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Universe Poems Feb 2021
Anxiety blends
Sending shock waves,
to family, and friends
Not knowing how,
to paddle the boat
They certainly find a way,
to stay afloat

© 2021 Carol Natasha Diviney
I wrote this poem as support, to anyone who has experienced a family member, or friend who suffers from anxiety.

Information below: a website i created last year.

Mental Health Awareness is a one stop hub,
that provides information, of useful charities and, support services to promote, and support Mental health awareness in society.

We also provide useful resources, and information in one place, so individuals, families, parents or carers can find the help needed, without having to research, and trawl through lots of different websites which can be very time consuming.

We want to ensure that MHA (Mental Health Awareness) provides an effective resource hub, with information, that is accessible to all, while promoting Mental Health Awareness in Society, which is paramount.

We hope you find the information, and resources helpful.
Universe Poems Feb 2021
Jump back
Jump fourth,
but don't become,
a morph
In computer,
animation of course,
Instead use biology
back into human form,
the sheet protected,
an inside form

© 2021 Carol Natasha Diviney

Universe Poems Feb 2021
Throat Chakra
Archangel Michael
and, Zadkiel,
talk as you heal
Life or death
Powerful in breath,
you speak,
the instructions,
all or nothing left

© 2021 Carol Natasha Diviney
Universe Poems Feb 2021
Swallow the words,
but never be hollow
They may come back,
to haunt you tomorrow,
tormented, and possessed,
will then follow

© 2021 Carol Natasha Diviney
Universe Poems Feb 2021
Everything was true
You messed it up
You silly cuckoo
Stealing emotions,
from the nest
It is best,
you stay,
and, nest
in the trees,
for a rest,
stop stealing,
host birds nests,
The Eagle builds best,
female nest construction,
the majority,
is not destruction

© 2021 Carol Natasha Diviney
Universe Poems Feb 2021
They say we should never go back
When people make you feel unwanted,
you know that,
but is that really a given fact
Should people not rise above that
Make sure the ground rules,
are laid flat,
and, they have a filter,
to see their backtrack,
but always monitor that,
if they make you feel unwanted,
and, can't make time for you,
that is devoted,
and, unhurried
with their double life in situ
Drop it like an old hat,
your Hypothalamus,
will make you feel warmer,
after that
Your temperature receptor cells,
will see to that

© 2021 Carol Natasha Diviney
Universe Poems Feb 2021
Asleep in a slumber,
held down,
by the lumberjacks
They were sitting,
on the natural wood slats,
with logs on top of that,
but in the dream,
a woodchopper,
and, logger,
was ready to fell,
with skill that you can't sell
On the scene
and, ended the dream
will return,
in slumber,
to reconvene
you were,
not as heavy,
as you seemed
Neither skilled,
at Felling a woman,
who dreams

© 2021 Carol Natasha Diviney
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