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Sep 2020 · 294
The Four Seasons

We are like the four seasons of the earth, spring, summer ,fall and winter
First we are born like newborn babes springing into life by push of womb
then we are pulsing like heartbeats in a world that surrounds our battle cry  
Slowly we become summer letting our branches stretch strong and solid,
we still have spring in our step but we now got fires of July in our blood ;
Then falls arrives and places burnished reds and golds in our aging coat,
flecks of wisdom in our eyes and laughter lines around our aging mouth ;
Winter arrives and kisses us with her frozen dollops of snowflakes, it is
then that we first realize that our limbs are not as subtle as they used to be.
We are like the four seasons and for a good reason
one minute we are a lighthouse , a beacon
and the next we are like clothing, out of season
Time is everything and nothing in this journey of self discovery
we need to keep pace with ourselves and change accordingly
If we are to reach a ripe age of reason, then we must learn to love
each and every season of our life.
Do I Hear Amen to that ?
Sep 2020 · 69
Essence Of Time

Tick tock the stop watch goes round without a sound
counting the minutes and seconds that surround us
We live our lives quietly turning hours into making
while our dreams  wait, whether realized or not they
stay within the realm of our life's lifetime, tick tock...
There are years of building up there are years of
paring down,.  There are years of joyful giving,
then there are years , we don't count as living.
Some of us hold on to the golden ring until the end
and some of us give up long before the diner bell
Some of us rehash the same old things and habits
some of us make changes that will last a lifetime
Tick tock, the stop watch has a mind of its own .
Sometimes we live as two, and other times alone,
We cannot measure the quality of a lifetime by
just one hour. It has to be measured in the end  
of ones lifetime. Either way it  will always arrive on
time, according to our internal clocks.  Tick tock...
Sep 2020 · 56
Divine Rhapsody
Take my soul and carry me to where all fantasy can bloom  
dance me all around to the music of a rhapsody divine
hold me in your arms from dusk to moon's consign  
and sing to me a tura lura one more time ;
Send me to the stars carefree as a bird in flight tee hee
glance at me behind our nook I wait for thee til' three
fold me in, roll me out, waltz me all around the room
and sing to me your tura lura one more time;
Bring me to that place where you remember well my face
dress me in white silk then place a flower in my hair
mold me to your heart I am pliable as air , let us dance,  
while we sing the tura lura song, one more time;
A heavenly feather falls slowly and lands in free  
its a symbol of angelhood and celestial mediation
Soothingly, comfortingly, a Sensei surrounds me
and showers me with blessings as I claim  reaction
and write, for I am a poet that is what I do...
An angel divine incarnate without pious duple
sincere in her approach she never cleaves fear  
for her gentleness instructs me like a Holy wimple
ministering with anoint  from close then near ;
I write, for I am a poet and that is what I do
Alabaster skies with electric blue streaks of night  
adhere to her path like a messenger of old and
claim your place in the banquet of His light
she is a paragon of love , fingers in the sand
I write for I am a poet and that is what I do.
Sep 2020 · 43
Her Crystalline Laughter
The soul would have no rainbow if the eyes had no tears. —Native American proverb

Waterfall beauties shedding crystalline tears  
an indigo vision an outpour of emotion
she thought she was loved by him,  
wherever did she get that notion?
In the beginning it was love at first sight  
but then when they fought it never showed
like the stars that disappeared in the sky
it slowly began to die ;
Years later when she found real love  
the kind that watered the roots of her soul  
she finally learned the truth about  
the inns of Love;
Waterfall beauties shedding tears of happiness
both were wet but these ones dried quickly,  
to the sound, of her crystalline laughter.
Sep 2020 · 111
A Love That Is True
am I made of glass or not I  see no reflection
am I solid like the flower or just mere reflection

does my scent cling onto him each time I disappear
does my spirit glow, like the star's liquid reflection

what avenue should I take to get to his garden nook
what cupid will light my path as I trail his reflection

will I be bodacious and brave enough for his heart    
will I find his looking glass of twosome reflection

am I made of glass or not this remains to be seen
am I the cognate of his chamber's light reflection  

forfeit not love for sake of lust, mirror on the wall    
forfeit him not nor what you see in his reflection  

transparent as pixie dust and never made of glass  
transparent as the moonlight in his eye's reflection.

September 1, 2020
Aug 2020 · 71
End Of Summer
Its the end of summer and the flowers are readying for fall
guess its just September's way of putting in her hooting call

London trees are sighing and the city folks are buying mohair
the sun is raying softer shades as we put away our lawn chairs

Writers tuck their hats and trade their benches for a cozy home
poetizing about Italian memories they pen about a trip to Rome

Here he comes Mr. Freezie by morning, Mrs. Warm by afternoon
I really did enjoy this happy summer but I think it left too soon  

its the end of summer and the flowers are finally waving goodbye,
funny how people cling more to life, when their making ready to die.
Aug 2020 · 108
Serenity Awakened
Quote:  Lend me your fire bring me your wings,  
surround me and make me feel like I'm standing
on higher ground

Autumn scents, woodsy bark, frissons and joy
me a September baby, at your employ
Send me out into the fields to gather armloads of apples
then teach me how to jump in the leaves and grapple
In the gloaming of nightfall bring your harvest o'er to me
that I may fill my dreams with color , bright and plenty
gourds, sunflowers, pumpkins and pinecone drops
let me lose myself in your golden crops
awaken me like a sweet camellia,
be my splendor-Autumn of serenity.
Aug 2020 · 50
Navina 2h

When I was a child a gust of wind seemed like a storm,
I would gaze at the dark sky with memories horrendous floating around.
I would pick up the sword and fight- not my enemies,
but my shadow that wouldn't lay dead.

She traveled in the darkest places,
she jumped, she cried, she suffered and she died
then a light came around with eyes like mist
a greyhound behind that dragged soul-less faces.

A fate that surrounded me for longest time
it whispered my name
I knew I was next,
I swayed between the truth and reality.

my universe got smaller,
every day got harder
and as moments passed by
I knew I  couldn't escape what was in store

how could that be the end
It was my whisperers choice
Run, is that all I can do?
the light never showed up
but left behind my whisperer
with numerous faces hanging around
nameless. with no desire
there was no fate nor destiny.

I knew my shadow would hide
the truth, she knew
but reality broke its reason
she is running too

is there a way we would meet
running on the same road
is there a way we stay together
betray fate and make destiny ours
The process of accepting one's persona is a pathway of realizing, and analyzing and also loving the result
#hellopoetry #whisperingwinds #darkesttales

Written by
Navina  24/F/INDIA
Aug 2020 · 72


Aug 2020 · 67
The Curiosity Shop
I walked into a curiosity shop and found a packet of seeds
be careful how you plant them said the guy with an eye piece
The instructions were clear, plant to the light of the moon
When the wolves are a howling and the sun goes a hiding.
Wait until the rays of the crescent moon splays not a moment,
to soon.  So I did what it said and then readied for bed....
There came a knock at me window like a rap on my noggin.  
I awoke with a shatter, what do I see climbing up like huge matter,  
a pyramid of light full of arms and legs and a mouth made of gold.
Take a sample of me with your sippy tea, & you'll never grow old
so I scooped up the gold from the side of its cheek and drank up,
like a child who was dying to grow, but can never let go...
All my hair turned from silver to gold like the sun,  
and my skin was so smooth like a peach on the run;
but when I tried to make sense all I got was gabble and babble,
drivel and piddle, with no sense in the middle not even a riddle.
I went to the curiosity shop that day and found a packet of seeds.
Aug 2020 · 61
Peaceful Dreams Of You
As I quiet my mind
and press my ear softly to your pillow
my heart recalls
the lovely tune you once made up for me;
While the crickets
trill against my window
I recall ,  
The sonant sound of your voice
and those sweet kisses,
beneath the willow tree  .
Aug 2020 · 64
Je T'Adore
Adoring eyes in the morning breeze
the water hypnotizes and the trees hold out their arms
sunshine rays of beauty fall like a water cascade
in the morning dawn
A fawn arrives breaking the spell of day
with her spotted body lean, alert and spry
by the edge of the lake its not time to die  
over by the shore...
Air is music it fills my lungs, wind picks up
playing an old melody that reminds me of,  
Adoring eyes in the morning breeze
The water hypnotizes and brings me to my knees,
one more time...
Aug 2020 · 70
Carvings and cravings!
Veritia Venandi 16h
Carvings and cravings!
Life is a blend of carvings and cravings...

Memories carved in eternal rocks under the witness of a forever sky...

Playing in puddles,dancing in the rain, running after dragonflies, eating berries, stealing cookies, believing in the moon chasing you, reading fairytales and waiting for Santa Claus!

While wishes remained in wandering search of fulfilling lands...

To fly like a bird, view the world atop a tree, build a rooftop library, become king or queen for a day, watch meteor showers, laugh and cry without anybody looking, sleep under the stars and escape into the woods!

To measure life as cravings and carvings thus...
Is to understand it's true essence which is
"Endless...! "
Aug 2020 · 92
The Day I Went To Mars
The magic was felt the moment we entered his dominion
he wore the trademark of a great magician and as he
ensorcelled us with his charm, we watched a rabbit spoof
and disappear into thin air, just like that !
Glued to our seats we watched incredulous and didn't speak  
one moment he's riding a bike, the next he was driving a car
No fakery here, shaved and clean he waved a flare in the air
then made the figure eight and suddenly, he was hairy as a bear
We were children accustomed to fairies, leprechauns, witches
but we were not prepared for the rigmaroles of Monsieur Geller
That night we closed ourselves off from the world and made magic ,
we scavenged through fathers toolbox and used every gadget
I was the magician's assistant dressed in a foil garb made of stars,  
bro was the illusionist, one sweep of the  hand and I ended up in Mars.
Aug 2020 · 79
There Are Days
There are days when all you need
is a good ending to a story
a strong cup of tea or
the right pair of arms to hold you
There are days when you wish
for less small talk phrases
and more  precious words
There are days when you want
nothing more then to stay up
and count the stars of night  
even if it means sleeping in  
There                 are              days.
Aug 2020 · 61
Christmas Dreams
If I close my eyes its almost as if I were back there again
standing in a field of snow mitted and scarfed to the chin
Front window frosted from our breath iced fingers scribing
yes I can almost remember the exact smell of snow...
A winter hat edged in fur, warm and fuzzy round my neck
big fat snowflakes falling gently while inside, electric heat
father appearing from a distance buried in a snow squall
mother with her rosary praying for his safe arrival , me
tucked under a blanket sleepy eyed and tired praying,
I hope Christmas comes soon, and then I fell asleep.
Aug 2020 · 68
Hello Darling
We have come to meet again after all these years
and in your eyes I see the young girl I once knew
no words are needed when two hearts are glued
to the worth of our last words
to the life that we once knew
Yes after all these years you have finally returned
to that special place where we first began, as two.
Aug 2020 · 72
Remember the tunes of yesterday and let the music carry you away
to another place, another time where the sun is warm and so divine
Let the notes carry you through the winds of another dimension
join the air that swings between the stars at night and be the breeze
Come to the river and bathe in its calming waters like the swan,  
then flow into the ripples of the lake and let your shoulders fall...
Here comes the color of peace riding  on the waves, its here for you
so sit down beside the blue and stay a while, let the music play on
while the melody joins the movement of the air.  Relax and be steady;  
Remember the tunes of yesterday and let the music  remind you
of a  time when life was slow and nature was healthy and bountiful.
Bring back the memories of your favorite song, and let your eyes smile
Come to the river, bathe in the waters , show up and stay a while .
Aug 2020 · 58
South City Lady
I am a writer; it has taken me decades to admit that about myself. I use poetry to excavate meaning, to express love, to appreciate human frailty. I wish to share and celebrate these emotional moments with other writers and grow within a community.

South City Lady 2h
truth leaks between words
when solitude bends
& cradles the past we are
always a child
within the recesses
of a smile  the sinner
kneeling before the altar
of our saint we are
sands of time adrift
in a storm never recollecting

each caught between
nail beds and wisps of hair
tied in ribbons of distant youth
we are mirrors cracked
& misshapen
seldom self reflecting
for fear that if we silence
the noise too long
we'll be caught
listening to sobs
of rain collecting
in gutters heaving

with resistance
an ever aching
who have I become
who have
#maturity #reflection
South City Lady
Written by
South City Lady  49/F
vienna bombardieri  Your writing is full of honesty and revealing phrases that I admire. You show great maturity in your writing dear South City Lady, Keep u the great writes. Blessings.

first day
Sitting in the faculty lot
thinking how I'm as nervous
Aug 2020 · 1.7k
Turtles And Humans Alike
Turtles are amazing reptile species both resilient and wonderfully slow
they endure all kinds of changes & survive in many kinds of weather
Retracting their heads right inside when they sense danger  is normal  
sort of like us when we feel threatened we run to our safety hiding zone  
Our hearts are attached to our bodies like the shell is attached to the turtle,  the shells of most turtles are composed of layers of keratin
resembling the protein on our finger nails.
Take life slow and  enjoy it, When you move quickly  more is accomplished, more is diminished
Slow-moving reptiles with cold-blooded metabolisms live longer lives
we too can slow down life by looking at things & people differently
Watch the way the light is cast on a flower, realize the value of looking
Choose your footsteps with intent take them to your heart and breathe
Even if turtles lay lots of eggs , we give birth one babe at a time
so spend time with your children, let them know they're loved everyday
Sign up for meditation, or just walk like a turtle in your favorite spot
turtles are smart creatures that know life is short so please don't abbreviate it,  LIVE IT WITH PURPOSE, NICE AND SLOW ...
Aug 2020 · 92
Some people seem to think that love is just for play
an eccentric emotion that ignites the senses for a while
so when it gets too complicated or think it out of style
they thrash the heart as if it were an ***** made of clay
While some believe it can't outlast euphoria of lust
others choose a paring knife aggressing it with carves  
Setting small fires round town they love to play  
over hot irons of passion, while love slowly starves;
Some people are given a fine bow and a good violin
from the start, others look from the sideline but never go in;
I for one would trade my last piece of bread for love,
if treated right by one and other it becomes a turtle dove;    

Some people seem to think that love is just for play,
I for one would give away my heart for ONE, Devotional allay.
Aug 2020 · 37
Aug 2020 · 64
I Loved You To The Core
Once upon a time a dream  was etched in gold
airbrushed in passion both strong and warm
then one day you died and left me to grow old
without your living light death took me by storm
Down to the bottom of the sea I went, slowly
like a sinking rock that never met cuvette
floating in amniotic fluid in my own  debris
I found that I had lost the diamond of my get;  
"Take  me in"  I asked the sea with whimper plea
but in its spewing foam I  sank more and more
sinking with despair I fell into the deep blue sea,  
recalling just how much I loved you, to the core.  

August 10, 2020
Aug 2020 · 78
Between The Trees
She sat wedged between majestic trees of beauty and style
sidled in a labyrinth of Faith and exactitude
The day was damp, I could smell the earth beneath my feet
and only God knew where the angels were that very moment,
as she cried tears of water and human petrichor;
My heart was filled with a deep compassion for her as she wept
I joined her in the water dance of mercy and love, unrationed
Her eyes became alive with a deep color of fire and amber
as she exuded energy that could only be expressed through awe
I lunged for a moment of communion with her and the
whole world fell away at our feet....
The message came hours later, when I stood in silence
at the window of my soul...
One rainy day as I stood in front of the Blessed ****** Mary
surrounded by nature and rain, I experienced something
that was to remain in my heart forever.

originally written in 2018

Miles away from home where the sun is on fire with yesterdays dreams
an Indian sari gown of silk and bead arrives  bending the wind to its  will
warm rain and saffron tinted skies caress gold eyelids and irises of old
Miles away from home the strings of my guitar recall Indian streams
and warm walks on the beach. A faint song  clings to her ghostly figure
like a lyrical refrain, while a fading light begins to lose its shine ....
August smiles still simmer on my mind ,  I was a young man in love  
with a Princess who cradled my heart to the rocking motion of the moon;
She took me to Saffron Hill, then flowered me with poetry, oh what a thrill
to be so close to the sun and not to burn from the throws of her quill ...
Miles away from home I felt the power of her light and then she was gone,
like the monsoon rains of India, she disappeared in September leaving me
to strum my sitar in a Cincinnati bar, watching neon lights light up,  
I told it to old Fred , but he just smiled at me and handed me
a saving thread , "Son,  you'll always have your memories"      
and then, he handed me another Sangria, the color of her swiveling dress

August 3, 2020
Aug 2020 · 63
The Tin Man
He holds his own heart in his hands but doesn't feel it
the tin feels cold to the touch I think he was hurt too much
wearing a funnel over his head he smokes away his dreams
he wants to be loved but, you can't give what you don't get  
To anyone who feels unloved today the sun says, "I Love You "
as it lands on the vessel  but not the man whos lonesome and  gray
he tilts his shadow towards the big forest feeling all hollow inside
no he doesn't remember the last time he suddenly, cried...
Rain begins to drum against his breastplate armor he begins to rust
he hears a tiny whisper a seedling in the morning dawn, " heh you"
"me?" he says, as little fires start, in his impassive eyes of gold
"yes you" says the voice, you're more then just tin, I LOVE YOU!
he opens the little trap door and feels a gush of red, Achew !
For the first time in his life he feels the cold, the sun, the rain, its insane
he can walk without a creak, he's been oiled with love and he
feels right as rain.
Aug 2020 · 40
Saffron Hill
Miles away from home where the sun is on fire with yesterdays dreams
an Indian sari gown of silk and bead arrives  bending the wind to its  will
warm rain and saffron tinted skies caress gold eyelids and irises of old
Miles away from home the strings of my guitar recall Indian streams
and warm walks on the beach. A faint song  clings to her ghostly figure
like a lyrical refrain, while a fading light begins to lose its shine ....
August smiles still simmer on my mind ,  I was a young man in love  
with a Princess who cradled my heart to the rocking motion of the moon;
She took me to Saffron Hill, then flowered me with poetry, oh what a thrill
to be so close to the sun and not to burn from the throws of her quill ...
Miles away from home I felt the power of her light and then she was gone,
like the monsoon rains of India, she disappeared in September leaving me
to strum my guitar in a Cincinnati bar, watching neon lights light up,  
I told it to old Fred , but he just smiled at me and handed me
a saving thread , "Son,  you'll always have your memories"      
then he handed me another Sangria, the color of her swiveling dress.
Aug 2020 · 42
The Water Nymph
A water nymph glides beneath still waters
and as time lapses I sigh and wait  
by rivulets and ripples God breathes me in  
all senses are to freedom for sake of
beauty / grace....
Oh water nymph what do I know
about the peaceful ways of you?  
Standing still in motion by your habitat
with longing in my heart....
You make the waters dance of their own accord
lore has it you never left this place of servitude
Holding space you honor the river
with not a hair in place;  
Oh water nymph, please receive me in    
before I disappear without a trace...
Aug 2020 · 80
I Love You Too
Distant memories of summers past
dancing with the vibrancy of youth
love and romance;
The scent of your aftershave
still lingers in my thoughts
wafting, like little sweet forget me knots...
Butterfly kisses beneath the father tree
mulched in winey lips of dew
I whispered "I Love You"
you murmured,
"I Love You Too"
Jul 2020 · 103
Song Of Ocarina
Oh sweet, sweet, dance of summer you are here at last
yes I would like to climb to the top of your  hill
There you can tell me more about the breeze that flies me free
for I am old enough to love your steps and young enough to try
Oh sweet, sweet, dance of summer you are here at last;
Bring me your charms and all your steps, I am ready to advance  
pushing forward like the flower, bathing in the orange sun
I am on the summit of your summer ,
ready to  graze the verdant hills of my life , once more  ;
Far in the distance I hear the song of Ocarina,  
and I watch as  he plays the golden flute;  
Softly and keenly the spirit follows the groove of his tune
while the sun rises freely,  o'er the mountain until noon
Oh sweet, sweet, dance of summer you are here at last
give me the song of Ocarina, so I can dance on your festoon.

Written by: Mystic Rose
Jul 2020 · 65
The Secret Garden
You walk into a secret garden in the middle of a hidden alcove
The hawks are flying high and the silent sky whispers stay a while
On the fence are morning glories climbing up towards the sun
there is a bench that awaits you, strewn atop the wood, a rose  
It has been sent to you by your guardian angel with a message,  
" you are loved, beyond all measure",
So many flowers growing, blooming , reaching , scenting this place
peppered carnations of strong, orange marigolds of fired beauty,
California poppies, dainty flowers with lacy faces
day lilies, cornflower blue beauties, all here to bless you
Come rejoice and heal in this garden of hope and dreams
Allow yourself the pleasure of smiling, become whole again
Beneath the tutelage of  faith you can be part of this scene ,  
so bloom,  of your own accord .

July 31, 2020

— The End —