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Hakikur Rahman Nov 2021
The caged bird has such a great pride,
He thinks the cage is a flowery garden.

In his anxious mind, he looks towards the sky-
He does not take other animal into count,
He sings whatever comes in his own mind.

Once someone forgot to close the cage door-
Out of the cage he feels very proud,
Tried to fly a little with the fragile wing in the air.

Nah, he could not fly at ease -
Also, no one care about it, as he did before towards them,
He fell into a bitter conflict.

Then, somehow coming back in the cage,
He closed the door himself.

Life is so easy to observe from the distance,
It is so intricate to feel from the adjacent.
Hakikur Rahman Nov 2021
(Continued from 1/9)

Gary’s  grandfather was a
very rich person and
he inherited a gigantic
piece of land with many
trees and meadows near
the mountain.

When he became old enough
to take care of them
his father gave everything
to him as a gesture
of fatherly love-
thus Gary used to live
a decent life.

He remembers,
when he used to go
to the nursery
crossing those meadows,
half paved roads,
crossing a curved bridge-
by holding hand of his
they used to pass by the sea
where there was a
very old lighthouse
standing alone, like a fortress.

Pure fiction. Any similarity should be treated as mere coincidence.
Hakikur Rahman Nov 2021
Being emotional, I sat down on the meadow
The heart carries with all the unspoken words.

Desired to catch the moon, no matter how it is
Being distracted, it seems like a nightmare.

Wanted to count all those glittering stars, with wide eyes in their range
The whole thing goes to waiting, waiting, and waiting.

Wanted to get down in the water, without knowing how to swim
Get drowned in deep abyss.

Wanted to sing a song, but couldn't understand the notation
At this hour, in amazement, the mind and soul were aroused.
Hakikur Rahman Nov 2021
Oh! Humiliated  mother world
You got the territory,
I have been sitting on the ground destroying you
Engaged in a drunken game.

Yet, you have spread your love
In the green ceremony,
I sit on it and put fire on it
In the betrayal of ignorance.

The whole world gazing it
But, everyone is dumb,
Your comfort is our comfort
We don't understand, why!

Pardon me being forgiving
Oh! Mother world,
And will not make any mistake knowingly
Kissing your prosperous land.
On the eve of United Nations Climate Conference.
Hakikur Rahman Nov 2021
Gary used to
go to the nearby nursery
holding the hand
of his grandmother
(his mother died
while giving him birth),
and theireafter
his grandmother
became his mother
and seemingly, his father too
(as his father used to
work in a remote island
as a fisherman).

His father used to
visit him occasionally
because of the bond
in between them
(though his father got married
and have his step brother
and his step sister,
he learnt from reliable sources),
because they never met before.

His father, Kevin
liked him a lot and
came to visit him,
especially during the Christmas holidays
with a large number of gift items-
he could even
was not able to to count.


(Pure fiction.
Any similarity should be treated as mere coincidence.)
Hakikur Rahman Nov 2021
Clumsy me,
never thought that
the life could take
such a discourse
such a dip
such a diabolical turn.

Between the hinges of
acting or not-acting,
what is inside the
so-called life;
is it a metaphor,
is it an illusion,
is it humble submission to the eternity?

Sprout, but
not cluttered in
utmost thought,
perhaps, someone
is pulling the string
from behind the curtain.

everything and all other things
are in vain-
is it perpetual?
is it hypocrisy?
is it pretending?
is it
never be able to distinguish-

Clumsy me!
Hakikur Rahman Nov 2021
What an amazing beauty, I see
Oh my motherland!
It amazed my heart, and I sing
You are eternal.

Floating cloud raft, in the middle of sky
Playing there cheerfully,
I spent the whole day, by looking at them

The river flows, with silent jingle
What a beautiful sight,
The mimusops elengi are blooming, in the branches.

Golden paddy in the field, filled the farmer’s heart
Shepherd joined him with his flute,
Mind and soul get pacified.
A tribute to the Golden Bengal.
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