out all scenarios
Reaching different conclusions
My emotions on overload
How do i say what’s on my mind and in my heart
My little one’s heart is just the start
How will i explain i’ve got to leave
Will she understand or hate me
The truth i must say , for i love her so much
I hope when she grows up , she will forgive me .
134 · Sep 29
Learn to love
Kindinheart Sep 29
Sometimes we have to listen to our heart
And do what is right for ourselves
We cannot live other peoples lives
No matter who they are,
Or how much we love them
We owe it to ourselves to do what is best
Sometimes in our own interest
It’s not selfish, sometimes we have to learn
To love who we are
If you don’t love yourself
How can we learn to love others
134 · Nov 6
Kindinheart Nov 6
Was she ever unfaithful
Cheated behind his back
Was this her way
To somehow pay him back
Partners can sense the change
No matter how they try to hide
Revenge relationships
Usually don’t end well.
124 · Sep 29
Burning love
Kindinheart Sep 29
On a cold winters evening
Watching the fire burn
Listening to the fire crackle
Staring at the fire glow
You played a music soundtrack
Your hand caressed my face
Eyes made contact with mine
Your smile lit up the room
The music so soft and tender
The words still stay in my mind
My defences were dismantled
Our emotions controlled the night
My heart still burns crimson red .
124 · Sep 28
I had to leave
Kindinheart Sep 28
Don’t hide in the shadows
Don’t stay in silence
Reach out to friends
Ones who love you so dear
Talk to them, tell the truth
You will probably find
That they all want to help you
Help you find peace
Help you find closure
Wherever this ends
Don’t forget your friends.
122 · Sep 12
Talking Hearts
Kindinheart Sep 12
How does he know my feelings
When i’ve told him nothing at all
Never said my secrets
Protected them , knows nothing about them at all.
He cannot read minds , doesn’t have a crystal ball
Yet it does make me wonder
When he smiles and looks into my eyes
Do hearts talk after all ?
121 · Nov 22
My Beacon Of Love
Kindinheart Nov 22
When she came into my life
She also entered my heart
A beacon of love to help me
Whenever i need reassurance
A person of tranquility and calm
To guide me in troubled times
Her love she keeps in her heart
That radiates from beautiful eyes
I can never feel lonely
She’s always in my thoughts
Look forward to every time i see her
To a loving hug , and a beaming smile
119 · Sep 28
I’m humbled
Kindinheart Sep 28
You opened your heart
Let me into your life
A leap of faith that took courage
Not easy , when you told your past
But now you are in the present
Looking to a new start
I am humbled that you chose me
To trust what you keep in your heart .
119 · Nov 6
Forgive and forget
Kindinheart Nov 6
Can she forgive and forget
Living a lie , to turn back time
Living again in her bubble
Afraid it might happen again
But he might think , I got away with it
Take advantage again and again
Leaving her in the same place
With no love ,no caring just strain
She has to decide carefully
Weigh up all the pro’s and con’s
It’s not my place to tell her
That choice will always be hers .
119 · Oct 1
My Flowers
Kindinheart Oct 1
Today i returned with my flowers
To a place i go every year
Stand by a cold slab of stone
Read inscriptions and stand all alone .
But this year it was different
Remembered all that was good
Times of love and laughter
Of a young woman that kept me warm
My heart will never forget
Of a love i once held in my arms
Time does play it’s part in healing
But today only memories are left in my heart.
116 · Oct 18
My Angel
Kindinheart Oct 18
I know an angel sent you
To show kindness , like she once did.
To care and reassure me
With a smile to put me at ease.
Each time we meet your eyes project your affection,
That only angels can achieve
I hope you will stay around me,
Don’t unfold your wings,
Please don’t fly away.
114 · Nov 6
Scared of the future
Kindinheart Nov 6
Lying in bed
Fearful and lonely
Staring into the dark
Tears in her eyes
And a rift in her heart
A future uncertain
Unsure what to do
Seeking help from anyone
Even friends on her phone
But she has to consider
The best action to take
Only she knows if it’s all too late.
108 · Sep 26
Finding Friday
Kindinheart Sep 26
Find me a Friday to sit by your side
Find me a Friday to look into your eyes
Find me a Friday to make you feel at ease
Find me a Friday to make you smile
Find me a Friday to listen to your voice
Find me a Friday to keep our friendship alive .
105 · Nov 6
Deep secrets
Kindinheart Nov 6
We all hold deep secrets
That never will be told
Too sensitive or intimate
Shrouded in a cloud
But as we get to know someone
You get that feeling
That somehow they understand
Does not matter how much we trust them
Those secrets will never be told .
103 · Nov 27
The Fire Glow
Kindinheart Nov 27
We sat in the glow of the fire
Talked about now and our past
Drank red wine by the glassful
Occasionally made ourselves laugh.
But dawn came too quickly
Sun shone in a curtain of light
I understood the consequences
Of making love in the warm fire glow .
But i cannot change what happened
Not something i want to do
For i cannot let go of my feelings
That the night  made me go through .
101 · Sep 17
Future planing
Kindinheart Sep 17
I once planed my future
It didn’t go the way i those
Lost the love i lived for
Had to reset the rest of my life.
My heart took me on adventures
Some of which, i’m not proud
But in the end i mellowed
And finally settled down.
Now in my twilight , i recall it all
I finally got to realise
That my heart was always in control
So all i can say is this
Time will sort all out
Your heart will show you the way
And you will find what you search for .
96 · Nov 6
Never ending passion
Kindinheart Nov 6
The spark creates the fire
Fire fuels the desire
Desire leads to passion
Passion creates the spark's
   It never ends
96 · Sep 25
Book of life
Kindinheart Sep 25
Everyones life is a book
It has a Beginning and an end
All the chapters are laid out in order
This is what we follow.
We don’t get to choose the beginning
We don’t get to choose the end
But we can change the order of living
Depending on who we befriend
I’ve changed some friends in the past
Sometimes you have to do
But you are my special one
And i will never let you go .
95 · Sep 21
Empty chair
Kindinheart Sep 21
Table for two with an empty chair
Wish you were here, not over there
One day luck will shine upon me
When you will sit across from me
In what is usually an empty chair .
90 · Sep 20
My circle of love
Kindinheart Sep 20
I’m blessed to have friends around me
A circle of friendship and love
It gives me reassurance and peace
A circle of security and calm
It gives me the confidence to contact them
Whatever comes my way
Knowing if i cannot sort it
Collectively we will .
89 · Sep 21
Show me love
Kindinheart Sep 21
I hear it in her voice every time we get to talk
I see it in her eyes every time she looks  into mine
I see it in her smile that gets even broader
I sense it in her heart that beats even faster
I feel in her body every time  she gives me a hug
Love is an emotion that cannot lie
Her love so strong , brings tears to my eyes .
88 · Sep 26
Love can
Kindinheart Sep 26
Love can make you happy
Love can make you smile
Love can make you vulnerable
Love can make you cry
But when you meet your love
You won’t be vulnerable , and won’t  cry
But it will make you happy , and also make you smile 🙂
88 · Sep 12
Always on show
Kindinheart Sep 12
You play your part when your on show
As if nothing is out of place
Keeping a smile on your face
Everything normal to all who don’t know
But deep in your heart there is always a tear
That no one can ever see
Wishing all the time
That the show was the real deal .
88 · Sep 12
My World
Kindinheart Sep 12
You came into my world
And opened up my heart
Many tears and time for reflection
Stopped me from falling apart
My heart was cleansed of shadows
You lit up emotions that for years were hid
Made me meet hearts,that now are new friends
Yours is top of my list
Kindinheart Sep 20
When my life on earth is over
Don’t know where i will go
But i know my memories
Will be with you forever more
Memories of verses ,smiles and stary eyes
Chatting at the table, drinking glasses of wine
Lovely conversation like long lost friends
Hope you stay in contact ,
Don’t want this ever to  end.
85 · Sep 16
Kindinheart Sep 16
Two x’s  on their own
To some don’t mean a lot
But i have always used them
Since a time i cannot forget .
I’m careful who receives  them
They have to be special to me
You will always receive them
Because your friendship means so much to me .
83 · Sep 18
Beach of lost hearts
Kindinheart Sep 18
When you walk on the beach
Take care where you tread
Hidden amongst the pebbles
Are hearts of crimson red

Hearts left by lovers
That eventually turned to stone
They couldn’t come together
So now lie here all alone

But when you do find one
Treat it will loving care
Because someone once left it
Thats why it was there
83 · Sep 24
Kindinheart Sep 24
Beware the one’s who lie
The one’s who seldom smile
Beware the one’s  with no eye contact
The one’s that cannot look into yours
Beware the one’s who are never at fault
When you know its always theirs
Beware the one’s who don’t say the truth
Because they will always lie .
82 · Sep 16
Your show
Kindinheart Sep 16
You play your part when your on show
As if nothing is out of place
Always with a lovely smile on your face
Behaving normal to all who don’t know
But deep in your heart there is always a tear
That no one can ever see,
Wishing all the time
That the show was the real deal.
81 · Sep 12
Kindinheart Sep 12
I should feel guilt but i don’t
Is it my heart keeping it out
Taking revenge because it was hurt
Or maybe it’s because my heart is so full of love
And wont let guilt play a part ?
77 · Sep 12
Harbour of Love
Kindinheart Sep 12
My heart was hurt , lost all at sea
In a storm of emotion that no one could see
I had no choice but to find a sheltered cove
In s harbour of calm that protected me with her love .
Somewhere i could rest , and take time to recover
Before eventually i returned into the arms of another .
Kindinheart Sep 16
I cannot let her go
I cannot let her down
When i needed someone
She stepped up to the line
Cared for me when i needed company
Loved me when I felt alone
Meets me when convenient
Hold’s me close when i need a hug
Now it’s one day at a time
Careful steps along the way
Now i stand with her ,as she did me
I cannot let her go
73 · Sep 16
Night Tears
Kindinheart Sep 16
Head on my pillow
Cant get to sleep
Staring at the ceiling
Feeling my eyes weep
Tears of loneliness, tears of fear
Wandering what the future holds
Love left me , feeling alone
Yearning for company to keep me warm
I cant wait forever , but i have no choice
Love has to find me , fed up of listening to my own voice .
72 · Sep 15
Kindinheart Sep 15
I need to keep you positive
In these troubling times
Life has to take its course.
All i can do at the moment
Is to be your loyal friend.
Someone who understands what you are going through.
Keep faith in the ones you trust
Don't keep them in the void of silence
Don’t keep them out of the loop.
Because when this chapter of your life is over ,
And a new one about to start
You will lean on their friendship and love
To help you find your path.
68 · Dec 5
I Need You
Kindinheart Dec 5
I need to talk to you
Please pick up your phone
I need you to forgive me
For all that i said
I need you to look to the future
And not to live in the past
I need you to feel wanted
And not to feel alone
I need you to feel appreciated
It’s what you thoroughly deserve
I need to make you smile
To brighten up our life
I need to say i love you
Each and every day
I need you to help me change
To be that better person
I need you now
More than i ever did .
66 · Sep 13
The gift
Kindinheart Sep 13
When i became a father
I was gifted a set of skills
A gift of love and kindness
That only fathers bring
But something draws me towards you
This never happened to me before
It’s like a magnet drawing me closer
To help you like one of my own
I don't know your past
Always said i would never ask
Maybe one day you will tell me
Why this magnetism works?
63 · Sep 12
The Mask
Kindinheart Sep 12
We all have a front , some even a mask
To shield ourselves from the past
To put across false impressions
While hiding the truth .
Some day someone will enter your life and your heart
Then that will be the beginning
Of understanding , and hopefully unveiling
A lovely person that hides behind your mask.
58 · Sep 16
Seeking Happiness
Kindinheart Sep 16
Do not retreat into the shadows
Stay out in the bright sunlight
Bask in the light of new friendships
Eventually all will turn out alright.
Time will be a factor , time always is.
I know your heart at the moment is saddened
Believe me warmth will re-enter your heart.
One day someone will enter your life
Who you cannot get out of your mind
One who will care and love you ,
And will be thoughtful and absolutely kind .
57 · Sep 13
Kindinheart Sep 13
Why are people so greedy
Why cant they be kind
Why do they worship money
When money cannot buy you friends
This is why i’m so wealthy
Loving friends i have
I may not have loads of money
But money will never buy the friends i have .
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