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Transport me to a better place
Where tears no longer run down my face
Where the cuts on my wrist, do not bleed
Where my tortured soul can finally be freed

Take me to this place, it's only in my mind
It's the only place, I can leave it all behind

Comfort me, when everything is going wrong
Hold my hand, for I feel I do not belong
Walk with me as I speak the truth, plain and cold
Listen while i tell secrets that should not be told

Take me to this place, it's only in my mind
It's the only place, I can leave it all behind

Do not shed a tear, when I speak of abuse
You can not save me, so there is no use
Allow me to grieve in my own way
Let me be silent when I have nothing to say

Take me to this place, it's only in my mind
It's the only place, I can leave it all behind

Call a man of God to hear my prayer
Promise me that you'll always be there
Hear me confess my every living sin
As I slowly die from the outside in

Take me to this place, it's only in my mind
It's the only place, I can leave it all behind

Close me inside my coffin tight
So I won't be woke by the morning light
Keep me in your heart and in your memory
Please just let be finally be free

Take me to this place, it's only in my mind
It's the only place, I can leave it all behind

Only in my mind
I can actually leave the past behind
For what I have long since been searching for I finally find this time
Only in my mind
I don't feel the need for time to rewind.
There are no memories here ready to remind. By blood I have already bound to all the ties that did bind.
Only in my mind
Could this fantasy world have ever been designed. To this parallel universe I must find a way to get reassigned.
If only
Only in my mind
In-laws outlaw's crooks not a one of us straight.
We are the ties that bind that's how we all relate.
Do you really need me to demonstrate.
All of our own problems we tend to create.
It's pretty  much our ******* fate. Quietly we contemplate
things that are unchecked and hard for us to regulate.
In our own wake
we leave everything on completely devastate.  
As our situations we continue to simply complicate.
Always the chaos it does tend to elevate
It's  getting harder and harder for me to concentrate
At least it has been as of ******* late  Isn't addiction just ******* great. Please go on and tell me I'm dying to know just how I rate.
Here is my attempt at trying to educate
all my life I did self medicate
so these feelings I could eradicate. If there are any murders you can bet I did so  meditate.
Before I ended up going ahead with the plan to premeditate.
Maybe this is something for you that I can illustrate.
The meeting of the voices in my head I facilitate.
Their murderous ideas I exonerate. That usually  sparks a huge debate. Sometimes like  ticking time bombs these voices prepare to detonate
we do not have enough religion to promote love we have just enough to hold on to hate.
The darkness inside of me I try to illuminate.
I hate to hurry up just so that I can wait.
My ego maybe I should deflate. There are things that to me they  simply irritate.
I dislike being in a state of aggravate my most cherished memories I somehow desecrate.
Myself to a cause I can't seem to dedicate
I probably have too much on my plate
more drama I do not to generate.  Ideas from the days that have already passed I reinstate.
A **** up indeed I am to this very date.

I am trying to be all I can be, all I can be is just simply me. A person so blinded by the light that they just can not see.
All my live long days I have longed to just be free.
I know that the coming of tomorrow holds no guarantee.
I bid a fond farewell to thee.
As to God in heaven I make an urgent plea
while in prayer on bended knee.
I'm getting rather tired of this fractured sense of reality.
I am inclined to violently throw a ******* from this balcony
Is it not just an absolute travesty
that I can so **** tragically
yet quite ******* callously
so *******  casually
create a **** causilty.
Isn't that a hell of a brutality. Principals before personalities
**** all the legalities.
Don't you know that these so called abnormalities
are just  formalities.
You know technicalities
some of the more traditional hospitalities
lay in wait that the eventualities
will soon give way to the  whimsicality  
of such immoralities.

In other words there are many secrets and bodies hidden in the cracks of my very moral  code. Harley crunching gravel on this old dirt road
it's time for me to lock and ******* load
ready I am to ******* explode
my story has already been pretty much been told
like laundry I know when I need to fold.
All that glitters is definitely not ******* gold.
Out of all the questions you've asked me guess how many lies I have sold. When God made me he broke the mold.
the power I have invested in myself I now behold
if we never slow the **** down then perhaps we won't ever ******* grow old.
My ride or die has already died as he rode.
I am not one easily controlled.
I am not at all  outspoken not even close to being bold
but the older I grow I am that much more corrupt I am in fact cold.
I'm off my rocker I'm in fact throwed reaping whatever I have sowed
Only ******* taking what I am actually owed.

Thick clouds I blow just because I tend to smoke pretty strong
Just like you I'm looking for the place I am meant to belong.
I am trying to keep moving right along
but at this impasse I've stood way too long
up all night staring into the Nothing while I am hitting the ****
Whoever I used to be she's already long gone
I'm animated like a cartoon I am ******* drawn
Brains over ******* brawn
I never go down before at least thr break of dawn
I'm so **** high I think I just saw a leprechaun
Would that not be some kind of supernatural phenomenon

I have to admit that I shive a ghit nor do I ******* give a ******* ****
Not in the least little ******* bit
Whatever I have going on I am trying to rise above it
Here in this **** parking lot I ******* sit
Wouldn't you ******* know I am **** sure lit
I doubt that i will ever really ******* quit
I am not a hypocrite
Nor am I counterfeit
I won't tell you not to do as I do while I am taking a hit.
Why is it this life that seems to be only fit.
All the abuse that I have seen
Has left me standing in a dream
Violence, blood, and tears shed
Paint all of my days crimson red
When I think of my horrid past
Grateful that images do not last
I can't help but sit and cry
Wishing that my soul could fly

I was kicked around by your boots
Never allowed to grow any roots
Moved form one place to another
I missed and needed my mother
Who usually ended up in jail cell
While I lived in this private hell
She was just trying to provide
Sometimes I wonder if she lied

Here I am sitting in foster care
Blank walls holding a cold stare
Feeling like I am always alone
In a house that can't be home
I have nothing at all to say
About that horrible day
That took me to this place
Letting tears roll down my face

After I had just settled in
I was forced to move again
With people who didn't care
If I was really even there
No one even held my hand
Try to help me understand
Why I am in all this pain
Why nothing is the same

Ready to move once again
Struggling with demons within
I sat in another lonely place
Tears streaming down my face
I felt someone touch my hand
They helped me understand
That life just goes astray
And everything will be OK

Here I am sitting in foster care
Walls, not holding my cold stare
For this time I am not alone
This house will be my home
And I remain here for a while
Thinking back will make me smile
Tears of happiness I will cry
My soul is finally able to fly.

Lost oh so ******* lost AI don't even know what the hell I am supposed to do.
How the **** did I just ******* lose you
A mother without her children is so **** incomplete Broken a hole in my soul
Where you are I don't even really ******* know

How do I handle this it's is such unbearable pain
To know you're out there somewhere where I can't hear you knowing you are calling my name
The sorrow the sense of loss and all the shame
I won't ever feel like I am the person I was one in the same

I pray that whoever becomes your foster parent until to me you can one day come back
Isn't ****** up quite ******* like that

I can't ******* breathe the walls are all closing in I can't even think of the words I needed to even pray
I just hope that one day you will forgive me and grow up to be okay.

My loss so profond that chaos runs rampant as I try to hold all these evils at bay
stuttering like a record that's skipping what do I even ******* say

I lead with the silence I live in it's a sound so loud inside of my head
Without you I would rather be ******* dead
Explicit and profane language
There are those that are not willing to confess, it is somehow a disgrace to all the rest.
Dishonoring those that were the best.
Damming the blessed. **** what a freaking mess.
This world is outrageous These Warriors courageous.
Their Valor said to be contagious but yet still on blood-stained Battleground, spacious their enemies remain forever nameless.
Ran through by Blades of Steel stainless they are not Shameless but neither are they blameless.
The dreams are deemed less because people can't picture fields of greenness.
Leaving dreamers dreamless. Braveness equals dire grave ness because yet another ignoramus is made famous by intentions heinous
We are lost to corrupt traditions ageless. Our future wasted all of us sinners faithless.
Chased by these ghosts of ours that are faceless. This hell we created keeps time that is fadeless.  
God remains so gracious, Even when we keep sidestepping our greatness.
All of our passions are burned out.
They are flameless. Achievements frameless.
F. I'm no fruits of our labor by our efforts gainless this world seems to be carried by the brainless
This can not sustain us. Villains Reckless leaving behind collateral damage. Careless vulnerable we cannot be covered by our barrenness. This world's not remembered for fairness. Ego Who should be deflated. Our countries morals debated. Suicide is not painless as some have stated. So why are these murders?: Premeditated? You' d cast helf-medicated fade to see to the half medicated,and  half *** sedated. Moments that were wasted Your briyhtytt they look as though they were cherished through eyes that were jaded. Stupid are those that appeared educated our enemies so underestimated.
Our Saviors belated. Blood people hated cutting ties to the ones in which they are relatedo  Civilization degraded how we long for that familiar sameness they said comes from sadness  
.     the world is an outrageous mess for forgotten faces found in Peyton's places Out Of Reach of God's good graces some of these bodies disappeared with no traces they ended up in an oasis could be nothing more than a fabled burial ground of wasted spaces.

— The End —