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Jesse Rando Feb 2022
City of Night and the bitter winter's cold. Wrap you up in frostbite black, negative chills taking warmth without the decency to ask. Creeping in through the windows, every door and crack. Always waiting with a knife in it's teeth, brimming at the chance to attack. Moments after midnight, and the street is fast asleep. Candle burning long and bright, but thoughts come when there is peace. Trying like hell to get this right, soaking up scenes to make sense of this life. Patterns forming and drifting away, traditions lost, somethings can never be replaced.
Jesse Rando Mar 2021
Exempt from nothing more than panic's touch, surmised by the devil and confused by none. Heaven up above, the only thing uncorrupt. Even the night seems fake when raised by the halogen sun.
Jesse Rando Feb 2021
Verdict is in, all 7 are pardoned from sin. The streets are safe again from the menace that creeps. One less life to take, add to the collection that have suffered the same fate. Freezing in the damp winter night. Mentally unfit to be allowed a plea. We don't care if you are cold, a bound and naked man is alot to fear. How long to find a blanket or a coat? How long before he found a knee upon his throat? When Chuck made the claim I could never believe. 911 is a joke, just check the footage and see. Rochester oh how you have made the scene! From Treyvon to Daniel and every name not yet released.
Jesse Rando Feb 2021
Tempting fate and fighting time, no one cares while you're alive.
Jesse Rando Feb 2021
So many words, nothing to say. So much time, until it fades. Wanting more, staying the same. Forever lost within my brain.
Jesse Rando Jan 2021
Definite verse finds no praise lately. False ears hold no sacred witness. But still we roll in the tide of the desolate wake. I hear no faltering cry as I shout loudly. In moments of terror we weep not for the rising cost of hope, but for the bankrupt morality clause. Pardon my french as I numb your tongue and find refuge in that wood splintered obtuse you call a brain. Desolation row and no forwarding address. Headed for a mass media dust bowl. Void and decrepit of all wise decisions. Backward motions row us forth as we sway like drunken sailors. Fuzzy caress and all it takes to drive the siren from the shore. Brace for impact and disengage, you'll find it where you need. All the whispers all the laughs and grim shadows that find home on the crooked eye backs. Disparage the weak resign to decay. Lumbering thoughts fall like blacksmith's tools on thy anvil so proper. Smith Corona how I love you so! To touch and caress every thought that may linger what I cannot say. Harnessed envy sent in multitudes of pallor. Wolves in the brush but no sheep to claim. Why do I codger these old fools? They know not of what mercy I won't give or refrain. Too tempestuous to act on delay. Winds that blow and carry the pain, of a once lost country is now naked and affraid. Topple tumble overhead, make sense of nothing as we all break bread. No confidence seen or undersold, used car tactics taught in the foxhole. Battered eyes give view to a sun that severed shared it's rays. To meet upon the avalanche that widows whom it takes. Sands through the hands of the grasping branch both further and away. Deep breath formulate lowered light intake. Habit forming monkey claws delivered to your face. Always running in reverse of the dead man's relay race. Clear a path at the temple stairs so I can blindly find my way. To take a bath and puff some grass and haven't any need to complain.
Jesse Rando Jan 2021
Intentions of both hidden and in plain sight, attack from angles unknown. Hitting home with silent precision, echoing a thought that separates and keeps you awake. Somehow I decipher your tone.
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