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Sep 11 · 31
Yonah Jeong Sep 11
light doesn't overcomes night
it is to yield alone.
Sep 10 · 43
too bad
Yonah Jeong Sep 10
If you don't have
any regrets,
your present
no charm

Look at a birdbathing.
Sep 10 · 35
Good and Devil
Yonah Jeong Sep 10
Good fears a greater good
Devil doesn't fear a greater devil.
Sep 10 · 26
Useless bugs
Yonah Jeong Sep 10
The great player who doesn't practice
The writer who doesn't write
Even if they're genius but
Worse than a hopeless.
Sep 10 · 32
with Love
Yonah Jeong Sep 10
i rise......irises.
Yonah Jeong Sep 10
Let's be 18 years
by now
the ripples of river,
wind in the woods
aromatic seasons air
It is gone, and now
removed the revulsion of strangers,
the World
It made it my hometown.
Yonah Jeong Sep 10
for a life of research

A1 scattering Auto
deep night, empty
passing the highway
I fell into the forest path
far away
appeared and disappeared
The lights
white yellow red
Burning the withered trees
covered the forest path
The purple smoke
Going up to the sky above the trees and forests
saying hello
dispeled the light of darkness
The earth hands with the sky
The woman who became a grandmother
flying her wrinkles and gray hair
It's a dream... but it seems true.
rhyme hugging
reap,,,,,,, plants
surrounded by a pale purple
We are captured its future
Modern people in the cars
I whisper a new song
spring comes but there are no flowers
even though morning comes, there is no evening
there are no humans and no life in life
arousing loving desire
(alone again alone)
cruel and loving fire hungry
beautiful travelers solitary
remodel! our city!
Oh, there's a car over there safely
came out of the forest
The big car carrying us
running towards away there.
Sep 10 · 26
with love all
Yonah Jeong Sep 10
I was drunk alcohol
I lost many things

I was drunk on gambling
I lost more many things

I was drugged by hate
I lost all.

and I drunk with love
Regaining everything.
Sep 9 · 37
from love
Yonah Jeong Sep 9
So light comes from
enters darkness,
and does not exist
without darkness.

For light is love.
Sep 8 · 41
gone sides away
Yonah Jeong Sep 8
gone sides away
already gone
from me,
not disappear
that landscape
that person
that event
And those roads,
My diamond sides
will never fade away
that have made up my minds,
daily soul food stamp.
Sep 8 · 30
rainy day in Fort Lee
Yonah Jeong Sep 8
Good morning, stars

It rains
The wind is blowing

The branches shaken
Autumn on the asphalt
You are rolling

The wires become swings
You sent in the parking lot
Look at the gifts of the night

Your painful pains
I'm counting.
Sep 8 · 30
wind's everything
Yonah Jeong Sep 8
wind's hill
wind's spunge
wind's pandora
wind's sea
wind's breathing
wind's hug
wind's reading
wind's pains
wind's winds

It is our Memorabilia.
Sep 8 · 25
with or without
Yonah Jeong Sep 8
You can **** Memorabilia  that will be made
you can't end Reminiscences from being made.
Sep 8 · 160
a Sonnet of Love
Yonah Jeong Sep 8
through the blinds,
against the barbed wire fence,
swaying in the wind
the wild flowers,
watching their dances
in the early fall.
Sep 8 · 35
Buried in the ground
Yonah Jeong Sep 8
In a storm


Bending but not breaking
Shaken but not broken

buried in the ground
raising a sprout

The power of love
Make a node
and make the wind sing)

Doesn't it make Wasteland into Loam?
Sep 8 · 31
I love this word
Yonah Jeong Sep 8
I always suspected
Would he value me?
Even in his devotion
I doubted alone
Would he love me?
Even with his restraint and laughter
I always doubted
Inside and outside will be different
I sent an email
to say "thank you"
Then came the reply
As always, sincerely
thank you from the bottom of my heart
as always,
I first met this word
Like in the old days
I tried to doubt
However, when
tonight, the word
I felt sincerely.
Sep 8 · 32
In the flame of love
Yonah Jeong Sep 8
all dark,
and complicated problems
melt away
we are loved, and especially
we are loving
the ice-cold problems
that are solidified by it
it will melt and flow like water
wetting the fields of our lives
and giving us
a harvest of abundant fruit
to beat the winter.
Sep 8 · 20
f & s
Yonah Jeong Sep 8
flower is in the future
it is in it.
Sep 8 · 27
going out to meet
Yonah Jeong Sep 8
By force
going out to meet
is dependant on the time and distance
it takes five hours.......going out to meet
it takes five minutes.......not
it takes 100 miles......going out to meet
it takes 1 mile.......not
for time is money

Be agreeable
going out to meet
is not dependant on the time and distance
it takes 500 hours.......going out to meet and to wait
it takes a minute.......            "
it takes 1000 miles....... as above
it takes 0.1 mile.......            "
for time is love

Love has been ruling
time and distance:
the rubber band of love--
both ends of love

going out to meet is
the fraternal twins of
seeing off.
Yonah Jeong Sep 8
Without love
yes, we are angry
to be more bitter
for decades
barely able to eat
with envy
with little to eat and an proud heart
into a sweet syrup
With some sweet shame pills
and penitential roads
could not banish from our hearts
Search the stomach of lakes

The deep, deep lakes
stained with sins all
coloring our fields

The sorrows
our sorrows are always in our souls
save our souls

you who are only angry
You who cannot be sad
You must change these things in mourning
for your own sake
toward thyself
Sep 6 · 31
Yonah Jeong Sep 6
romanticism without resistance is like ramen without soup.
Sep 5 · 18
First Love
Yonah Jeong Sep 5
do not exceed, a border line, if you're possible.
Sep 5 · 40
Welcome autumn 1
Yonah Jeong Sep 5
A forest
like New Yorker colors
flowing through
the sea of clouds
i see
the disappearing road,
deer footprints,
rattan run,
wildflowers last dancing,
early morning
october, wind
stroking the grass of meadow,
dog barking from afar
shaking traffic lights,
most beautiful city,
Paramus stretches out.
Sep 5 · 23
New York, New York 1
Yonah Jeong Sep 5
i am watching today
people flock to New York
statue of liberty
beach bike path
metropolitan museum
wall street
charging bull
time square garden
central park
world trade building
911 memorial museum
natural history museum
carnegie hall
new york botanical garden
lincoln center
hudson river
joe's pub
new york public library
empire state building
chelsea market
fdr highway
brooklyn bridge
the riverside church
around these places
cleared out
unable to see
top attraction in New York
the invisible man
i am facing today
the divine name, homeless.
Yonah Jeong Sep 4
light flowing
right also streams
A day with write burning
distant fire
leaking out from the extinguished past
excitinng fire,
Even I weaken it
If I put it away
spreading gaily at night
between the cracks
educating Day by Day,
life of lives,
Where is unwavering love?
Sep 4 · 25
Yonah Jeong Sep 4
Like a thief's friend, Lover shares pain.
Sep 4 · 28
The pinnacle of art
Yonah Jeong Sep 4
Five-year-old May,
just starting to escape Autism,
comes to my side,
taps fingers on the aluminum trash can
next to old desk,
looks at me,
and May says,
Sep 3 · 934
Yonah Jeong Sep 3
It is very hard
to make money

It is too easy
to spend money

for neighbors
which one?
Sep 3 · 23
Yonah Jeong Sep 3
Empty parking lot,
early in the morning,
riverside restaurant,
flowing into the city center,
shaking old table,
pieces of clouds floating in the blue sky,
impressionism pointillism,
grass light of the roadside,
broken old tree branches in the forest,
waving leaves,
pine leaves melodies,  
pierced by knife and fork,
                                                                                                                    jazz melody
by the concrete bridge
solo angler
be dinner

waitress cleaning next door,
no more than 118.11 inches in height,
landscape outside the window,
trail ending with dots,
a glass of wine,
afternoon standing alone with a tree,
come in and fall asleep

night sunlight: street lamp lights,
riding the wind through,
tunnel of the long night,
                                        a fragrance of the flowers
of the lucky tree
bloomed after 20 years
                                                                                  a rushing poem
enters into the “good morning".
Sep 3 · 20
power of isolation
Yonah Jeong Sep 3
did you kidnap me?”

I am tired of being lonely....”
Sep 3 · 28
Romance & Revolution
Yonah Jeong Sep 3
from the heart

into the heart.
Sep 2 · 32
because of daily food
Yonah Jeong Sep 2
too many
not be throw away

too little
not be run away

chaebol or

too satisfied
indifferent typical people

I don't want to live like them.
Sep 2 · 33
first love
Yonah Jeong Sep 2
in the evening
approach like darkness

at dawn
leave like light.
Sep 2 · 26
all value
Yonah Jeong Sep 2
all different things
have equal
there is only one value
We are human beings.
Sep 2 · 28
don't mix
Yonah Jeong Sep 2
In the ocean
Waves don't hug each other
they just mix together.
Yonah Jeong Sep 1
It's too hot
windows up and
I look at the red brick wall next door

in the meantime
a fragile maple tree trunk
holding the square holes of the mosquito net
and is climbing up

My room
My desk
My bed
looking at my clothes

How happy am I?

Even in the midst of the winter to come
without pulling down the blind
Nor will I lower the windows

I'll be able to say hello to the neighbors
I've never spoken to before

What a joy!

Can i do it?


I will never be lonely at night.
Yonah Jeong Sep 1
Masterpieces are born by breaking the rules, and it's up to the reader, not the writer, to nurture them. Because the rules are not made by the writer, but by the reader. But breaking the rules doesn't mean you didn't follow them, it just means you don't need them.
Sep 1 · 22
Yonah Jeong Sep 1
without hills, no being can shine.
Sep 1 · 34
one Tofu
Yonah Jeong Sep 1
made from crushed
comforting color,
comforting aroma,
square and stable
who filled us with blessings
every morning
in the childhood
a handful tofu,
and the broken glass windows,
and through the cracks of broken wooden doors
You came out dancing from them
enveloped us
vapor of wisdom and the soul &
best food in prison
after release
the first thing they should eat
you, a Tofu
It is not a coincidence
like Raffle.
Sep 1 · 42
I love bare feet
Yonah Jeong Sep 1
There is a reason I love hill

It is not a forest
            a field
      in the grass

There is another reason I love hill

Hill, no direction.
      no height or base
      can lie down.

Really, there is a reason I love hills

Hills, Nostalgia
        There is a future
        There is bare feet

Where two meet, there is a Squiggly road
                                        there is a hug of healing.
Sep 1 · 31
shadows parting
Yonah Jeong Sep 1
The tree
speaks with shadows

The sky
speaks for stars

The sea
speaks as beaches

Love speaks in parting.
Sep 1 · 25
New Window
Yonah Jeong Sep 1
Old window, long used
and says
scrapes my hearts

Curtains are not necessary

I can take it all off along
I can show it everything
I don't have to hide business

Wrapping me up, because.
Aug 31 · 30
water downward
Yonah Jeong Aug 31
the sugar water
Sugar is not visible

Love is like water

It hides all things
and reveals them

Love flows downward alone.
Aug 31 · 26
Yonah Jeong Aug 31
the fruit of mercy is love.
Aug 31 · 30
Yonah Jeong Aug 31
It is not about giving my neighbor
the same feelings like them

I continue to have
the same feelings like them.
Aug 31 · 27
a Mercy
Yonah Jeong Aug 31
No matter how much you give
if there is no mercy heart in it
in vain!

No matter how you give little
if there is merciful heart in it
not in vain.
Aug 31 · 17
War and Peace
Yonah Jeong Aug 31
The impact of regional wars
are global all
So, as
there is no peace
that is irrelevant to me
there is no war
that is not related to me.
Aug 31 · 39
Yonah Jeong Aug 31
Extremists are not brave. Because can't love peace.
Aug 31 · 117
Yonah Jeong Aug 31
Do your best, Evil can be avoided.
Aug 31 · 34
Relativity theory
Yonah Jeong Aug 31

Does time seem to move slower
Look at the second hand

Does time seem to move faster
Look at the hour hand


Time seems to be meaningless
Look at the events

Time seems to be meaningful?
Look at the clock.


Time creating, not consuming.
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