What is the matter?
Neuronal cell bodies
Nucleus of the cell
Do you feel the sensation
Information from the senses relation
Your connected
White in matter transmitting
Messages permitting,
to parts of the brain,
and the body again
Let's generate,
and make it electrical
Here are the signals
Carry it to the cells,
by the axons
Spinal cord
Nature's sword
Anterior, posterior and lateral
Grey matter,
emotions are not latter
Decision-making and self-control
When you look at Dr Diviney’s
Scientific illustration scroll
Grey matter,
you will see and feel emotions,
through grey notions,
reminding you too
of the Subjective mind,
and Neuroscience kind
Through the Philosophy find
© 2025 Carol Natasha Diviney, Ph.D.
#the #first #scientific #illustration #in #the #world #the #subjective #mind #and #processing #brain #demonstrates #the #interdisciplinary #working #of #philosophy #and #neuroscience #research
Wherever the brain goes in terms of human beings, it is exposed to the Societal influential subjective minds of others. Highlighting the interdependence of people and nature, reflecting the complexity and depth of these relationships.
The subjective mind will be personal as well as based on opinions and perceptions, however the subjective mind is exposed and formulated from environments and interactions as well as knowledge from others and brain experiences in processing.The brain is thus part of nature.
Dr Diviney
#drcaroldiviney #advancing #philosophy #and #neuroscience #the #mind