A touch of grace upon the face of the earth is what she is, this
Bacchus of sweet ecstasy that resides within us strong and true
Cheek of the Gods, amulet of power she pulses through us with
Dulcet lights ingratiating the mind and heart like a warrior of old
Echoes of past lives transgress silently as the pure essence of her
Flashes before our eyes, suggesting that we strive to live a stoic life
Garlands of gold precious as honey, ribbon through like the sun
Heartbeats pulse with motion and it feels like a thousand butterflies
Immaterial part of our living experience she is often mistreated
Jam packed with survival moments rough as diamonds un-tumbled
Karmic turns of the sacred wheel she turns us around each time
Love and love alone exists here, a litigating lioness, she owns a
Mothering instinct and a fathers protective incline, because
No other part of our bodies can do what she does, she brings
Oneness to that inner world, she thrives on meditative states
Pleasing the senses more thoroughly than any earthly pleasure can
Queen of the night, she contains more light within than a Sirius star
Review her as you would review the latest good film you saw,
Soulistic Beauty Of The Soul, ...that is what I'm talking about
Trust in the nature of all things that are good, no never quit for
Universal truths she will bring to you, if you search and find
Veer towards her light and bathe in her perfume dear one
Whilst God and the Angels rule the heavens, she rules you
Xebec sails flapping in the wind, remember to glide don't run
You only get once chance to get it right my friend, so live life
Zealously, in the face of adversity, ... use your soul power.
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