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Eddie Blakelock Mar 2021
11th March 2011, came like every other day,
people went about their business like they did each day,
but what occurred that very afternoon,
brought so much grief, gloom and doom,
it changed Japan for ever after,
even the world felt the repercussion for years thereafter.

The earthquake and tsunami were so utterly devastating,
even viewed on TV and around the world, while it was raging,
so much damage and such an unbelievable tragedy,
even for Japan, who are always prepared and ready,
its now a decade since that earthquake and tsunami,
newer tragedies are occurring to affect everyone globally.

This day will always be different for Japan, from all others,
somehow suspended in time like no other,
we know the Japanese are strong and resilient,
even though that tragedy was very different,
the Japanese  are able to bounce back and recover,
even though the trauma and the hurt was like no other.

Our hopes and good wishes are with you, Japan,
even though you facing the pandemic as well, in your homeland,
Japan will always be the land of the rising sun,
even though for others, its a setting one,
lets hope, there  will not be another similar tragedy,
to devastate the land from under the sea.
Eddie Blakelock Mar 2021
As we peer into the nightly dark,
in the nothingness there is indeed some starry spark,
the long tails of comets streaking,
across the night sky while we are contemplating,
galaxies in their millions lay hidden in the deep blackness,
where we always thought was complete nothingness.

Ah ! the wondrous splendour of creation,
it's so spell-binding and breathtaking,
there are however those  who believe in  evolution,
it's a toss-up between both like a movie in the making,
we just need the "spirit" to grab each "opportunity",
and the   "perseverance" to  achieve our universal destiny.
Eddie Blakelock Oct 2020
That's the way it is,
the way it always was,
but  COVID-19 has reset what we always thought was bliss,
with  lockdowns,   quarantines and masks.

We have certainly turned the corner, there is no going back,
it seems that we are now all on another level and a different track,
the final destination can ultimately  be bright and assuredly positive,
it depends on the journey itself , as long as it not  negative.

There will be, a new way it is,
and the way it always be,
so that this  new " abnormal, " normal ,
will just   become the normal,  normal.

We are peeling away the dead skin,
of the old ways,
into a new and brighter dimension it seems,
beginning this very day !
Eddie Blakelock Oct 2020
Mangoes sun-kissed to become amazing,
ripening on the tree very temptingly,
so sweet, luscious  and quite captivating,
  deliciously tasty like yummy  drips of golden honey.

Mangoes abundantly fruiting in this land, everywhere,
to tempt the appetite, as if we need a reason,
then disappear without due notice, or an au revoir,
until the next long  awaited mango season.
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