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j a connor Oct 2021
Who tells the clock how much time is left ?.....
j a connor May 2023
I appear to have misplaced my future
I knew where it was until recently
But now
I can't find it anywhere
j a connor Nov 2020
I invert the Yin and Yang
To produce a total lack of clarity
In my schizophrenic dream
Of a clearer world
j a connor Apr 2023
best step back
the world is crashing
the sky is crack'd
sea has gone weird
plants inverting
air insincere
people converting

best step back
it's not making sense
teach don't tell
alien unwell
i've lost track
no going back
j a connor Dec 2020
M   A   N
o     r    a
n     t    t
e          u
y          r

Am I the master or the slave

G   O   D
o     r    e
o           s
d           t

Is it material or divine
j a connor Feb 20
j a connor Apr 2021
We talk like we know it all
But we don't do it
The sky is the limit
But there's a hole going through it
j a connor Oct 2023
dreams are formless visions
their reality is imagined
unless you create it
j a connor Oct 2021
dreams are formless visions
their reality is imagined
unless you create it
j a connor May 2023
the rain teases the grass
but the sea is unhappy about the waste

acidly aided by gravity
frees the ball from the axis

until the next time

depending on the science
j a connor Sep 2021
The season is coming
Leaves crumble underfoot
Skies change signalling a departure from youth to mid life
Autumn beckons to its cooler sibling
Preparing for the challenge we must all face
The final path towards what lies ahead
j a connor Nov 2020
Travelling to the outside
Of in
A world contained
Of nothing
By no one
To examine
Perhaps the genius of snails
One cannot
A life
Too real
For some
j a connor Jun 2021
I know nothing of reality for nothing is real
j a connor Apr 2021
Water from the window within
It's cold
j a connor Jun 2021
Imagine a tropical paradise
Think hard now
Don't that look nice
Sky is blue
Palm trees sway
Ocean clear
Sunshine all day
Come with me
I'll take you there
Forget your troubles
Forget your cares
Sail away on the distant breeze
Clear your mind
Do as you please
Lyrics from Drift Away by j.a.connor
It's good to dream
j a connor Mar 2021
Grey tanned faces in the winter of hope
Lasting forever
Dreamt perhaps remote
This life despairs all who come to pass
Knowledge is regression
Time never lasts
j a connor Jun 2022
D espite
E verything
A pparently
T his
H urts
j a connor Apr 2021
Rest in pieces
For we cannot be destroyed
We are the dust of the universe
Never fully swept away
Our spirits rising into the vastness of space
Searching for the next adventure
Seeking a new vessel of travel
Relativity non existent
A heartbeat in fate
j a connor Jun 30
sinking in myself
tuning in
no more dreams
j a connor Jan 2021
D itch

E go

E scape

P ain
j a connor Oct 2023
Created by the mind
This perception of reality

Welcome to your life
Unknown to others


Do with it what you will
j a connor Oct 2020
Paradise before thought
Fresh air, clean water, wide open spaces
A place of welcome and harmony
The place of your dreams
The place you are starting to see
The obsession to dominate and destroy
You are about to arrive
You do not want to be programmed and controlled
But it is too late
You are born
j a connor Mar 2022
the fact that I can is the reason I won't
j a connor Jul 2021
last lives live like lying

I'm gone
j a connor Mar 2023
what dream is this I awaken from

am I no longer a part of time
where is the reality of before
my clock is running behind

catching up with where the world has gone
it wears you out

sleep is where I find my reality

so leave me to descend into my own
and carry on with nothing
j a connor Jun 2021
He waited at the darkest point of the night
Would the dream return
Rain fell on the ground creating a new wave of hope
Is it to be true
Will it replace the problem that was his life

"Do you know if the dream is due"

"Could be"

"Is it the muse that you have too"

"We'll see ..........
j a connor Dec 2021
how deep does the skin need to be to prevent drowning in hurt
j a connor Jun 2022
D oes
E very
S ingle
I ndividual
G et
N oticed
A ssessed
T agged
E very
D ay
j a connor Dec 2021
snowfall is gone
winter remains
migration is here
j a connor Jun 2023
The power of the mind is unknown
Producing truth, fear, hope, etc, etc, +++
So many thoughts
Too confusing for anyone
Too difficult to fully control
But with practice
Silence can be found
Allowing peace in all ventures
j a connor Jan 2021
D  eliver

E  ach

S  oul

T  hrough

I  nevitable

N  atural

Y  earning
j a connor Dec 2021
One life
Too far
One hope
Too late
j a connor Nov 2021
sun glinting on water
beauty to behold
precious jewels
j a connor Nov 2023
How many pass the same way
But the scene remains the same
j a connor Jun 2021
How many pass the same way but the scene remains the same
j a connor Dec 2020
j a connor Nov 2023
D   oes
I     t
R    eally
T    arnish

j a connor Feb 2021
D   oes
I     t
R    eally
T    arnish

j a connor Apr 2021
The way we treat life

Is it any surprise

Would treat the planet any different
j a connor Dec 2023
And,  ,, ,,,       within the fire
Lies another realm,,  (outwith our reach)
But ........
If we look

D e e e e p

Into the white flame

All becomes clear

If we believe it does
j a connor Jun 2021
There is nothing more time wasting than thinking about the right time
j a connor Oct 2021
darkest of dreams

what do they mean

distressing scenes

not all they seem

figures on screens

remain unseen

to trick         to scream

it's halloween
j a connor Nov 2023
by tomorrow
today will be like yesterday
a fleeting moment in the cosmos
noticed by none in a 1000 years time
j a connor Dec 2020
In the eyes of the teller the listener gives all
One sided conversation
Let's ask the wall
Polite nodding and smiling
Exacting and sincere
And do you agree with my view

Try the other ear

It's nice to talk
To hear ones voice
But please remember
To take in what you're saying requires absorption and choice
j a connor Jan 18
From the darkness
I fall
The shadows grow strong
At the end
Waiting to rise
j a connor Feb 2022
Sometimes it's the only way to make sense of the world
j a connor Feb 2022
Sometimes it's the only way to make sense of the world
j a connor Apr 2021
D on't
U nderestimate
S mall
T hings
j a connor Nov 2020
I fall
My shell is cracked
Will my life escape ?
j a connor Nov 2020
In the history of the world
How many of us are worthy of a single word
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