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j a connor Oct 2020
Digital books
No dust
j a connor Mar 2022
Digital books
No dust
j a connor Jun 2021
Could it be
Are the Artificial Intelligence
j a connor Jul 2022
in the garden of life
the weeds have taken over
j a connor May 2024
Do not identify as slaves
But know as those
Who took their place
j a connor Mar 2024
The complexity of humanity can be found in the convenience store

The regulars, not looking to change the daily habits

The passing trade, hoping for a one stop

The lonely, finding a point of contact that may be the only one
                    not buying anything in particular but happy to advise

The cashier
                    overseeing all with power
                    never participating wholly in the dramas that unfold

But looking forward to the end of the day when the door closes
j a connor Mar 2021
The dawn rolls out a new day
No past grudge
Embrace joy
j a connor Mar 2024
life is for everyone
let's not interfere because it makes us feel right
why waste energy trying to change and rearrange complexities
that we will probably never fully understand
j a connor Oct 2020
Photovoltaic in the rain
Drunk from the midday sun
Now barely able to light a candle
Let alone save the world
j a connor Dec 2021
explain colours to the blind
define sound to the deaf
expect understanding from the ignorant
j a connor May 2023
Explain colours to the blind
Define sound to the deaf
Expect understanding from the ignorant
j a connor Apr 2023
j a connor May 2023
Tossed into another dimension
Via dreams I dare not mention
Unsure of life in this realm
Frightened by thoughts that overwhelm
Escape seems irrelevant and unclear
Where I am is where I belong
I fear
j a connor Mar 2024
I live for the night
It never fails to excite
The darkness prevails
Those unearthly tales
My future is clear
My destiny is here
j a connor Oct 2020
Reality is fuelled by perception of view
The same scene can change as life grows you
j a connor Nov 2020
Who we are is all in the mind
Purpose projected by ego
A false importance of identity
Lose yourself
Accept the universe
Imperfection is perfect
We exist
Embrace the truth of our simplistic passage
We are not in control
j a connor Jun 2022
Does the thought of the action worry you more

Will you be comfortable knowing what is behind the door

the decisions you choose
maybe win maybe lose

But to do or to don't
That's free to explore
j a connor Jun 2021




j a connor Oct 2020
Lost in a vision of eternal greed                                                                                  
Exploitation of the masses to further their need
Living for a drug that makes blood rust
Creatures that sadly are no more than dust
More More More they cry
Me Me Me they cry
It can no longer satisfy
They die
j a connor Dec 2020
Before dawn
The whispers in the twilight
Empower my peace
j a connor Nov 2021
as I move forward with reflection
all time collides into this moment of who I am now
j a connor Oct 2020
____­____Do You Get It???
j a connor Dec 2023
I'm moving out you're moving in
I'm at the end you've still to begin
Infatuation plays with the mind
I hope the real is what you find
j a connor Dec 2023
Our world is in crisis.

I represent Kalashnikov.
Although we are currently doing very well in the world, we need your help.

Global conditions continue to be challenging but not enough innocent people are dying.
This causes all sort of problems, overpopulation and environmental impact being just two of the issues now facing our planet.

Please donate as much as you can afford to :

Help us to restructure the world into a far more dangerous place.

Thank you.
j a connor Oct 2020
Do they belong to us
Or the collective of spirits
Past, present, future?
Is this the reality we perceive to be our own
Or are we on an endless loop
The groundhog day of eternity
j a connor Jun 2023
The path ends, the forest begins
Darker as deeper, sense of the wild
To hesitate, to enter
Adjust to changes
A move from the safe and familiar
A move to the hidden realms
Reaching to the unknown
I proceed
j a connor Nov 2020
Eyes open

Home or prison

Eyes close
j a connor Jul 2021
In search of vanity in the 22nd century
The automatons looked back

In the near past the creatures now kept as pets displayed all the traits required
"I want and will have" seemed a popular misconception until the changes happened

Now for pure entertainment
Styled and paraded

They will be a useful distraction in the bleakness of this barren world and a reminder that all intelligence must evolve to survive
j a connor Aug 2023
Lost to the eternal nothing
Waiting in hope of something
Living for none but....
j a connor Nov 2024
late evening
the sky reflects my feeling of relaxation
tiredness is a reality
sleep is near
I'll welcome the sun
peace is a destiny
j a connor Jul 2024
and the narcissist cries
this is my world
why are you here

your world
your world
this is the 21st century

welcome to prison earth
there is only one escape
j a connor Dec 2022
views of the giraffe
kept by the elephant
freed by the wolf
j a connor Oct 2020
Close eyes





Different view



All in the mind
j a connor Apr 2021
Sitting behind
Watching the sky
Uranus is a rising moon
j a connor Aug 2021
(Wipes clear)
(All wrapped up ready to throw away)

We were here
Time to move on

Watch out universe here we come
j a connor Oct 2023
I dip my pen in ******* and write about peace on earth
j a connor Mar 2022
I dip my pen in ******* and write about peace on earth
j a connor Mar 2021
I dip my pen in ******* and write about peace on earth
j a connor Oct 2023
With the empty mind
Start the day
No plans
j a connor Oct 2020
Monochromatic scenes in this city of has beens
Hearts no longer pure from too long in the sewer
Youth no longer able from too long in the cradle
Destiny cut lean from living in a dream

Technicolor skies in this land where hope lies
Souls once unsure bring light to who endure
Age once a bane brings hope to who remain
Skills seldom seen bring reality to the dream
j a connor Dec 2022
behold the departure of summer
plays into autumns hands
the green is turning
winter leaves me cold
j a connor Jul 2022
watching the watchers
reverse psychopathy
nothing seen 
sense of duty ?
j a connor Apr 2022
I prefer the morning tweeters to the cackling of the gulls
j a connor Jan 2024
when the darkness appears
do not miss the light
when the darkness appears
worries will go
when the darkness appears
peace will be free
j a connor Nov 2023
Beneath the colours of the butterfly wing
A brighter world awaits the coming of the king
Wish it all past
Make light clean shade
This realm is alive
A stranger hidden glade
For this world exists but not as it seems
To reach it alone rely on your dreams
The others who are there will follow you true
As sleep passes by and life is anew
j a connor Jul 2024
j a connor Apr 2022
creation in mind
projection in form
darkness in reality
j a connor Aug 2021
j a connor Oct 2020
Planning for the future
Not living for today
Look at the past
All those things
Did they go you're way??
j a connor Apr 2022
Planning for the future
Not living for today
Look at the past
All those things
Did they go you're way??
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