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Perfection Sire
The Perfection of all the Imperfect I greet,
The Eternity of Temporariness praise,
So welcomed be Love and allowed to lead,
So that Fallen had chance to be utterly raised.

It’s through Her that He’ll get
All that Lost was in Full,
And make healed all the Mad,
And the Broken rule,

And through Tears rejoice
To what kills the Suicide,
Making loud warm Voice
Out of whispering Ice;

And by Her Force to fight
He, the fragile, obtain –
Out of Subtleness’ Might
In Rejection regain,

To the World implement
That’s declining, untouched,
Shouting clear what’s meant
Out of Less bursting Much;

Persevering Anguish,
Prolonging the Bliss,
Smiling Rainbow embellish,
Embracing the Kiss,

Catching Myriads playing,
Embodying inspire,
Oh, my Love, Breath of Prayer –
The Almighty Sire!..
Perfectors Awake
Perfectors prefer –
Their vectors refer –
To systems and laws
Through sequence and cause.

In order to rise
They call recognize,
And ordering falls,
They set their goals…

To coordinate, –
To demon, to straight, –
They energy need,
And burn it to lit

Their lights, their flames,
Provoking their games,
And struggles within, –
You know what I mean!..

And if you don’t know,
And ask me to show, –
Let demos you trade
To learn what you’re made

Of, bestowing price
Upon each of dice,
You’ll cast for the sake
Of Right to Awake!..
Play of That Only
Play of divine is creating of rules –
Chips’ understanding is here handicapped:
Masters are fond of perfecting their tools,
Keeping in mystery where they’re kept.

Not blunt instructions they ever prefer
But of approaches caress mild:
This is the way how all who care for
Potence reveal, seeming weakness despite…

Freedom in play – variations in rules
Hidden, combining their natures, within
Range demonstrates, though the players in use
Honey-experience are guarding with sting.

Hives not for those who fill them are built,
Difficult is to imagine the aim:
Just elevated as if through the guilt
Is every fake of a true diadem…

But every crown is a symbol not more,
Playful connection of rules in the world:
Starting or ending in it to adore,
New interchanging unseen with the old.

Diving – like soaring: don’t only mix
Their elementals in action and phrase,
For truly high only those are peaks
That only winds and abysses can praise!..
Pull the Space
Pull the string of bow now
When the Heaven’s Giants plow
Ways so arable of Stars
To make Venus meet with Mars.

This Conjuncture’s final Date
Forces Worlds to contemplate:
What Interpretation is
Of translated Meaning squeezed?..

Piercing Squeezed be at a Time
When are broken Rhythm and Rhyme,
When Togetherness is Feat
And the Waters must be lit,

When the Fire to flow waits,
Elevated denigrates
To just Flash on someone’s Brow -
Then there’s space for Crime and Crow!..

Ready’s Weapon of the Air
Be in Age of Disrepair:
On the so wet Planet Dirt
Dominant is Certain Word.

Only Time will ever show
The Perfection of that Bow
And of Arrows stretch and grace –
To expand the measured space.
Pure Inside
Pure passions to rise
You’re entitled by fate –
Let it be any price,
Let it be any rate,

Let it bring any fame,
Or dismay, or distress:
Passion now to tame
Means all forces to taste!..

Now challenged be Strength
And pretentions approved:
All decay now dance
Will macabre and rude,

Cleansing spaces for Soft
Here rejuvenate –
What is coming’s aloft
And to sing and ornate!..

Passion will purify,
Using Feelings as tools,
For emotions to rite
In the spring by the pools,

That in woodlands reflect
Dew of clouds in Light:
Gates that Miracles let
After Passions inside!..
Pushing Snob
Pushing on Engines – and
What is on Waterland
Air restraints,

Spears to enable,
Stinking Banality
Granting its Cable!..

Scornfully, torturingly
Mixture’s alive:
Proves always cowardly
What’s put in Hive

Of Wasps, addicted to
Parasitism –
Dreams and Charisms!..

Wealthy Impoverished
Points and revolves:
Calibers, Calories
Burning with ******,

Touchingly, tastefully
Trying what throbs –
Spoiling and wasteful he
Is, Mighty Snob!..
Raindrops Horn
Raindrops arise
Rainbow in Ice,
Shining ***** –
Shells will be cracked

From then to free
Forces of Glee,
Might of the Grim,
Power to redeem…

Seals broken got –
Follow them lot,
Breakings of Through,
Craving of dew.

Fallen, emerge
When opens gorge,
Maws born to reach
Abyss from inch…

Picturesque will
Be that Ordeal:
Orders in fight
Clashing as rite.

Ritual Priest
Through tempest-mist
Will then perform
Blow of Horn!..
Raising A Stitch
Raising downfalls to dust
And completing starts from stars,
All Addicters earthly crust
Paint with traces, – stalls and bars

Putting everywhere Way,
Paths’ measurements deny:
Trying to deceive them, they
From reliefs and pictures cry!..

Hieroglyphs letters hide
In that consonantous realm,
Labyrinth of symbol-pride
With perception naked deals

Demonstrating new façon
To the captures of unseen:
Realize through doors-icons
Now, what you – and Letter – mean!..

Letter-sound: flesh and blood
Fragmentation’s life inspire:
Learn to breathe it through the mud,
Multiplying through the mire.

Down ups – and call that “Jumps”,
Reaching characters enrich:
Worlds are pools, their nature is dump,
Pierce their tissue – make a stitch!..
Reading Passion
Reading Verses – like playing the Music,
Sound of Voice like an Orchestra working,
It’s a Score, sung alive by the choosing
Of the ways how to build up a Rocking –

That of Structures of Thoughts and of Feelings,
Points of their Interweaving’s affecting:
Reading Verses – Creation of Reading,
That’s Reality here creating!..

What’s Reality? Text and its limits
By the words between borders goes broader:
This is all pulsing Matter of Living,
Ever-moving Reliever and Loader.

Rhythm and Rhyme, just like copulation
Of a Male and Female pushes higher
Its Dramatic and its Inundation,
Latent Energy of Burning dire!..

How much of this Energy burst had
Fertilized Spiritual Essence
Hints that taste of Reality toasted,
Thus revealed through the Knowledge of Lessons.

Eyes and Ears in Mouth unifying
Activate through an Interpretation
Every Word, - Burst of Meaning like Dying,
Birthing Human in Thoughtfulness’ Passion!..
Rebellious Plan
Rebellious and contradicto-
Ry action is Peace to attain:
Exemplary, growing into
Will be its domain.

And cause something follow-
Ing pathways of branches and roots
That spread midst of hollows,
Discovered to grasp and to boot…

Insert insurrections in body-
Less hand of the mind,
And thought is so feelingly coding
In what is to grind,

And cut through the granite ins-
Piring not to complete
What was in restoring this
Maybe will later to read…

Precursors directing for cur-
Rent developing kick,
Rebels seek to cheat in the cure,
Forfeiting a blink

Of what’s called by many “salva-
Tion” – and “capture” by some:
Just tries of prolonging Today –
Yester-morrow proclaiming as Plan…
Rehearsal That’s Not
Rehearsal concerting,
Arranging submerge
All doubts converting,
Ascension from gorge,

From then prophesying –
Of Future forget! –
By presence past rising
Is where they met!..

Rehearse preparation –
In it find excuse
To joyfully mention
All daring abuse

That leads to the growth
From dumping unlevered:
Enforcing is loath
Forever and ever!..

Demand and embarking
In vigorous sail,
Make forefeeling sparkling
In jaws of the whale,

And spit on the shore,
Find ministry’s Vine –
Rehearsing the Score
That’s not yours or mine!..
Rest On Blade
Rest embedded
Dream to wake
Act of mad and
Thought to make,

Pure Image-
Ry in dirt:
Tales of magic
Screams of burst!..

Resting worldly,
Spirit forms
Universes, blea-
Ming thorns.

Its projections,
Born in death,
Are sending changes
New to rest…

Ribbons cut in
Every jiff,
Open buttons
To mischief:

Their pushing –
Destined Fate –
Rests her touch on
Perfect blade!..
Rigor’s Feast
Rigor’s doomed, Reason’s tamed
Raven opens the wings,
Light is tested through taints,
Boldness, covered with wigs

Self-proclaims and here shames
All the natural Growth,
Surface-bounded shakes,
Proving strength of the loath…

That is Radiance, wrapped
In the cowardly Gloom:
Cheating seems overlapped,
Like deceitful is Moon

In the midnight’s outbreak
And despair outburst –
Conscience, wrapped in a rake,
Here safe is and lost…

Superficial drains
Flesh of Surface-Palette:
Labyrinth of the brains,
Built for hybrids, will let

Each, whose nerve is a thread,
By a needle defeat –
And black-feathered, wax-made
Wings then use, after Feast…
Ring Of Fortune
Ring of Fire embraces surrounding Nets
Of in Depths concealed burning Strokes,
Wombs are fed and their Feedings are both hot and wet,
Overwhelming the Dreaming of Rogues.

Fascination of such fills those countless Shapes
Of the Fathoms that Imagination
Sends for Meetings and Dates as the passionate Mates,
Life fulfilling through sweetest Obsession…

This is Chariot Ancient, of Air Mirage,
Just transmitting of what’s Beyond, Symbol:
Hidden Deity openly manifests Lush,
Sending Plasma through generic Limbo.

Under-Heaven – within Layer thin of the Skies –
In- and exhales the Dream of Creating:
Running Chariot’s Wheels make Illusion of Rise
And the fiery Melting of Setting…

Living Creatures that grow to be Beings till Death
World of Sufferings ever replenish
With the whistling and whispering, moaning Breath,
Should the Wheel of Samsara not vanished.

As if setting on Life, every Night Rhythms change,
Flow of Myriads joyfully torture:
Strikes of Lust resonate with the Blows of Revenge, -
Pushing high above Earth Wheel of Fortune!..
Rusty Gold

You are still alive –
You are still in Love:
That’s eternal Drive,
That’s the earthly Craft.

Love – the Life in Scope –
Fringe of Mystery:
Wholeness in the Oops,
Mighty of the Free!..

Flying is your Run,
Lying is your Truth:
Dream for Hindustan,
Babylon to lose,

Egypt of that Wish,
Passion of this Rome;
You’re in Love – in Dish,
Feast yours – under Dome!..

Slavery of Lust –
Liberty of Flesh:
Here is your Dance,
Building in the Crash.

Where is your Part –
There is your Whole:
You are madly smart –
You are Rusty Gold!..
Sacrificing Meal
Sacrificing Mirage,
Pray for Dream to descend:
All Projections will crush,
Hopes “reliable” bent,

And through Guilt of Despair
Fill the Flow of Light,
That to praise and to swear
Will call you, the Knight!..

There by cutting the Bowels
Of Animal – Fear,
You release what on Altar
Successfully bear:

Those Offerings of
Secrets – Enemies dark –
And above let white Dove
Be set free from the Ark!..

Crows meet us on Land,
Ravens look in our Eyes –
Never mind: understand,
They are Priests – their Cries

Follow Prayers, remin-
Ding of Vision in Real –
One that you will call “Mine”,
Sacrificial Meal!..
Saved and Uttered
Saved the life be
And let be salvation endowed
On the One who for We
Coming higher renowned

Among forces to living
And breathing unknown
So neglected and villained
And like overthrown;

Who on edge of Despair,
Ignoring Rejection,
Being stubborn to dare
Without a mention

Never mind, being mindful,
Life proud asserted,
And in wrongness drowned, rightful,
Appeared not courted;

Who above meanness soared,
Though wings his seemed broken,
Learned to be underscored,
Revived amid rotten,

Strength preserved in the weakness
And smilingly suffered:
Thanked, be raised he in tears,
Rewarded and uttered!..
See Broken Lost
See Paradises before they are lost,
Willfully Tenderness now reveals,
And understand what is rightfully most
In sudden Glimpse of the Age that all steals.

Robbery this may you force undertake
Travelling, that is of Dream so born,
Fly, as if flow, and run as if rake,
Scream of that Joy like an angelic Horn!..

Open Eyelids and Eyelashes – and Crown
Let be for Thorns that to anticipate
Is here your Spirit, in Craziness drown,
Sunk in the alien Madness’s Gates.

Entering it, held the Keys on your Heart –
Demons angelic are barely near:
Mad and Insane will in Fight fall apart,
You only rush – no back looking, my dear!..

Memory now – Technology of
Overwhelmingness grasped on a Brink,
Usage of “Mis-” is a Shadow of Grove,
Cut every Day by a Mass with no Link.

Gardens chopped off – in and out the Spoil,
Natural Burn, artificial Frost –
And in the midst, Palms are greeting the Toil:
Hell that’s approached for Broken Lost!..
Senseless Endorse
Senseless dense
On the Arrogance’ shores –
Chaos immense
Where shells crushing Core

Cracking pretentions
In vane demonstrate:
Just don’t mention
Them – simply upgrade!..

Pairs unwillingly
Helplessness try:
Modern bewildering
Is still and dry

Where its Opposite
Seems so wet –
Caring never spite,
You’ve just it met!..

Parting departed:
Through memories rise
Angels so guarded,
As if born to demise.

Joy kingly tempers
And smite lying Curse:
Condemning Debtors
Their Fun Drive endorse!..
Sitting In
Sitting in bent chair,
Joining a venture, –
Stimulus growing,
Courage just showing.

Grasping indulgencies:
What means “injustice”, is
Relevance ignorant –
Callousness indignant!..

Light goes in the dark:
Cryptograms of the ark
Open proudly –
Clear make rapidly.

Rapid stream in the marsh
Often falls through the rush,
“Slowsome –ness” monstrous
Legends paints “color –ous”!..

By of brush rays on vane
Master is not mundane –
Bending chair of crown
To those with daring gown!..
Something Of Crimes
This is something predictably lost
Among those who are ready to lose:
Try to capture it – at any cost,
Try to hold it – without the loops,

And without those prisons or cells
That your mind is so quick to construct,
And without denials – those bells,
That sound blindly amidst cataracts!..

Just to listen is seemingly felt
Through the touches of exquisite tastes:
What be lost, is so potent to melt,
Leaving holes in a metaphor’s chest.

Warmer hardness – and harder is warmth,
Cooling down for every prevent:
Is it going to pay off, the Worth, –
Looking forward to borrow a rent?..

Credit faithfulness accumulates,
And in line it with distance performs,
Sociality pathos through gates
Leads for nothing, – and blowing horns

Meet procession, the Losers’ Triumph, –
Of the Meaning, the Weight and the Time, –
Smashing bottles on battering rams,
Raising cups to Success of the Crimes!..
Something There
Something to say,
Someone to speak:
Here is May –
Might is a Stick,

Must is to have
To of “you could”:
Try to be brave –
Coward means Mood!..

Distance to jump:
What if right now
Air is dump,
Soil – after Plow

Sea – after Milk
Way of it passed;
Left before Blink
What was amassed!..

Life is a Core,
Death is a Shell –
Water them more,
Waitingly spell,

Prayingly curse,
Blessingly swear:
Crazy? – Of course!
Wisdom is there…
Spirit End
Spirit dictated to soul
Poem with rhythm and rime:
Coordinated for the goal,
Purpose without a crime,

Target without “yes-no”,
And destination with “for” –
Whispered she after: “You know!
Now imagine some more!..”

Chemistry imaginative –
Physics’ embodiment’s birth:
Science and art are so native –
Of relativities growth.

Relatives’ fratricidation
Follows legends through Myth:
Flesh elevates incarnation,
To resurrect all the Bliss!..

Inhale and exhale together
Newly combine all the same,
Timely incubative weather
Forth re-create through the game.

Rules are of rituals naked
Formulas to implement:
Spirit is just so avid,
Soul – permissive without end!..
Step Scream
Step forward and jump –
Your Flight has begun:
Let thrown be ****
And free pushed the Run,

And Scream, born of Moan,
Released in the rays –
Backsliding is gone,
With Timelessness’ days!..

Feel light – and with Light
Together you quest:
Initiate might-
Ly, forming the Best

Of all that perform
Was destined by fate –
Your Soul new-born,
That spirit can’t wait!..

Pray, laughter through tears
Endorsing in songs:
Of Freedom’s Believer,
You’ll never be wrong,

Of Liberty’s Priesthood
Make playful in dream –
In Feast transform Dispute
And laughingly scream!..
Steps in Cope
Steps in the Steps
At night –
Little and less
To die:

Deadly revealing
Dream –
Backwardly killing

Livingly dying

Soaking wet
In white –
Slow, just let it

Let it in Darkness
Time in the Harness

Turns into Fathom’s
Hope –
Try it from now,
Subways So High
Subways of Subtleness
Lead up through Thick –
Allows letting all this
Consciousness stick

To distant broadways
Of Unconstraint:
Ruled are here many Games,
Many Laws played…

Suffered in shimmering,
Pleasures are there:
Move sound along the rings,
Wastes are the Spared,

Entering is on the place
Of Leaving flown,
Windows are not showing race,
Doors – not just opened…

Air is through filters pumped –
In- and exhale:
Feelings or thoughts are dumped –
Both are so pale.

Notions of Destined pass
Through Gates with sigh:
Led is that wandering Mass
To Ways so high!..
Swimming To Fly
Swimming birds pierce like thread and the needles, –
Stitching words call to bear and reach;
Easy ways to attract all dung beetles
Now are open for soles to enrich.

Corrugated the surface corrupted
Is against a delirious wall,
Slaughter’s coming from those who’re captives –
Who are burning to answer the call.

But the skies are already for Heaven
In a fight – Elementals to rise –
All proprietors! That’s what you’re having –
To make souls and hearts circumcise!

From abysses go down to fire,
Struck there mint, upper-lower die:
Mix the races and await Pure Liar
That will force all the fishes to fly!..
Symbols of Hearts
Symbols of credible permanence thoroughly
Out of relevance tend to maintain
Images, - figures constructively, solemnly
Match them together in fight and ordain.

Fashion is here in endless varieties
What is important in each – to explain:
For explanations are foods for the gravity,
Human attraction is clever insane…

Movements alive, combinations in dances
Ever repeat here symbolic detail;
All is explained every jiff, but mimances
Different always appear in scale.

Melodies changeable, tunes interweaving
One in another through natural art
Here transform, by incredible leading
In pure enjoyment for all mindful Hearts!..
The Inside’s Lot
The Inside’s high and Outside so deep:
Refrain from Might obscure and rejoice
The Innocence of subtle inner Voice
That works like flaming and inspiring Leap.

Thus is the Potence – grow up, expand
Its Branches down to Earth and Roots upwards:
Their Fruits emerge so that the Blossom rose,
The Past by Future fed – to Silent be demand.

And Core of Cover having found, do not
It implement for any blasting Sound:
For in its Straightness Angles are washed around…
Your Wings are stretched – to you is given Lot…
The Mortal Portal
The mortal Shadows sing
Like Dreamtime’s Didjeridoo
And Picture’s Porcelains Ming
In Sight emerge in situ

To just attract the Eyes –
Two Nerves attached to Lotus:
Look! Ears catch the Cries –
In Aragonese crazy Hota!..

So Threat-like Singing sounds
In Bottom deep Formation,
Where Oceans’ burning Ground
By Scars cut Revelations

To then expose them all
To Ears of Shadows mortal:
Two Nerves attached to Poles,
Now, listen! Catch open Portal!..
The ****** Lost
The ****** of Soul – does it work
Like Nakedness of Flesh in flashing World?
This shameless question worthy is of Talk
For Answers are so ravaging and bold.

Disclose Enclosures, Cloths unwrap,
Partaking Tastes so openly dare:
The ****** of Flesh – a mighty step
To Nakedness of Soul, a potent Pair!..

All Visual is hidden – take a look
And blindness of the sight by Darkness washes:
******* flow running like a brook,
It starts when Star falls down like a brooch.

The covers follow it like Mysteries, –  
Their Names are ridiculed, Oblivion-like:
Be longer, Milky Way of naked Bliss –
Be burst of Lightning, you, releasing Strike!..

In Mirrors Naked ****** reflects,
In Revelations Nakedness get ****,
And let the envy Ignorance neglect,
And let the jealous Ugliness be rude, –

The Flesh of Soul seduces Soul of Flesh
To let them live in Triumph of the Worth:
It gives the World initiating Flash
The shame of which for so long is lost!..
The Rot
The modern World –
The Oops in Whole –
As if is bold
Like chasing Goal,

As if far sees
And close brings
To Truth release
From Rocks and Brinks...

Two Holes in Oops –
Those Spectacles
Like Pair of Scoops
For many Pales,

Fetch smelly Mud
Of Imagery –
For every Nut
That dares break free:

The One that has
The Choice to choose,
The deeds to do,
The Lost to lose, –

The One, that’s like
The modern World,
That Flesh of Blood
Throws into Rot…
This Made
This is of everyday Voices’ Enchanting,
Murmuring Dreaming of Nature unchanged:
Be of the Worlds in your Being implanted,
Be of the Heights that your Consciousness met,

And, exercising both Being and Meeting,
Shapes of your Steps from this Momentum trace:
Truth will from now on look as if Cheating,
Treated by this World like utter Disgrace…

Pathway of Steps, traced in such a Dimension,
You will be destined by Fate to except:
Every Conjunction will follow Convention,
Every Contempt force you to contemplate.

In Mediastinum freeze meditative
And warming Breath by the icy Hands grasp:
What is comprised in the Jiff so creative?
What makes so active the credible Clasp?..

Mystic of Openness is not so hidden,
As you could possibly think to expect:
Be just aware of Intrigues and Kidding,
Mocking of Something you thought to neglect.

Everyday Voices in every night Silence
Noted are in Polyphony great –
With Dreamings’ Murmuring of Nature’s Chanting
Burst now Expanses, from Points of Peaks made!..
This To Few
This is all that to spend
Wish I would, wish I could,
This is more just to bend,
More than awful or good,

More than awesome, or Bud,
Or of Petal excel –
World of thousand studs,
Now Story your tell!..

Tell, how deeply profound
Your super face is,
Trample all to the Ground
In order to please,

Sing your Vesper and mourn
All these Mornings and Stars:
I admire your Moan,
I desire your Lust!..

Admiration, desiringly
Sets on its Sails:
Who is Admiral, darling? –
You’ll ask up the Stairs.

And the Sailors in Silence
Will point here at you:
What a scorching Appliance
That’s given to Few!..
Thorn While
Thorn of the Crowns
Planted in sand –
That’s like a gown
With no end,

Brings Outbursts
Of Scepters and Orbs:
Flesh theirs is coarse,
Spirit – of Crops…

Crops of the corpses’re
Fed as supposed –
Odor of roses
Is juxtaposed

To their Truths
Wrapped in the Lies:
Crown Thorn loses –
Means that it dies…

Death of Rebirth’s
Life to extend:
Question of Worth’s
Posed to the end.

Asking is breathing –
Air’s fragile:
Spirit will rise in
Flesh for a while!..
To Be Mean
To be Live in the Dying, –
The Process of Birth, –
Is essential, crying-
Ly say feeling Loss,

And in it Gain proclaim,
Fighting back, killing Self:
Every Purpose let aim
To fulfill Core of Delve!..

Core of growing Sense
Midst emotions to feel:
Is it common, that dense
Perpetration of ****?

Is it “known”, that learned
So negligent Grasp, –
Of the Prophecy worn,
Of Nightmare realized?..

In Belief Being’s felt
Only breathing in Trust,
And pulsating in Melt-
Ing of Spirit of Dust,

And entrusting, to lift
Let’s all Losses between
Crushing Waves by the Rifts
That approve what that mean!..
To Not Arising
“To not become, but be” – and coming into Being,
The Motto that in song develops by itself,
And song – a fairy-tale – to whisper for the hearing,
Gives plot for like-a-dream that in subconscious delves.

The Submarine of Consciousness, inspiring breathing,
Sends right into the skies the impulses of depth:
The energies of joy replace enormous weeping –
That Elemental-Base, in Life encoded Death…

A Captain in the Dark, Mariner of the Light-Form,
The soul must abate and fightingly accept:
Essential Pre-Birth of the Fulfillments’ Dawn,
Which for Explorer waits, revealing all that’s left.

And Being will then come into the Wild anew,
And welcoming the Dawn, Sub-Ultra prophesying,
Her Image Idols break – then whispering to Few,
The fairy Motto-Plot through Tale of Song arising!..
To Passions’ Spilling
To Ever-firmament! And Domes let be rocked:
Let shells be cracked from under living waters,
And be revealed Potential that locked
Was being embraceв by sleeping palmed Abode;

Let Structures new, distracting stupid Eyes,
Expand their Wisdom, mockers making silent,
From out predictions withered prophesize
Not Words but Meanings through all trampled piling.

The Moment’s here! And risen is Star
And Past of Waiting questioning is down,
Assured is Richness and ashamed a Nark, -
Through casting dim subservient Ever-doubt.

Life’s New reborn – revolved: that means, returned –
There’s no escape, Just Embrace constant, willing:
New Score is started here with majestic cord –
The Moment right for Seed of Passions’ spilling!..
To Rightful
To you’ll be sent now this Reminder pale,
That cannot be to Memory compared:
Thus strays some lonely Wanderer through Vale,
Where mighty Flow to Ocean Path lay dared.

But left behind just heated Thirst’ Mirage:
Wind hiss’ like Snake and underfoot creak Stones,
Imagination longs for Life and Rush –
For what Desertion desperately moans…

Reminder – Seed; it will be thrown to wait
Till Hope through Torrent Element encounters –
Then it’ll emerge, achieving Goal that laid
Was while ago, across the Seas and Mountains.

Then Colors bright, by living Waters fed,
Will cover Dust and bring their Fruits delightful:
So be the Word of Love that now you met –
To give then Birth for Feeling Right and Rightful!..
Trip Into Space
Trip through the travelling Distances,
Grip of unraveling Instances,
Stove of prepared Indulgencies:
Here lies of daring Courage Chance,

That to be used here gorgeously,
Seeking of Crime remorselessly,
Dreaming of Find innocently,
Teaching to throw like a Sling,

To reproduce what was Intent
And reemerge with no Amend
Old and forgotten scaring Blend,
Whispering: “You! Just knee and bend!..”

Singing we’re born, not whispering –
Here comes Ache that’s like Whistling:
Make it a Blow – Waiting erase –
Breakthrough the Row and into Space!..
Voyage Of Talk
Voyage delivers of bearings message,
Written in letters’ monographic knots:
Cutting them pours content through the vessels –
Ink smelling iron is used for the notes.

Notes for the music – and choirs are ready
To reproduce all the ways vocalize:
For the Impossible everything letting,
Of the Improbable everyone rise…

Voyaging sounding, always amending,
Realization makes under the stand:
Static is here – Dynamic non-ending
Of Prolongation acquires advent.

Thoroughly mapped, all the way multiplying,
Paths erase of the roads’ network:
Cuttingly writing is laughingly crying –
Only continuing travelling Talk!..
What Beads
What Pleasure abuses
And Genius breeds,
All Mortal accuses
And crushes and lifts

Through Crucibles passing
That Melting awakes:
All Messy is massing –
And taking Remakes!..

Remaking revolving,
Producers of “-Re’s”
In Series joking-
Ly value their Mess,

To make Messy-anic
That takes to reshape
In-forming Pre-panic
Enthroned in Jade...

Forbidden Construction
Of staggering Bans
Mis-usable Junctions
For Junk of all dense

By measure of Final
To that Mortal leads –
Eternal but Minor
Path narrow of Beads!..
What Poetry Is

You want to know what Poetry is
For the Modern World that’s used to twist
And bend, and tremble in disguise,
Pretending that it’s “neo-wise”,

That, saturated long ago,
To Saturn children pure throws
And that, to Titans owing much,
Them used to Tartar to dispatch?

All right! A Poet’s like them both:
The one who’s innocent and opposed,
Who Might of Elements represents,
Midst Insurrections resurrects,

Condemned by Stupid to be Fool –
The “Holy” one, that’s “not-so-cool”, –
To “crazy” be, by Madness’ Slaves:
He disagrees – and Potent shakes…

And he embodies in his Soul
The Realm of Spirit and its toll,
And pays the price, being poorer than rat
For this demise, - for dice and bet.

And what’s the Principle of that Realm?
The Paradox that overwhelms
It’s Dialectics in it’s One:
Where this is achieved – the Feat is done.

For Feat – the Hero must emerge:
The one who knows Abyss and Gorge,
And finds of Bridges narrow Paths
And Lyrics brings to date with Math.

So here Poetry rises up –
That bears Lion’s skin and club…
You want to hear what’s its Core?
I’m sure you won’t it adore!

You may be frightened, I assume:
It’s not an incense, nor perfume,
Not stench or filth (how this to grasp?!)
It is united Blow and Clasp,

It’s burning Water, boiling Flame,
In Stone and Paper ink and grain,
And Womb of male, female’s Fertile,
That makes their dancing super guile!

And from the Ages to the End
It is for Spirit’s Purpose meant:
To shape the edges of the World
By means of writing spoken Word,

By means of giving birth and cry –
To Death’s decay anew deny –
And this Denial built in Height
To depth of Heavens demonstrate;

From demonstration realize
What’s Understanding’s true devise
What’s motto of deciphered Names
For all the creatures and their games;

To down put the secret Rules  
To make them open, make them Tools
For the Creation’s further Path –
Till its genetic Coding lasts;

To rime those Codes – and to expand
Like RNA transform and grant
To distant corners Distance dense
And build up Flesh Forms of immense

And unforeseen and various Race
(With no “Racism” in the space!) –
And so Tolerance multiply
Through all that vary, - live and die;

To stretch and measure, - and connect
All torn and broken Fragments left
Inside the Puzzle great and one,
That’s called “Existence” to be done –

It’s astronomic Earthly Crust
And Milky Way through dirt and dust,
And stars that burst to planets be,
And satellites that dare break free;

It’s Search of Freedom through the Choice
By Will that seeks to gain, rejoice
And nations build (imagine them,
Imagination’s strata-gems!);

Inhale – that’s Inspiration called,
Exhale – the Story to be told,
Partaking – sharing its Breath,
Abundance, knowing no “less”;

Love guarded both by Truth and Rage,
Good using Evil as her page
Within the Book of Wisdom live –
The Field that’s here to plant and reap;

Creation Day – for Dead and Born,
Of Sacrifices growing Corn,
Redemption that reveals itself
And Judgment that through doom light delve!..

You still don’t know what it is?
It’s Pride with no conceit and grease,
With no arrogance at all –
It’s Truth, not Lies, and so be called!

It is Rejection – to assert,
Like Dominantsept and Cord, –
Of Spheres’ Music, Echoes’ Cube
With force of *****’s pipes and Tubes,

Where voices Interweaving find,
To Poet – Finder – make in mind
All Superseding understand
And all that’s found implement!..

So, now you know! It’s time to hate
Me, who’s just called you to create –
Should you of Genius of Light
Be each and every Perfect Knight,

And not to look for ****** “Excuse”
That is detested by the Muse,
But Explanations give instead
For all who once of clay were made,

Destroying Envy’s jealous sting
And building fiery Worship’s Ring
For all that brings to Common Sense
And Meaning: trust me, it’s immense!..
When the Crescent of Midday arises
And the full Sun of Midnight so burns,
Star emerges, by Name α-Crisis –
That’s the Moment of blowing Horns.

In this Day Voice of Morning announces
To prepare and greet Evening Star,
Where Dark Matter with Light’s Spirit bounces
Through the Strings of celestial Harp.

All Angelic by Messengers’ Greeting
Revelation in Witnesses finds,
All the Opposite gathers on Meeting
To decide how influence Minds;

Feelings saddle for Riding Emotions,
Trusting Chariots never again,
And by Promises hunted Devotion
Falls in River of haunted Disdain.

Those Given get Sight for a Moment
In which blinded get those Deprived,
Every Name meets in Ignorance Omen,
Every Flame wants to here ignite.

It’s all Prophesy! Past in the Future –
Timely Grammar’s revised by the Rules:
We of I – an approaching Feature
That will Purpose release from all Tools!..
Whispering To Prove
Whispering’s sound is good
When the blowing wind outside
Is so lulling, not rude,
Just like embodying Light,

That the beginning of Spring
Anticipating, instills
In what is Coming to bring
And what Awaiting just wills…

Whisper this birdly, and flutes
Play fluttering Choirs around,
Lungs of the woodlands like lutes
For the Renaissance of Sound.

Wintery shape’s being transformed,
Contours of Rude to remove, -
Breath of the Breeze to enthrone,
Rule of the Air to prove!..
Who Is From All
Who is in love – in the shadow?
Who is the love – or the light?
Naked disclosed just let do,
And will be seen what is right!

Right – in the rightful direction,
That’s only felt in demand:
Motion is equal Salvation,
Longing makes crush reprimand…

Shadow materializing
Is of the Miracle work:
Responsibility rising,
Betting on here and rogue, -

Freedom of choiceless desire
Liberty holds and provokes, -
Motion, comparing, dire
Opening in front, behind locks…

Who is in What – vivifying,
What is expanding in Whom:
Live those who fixed in dying,
Giving out what seems so doomed.

Light pours out in shadow,
To raise again – and erase
Whisper of poisonous Letha
From all endearing race!..
Wishing To Dare
“Wishing you Happiness!..” – What does it mean,
When you embody it right in your Soul?
Out of Monsters prepare a Meal –
Feast upon which all the Joyful be called:

Flesh of the Fears be cooked into Hopes,
All Preconceived – into Learnt, Purified;
Let Flowers cover all Gallows and Ropes,
Guns be transformed to the Hearth for the Fire!..

Words let emerge from the Smiles of the Lips
That will forget of the Grins of the Past:
Let them prepare to greet all those Least
Which were forgotten and sworn in the Past;

Happy be Wishes, embodying Joy –
All in the Spirit of truthful Repair:
You are the Chosen here to employ
What only you are prepared to dare!..
Wish to Be Obtained
A wish to sleep – an overwhelming realm,
From which its place reality attains;
A living creature, who to grow is still,
Pretending that it encompass’ disdain.

And such indulgence may be yet to spread
Upon the surface all that’s deep involved:
The realm – the creature – who of them be led
Will in the draw which burning is so cold?..

Be conscientious in the playful game –
The key, they say, to relevance release:
Is one to see, who bears proud name
Of Ruler-Master, riding every glimpse?

An answer’s wished – desired but the Quest
Like horse of mouth is so black, untamed:
An overwhelming realm for it – the best,
And what’s like that is there to be obtained!..
Words Call
Words of Contour Diamond-like
Germs of prose or verse contain:
Now all is your Klondike
Just release your Heart and Brain,

And refresh Uprising’s Might –
For the Might of Freshness strikes! –
How humble is your Pride,
Like the Shimmer of the Knife!..

Cut the ulcers, don’t wait –
Hesitation is a Crime! –
Aren’t of Energies you made,
Are you millions’ worth or dimes?!

Plant the germs in Diamond-ground,
Pour Light through it, expect:
Multitude that from Amount
Surge and Numbers resurrect!..

Prose and verses, grown, fight
Will for sure, Spectrum crush:
Words of Contour, Diamond-like,
Turn in Pictures under Brush.

Then their Wisdom will get ripe –
Be prepared for its Fall:
Fingers-Slaves will then all type –
To fulfill the Freedom’s Call!..
You Are
You are the Shade of mine – and I’m your Light,
And our Union’s Prism produces Colors:
They all through Forms and Spheres shine in Might
That leaves no Chance to Grievance and to Malice.

Like Choir of the Voices Summit gives
To the orchestral musical Enlightenment,
Your Soul embraces mine – and so I live,
Without asking Day to where Night went.

The Coming of the Timelessness to greet,
My Spirit now’s humbled in rejoicing:
Where Praise is overwhelming and complete
The rest will be forgotten as a Poison.

The glowing Forms of Light produces Worlds –
Burst through the Vastness welcoming that dark laid:
Remember Voice that Music to Life calls –
For you’re my Light and I am just your fine Shade!..

— The End —