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192 · Nov 2020
Desert And Rain
Sunset Nov 2020
Desert and Rain

I don't know which one is more eager to the other one
A desert which is cracked in the thirst of meeting the rain
Or the rain which puts its head on the cracked shoulder of the desert and cries
But I believe in one thing
My longing for you!
Is more than the thirst of the desert to the rain
And more than the appetence of the rain to the desert
But which one are you?
The Desert or the rain?
Rain on me or
Let me rain on you

Sunset Nov 2020
Warning! Keep out of reach of children

I'm like a child and
You're like a bottle of syrup
You're always out of my reach
Once I'll use others' negligence
I will guzzle you
I want to be poisoned with you

123 · Nov 2020
The Curve of smile
Sunset Nov 2020
No matter how much they pulled her hair
No matter how hard they pressed her throat
The curve of her lips never changed
The smile was sewn to the doll's lips!
But the doll was tired
She no longer wanted to have that curve on her lips
She was thinking of protesting
One day when she was tortured
She shouted, " that's enough. I'm in pain"
The curve of her lips was broken
With that broken curve
The doll was no longer attractive to anyone
No one came to her anymore
No one asked her where she was in pain
No one asked her why she wasn't smiling anymore
She owed no explanation to anyone too
The doll got rid of the artificial curve of her smile

117 · Dec 2020
Sunset Dec 2020
Doctors say my fever is caused by a bacterial infection
They've prescribed me antipyretic and antibiotic
Doctors in this city are known for misdiagnosis and wrong prescriptions
My fever is due to being away from you
You must be infused into my veins
That's it!

Sunset Dec 2020
I don't know which geographical area your eyes belong to
which are always rainy!
For God sake! Can you stop this rain ?
My heart isn't equipped with wheel chains
It rolls down from your cheeks with your tears
I can't stop the rain of your tears,
But I can wipe them from  your face
With my  magical tissues

If this was a real advertisement, would you buy a tissue from me? Don't worry the price is fair 😀
If this was a real advertisement, would you buy a tissue from me? Thanks in advance for your answers!
111 · Nov 2020
Sunset Nov 2020
Before you, I was an infidel to the life after death  

Now that you have left me and gone

I am the most faithful to this truth

You said you would die without me

But you are still breathing!

What you did with my faith

didn't do any prophet!
111 · Dec 2020
Sunset Dec 2020
He knelt
Holding a ring
"I'll be with you in joys and sorrows
I took off my gloves
Put out my hand
To be ringed
He stood up
"Sorry! I am drunk "
And left  
But I ask you !
can't we ring another
if the ring finger is amputated?
109 · Dec 2020
It costs an arm and a leg
Sunset Dec 2020
Do you remember?
That very day, it was boiling hot,
When I was playing football beside your father's mirror shop?
You were just enjoying yourself,
Having your ice cream
And didn't even care about your surroundings.
I was with a few youths,
We were just kicking the ball around,
And I've kicked the ball so hard,
That it landed to your father's shop window....

What a moment that was!
All the mirrors just shattered to pieces,
And your father angrily just tore our football,
He ripped it to pieces, with the broken glass shards.
I managed to pick up a piece,
Because I knew I would find you in them...
Your astonishing beauty,
Lay on every single of them......

What a moment that was!
Your father suddenly grabbed my wrist,
He took me to my father,
To get his compensation....
It's a sad scene,
On one side being ashamed,
On the other side, putting your father through drama.
At that very moment,
My father pushed me so hard,
To topple over the ground....
My arm and leg just broke,
I was in severe pain.
But I just had something calming me,
It was your beautiful face,
That reflected to me on the glass..
But this time it was just useless!
I stared but couldn't see your face.
The mirror, the glass that reflected you,
Didn't have a trace of your beauty...
The shattered glass that once portrayed you,
Was not reflecting your beautiful face.
It's a shame I had to pay,
With a broken arm and leg....
Just to realise a bitter truth!

101 · Dec 2020
Look only at me
Sunset Dec 2020
I don't know which polar glaciers have melted
that the blue ocean of your eyes has overflowed
But could you please only look at me!?
I only want to be the only one,
Who plunges in this blue ocean
I only want to bath in your eyes
Could you please give me the honor only,
Honor of drowning in your beautiful blue eyes?

Edited by Hussein, my teacher.
100 · Dec 2020
Sunset Dec 2020

" I will never leave you"
These were your words,
before leaving me forever
I don't want to blame you
I don't want to reprimand you
It wasn't your fault that this promise was broken
Even you weren't sure of your words
It was my fault
I trusted the promise that was made with
" will"
" will", an unsure far future!
Now I have to pay the price
with a broken heart
for not knowing  the grammar!

@ Sunset
100 · Dec 2020
The poet of wrong poems
Sunset Dec 2020
I told him,
"The dam of my eyes is breaking
YOU! Come and be that Hans who saved the city"
He made me blind!  

شاعر شعرهای اشتباه

سد چشمانم دارد می شکند"
"تو بیا همان پترسی باش که شهر را نجات داد.
! کورم کرد
Hans Brinker put his finger in the ****.
97 · Nov 2020
96 · Dec 2020
Sunset Dec 2020
Heart: may I ask you a question,  if you don't mind.

Mind: of course I don't mind.I'm  the mind. Shoot me your question softly.

Heart: where were you last night?

Mind: I know you're heart, but mind your own business.

Heart: No, no,  don't get me wrong . I didn't want to reprimand you. I want you to forgive me.

Mind: I forgive  you!? What have you done that you need my forgiveness?

Heart: last night you had a message from the eyes. Someone had caught their sight. When you delayed to answer, I thought you're not in your post. I tried to cover your shift and answer instead of you.

Mind: And what was your answer?

Heart: I was speechless and I stopped beating to do my main responsibility.  

Mind: And what was that?

Heart: Falling in love.Isn't that what I was made for?

Mind: Oh heart, my sweetheart!
I recieved the eyes message , but while I was analyzing the message because of the lack of the ****** fuel,  I conked out. Go on. What did  happen after that. Why are you cracked?!

Heart: I told her, " We are the lost halves of each other. We are complementary pieces of each other".

Mind: And what was her answer?

Heart: "you're wrong. it's a visual error."

@ sunset
96 · Dec 2020
smile deficiency
Sunset Dec 2020
Nothing tickled her cells anymore
She was suffering from smile deficiency
The doctor prescribed her smile,
But she couldn't find it in any pharmacy
There was a sanction on the smile
She couldn't do anything with this policy

@ Sunset
96 · Dec 2020
Sunset Dec 2020
I thought whenever I want
I can forget the Past
But I was absolutely wrong
It wasn't me who owned the Past
It was the Past who owned me
The Past had stamped on me
The seal of the ownership!
It wasn't me who didn't want to leave the past
It was the Past who didn't want to leave me
The Past  had harnessed me and pulled me everywhere
To the present , to the future
People pointed at me and
whispered in each other's ears
When I looked at them carefully
I saw that they were also reined
We all had a common pain
We were all slaves of the Past

95 · Nov 2020
ashamed eyes
Sunset Nov 2020
However, repetitive questions bother my mind
my heart never stops asking this question
"Where are you now?"
My eyes are always ashamed of
the inability to answer this
someone come and hug my eyes
Tell them, "this is not your fault
He doesn't want to be in your sight"

@ Sunet
93 · Dec 2020
Sunset Dec 2020
You are in my air
I inhale you
My lungs are full of you
My blood is saturated by you
My hemoglobins are carrying you
Instead of oxygen,
you are delivered to my cells
You are in each of my cells
Tell me is this you or me?!

@ Sunset
84 · Nov 2020
Sunset Nov 2020

Friday is that lump that is stuck in the throat of a blind old woman , who for years has been waiting for a piece of bone to burst into  tears. The bones of her only son who never returned from the war.
Friday is an eternal sorrow.

@ Sunset on Friday
83 · Nov 2020
The rejected heart
Sunset Nov 2020
The rejected heart!

Her brain was ceased
But the heart was still beating...
My poem became brain dead
Because your heart was hard like stone.
I've given you the heart of my poem,
Just to witness it be rejected....
Because you weren't the substance of my poems!
Edited by my teacher, Hussein.
82 · Nov 2020
Poet's family
Sunset Nov 2020
poet's family

The poems are a poet's children.They are the fruits of a sacred bond between his heart and his mind. One night when the contractile pains of his emotion start, the poems are finally born.They are his ****** children, from the blood of his heart.
They are not always perfect. Sometimes they have congenital diseases, but it doesn't mean the poet doesn't like them. Some poets want to keep their sick poems. They ask others to help them to cure their poems's deformities and abnormalities, eventhough sometimes no body care about the poet and his poems.
Some poets don't accept that a poem belong them, so in the birth certificate of these poems the father's name is Anonymous.
Sometimes some poems are never born. These poems are not legitimate and their poet aborts them because of fear.
But there isn't any sin worse than killing our own children. A poet who cuts his poem's head is really guilty.

@ Sunset
82 · Nov 2020
Handkerchief seller
Sunset Nov 2020
If the one who tells you that your face becomes more beautiful with tears, isn't a handkerchief seller, be sure he is an insane.

81 · Nov 2020
Flood warning
Sunset Nov 2020
Flood warning

I will not cry for you anymore
Not because I've forgotten you
Or I don't love you anymore
Not because the fountain of my tears have dried up
Or cloud of my eyes doesn't desire to rain any more
I've only stopped crying because
The meteorological agency has warned of flooding

@ Sunset
76 · Nov 2020
Sunset Nov 2020
I know!
on the niche of your heart
My memory is dusty
Come to me sometimes
Shake me a little!

@ Sunset
76 · Nov 2020
Sunset Nov 2020

I'm an English learner. It would be nice of you if you correct me.
Thanks in advance
75 · Dec 2020
Pointless effort
Sunset Dec 2020
Nurse racked his brain
to remember where the drug was,
but it was a pointless effort
The patient died with
The drug in his fist
72 · Nov 2020
Lucky robbers
Sunset Nov 2020
Between using a Police car and an Ambulance, we decided to use a police car for our bank robbery project. After stealing the money , we found ourselves among furious protesters who were chanting anti-police slogans. How lucky we were!!

@ Sunset
Just for fun😉
70 · Dec 2020
Blind spot
Sunset Dec 2020
Blind spot

You always say: " don't beat  around the bush. Get to the point."
I'm just  a  foreign gardener in your rose  garden
Young lady! take my hand and show me the point.
Does your garden have anything other than a rose bush?


Here is a plot from me:
It's there first encounter... The lady and the foreign gardener.
It was there first meeting, probably love at first sight... Whilst the lady head towards her rose bush, she comes across with the foreign gardener... Excitement, confusion was all flying about... Hearts were beating rapidly, with blushes on their face... They looked and looked... So deep and intense.
But couldn't speak about how they felt.
The lady was like "come on, get to the point"! She tried to make him understand with the way she frowned.. But the poor foreign gardener was even more shy and confused. He just looked and looked finally uttered few words. " Young lady, take my hand and show me all around.... Does your garden have anything other than these beautiful roses"... She knew what he was truly meaning. Poor foreign gardener just didn't have a clue.

What a decent masterpiece

As I'm an English learner I tried to write a story for an idiom" don't beat around the bush" to learn and memorize it. One of my language partners wrote the second part to describe that plot too.

— The End —