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Michael Hancock Aug 2020
What are you to do, when you have been misled
When somebody lied, played with your head
Wonder did they believe, the things that you said
Or were they mistaken, in the things that they read

I met someone, gave her all of my pearls
She was the one, out of one billion girls
How would I know, that she would turn bad
When I thought she was the best, that I had ever had

Was I really, just a naive old man
Just getting along alone, as best as I can
She brought something in my life, for which I had not planned
And tortured me with words, that I did not understand

She was so quick, to jump into my bed
I was not there, someone else in my stead
I fell to my knees, without God I pled
But the only color I was seeing,
was simply red

The fact is my heart, had just been caged
It would not matter how much, I ranted or raged
For less than my pleasure, this whole thing had been staged
I failed to get the message, I was not even paged

And then of course, it came to that day
The one where she walked in, and then walked away
She was the heartless one,  That's the role she would play
And it left me for evermore to stand, on my feet of clay...
Broken hearts how many times can it happen?
Michael Hancock Aug 2020
Can I tell you
What I felt at the start
Your spear went
Right through my heart

Now that I'm bleeding
Not sure what to do
Are you really sure
I should turn away from you

I get shaky and sweaty
When my blood sugar is low
Do you really want
Me to go

Just a silhouette
All I feel is tears
You opened me up
After so many years

Now you've shut me down
Dump the clutch with the brakes locked
I cannot go forward
My path is blocked

Have you really said
To step out of your life
I have been cut so deep
By your razor sharp knife

Will this be the last time
That I have to talk to you
I really don't know
What more I can do

I can't believe
You tell me where through
My old heart can't take
Being broken in two

So if you must run
I will not pursue
Just take my two pieces
And know we are through

You gave them to the doubts
That complicate your mind
Now once again
I am to be left behind

This is a problem
I don't know if it can be solved
Just tell me now
Was I wrong to get involved...

It's all over but the crying and
Michael Hancock Aug 2020
I am not
What you think you see
I am thought
I will be or not be

I am not an exotic car
I am not a planet
I am a star
I am a trip you will go far

I am not easy to explain
I am not comfort for pain
I am a pool not easy to drain

I am not your true love
I am the one you think of
I am not a soft Spring rain
I am the hurricane

I am not going to allay your fear
I am not a tall cold beer
I am not the wheel you steer
I am not even here...

Michael Hancock Aug 2020
I looked once
I was asked why
they said you
didn't even try

I turned and looked
I didn't lie
I dont know
I asked why.

Michael Hancock Aug 2020
This is a mindless hell for me
Accused of a crime not committed you see
Still I will see inside the machine
With wide open eyes as if picks my bones clean

The commandant will stand on his box
As the officer of the machine with his keys he unlocks

The blood that is splattered inside the machine
That is one place that will never be clean

You can't wash away the screems of the men
Who have seen the inside again and again

Here on this dry dusty I'sle
The   Commandant is the only one you see smile
And after you are imprisoned here you realize after a while
He in joy's being cruel his sadistic style

They will not detail the crime you allegedly committed
There will be no cap the machine does not have to be fitted

You see it can handle yes one and all
The short and the meek the big and the small
Once you go in no one ever wins
Tattooed with a commandment by razor sharp pins

This is the Commandants  Singular invention
He wants to keep it full that is his intention
Today he has prepared a special parade
There are no trees there is no shade

Marching into oblivion they are not waylaid
They March in to the machine death to all no order is stayed

And the sick commandant
What does he say
Well now officer
This is been a productive day...

This is based on Franz Kafka has the penal colony

— The End —