A twisted fate,
turns to slate
Trying to become,
Granite to late,
nothing left,
a limestone drown
Destiny a thread,
Spun, measured,
and, cut
Or can you untwist
that fate,
and, kick it's ****
Only you know,
how good you are,
at kicking butts,
in life so far
Tell fate,
It's never to late
The thread you spun,
measured, and cut
weighed less,
than a tex 1
The threads weight,
Is so low, and dram
Now it's me left,
to perform using,
a backstitch hand
With a heavier thread,
built like lead
that beats your,
weight as 1
See who's left sitting,
at the sewing machine,
while I am off living the dream,
and, having fun
Only one gets to decide,
when it's time to glide,
he never leaves,
my side
© 2021 Carol Natasha Diviney