Love and Mercy
shown to us
but our existence on Earth,
is the Universe, Cosmos,
Terrestrial and Celestial Realms
Showing the Importance,
of human and spiritual,
that nature sends
Experiences on Earth,
to fulfil our destiny,
but he works here on Earth,
you see
Poetry a form of escapism,
peace, tranquillity, joy
Freedom of expression,
tapping into creation enjoy
A cleansing of the mind,
body, soul, and spirit
Its love
Words which are living force
Atoms echoed into the atmosphere
Tell the people and nations,
of his marvellous works everywhere
Creation, evolution,
and the essence of life here
This human experience,
encapsulates the very quintessence,
of his infinite grace
Poetry healing others,
through the Universe face
© 2022 Carol Natasha Diviney