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Amazing View
Amazing is Feeling
That’s massing a Mess,
Unwillfully pealing
Both Forehead and Chest,

In Waiting exhausted,
Protruded by Steps
On Tips, as if roasted,
On Toes, as if Gaps!..

A Maze let enjoyful-
Ly enter this Life:
Emotions yet posted
Will soar and slide,

And, moving right forward,
Acceptance just gain,
Which, yes, is so awkward, –
But not to disdain!..

Let’s welcome the reason –
Right here, hurray! –
All dazzling and chiseling
In Universe spray!

A Mess in a Row –
That’s Progress, what’s new?! –
And Nothing is growing,
Evolving in View!..
Anguish To Evade
Anguish – Owl – in eye
Stares, piercing the gloom,
Sunset downfall dies,
With despair bride and groom.

Stealthy predators’ steps
All behind back are heard:
Foliage, myriads rags,
Old Witch’s whispering words…

“Hope” hissed is by Hype,
Pulling waters in veins,
Boredom, bearing bribe,
Tries of flattering means,

Coiling Cobra of cold
Squeezes Neck’s **** acute,
Raise Redemption is rogued –
Blood of slain to dilute…

As if reptiled in mud’s
All that soared in Light:
Ends be here to cut
And Beginnings to grind.

But remember of Dawn –
Live by memory, wait:
Rise of Hope postponed
Don’t try to evade!..
Astonishing Fulfillment
Astonishing lining –
As if done a shining –
Of secret desires
Amidst the quack mires

Makes difference – Flow
Unseen to bestow
Upon being living
What’s wordlessly screaming

Of now and moment,
Of timely atonement,
And magic prolonging
From yearning to longing;

Of miracle pair
In depth of despair,
And mutual willing
When murders are killing;

Of sweet in the sour,
Free nature from powder,
Of colors in black-white
In spite of all “despite”;

Of fullness non-foolish –
And poverty so rich,
To make each achievement
Non-filthy fulfillment!..
At Till
At Dawn those Horns are playing,
At Night those Whistles blow,
And Daylight’s drums obeying,
Which Out-numbers grow,

Them Humans follow kindly,
To kindle so rare Men,
Extort all flocking ugly
For earthly World amend…

Extort – to force the Heroes
Of Ray and Jiff emerge,
And be denied in Skills of
Salvation by the Gorge

Of gurgling, grunting Hollows
Then playing loud Tunes, –
So that nightmarely Horrors
Could New announce by Tubes,

So that, in Generations
Of generated Scores
Their Memories, not mentioned,
Raced out from Ears and Doors,

That Maws and Paws conducting
Could blow further on,
And play their Games abducting, –
Their Music, till the Dawn!..
****** Ash
****** Clowns in Boredom’s Circus
Clone each other’s Appearance and Tricks,
Multiplied are all-welcoming Sockets,
Where Eyes’re being scrambled in Mix

To prepared be after on Fire
Of enormous and devilish Heat:
Clownery supersedes the Desire –
Replicated to be after Split…

Age – Forgetfulness genuine Wishes
Brought in Imagery to memorize:
System pushes and System unleashes
Under Glass so reminding of Ice –

Of the Doomed one to melt and, avenging,
Pathway opening to mired Flesh;
Metamorphosis here arranging –
The Condition to turn Dirt in Ash…

Smile in Powder, glistening Lipstick –
Let us greet mocking Image of “Growth”:
Point of Exaggeration of Fat Pig
That has come to be Praised and loathed.

Rumbling Cutlery, senseless is Laughter,
Blown Horns are – the Tricksters are here!
Fossilized ****** Fuel waits Lighter –
To make Fun of empowering Gear!..
Camped Concentration
The camped Concentration –
Like fare of War –
Is silently raging
From door unto door,

And entering destinies,
Breaking the locks,
It hides under Rest-in-Peace –
One that evokes…

Invisible Commandants –
Dogs and the Guards –
From towers office run,
Given the charts,

Permitting restrictions,
Contacts isolate,
And governing Regions,
Free communicate…

The Culture’s Demand’s
Psychologically high
And Camp-Concentrants
For allegiance apply,

And each one is known
Who commonly dwells:
So pleasant became now
Both Numbers and Cells!..
Conscio-theory –
Raising of chimery
Vividly seeming,

Handsome of beautiful,
Wowsome in stream, –
Mainly so rude in fool,
Scarcely so grim!..

Building, erected trans-
Mitted from glimpse:
Thought so of known – last,
Permanent – least.

Translated mutedly,
Scribes parenthood
To boiling bullying, link
Casting to mood…

Knowledge supposes all,
That through exists, –
So rich in pose and stall,
So poor in mist.

Set of proportions tends
There to expand:
Conscio-being amends
Of theories tele-demand!..
Cracking To Be
Cracking nuts with a knife, -
Think of scissors for meat:
Pride of habits deprive,
Take a rest and repeat

And just try afterwards
Their pure aftermath, -
Then for alter rewards
Maybe finding on path.

And if not – so well,
Just continue, - and break
Every gate to new dale,
Or new peak, or new lake,

And impressions collect
From “before” and from “then”:
And the rest make them left,
Those who “waste” or just “spend”.

Through endeavors reveal
Cores of worthier tastes:
You deserve royal meal,
After that – royal rest.

And let cutters preserved
Be for next tricks of fun:
That’s for chosen sport
To be playfully done!..
Creation The Deem
Creation – that vehicle,
Engine alive,
As magic dung beetle,
Pushes its strife

With Essence to grow
But choosing the Way,
So fast and so slow –
By ruling the Play…

All must by Nature be
Reason approved,
Asserting by Speed
Every chosen Move,

Experience Key word
To Meaning describe
Of summarized Code –
That Reaping of Die…

Creator – you, Captain,
You, Driver by Will –
So felt interfering
Silent and still

When only Necessity,
Known to Him
In Storm of Rules raised be
Must in the Deem!..
Dawn in “Z”
Dawn of Night has begun –
Birth of ashes from coals
Let in air be gone
In between burning Poles,

And the foam of smokes,
Cloud’s homeless surf,
Whirls through pools over rocks –
Windy Music of Orff…

Destination of Time
Is conditional Circle,
And the energies’ tide
Is Infinity’s gurgle –

To Producing absorb,
To Absorbing create:
That’s the Path Downward
Calls uphold and abate…

Evening – Firmament’s Dome:
Adamant is its stone,
Lapis-lazuli – throne,
Open here to atone.

Has Atonement begun?
Ask in front of Sunset:
Where Fulfillment is done,
“A” and “O” merge in “Z”…
Deliberate Must
Deliberate dreaming
Of Storms liberate
All secretly deeming
In Lapis and Jade,

All Idols that later
In Atrium glow:
On top of them – Crater
That Ashes endows…

In Libraries Numbers
Of textual codes
Dream, leather and lumber
In whelming abodes

Inspiring breathingly
Dawns to the Dusks:
Through Passions to seemingly
Break to get Masks…

In Liberty outstretched
Vision is chained:
To Geed Omen so matched
There is ordained –

But same cry faced, daring
Plunged into Dust
Are Dreamers that spear Wings
Through Can and Must!..
Dementia Pathos
Dementia demi
Spins over the orb,
Remembrance claiming
Through chaos of drops

Through windfuls of tempests,
Through fires of strikes:
Beware you, tenets,
Heaps stinking of rugs!..

Memorial mori –
Life stone creates
To chisel your warrant,
To put in your blade,

To make Hero’s stature
And earn holy Right:
For Legend to cure
Souls seeking their light!..

Let statues and temples
Be crushed and restored –
And grandsons of vandals
Their essence adore:

In auto-start –
Rebirth its new pathos,
Frankincense and nard!..
Denial Must
Denial is here –
Assertion to ****:
In Mires of Mere
Acceptance of ill

Percepted Desires
And Thickets of Lusts;
Denial – Quack mire
In Storm of the Dust…

In Storm there is Stillness,
If found is Abode
Where you feel that Illness
The Way find cannot,

That’s Feeling’s asserting,
That Knowledge is firm:
Denial’s denying
Means you’re newly born…

Let Dust set – start Breathing,
Let Water stop – step:
Make Choice for the Cleansing,
Then take resting Nap,

And dream – of Assertion
With no Swamp and Dust,
And then get your Portion
Of Joy – of your Must!..
Distant Devoted
My distant Love! Achievement you’ll be called,
When Dream and Truth will come to date at Sunset,
So that the Longing will at last behold
And will be Anguish in her Presence mastered.

What is “Today”? just Shadow of the Past:
It’s Distance long, the Shapes get smashed and rigid, –
Glide in their Yearning over the earthly Crust
And try to cut and pierce what could be reached…

But Heart’s alive inside the pulsing Soul –
Her Warmth desires to fly to Light through Burning:
Eternal Dawn for her is crazy Goal
And vernal Throne awaits her in the Morning.

The Distance – Ghost – will be overcome,
Those daunting Blades dissolved will be, forgotten:
Revealed Tomorrow can be just for Some –
Those who’re in Love and to whom’s Love devoted!..
Don’t Waste
Don’t waste what you must
Even destined to spend,
Make your Legacy cast
Be upon earthly Land,

Where’s struggled and breathed
Timely Fire of Yours –
Let your Autumn be wreathed
After Spring’s been like Rose!..

Circles of Movements’re open
Structured in parallel, –
Don’t make down and slow,
Don’t say “Very well”,

When it seems pretty bad, –
Lie will not you conform:
And on fake don’t bet,
Let it even be a “Norm”!..

Obligation of Time –
Glimpses evaluate,
Putting Hours in Rhyme;
Days and Years to rate.

This is Duty of Joy –
Keeping mindful regards:
Let it first Time annoyed –
But the Last gets its Charts!..
Drops Of Done
Drops of notes in the puddles’ contextual flow
Overwhelming the borders of meanings – the shores –
And they, moving expanding, so finally blow
All the plots of the stories that History stores.

Liquid dating so far in the depth of the earth,
Highlights annual summa of myriads dead –
So alive from emergency something gives birth
To the Crazy, deriving from Wisdom and Mad.

Those excel, who that chaos by permanent will
Outbreaks and absorbs through the destiny’ cloud,
Taping liquid in symbols, so readable still,
To postponed reproduce in a waterfall loud.

Manifesto Mefisto’s proclaim outrage, –
This is microphoned tempest on megaphoned run:
War of Victories, that is so dear to wage,
Work accomplishing, that’s so dear to be done!..
Ears Rocks
Ears fail to drop the magic spell,
Eyes succeed in rising prayers’ dawn,
Trembles heart, protruding space of cell,
Pierces mind, proclaiming symbols’ spawn.

Discs rotate, discoverers ******,
Searching spheres in scorching permafrost:
What, as if – like who to where abuse
All misused, like bunch of withered roses?..

Question marks – that pounds overweight,
Exclamations – ****** postal stamps:
“Lookers Forward” – each of them has met
What deserved their tyrannies and ramps.

Failures land through ears into eyes, –
To ****** successors of the throbs:
Open space in burning lives and dies,
Leaving rubble where spirits find their rocks…
Earthly Life Called
For shuttles space leaving,
Let’s Tissue create –
And fabric fulfilling,
It’s worthy ornate

With spirits and souls,
Appropriate forms
For Purposes mold
Instilling the Worth!..

Let shuttles – the Angels –
Be there in between:
According to ranges
And what do they mean,

Among their craft ships
Distribute the Thread –
And Demons like clutches
Let’s here implement!..

The shuttles start working –
All stitches in One:
Let’s tissue be rocking
And breathingly done,

And all space being filled in,
Let’s clutches then hold:
Such Wearing yielding
Is “Earthly Life” called!..
Encounter Cup
Encounter Salvation
And Birthing reinvent:
Let liberated Passion
Makes straight again the Bent,

And turn into Oblivion
That Memory prevents
To find in burning Living
The Depth of Ocean Lens!..

Through it let Light obscured
Anew its Music play,
Discovering matured
Imprisoned Must and May –

So that to force free-willing
Just eminent Breakthrough:
Like Dew of Morning spilling,
Let fruit what so long grew!..

By cutting all Connections,
Establish Closeness tight,
Perspective retrospectious
Let Images from Light

Reviving – and from Ashes! –
Push further, wide and up:
Let Space feel Time in Passions –
And Time fill spacy Cup!..
Engulfed Resurrection
Engulfed by Enjoyment –
Intrinsical Value –
In Evergreen showing
What was long so paling,

You dance and with cruel
Rejoicing smile lovely
In Nature so dual,
In Dresses put lightly!..

And being so merciful
To praising Prayers,
Throw out of Remorse full
Burden – and dare

For all that fulfill what
Was hidden by Sorrow
Of Longings and Strivings vote,
Spared for “Tomorrow”;

Of all that was lied by them –
Thieves, Robbers, Murderers –
Of all you called “Life” in Den
Where Lion grows –

The Lion of your now free
And roaring Passion,
Of Joy trampling all Debris
In Resurrection!..
Entangled Admiring
Entangled to “No”, entwined to “Maybe”,
Endangered in “Yes” daring-taking,
A Master which gathers and furthers appeal,
Will show response so painstaking,

That all the achievements and every restraint
Will meet in substantial measure
Within what, endowed of Prophecy made,
Emerges through stroke and erasure…

Unveiled on the way are ecliptical signs
Of movements brought into static,
And longing transformed will transgress all demise
Existing in origins drastic,

That through revelations of dreaming awakes
Disposed before stunning rejection:
Turned wrapping and ******* forever points break
Endangering Imagination…

For ends strive beginnings, enjoying themselves,
And longing for Bliss from Enjoyment:
Within their sense all the Commonness dwell,
Enticing Uncommon in joining.

And in entertaining environment that
Like fish – stretching paws, wings acquiring –
Rise Someone, encouraging ever “Instead”,
Its core in rejection admiring!..
Escape Mourned
To escape is to find
What was suffered as Lost:
To feel what grew in Mind
And to mind what’s felt most

To be mindful for Feelings,
Released in Control –
That’s the fiery Deal that is
Here to call!..

And to where escape –
Into Morning or Night –
Let decide flying Shape
Of ray burning of Light

That for Bearers born
First appear or last:
Let his Breath be adorned
In the Silence of Karst:

Silence, filled with unheard
Cries, and Ramble, and Groans,
Karst, where echoing Word
Hits through Evenings and Dawns,

Premonitions and Fears,
There wait to be turned
Into what will be Dear
For the Greeted – not Mourned!..
Essence Redeemed
Essence of Night:
Rising of Might,
Force of the Blow
Vengeance bestow.

Dungeon attracts:
Violence praise
Those who decide
What’s earth and Pride…

Faithful rejects
Previous, next,
Searching for Find –
One of a Kind,

Finding a Pair,
Fighting Despair:
In Strikes and Scream
Bestowed’s redeemed!..
Every Limitless Leader
Every Legend is not to compare – if not,
They are not anymore of names’ worthy:
Destination is Pathway, consisted of roads, -
Their maps are both thorns and rosy.

Movements, Times on them spent don’t mean if not cost
Metaphysical price of exhaustion:
Draw of energies – text, where someone is lost,
While acquire his appropriation.

Legend airy, watery, dusty – in soil
Streams in liberty, forming the Ground
Not for ploughing but planting in measuring toil,
Not for cutting but looking around.

Every glimpse is a daring pass to Unknown
With the knowledge provoked Returning:
All the vain entourage is for vanishing prone,
Retribution for measure postponing…

Here mornings and days have Triumph over night,
And denying her permanence, worship:
Break the Idol – in order to cast angled light
In the flatness of Shadow’s gorges.

It’s a Story to come – on the Surface to stretch
For the polishing, sounding Albedo:
Only endlessness dares in these Borders to stretch –
Borders-breaking and limitless Leader!..
Exiled In Thrive
Exiled colonizers
Are fighters so wild –
And narrow neither,
Nor barrow wide

Can stop their hopeless-
Ness on their way:
Ambiguous prowls
Breathe day after day...

Those zombies a nation
Come there to pose:
What passed not to mention
And blasts make to toss

Colonial fringes
Will cut and conform
Those bled “aborigines”
Who learn to adore…

Uprooted be *****!
Shells out from seeds! –
Not buying or selling
Shall roses and weeds

Be now in mingling
Of petals alive:
Expansion of dwindling –
Expats be in thrive!..
Forms Of Dear
Forms of innocent Life,
Forms of criminal Death:
Cumulating is ripe –
Revelation in depth

Will be given to genes
To release aftermath,
And the newly shape tease
Till the potency lasts…

And the lasting of all
Form and shape will combine:
Life around to crawl
Will be forced to remind

Of Beginning and End,
How each of them meets –
Under right ascendant,
Under birth of the rhythm…

Here is costly mischief –
City, place in the midst,
Where ending forms live,
Starting push off with fist.

Crime is innocent where
Sins and virtues are so near:
And for Chosen spared
Their memory is dear!..
Give Spelled
“Give Birth and go to Slaughter!” –
They teach it and Pride of them grow:
In Blood and Incense mixed Odor,
Have Courage now Sense to withdraw,

And biting in Memory raging,
To realizing collapse –
The War of Ecstasy waging,
In Storm of Partings and Loves!..

Collidingly, Copulation
Cohere to counter-crime:
Emerging of end-emanation,
Eloquently Eros-in-Rhyme

Makes mourning, Maverick meaning,  
Mature mixing in Mud, –
Low-leveled, “lovingly” leaving,
Lids labeling “Lapis” and “Light”!..

“Take Pierce and run now to Living!” –
Use Teachings of Arrogance theirs:
Heart’s Bursts and Consciousness leaping
Possess – for in them only spares

Forgetful Bliss of Inhaling
Those scents of Mixture and Melt:
In peaceful War without Ending –
So praised, and cursed, and then spelled!..
Godless By
Godless thinkers-like-gods
Feel so close to reach
Once-demands, super-odds, –
Generations to ditch

Were exempted from stress
Of achieving the humble:
Now tragedy, mess
Out of arrogance stumble!..

Godly haughty, to think
Idols truly divine –
These reflections just link
To reflectors to mind:

Foundations profound
Are exalted to vaults,
Building, leading – and bound
In abundance of doors!..

Likeness leakers so likes –
To so lucrative leash:
Rise that higher on spikes
And partake of the dish!

God-dared spacecraft is shipped
On the black-holy-way:
Milky nectar was tipped –
By ambrosia-ray!..
Have Guile
Have an Ambition –
Ambitions reject:
Learn what you’re reaching,
Don’t expect

That Expectations
Others produce –
Your’s Inspiration,
Peace and not Truce!..

Wars let them enter
All’ round you:
Time should be Mentor,  
Just for the Few

Chosen, taken
Out, away –
Dreamer is awaken,
And on the Stray!..

Not understood is
What soars above:
“Don’t protrude us!” –
Scream “Former Tough”.

“Not so ambiguous!” –
Bitingly smile:
Aiming that Bigots lose,
Raise now your Guile!..
Heavenly Pyramids
Heavenly pyramids pointlessly
Point in the gradient Earth:
Piercing as though the fallen mess
Is to meaningless vane juxtapose.

Dust, elevating self, courageous
Seek those points to erase,
Shooting skies, jealousy’ callousness
Heaping in hoping to praise…

Jet-streams like breathing attractively
Follow the ambulant flows, –
Waters react retroactively,
Feeding the decadent growth.

Crusts elevating, of fire abode,
Trembling the pyramids-points,
Turn upside down the upper voids, –
Or just the ever-doomed pots…

Stairs must meet in the imminent
But indescribable place:
Solstice vernal while deeming, in
Serpents arrive on their mace.

Feathers are colorful – look and see –
Point between temples for that:
This is the meeting of Truth and Glee –
Where all pyramids met!..
Hero’s Wells
A Hero whose Eros
Will copulate
Through pounds and kilos,
Through Matters of Gates,

In Strife immature
To Daring rushes:
Love – Tissue, Texture, -
Your Picture is Hush!..

A Husher – a Hero –  
In Ero – Glyphic
Describe Body-spiller
Ascending the Peak,

And melting the Ices,
And streaming through Rocks,
From Eros his Crisis,
From Warriors – Rogues!..

That’s Conquest’s Surrender
Is sweeter than all;
A Hero – a Spender,
A Waster – his Whole

Will stealthily capture:
For captively Stealth
Enjoys Dreamer-Catcher
Who found his Wells!..
Highlights Generating
Highlights – Downshades –
And existence between
Their spikes, their blades,
Seeks her freshness and wind –

Those spurs that are able
Here to cut and to pierce:
And between – covered table
To arrange flowing Feast!..

This arrangement’s for Equals –
Who so equally let
Crawl for meeting with eagles,
Fly to fall like a lead,

Each and every invited
Toast their bets from their vines:
Chopping makes all it wider –
Generating Re-dines!..
How Brave
How much Pain and Suffering’s
Needed to shape the Brain
And of the blatant Staggering
To supersede Disdain;

And all-denying risky Fall
Just to accelerate,
And of the sudden Take-and-Go
To make a Rushing straight;

And of the Overwhelming bold
Initiate the Rise,
And of the folly Mess of World
To get upgraded Prize;

And then arrange the Aftermath,
Memory keeping safe, -
How much longer will it last,
Knows the Future Brave!..
I Adore
A Poetry –
A Potent Dream –
Like growing Tree
And echoing Scream

And dusty Glow
And fiery Ice:
A Potent throws
His Spears – Tries!..

A Rythming Rhyme,
A beating Cry:
That’s Groom and Bride,
And Live and Die,

And Step in Jump,
And Stretch of Wings:
Behind the Humps
Of Heart’s born Glimpse!..

A lining Stairs
Ascending sees:
Who now dares –
To grasp and squeeze?!

That One for After’s
Crushed Before:
His crying Laughter
I adore!..
I Call
I’m not interested in whatsoever “Others”
Will say or feel, or – who knows?! – even think,
In what as “Massive” is credited by Masses
That blinded could be by a distant Blink,

In Expectations’ Fallacies or Falsehood,
In Rise of Falling, Soaring of Crawl,
And “Must” embodied in the Words “we-all-could”,
And “Sound of Glory” that Trumpeter stole.

I won’t let them judge me and condemn me
For Love of mine that cannot they forgive –
Let perish all pretending and ordaining:
I came to say that “Love” for me means “Live”.

Life encompasses what was once forever
The same that One replaces ghostly “All”:
For me that’s You – and no one is braver,
Than Soul that Someone as “Beloved” call!..
Ice-Be Or Die
Ice-cream fire
Leak and go!
I scream: “Mire!” –
Fighting woe;

Mighty pythons
Curling round:
Follow fighting –
To the ground!..

Piling beasts of
Mindful flesh:
Growling fists you
Use to crash

Formal nightmare
Of a kind –
You’re aware
Of the grind!..

Mares rush at
Night and dark:
Rise for luck;

Stay awaken –
Sit and lie:
Be, or die!..
If It Make
If it happens to be –
Let it be to uncap
What is given for will
To make free and to grab,

Setting contrasts for trust
Both in Whom and in What –
That’s the meaning of “Must”,
Culmination of ode!..

If it’s happiness – being
From then elevate:
Striving, capturing, leaning,
Midst making and made,

Every word to explore
For the potency-flesh –
Making life living lore
Inside dream of the dash!..

If it’s heavenly peering
And parentally hub –
All the memory bearing,
Store right in the hive

And while having that essence,
Experienced like bee,
All that, in your presence
Make happen to be!..
Incarnations Of Code
Incarnations of caring
Feathers and inks, –
Incantations of daring
IGraecs and ixs,

Solitude of the souls
That so solidly seal
Multitude of the bowls
Born to gather all zeal…

Rosemarie of the crosses
Of roads and paths –
Garment stitched of cloths,
Of Earth’s ancient crust,

Love of Secret and Mystics
In a hidden abode:
That’s adultery risky –
Creation of Code!..
In Dash
In Eyes of yours I am divine –
Or **** of Heavens upon Earth –
And in your Dreams I Truth combine
With all that is of Dreaming worth,

And while trespassing Limits, Lines,
I am in favored your Esteem,
And digging down in your Mines,
I find the Treasures that I deemed…

I don’t want to spend or waste,
Accumulate and then preserve:
My Spirit’s of Atlantean Race –
The fearsome in the Eyes of Dwarfs.

And Expectations yours in me
Are realized – in Shade and Flesh:
Partake of what Divine might be –
And, happy, then to Earthly dash!..
I Shall Give
I shall give you my Love,
That’s like Music composed
Of what’s subtle and tough
And the best and the most,

Of the Melos and Tunes
And the Rhythms combined –
Under all dancing Moons
Making sensual Mind,

Under Suns that display
What must Passion reveal,
Under Stars to whom prays
Of the Eyes Milky Meal,

Under Galaxies’ Choir,
Constellations’ Ballet,
Those embodying Desire
In the Space open laid;

Over them be exalted
My Love sent to you:
Let in heavenly Vault
By the Music for Few

Now sound her Word –
Better spoken, her Breath –
May this Secret, her Cord,
Sing to you when you rest!..
It Strong
It would be nice to hold in a hand
The skull from the past own life,
Of memories’ absence amend,
Partaking rebirth of the drive,

And put fragments-bones apart,
Once fallen, together in flesh,
Of Dream resurrecting a smart
Deep-feeling spiritual dash!..

The skull let be wrapped in a scalp
To plant Universe underneath:
Let memories flow and run,
Creating of impulses’ Myth,

Let be recollected Recalled,
The rest, the Forbidden, forbid,
May someone be now appalled –
You’ve something announced and did!..

The One that of breath so deserves,
And longing to get it so long:
Just hold it in hand, like a Rose,
Partake of her odor, be strong!..
Jumping Might
Jumping Giga –
Clamping Risk:
Loca, Rica,
Vida – bliss.

Striving, slashing,
Drinking Drag –
Dope dash in,

Turning round
Circling thorns,
Whisper loud
Shriek you: “Rose –

Breath of *******
In meeting Chest!”
Healthy pesky –
Nothing lest…

Pass in onward,
Feel in Glimpse:
Waiting Warrant,
Will you cleanse

Pure flying
Putre Fight?
Someone’s dying:
Fate and Might!..
Lineage Spoke
Lineage of the Scenery –
Power of the Grip:
Codes’ Intertwining’s binary
Like of the Spectrum’ Nimb

Is interwoven thoroughly
By the Dynamic’s Law –
All that’s between is more or less
Here to paint or draw!..

Paint your Relief, and sculpting it,
Forms ever place in Shapes,
Make Otherworlds of calming Needs,
And Underheavens shade

Movements all of Ecstasy
That to the Static tends:
Be sure – Put is an Exposé
Both into Scope and Lens!..

Feather – of Air Element
Is a Reflection vague:
Lineage formal Shapes amend –
Time of the Timeless makes.

Functions of Forms forgetting, new
Essence to Life evokes:
That’s what in Multitudes just few
Souls both knew and spoke!..
Miles Awake
Miles of the Stones,
Shadows of Shapes,
Show Path for Dawns,
Where Sunlight shakes

Twilight Denials,
Anguish of Nights:
Numbering Dials’s
Seemingly right!..

Seeming is lying –
Lying’s a Look
Into Denying,
Made by a Crook,

Into Oblivion
Doing in Rush:
In all that limping and
Wavering Lush,

Rages of Robberies,
Probing of Pride,
Cages for throbbing Grease,
Call to decide  

What will be moving next, –
Doing to make;
Now, where Decision rests,
Learn – and awake!..
Must Rest

Laugh to the Finish
Of Mysteries:
Let them diminish, -
Lyingly please! -

Screamingly *****,
Sinkingly gurgle, –
Kingdom is dawning,
Silent is Crawl!..

Slowing down
Stopped in the Run:
You’re like a Clown –
Clown from the Clan.

Of mighty Kinship,
Rule Avalon:
Over the Banshees,
Over the Strong!..

Be One of fortune,
Be One of grasp:
Clowns to torture,
Powder on Masks.

Where – prepare! -
Rumble of Steps:
Growling Fanfare –
Crown must rest!..
Not-Believer Temple
Not-Believer is not Un-believer,
Making sense through reforming Un-senseless:
Will be life his unworldly and river,
Like Creator, he passes that helpless,

Joining banks for those shades of the souls,
Which abandoned the flesh of Believing:
Don’t turn back each new time, your Goal
Is achieving so near, you, Leader!..

Through rejection that in acquisition
Of the recipe zealous prepared,
Not-Believer, a shining magician,
Tastes beliefs feeding them what he dared.

All that Daring is key Foundation
For the measurements craving for stones:
Building Faiths of them Multination,
That Humanity’s be hopes and moans…

Chiseling Idols a-half, not to crush them,
Not-Believer Experience worships:
In its core, its flame – and its Lashing –
Fascination, equipped like a warship.

And in battle – Belief – sending courage,
They defeat for the sake of Triumphal,
Where non-joining “Not” in an Outrage
After that for Asserted build Temple!..
Not Every Grows
Not every Big is large and Small is short,
As every thinking tries to understand in full,
And Distance can be close when someone in it brought
His pure Destiny as somewhat magic Tool,

And, spelling Meaningless to all who’re less to mean
In Hopelessness tried without Trials, start
The Pathway to connect in Smiles the Sorrow’s Grins,
And to embrace the Minds in endless open Heart.

Eternity in Terms – a Morning Tide in Gloom:
“The mortal Living tried!” – a Sequence, chiseled in Stone;
Not every Reef you calls and every Step is doomed –
So strives to be a Seed the Tree that so high grows…
Nothing Dare
Nothing comparatively is to lose
Where discovery findings present,
Hidden in deem, so playfully lucid
Is smile of perfection, imperfectly meant.

This is the first step to nowhere at all,
Known as the last step to all-ness somewhere:
Proud is fright and so fearful, tall
Idol of worship looks down to him fair…

But only flow of flights to decide
Is under gloomy auspices of thorns,
What of that fairness is further to ride,
What to withdraw among tears and mourns.

Tell them: don’t fear – that means, hesitate, –
Worship create, not vice versa, beware!
Idolo-nation is here to upgrade –
Otherwise will it deleted-ly dare!..
Once Fool
Once Powerful – a poor Fool thence:
Finality drains, no chance;
Now naked is what so dense
Appeared to hide in a glance

Pretensions of Cover proscribed
By Heights and Authorities dressed:
Hey, Rags! You’ve been pierced by Light,
Exposing what Power messed!..

The Wisdom, by Clevers misused –
A Giant, diminished to Dwarf –
Recyclingly Ego reduced,
Transformingly Alter-absorbed

To then “New Potential” claim
From growing Fears of Fall,
And crowning dawn by Condemn,
It fakes Destination of Goal…

Believers, Fake-makers, adore
To tame what opposes Fame:
Rich Poverty, worshipping *****,
For Foolishness Triumph proclaims.

And once, what’s fulfilled and achieved,
Becomes just a broken Tool:
And here, - look! – is coming Mischief,
To finally prove, who’s a Fool!..
Palm Dance
Palm-touching is sweet,
Palm-shade is for her made –
And fruits of palm-tree
Are here to aid

Partaking with breeze
If palm-branches are high:
Palms here are to please,
To softly delight!..

To paint like a brush
Will fingers of palm:
They can like eye-lash
Be tender and calm;

So, close eye-lids,
To let happen joy –
Perform ***** mist,
Creating alloy

By palms – and by hands
Embracing the dense
Of measures and weights
And tensions immense,

Of energies’ burst –
And under the palms
Let count be lost –
Remembered just dance!..
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