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Daniel Albright Jan 2021
A Poem: The Confused, Crazy Man*

Pursuit of goals and vision
Should be every Man's mission
Though, women are to be secondary
Some men, have turned them primary

He fell in love with Angela
He said, she was his bonjela
He fell in love with Chidinma
He exclaimed that she melted his life's rock into magma

He fell in love with Vivian
She taught him to be a Christian
He fell in love with Princess
She fought so hard to remove from his life all sorts of nonsense

He's confused
Trying to use one key to open many doors that are not fused
You want to access all the rooms
You'll see your doom

Finally, he saw beautiful Rachael
He forgot that he dropped a foetus with Mitchell
How can he have rest?
When he was crazy in lusts quest

Crazy is the Man
Who never cleaves to one woman
Confused is the Man
A he-goat in the cloth of a man

© Daniels Pen ™✍️✍️✍️✍️ 2020.
Daniel Albright Aug 2021
The Face Behind The Pen.*

That face has got some cracks,
Cracks that made him learn,
And severed him from friends that are quack,
The dream becomes a soundtrack.

Sometimes the face is wet,
When tables turn and the pen seems upset
He had to change his mind set,
And grumble about the asset.

At times, the face is blue,
When the wind of disappointment and failure visits his pen,
And blows away the ink
He puts on a face so new,

The face has had some marks,
When that rod gave him ten,
An ugly trauma he disembark
Those marks ignited a positive spark,

With red eyes and a frowned face,
After life has heaped its dung on him like a hen,
He braced up and set a new pace,
A rugged adventure he embraces.

Joyous moments makes the face happy,
Makes him filled, like a big fat hen,
Not allowing a thread of depression make him a puppy,
The face behind the pen.

© Daniels Pen™ 2021.
Daniel Albright Jan 2021
A Poem: The Heart of a Woman*

They are unique in a way
I've come this far to say
Though, hearts exist without Christ and conscience
But the heart of a Godly woman has a ventricle filled with patience

I call them, "Complex Computer"
'cause God made their system a special theatre
Indeed, this Designer is a Great Scientist
God has webbed them that way, in His fist

She has an aorta filled with Grace
To bear all that comes with life's race
Her ventricles of care flows
Like the sea in the cool of the night against all billows

She has a focus that's powerful
The lens of her heart is fixed on things that are wonderful
Emotionally stable, Mentally alert and Spiritually alive
Strikes a perfect balance for every Godly woman's life

A heart that hates truancy
She keeps fighting, never resorting to complacency
The shock absorber of her home
A pillar of the home,  stronger than the soldiers in Rome

The heart of a Woman, if treated right
Would produce fruits that'll keep you smiling in loves flight
The heart of a Godly woman
Is the rock on which her home stands and her man.

© Daniels Pen ™✍️✍️✍️ 2020.
Daniel Albright Aug 2021

Wandering around this desolate life
With nothing on the strings of my heart,
Through the footprints of my carriers,
I was oriented on the need to trend on the path of peace and not of briers

At a point in my diary,
It dawned on me
I lost to the way of unwary,
I discovered that my pole pointed to the city of destruction,
I cried bitterly, I needed a hand to save me from its consumption.

After days of sacrifice and self denial.
A treasure was given to me and upon me was poured integrity's vial,
I was given a living conscience and a companion who never fail,
Survived like a relic, solid like a nail.

My life spoke good about me, a light unquenchable,
Till my flesh began to bring before me what was on its table,
I shunned at first, but my heart had changed its latitude,
Like a two faced coin I had two life's, I had dual attitude.

At the voice of every warning bell,
I tried to bring my lost self back from backwardness cell,
Unfortunately, the force of its enticement held more grounds than my beliefs and orientation,
Gradually,I begin to fall like a tree! I fall without recognition.

The nature of my fall was unfathomable,
In various aspects of my life I wasn't stable,
Oblivious of the treasure I'd lost,
I live in the delusion of the powers cost.

My conscience was sealed with an impenetrable rod,
The instincts I had against evil was chewed like a cod,
I misled my followers by my frivolous desire,
I lost the treasure! I lost the fire.

I couldn't do it right, graceless and I wasn't docile,
Nerves of goodness changed to aphrodisiac nerves that were mechanically controlled and mobile,
The garment of integrity was taken away,
Self-management was employed, yet my heart knew, the treasure has been taken away.
©Daniels Pen™ 26th April, 2021
Daniel Albright Jan 2021
A Poem: The quest for Beauty*

Attention is not something to look for
When your life defines beauty, you'd be sought for
Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder
But beauty goes beyond what your face holds

Throwing things down before men
In hypocrisys cloth to get attention from men
Beauty is more than your hips
A beautiful lady has a stiff upper lip

Looking seductively,
Talking in lusts shoes, and walking cowardly
All in a bid to get him make a comment
Beauty on the outside is only for a moment

Fighting to be a cynosure of all eyes
It's a foolish job sometimes, for the little minded in size
Beauty is more than what you think
Time would come, and all these would sink

I opine that Beauty lies in God
If He rules your heart with loves rod
His beauty makes you not to be myopic
I speak the truth and am not cynic

I advise that, in the quest for Beauty
Our attitude, should be our duty
To ensure that our beauty speaks from within
True beauty indeed, comes from within.

© Daniels Pen ™✍️✍️✍️✍️ 2020.
Daniel Albright Jan 2021
A Poem: The Shoes we'll leave*

Our lives are books
Made of what our attitudes cook
Our lives speaks volumes of us
Than our words no matter how precious

As a father, that's conscious
Who understands loves principle and is not copious
I'll leave the shoe of love
For my seeds to soar above

As a teacher that's teachable
Who loves to see his students on riches table
I'll leave the shoe of love and humility
The way up is down in riches city

The shoes we'll leave on Earth
Can give our seeds life or death
The footprints of our legacies
Can determine our futures state of ecstasy

Mothers, aunts, nieces, uncles and nephews
Everyone should leave a shoe that's new
That'll catapult our seeds to the pinnacle of Affluence
Not a spoilt shoe that'll keep them in poverty's influence

Do good, make someone happy
Help the helpless and don't be a selfish puppy
Goodness is the shoe that leads to Greatness
The shoes we'll leave behind determines indeed, our happiness.

© Daniels Pen ™✍️✍️✍️ 2020.
Daniel Albright Aug 2020
A Poem: The Tongue

A little member it is
Caged inside a-32-gate with lips
Made only by the Unique Creator
It's use has numerous gladiators

It helps in food digestion
But it's harm can cause ejection
It has a gate without padlock
Only God holds it in His Handlock

Attitude is what fast tracks or slows down it's movement
In some, who find it's harm a good pavement
Who delight in using it to destroy
In them does foolishness employ

The fruit of the heart is what it looks at
When enunciating, devilish and heart breaking lines in part
Expecting exaltation, they progress in it's pit of degradation
Blinded by wickedness, they backstab without a good conscience visitation

It is also useful to preach
But only for those whose tongues God has made a breach
Limiting it from destroying as it ought to
Take your tongue to Him and things will turn around auto

It is used by men and women
But how it is used lives in attitudes rumen
It sets ablaze and brings together the peace that has been for long
The special, reddish, U- shaped, beautiful tongue.

© Daniels Pen ™ 2020.
Daniel Albright Aug 2021

Angels don't always fly,
Gold's beauty is hidden in its ugliness,
Peace and care are enemies to the sly,
Hence patience is needed for loves sweetness.

Poverty painted me black,
I needed to get out of its hole,
I sought for one who would get me out sufferings sack,
Out of, not just its components, but it as a whole.

I exchanged patience with pride,
Which made me miss the right one,
Yes, at last, I found a ship that saved me from poverty's tide,
But peace, care and attention was never his son.

I drove austerity and brought in calamity,
My quest for gold got me blind,
I never saw the riches in simplicity,
Poverty changed my mind.

I sought for a land flowing with milk and honey,
Ignorant of the sting of the honey bee,
I exchanged matrimonial peace and blessings for money,
Oh! My hatred for poverty made me too blind to see.
© Daniels Pen™ 2021.
Daniel Albright Dec 2020
A Poem: Unbreakable Hearts*

Like the cold in the night
It gripped me tight
After we saw ourselves in each other's eyes
Our hearts dropped hypocrisy and its lies

Like the snail glued to its spittle
We're glued in loves tickle
Like the stain from the fluid in the cashew fruit
Your acts of love are always on my hearts suit

It's as if the world revolves around us
Blinded, obsessed and overtaken by this feeling, so precious
Ever since we met, our hearts has got a pink face
No challenge can create between us, a space

This tie, formed by love can not be broken
Due to fondness token
Faithfulness leads the way and all condiments of love
As indispensable as the air we breathe, so are we to each other in the city of love

Seasons may come and go
Tides may rise and fall in its ego
This bond has come to keep, forever our hearts
Passion has made our hearts, unbreakable hearts.

© Daniels Pen ™✍️✍️✍️ 2020.
Daniel Albright Aug 2021

Out of the Source of all,
Came the source of words in elevated language,
Out of the waterfall,
Came the honey that hides bitterness in its cage.

I live in a society of diverse beliefs,
Where crime has tagged every stranger a thief,
And has made the innocent to be in grief,
Where solace is rare and in relatives I find no relief.

I dwell among people of nonchalance,
Where trust is alien and betrayal a citizen,
Where love is far and hatred is given chance,
Where people feed each other with the honeycomb of death that is risen.

Love can only be hand picked on the streets,
Wickedness covered with a deceptive smile,
Honesty is no longer on its feet,
Challenges has kept help in its file.

A society where crime has made fear king,
Leaving in every heart a presumptuous ring,
Help from humans has turned to sting,
Songs of loneliness now I sing.

I dwell with thorns of betrayal,
Where my story is more important than my glory,
Where mockery opens the ears of the judgemental,
Where loneliness only can afford my dowry.

Dwelling in the midst of a few trusted,
I seal my lips and suffer silently,
Speaking is fruitless  because people will get me twisted,
I'll keep hoping, grinding and moving till I get there quietly.

© Daniels Pen™ 15th August, 2021.
Daniel Albright Jan 2021
A Poem: Who writes?( A Nonet)*

When other poems and muse are evicted,
When your heart did least expect it,
When He wants to use the pen,
His Spirit gives you lens,
Out of the useless,
The world's speechless,
When He grips,
Who writes?
© Daniels Pen ™✍️✍️✍️ 2021.

— The End —