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Jesse Rando Jan 2021
Sorrow in it's many forms unfolds it's bandage and erupts all encompassing. Parachute like as it suffocates your landing. Reaching for light and breath, I will not drown in this fate. I hold no power in this kingdom, and to the sky I bid farewell. The last temptation, that thing.. I never could fake a smile.
Jesse Rando Jan 2021
Vile intentions found only after midnight hours. We take no tradition that may find dust from yesteryear. I just want so bad to feel something more than defeat.
Jesse Rando Jan 2021
Trifle sounds to cause a scene, melted emotions drift through with gentle ease. Tomorrow's promise is seldom received.
Jesse Rando Jan 2021
Hopeless and oh so incomplete, we hold white knuckle onto these hollow beliefs. How wisdom and fiction smashed into one convenient truth. We never had a shred of a clue.
Jesse Rando Jan 2021
Compose and ignore, synthesize and release. The only lie we've ever told repeated through clinched teeth. Oragami backbone has been replaced in the night. Jurisdictional cowards on display in aisle 5.
Jesse Rando Jan 2021
It's  °17 as the snow melts into my feet. I can't relax, I can't explain. When you've had so much and it all falls away. Quicksand moat as the castle chokes and the drawbridge had never been sketched. Black ice in the desert, an oasis minus the sheen. Punch drunk and lopsided by the hands of fate. If only I were as brave as the thoughts I keep.
Jesse Rando Jan 2021
Tangled in these winter months, so hard to persist and easy to restrain. Too many cold nights lead to grayer days. Lost in the snow so simple a dream. Powdered white and sprinkled between, the buildings begin to shiver as the sun pretends to be.
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