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Rahwa Nov 2020
Stop me if you can, if you can stop me from falling
Stop me from breaking, if you can see me unravelling
If you can see me naked, stop me from being
From being fragile, if you can see that I am broken
If you can see the reality, stop me from facing it
Stop me from facing me, if you can see that is why I am weak
If you can see right through me, stop me … stop me from falling.
Rahwa Nov 2020
My fear of you has become a dread,
I cannot take it up with you again.
My work here is done for now,
I cannot spare you, not from that.
There is nothing left here for me,
Not from the woman you have left to bleed.
I generally do not have titles for my poems and I do not want to come up with something just for the sake of it. So I am just gone post a series of untitled poems … here is the first one … Untitled # 1.
Rahwa Mar 2021
Fear my friend, Fear my foe
Fear the jailor of my soul.
Rahwa May 2021
They keep telling me you are a good man …
      What they don’t know is,
               Loving you is a deadly thing.
Rahwa Nov 2020
My perfection, my little glow
You mean everything to me and even more.
The air I breathe, it has no soul
When you are not near, I am at a total loss.
My baby you, you should know
You make me perfect as you erode my flaws
You make me perfect as you erode it all.
Rahwa Dec 2020
Souls disheartened by deceit
Bodies consumed by defeat
Thoughts lured by sin
Eyes deceived by dreams
Breathes ravished by pain
Time lost in vain
Lives torn apart into pieces
As belief burns out in to ashes.
Rahwa Dec 2020
Hollow hearts, hollow dreams
How does one move on, on unscheduled trip?
Broken souls, broken wheels
How does one learn to walk when you have been floating?
Rahwa Dec 2020
If only … a heart could not be broken,
And the pain could be forgotten,
And the mistakes made could be undone,
And everything we know is worth living for,
And I had never seen your tears before.
Rahwa Jan 2021
I love you marvelously …
And then insufficiently.
But then it’s more electric ,
It’s never static,
So full and cathartic …
But then its demanding,
We both loss our northing,
And then you claim I am unloving.
Rahwa Jan 2021
Shame on you, for not seeing the truth,
I have loved you so long it’s hard to exclude.
I have borne so much it’s hard to elude,
The immeasurable length I went through for you, the pain I endured.
How dare you…
how dare you claim my love is untrue,
When all you have done is make my heart rue.
Rahwa Feb 2021
You are the perfect melody,
You are the perfect sound to me,
You are my alpha and omega,
You are also my in between.
You are a wicked sorcerer,
You have bewitched me indeed,
I will never see the same way again,
Because I have learnt to love unconditionally.
Rahwa Mar 2021
In truth, I never saw it coming.
Not in your eyes, not in your soul,
Not even in the way you spoke.

I always imagined you strong,
With no lies, no secrets to withhold,
Not when I can’t even think of you as lost.

But here we are you are lost,
You are in pain and at loss,
At this moment you have lost all hope.

How can you be so tall, and feel so small?
How can you be so confused, with all that you know?
I can’t understand how you can be so different at all.

How can I say goodbye, when I am still at hello?
How can I shine a light so bright that erases the shadow?
Please tell me you can be saved and I can be the hero.

— The End —