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Jason Cheney Apr 2022
Christ, upon the cross looking so forlorn
To this I could have sworn
Seeing that His feet were so worn

He spent the night in Gethsemane
I will proudly kneel before Him upon bended knee
How could they so casually nail him to that tree?

His blood, for me, the earth has it stained
The remnants of his garments were completely bloodstained
Nailed upon that wooden cross, his hands and feet were pierced for me, He softly proclaimed

My heartfelt cry, my Lord, my God
I will forever hold to the iron rod
Please, just glance at me and give me the nod

For thee, I would give my life
Your pain so visible, it cuts me like a knife
Because of thee, though I die, I will yet be alive

My heart, my soul to Thee I owe
The seeds of righteousness thou didst so tenderly sow
I would not forsake thee, no, not even at the rooster’s crow

Upon the waters of Galilee
I stood next to thee
And watched as Peter, for help, did plea

These words didst thou utter: Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani, while hanging there upon that cross
These people have rejected me, this world full of dross
Sadly, it will be to their great loss

Lord, I do miss thee
Since the day thou wast nailed to that horrible tree
In the very depths of my soul is found my unshakable testimony

With thee I have trod
Throughout this lifetime of misery, I continue to plod
Thou wilt forever remain my glorious, eternal God

I for thee would have hung
Praises to thee I have sung
Hot tears falling down my cheeks have they stung

Till thou dost call to me from above
Perhaps I’ll see thee in the form of a dove
Saying come back to me and feel of my great love

Until then, I shall worship thee all day long
Hopefully that day you'll not prolong
For with thee I so belong

I look forward to the day when I’ll run into thy embrace
I for thee have run my race
My Mediator, before God the Father, will mercifully state my case

My shout for joy, I fall at thy feet
At thy table, I can see my seat
For all to hear, my songs of praise I shall forever repeat

Soon shall for everyone to see
The honor I give thee upon bended knee
For having saved thy brother, yes, even me.

Written by:
Jason Cheney
My Testimony of my Saviour and my God
November 17, 2020
1 Peter 2:21-22, 24
Jason Cheney Apr 2022
The most sacred of all things under heaven is a family
People will come for miles to celebrate you see
A temple marriage sends everyone jumping for joy
The Melchizedek priesthood within the temple, we do employ

A blessing of children sealed for eternity
In the sanctity of the temple is where we hold this special ceremony
Being linked for generations: past, present, and future
The sealing powers of heaven this couple will it hold together, forever.

Written by:
Jason Cheney
November 12, 2020
Jason Cheney Apr 2022
This inability to stop inhaling
These sweet fragrances are so breathtaking
Stirring tender memories from my childhood
All of them, rich and good

They bring peace to my soul
They have indeed made me whole
Happiness mingled with a pinch of nostalgia
Triumphs and losses are swallowed up by this beautiful aroma

I smell the essence of each individual flower
Mixed in tandem, my olfactory senses it doth shower
I sense the beauty of this moment
The timing, so delicate … so perfectly eloquent

I wish I could remain
In this beautiful state I'm in
Knowing that this moment was made just for me
A smile, a wish come true, my soul caught up in jubilee

This infectious aroma, this essence
Has created such an exquisite ambience
Wherein I may find inner peace
Until I exhale, and my breath, I release

Written by:
Jason Cheney
March 27, 2022
Jason Cheney Jan 2022
He has heard my simple yet earnest prayer
My heart He has healed with the greatest of care
Through His anguish in Getsemani
I see all He has done for me

My life I will live
A portion of my time to Him must I give
How great is His everlasting love
As His disciple, an exemplary life must I live

To honor Him
I must first understand why He was nailed to that heavy limb
To reflect His image, my heart must I change
My life must I rearrange

My soul hungers to feel of His loving touch
His strong fingers I wish to clutch
When I am weak and I've lost my way
My humble heart turns to Him while I pray

I raise my arms and ask to be lifted up
For with Him I desire to sup
Yet I feel so unworthy of Him
My tears often fill my eyes to the very brim

He hears my soul's lament
He quietly listens as I repent
Then He extents to me His loving embrace
Towards those outstretched arms I do race

He's known me since the beginning of time
We should always remember Him during our lifetime
Within a song, a verse, or a rhyme
We can get to know Him

So as we kneel down to pray
Let our hearts be drawn out today
So that our Lord's redeeming grace
Can be seen in our very countenance

Written by:
Jason Cheney
January 2022
Jason Cheney Dec 2021
Such anguish in my soul
Why doth the devil have so much pull?

To draw me down below
Eternal happiness I feel I must forego

I can't seem to rise above all this pain
My tears fall upon my cheeks like rain

I can't see through solitude's darkness
My heart cries out to me, "life is pointless."

When I am in this moment of despair
It's time to kneel in earnest prayer

My God, I need Thy help to draw me up
I know that Christ did drink from that bitter cup

But I cannot fathom what effort it took
Yet of it He still partook

How strong He must have been
To withstand Lucifer's evil grin

Never to relinquish his eternal perspective
To achieve His Infinite objective

So as we wallow in our own sorrow and pain
Remember that Christ did obtain

Through trials at Gethsemane and there upon Calvary
He did rise above all this world's drudgery

He's here to help lighten our load
This burden upon Him can we unload

To stand up straight
Grabbing the iron rod with all our might

Placing each foot in front of the other
Into God's waiting arms, and also those of our Elder Brother

Where this anguish can be swallowed up
If we will do one simple thing, JUST LOOK UP!

Written by:
Jason Cheney
December 21, 2021
Overcoming depression at times of overwhelming heartache.
Jason Cheney Dec 2021
Mis lágrimas
Mi angustia
Mi lamento por este alma pérdida
Mis miles de recuerdos de ti

El dolor
Mis gritos
Mi corazón tan débil
Mi cuerpo sin fuerzas

Me atraen a tu puerta, querido Señor
No aguanto tanta pérdida
Abrazame por favor
Quitame el dolor y estas lagrimas

Da caricia a mi alma
Abre a mis ojos
Quita las palpitaciones de mi corazón
Extiende tus brazos hacia mi.

Ayúdame sentir mejor
Colma mi corazón
Con tu amor evangélico
Envuélveme en tu abrazo amoroso

Ayúdame entender "el porqué?"
Silencia mis gritos
Toca mi corazón
Levanta mi vista, Señor

Hasta tus cortes celestiales
Para ser un testigo
Del Plan de Redención
Y que me amas

Esta es mi oración
En tus manos deposito mi confianza
Para que algún día yo
Contigo y con ellos, puedo morar

Escrito por:
Jason Cheney
Diciembre 11, 2021
Jason Cheney Nov 2021
The loneliness of the night
To some it is quite a fright
For this purpose God created "light"

In the wee hours of the morning
My mind begins churning
I often find that it's time to begin writing

I can't go back to sleep
I've tried counting thousands of sheep
Therefore, I turn to God, while others are asleep

My thoughts are often just my own
About the gospel seeds that I have sown
And how quickly my kids have grown

Or, how I wish to become like Nephi of old
Who did everything that he was told
He saw Christ, angels, and other things foretold

I think of God's expectation of who I could become
I am free to act, due to Christ's ransome
His ways have never been cumbersome

Talents that have been given to me
These have been a benefit to many you see
But my body aches, the hour is half past three

While upon my bed I do lay
I read, ponder, and pray
What more can I say

The night has passed
A new dawn has come at last
I feel somewhat downcast

As I wonder how to withstand another day
My body and mind must not sway
From my duties to perform, today

While others got a full night's rest
For me, today will be my biggest test
As my body doth protest

Why on Earth couldn't I sleep
Into thy hands, Lord, my soul please keep
As I travel, work, ponder, pray, and seek

Let this next night be more restful and kind
Into thy hands I place my tired, weary, old soul and mind
Please Lord, help me to fully unwind

As each hour swiftly flies
I gladly close my beautiful blue eyes
In hope that my body, this night, will reenergize

I know that through the silence of the night
I have come closer to my Heavenly Father's light
By reading about him, because I've accepted his invite

To become more like Him
Therefore, I sing my favorite hymn
"Oh My Father", this phrase fills my heart to the very brim

No matter what, to Him I'll sing
His matchless love gives me wing
He comforts me, when my heart is aching

What comfort, joy, and beauty is found in this phrase
I stand in all amaze
While looking upon Thy face

"My God How Great Thou Art"
Thou hast known me since the very start
In Thy embrace, my troubles and worries do depart

I deposit my life into Thy loving hand
My faith in Thee will help me withstand
The trials of this life which are just part of Thy eternal plan

Written by:
Jason Cheney
November 6, 2021
Oh My Father by Eliza R Snow
How Great Thou Art by Stuart K Hine
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