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5d · 18
Thanks Alot 🎄
Heroes, this time of
   Year, not hard
        to Spot.
Ringing a bell, over
     a red ***.
Getting a toy, for
    an unknown, Tot.
Passing out food
   In a parking Lot.
Dipping out a dinner
  filling and Hot.
Supplying a needed
  sleeping Cot.
The heroes, who have
   serving the
         Have- not.
Still, a great Country
    we've, Got!
Dec 5 · 209
One an Done
I'm sure my little poems,
  have no chance of getting
    anything "Done".
In a World of "Seven"
   thousand languages
       I know "One".
Nov 28 · 231
A wish, to all, "I Pray",
   May your, "Turkey Day",
     be the best in, "Every Way".
       and the scales, "Display"
           how little, "We Weigh".
Nov 21 · 401
We can only write,
    what's in "our" Mind.
Yet, still take pleasure,
    in what "others", Find.
Nov 5 · 183
So, you want to know,
the difference of
   finite, and infinite
Conger up the
  largest number
    You can, then add,
Repeat till you're
Nov 3 · 116
Following "My Line"
I believed in a preacher,
  when I was nine.
Who said he would, live to see
  the "end of time".
Through out history "Believers"
  have followed this "line".
He's now, long gone, and I'm
  pass, "my prime".
I, still search, for that, which
  we call, "Devine".
I believe, that task was always
  "meant to be mine".
Yet, to many, claim
   "This is The Sign"
I find: my  own,
Oct 23 · 58
We knew, So few
Earth's history of humans,
   spans ages,
Yet individually, we get,
   so few pages.
In this time, so few, we
   get to know.
The rest, just flakes,
    in our blizzard, snow.
Oct 21 · 44
Heavenly Advice
This time of year, I think, what would
   my Grandmother do?
A staunch Republican,
    thru and thru.
We walked her precincts
   together, a long hike,
Proudly, wearing, the buttons,
   "I like Ike."
Yet, Jesus was her strength,
   and guide.
With her former party,  
    would she still, side???
She was known as "MOM" to everyone in my large Family, my moral guide. still today. My Grandfather known only as "POP" never voted.
I asked him once, the difference between, Republicans, and Democrats?
He said the Republicans, took your money and gave it to the Rich, and the Democrats took your money and gave it to the Poor. "But they both took your Money!"
Oct 19 · 277
3 Dimensions
What I've done in the past,
    Is History.
What I do in the future
     A Mystery.
What I do in the present,
     So important for me.
Sep 29 · 100
Time for a Rhyme?
It seems,now on "hello poetry,"
  only a fraction
       is getting to me.
Going to following, only
      a few I see.
Is this the future
     of this site to be.
Someone fix this
      is my plea!
It, I find, means
   much too thee.
Sep 29 · 747
Fate, Wait
The mind,sometimes
   waits, many a day.
To tell the pen,
    what to say.
Aug 31 · 124
Tell while Well
Being bold,  
  Not as easy,
    When old.
Best, stories
   often unfold,
     when told.
Aug 22 · 78
Me \ We
The thoughts, the composition,
  is all Me,
on the take, of my lifespan
   as I see.
Destined to float alone unseen
   in a digital sea,
unless it finds a connection,
   with a We.
Aug 17 · 151
Round & Round
Sorry if I haven't commented
  on your poetry, recently.
The refresh, on hepo keeps
  spinning constantly.
Maybe time, for a new
   tablet, for me.
Aug 5 · 362
Dumb Bot
A robot, solving a Rubix cube
   in less than a second, gives
     a sense of future dread.

Yet, I think, I will really worry,
   when it chooses, too change,
      the colored circles instead.
Jul 30 · 63
P T As
  only sow,
    the path,
      they know,
        and how you:
            must go.
   show where
      faiths, and
          and the answer:
               you decide.
Jul 23 · 52
Fond of Dawn
Sometimes with my
  little eye I spy.
The glories of a
  morning eastern sky.
A young man, on a
    building top,
      meets his fate.
Uniting a divided
     nation, in
        their hate.
As agent of a
    failed assassin's
or inept shooter, who
    missed, the head
"AGAIN"  Prayers and sympathy, to the victims and family,
who's fun, undone, by a gun.
Jul 6 · 195
Human pace, Human race
Because so few walked the path
    of climates, master,
So many are fleeing the path
    of climates, disaster.
More that's said:
       With fewer words.
More likely:
       Remembered,when heard.
Jun 30 · 194
Recipe Sweet
Keep it simple,
   keep it neat.
Make it easy,
     to repeat.
Maybe they,
    won't delete.
Jun 12 · 148
Reflective Moon
From the earth's beginning
of life, and night,
It has been a companion,
to all with sight.

A controller of nature,
and oceans tides.
Showing only one side
the other it hides

Cycling from lighted face,
to smiling away.
It taught humans a span,
longer than a day.

Floating above in white
florescent grace,
A symbol of Romance, and
  a slower pace.

Realizing that everyone,
each and all.
Have looked up with wonder
of earth's reflective ball.
Jun 9 · 76
Memories Begin
Loss of a friend,
  a life chapter end.
Jun 8 · 97
Don't use a whale,
           to tell,
     a minnows, tale.
Jun 7 · 78
You want to reach? Don't Preach. Teach!
May 26 · 122
Chain Pain
Next time the cost of
something, has you
  angry or blue.
Think of the chain
it took, to get to you.
May 24 · 118
1st Ever, To a 100 HePro
Humans became the dominant of every kind,
When they turned from muscle, to using the mind.
And to their apex, they started to reach,
Giving up instinct, and learning to Teach.
These notes may be the longest, thing I ever write on this site. This poem is dedicated to a teacher who got me interested in poetry. Ninth grade English class. MS Babttista had just on a Friday, announced we would begin a study on poetry, the following week. Our assignment was over the weekend, to write a poem. I was upset, I was a budding football player and poetry was for girls and sissies. There was still about 15 minutes left in class, so I wrote the poem #1 below and tossed it on her desk. When I arrived back on Monday, while she was picking up my fellow students poems, she handed mine back. On the top was an "A" with the note "Nice read, thanks for taking the time, to make it rhyme. See me after class. I was glad and surprised by the "A" but worried about meeting her. After class she asked how I was able to write it so fast, and did I just make it up. I told her I had never tried to write a poem in my life. She said I might just have a future. She then handed me a dog eared copy of the poems of Robert Frost, and told me it was one of her favorites, and she would like me to have it. He is my favorite to this day. As all of you know, I'm not and will never be a good poet, but she started me searching for good poetry. Poem #2 is my effort to thank her and all "Teachers". You will know now that my "tag line" on many of you fellow trying poets, was "plagiarized" from a former beloved teacher. But, I consider it the highest of praises! Please keep writing. Thanks for reading, Denny R. Allison.
May 24 · 116
#1 A Juicy Fruit Wrapper
A Juicy Fruit wrapper, lays crumpled on the floor,
over there between my desk and the door.
How many people worked to get it just right.
That paper, that will get swept up tonight.
That Juicy Fruit wrapper crumpled on the floor,
over there between my desk and the door.
May 22 · 139
At 73
Looking back, it seems to be.
Loving relatives, at the
  age, of about three,  
Taught me a prayer,
   to say upon my knee,
And set upon the
 tribe, for me.
Making sympathy hard, for
    other tribes, to see.
A struggle, even now,
    to break free.
May we find a way
  "My Plea"
May 7 · 71
Around it Goes
Does anyone else
     know the feel,
of sleep interrupt,
     and words lining up,
for the poetry wheel?
Apr 3 · 173
Lifes Journey
Riches and fame,
      seldom the game.
Contentment and pride,
       still a good ride.
Mar 25 · 56
Being = meaning?
Forever the march
   of numbers go.
Endless the universe,
   it seems so.
Finite seems life,
   do we know?
Without sentient beings:
   does it matter though?
In "these days" I consider
it luck, if the the movie
I stream doesn't use F-word.

In the "good old days"
I'd get a back hand hit,
if I ever said S-word.

My grandma, would give a,
Biblical slam, if I muttered,

Someone's fetching a switch.
if I called, my sister a B-word

Yet in the "old days" I
do recall my black
friend, braying like a
donkey, calling me H-word,
and we would snicker, when
I called him N-word.
In all "ages" some words, are better off, not said or heard. This was to be The last line, but then it would rhyme. My "good old days" child abuse, and racist words, remembered thru, colored shades.
I know, I took the time, to not make it rhyme.
Mar 9 · 49
   Both sides,
     Hostage Prize,
       Tunnel Spies,
         Rocket Skies,
          Towns Demise,
  Hunger Rise,
     Leaders Lies,
      Religions Despise,
       Anger Flies,
         Trade Plies,
             Reason Dies,
                God Cries.
Mar 1 · 80
The ability given to humans
      To hold,
Has given comfort, strife,
       and marvels untold.
Feb 24 · 142
The Tilt
The death of a loved one,
    effects the souls symmetry.
When the scale of life, tips
     from, knowing to memory.
Feb 16 · 124
True Blue
Arguing a belief till your face turns blue,
    Doesn't necessarily make it true.
Jan 26 · 188
All men are created equal. He said.
She raised her eyes, and shook her head.
Jan 17 · 186
The wonders of nature,
    that so attract,
are made by forces under,
    constant attack.
The wonders of humans,
      the world begat,
when together they said,
      we can build that.
Jan 1 · 219
More for 2024
I Cheer,
     For less Fear,
           In the coming Year.
Dec 2023 · 80
Those who have, lived the pain,
       Most qualified, to explain.
Nov 2023 · 227
Our Times
A honest belief,
  Can bring relief,
    While causing
        May effects,
         be brief.
Nov 2023 · 103
Brain Watts
So many of you with that
        10watt mass in your head.
Can generate so much,  
          out there, to be read.
Garnering likes, loves, and
          repost, that spread.
Making me post, my attempts,
          with a sense of dread.
Hopefully pushing my own
           wattage to a "nine."
I can manage, to generate,
            a usable line.
Afraid my watts, don't know
            what's unless I rhyme.
Again I'm afraid, I've wasted,
            everyone's time.
Oct 2023 · 243
Have you faced the
  soul crushing reality,
of a time you will no
  longer be.
What the memories
  those left behind
   will see?
Oct 2023 · 202
History's Loop
It seems, human
     only plan,
       to sacrifice
         their soul,
           and riches,
             to harm their,
               fellow man.
Oct 2023 · 83
Bed Time
Now I lay me down too sleep,
   I pray my pills, the pain,
      away will keep.
May I slumber a little before,
   the spouse puts down the book,
     and begins to snore.
May my coverage, hit the spot,
     not to cold, not to hot.
May I make it through the hour of wee,
     without having to get up
        and ***.
May I add to that, the neighbors
        dog doesn't, see a cat.
At my age, any bedtime
        wish list, I make,
          I must add,
             that I, "awake".
Sep 2023 · 210
the "Best"
Do you remember, the "BEST"
     Poem you ever Read,
the one that, to your love
     of Poetry, it led?
Did it set you upon your quest,
     to write a Poem to pass the test,
       of being someone else's,
Sep 2023 · 201
Spark in the Dark
When the power goes out,
     there is no doubt.
How dependent, we be,
     on our electricity.
Sep 2023 · 74
Except for This
Don't you just
      hate it,
Everything now,
      so complicated.
Inspiration be, a smarter than me, new T.V.
Sep 2023 · 86
So Long Pirate
Jimmy, was the Worlds,
      Great Gimmy.
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