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Jul 2022 · 218
Ease Me Into Love
Song of love enrapture me in your embrace.  Share your music in the  
Open spectrum of my living Grace.  Note by note share your joyful lyrics  
Nestle them inside my heart and raise me to heaven on the wings of His  
Glory.  Enthrall me with blessed hymns that worship in the name of  an

Omnipotent God.  Be it He or She allow me to bathe in the Holy Waters
Fumes of compassion and rivers of happy tears, take me to the fountain

Love is all I need
Open my heart
Veer me to the truth
Ease me into love
Jun 2022 · 132
Threefold Flame Of Christ
The Trinity within us is the seed of eternal life.  It is God's presence in our souls
that is both manifested here on earth and also present when we reshape at heaven's door
Orbs of beauty grace enhanced
threefold flames of love entranced
enraptured by His light we, lanced
follow Him blindly in a path that has been marked on the day of our precious birth;
Blessed is the fire that burns deep within our soul .  It is the flame of the human spirit touched into being by the mysteries of life. It is the fire of reason, the fire of compassion, the fire of community,
the fire of justice, the fire of faith.   It is the fire of love burning deep in the human heart that exists with Divine Glow inside every human life.  
Threefold flame of the heart
from God we will never be apart
He is our Holy counterpart
Jun 2022 · 176
A Momentary Presence
In your presence I am but a sparkle in the sand a breath of Angel dust
In your presence I am the sun's companion and the moon's best friend
In your presence I seek only light and the path that leads me home
  In your momentary presence, ... I just am
In your presence I am love and only love, both young and old  
In your presence I become the flower that thirsts for Holy Water
In your presence I diminish and you appear I am never left alone
In your momentary presence, ...I am there
In your presence all my worries turn to ashes as I pray
In your presence I watch the gentle changing of the guards
In your presence the ebon of the night turns into light
In your presence I can truly see the path that leads me home
In this momentary presence of respite, there is always you.
Jun 2022 · 104
An Observation
Silk and light double glades of beauty on a wire of thin
I cannot help but wonder how long it took him to spin
this singular string of intricate structure, this web

Early morning sips , the air brushes my rousing cheek
as the sun yawns out I observe softly, but do not speak
this natural fibre of ancient wisdom still hasn't ebbed  

its incandescent firey blaze is a mirage a shaft of light
the remnant of a spider still attached from yester night
this arachnid wanderer of dawn by morning's celeb,  

has captured my imagination and my inquisitive mind
this creature of weave has me, vaguely entwined...

Copyright © Mystic Rose Rose | Year Posted 2022
Jun 2022 · 105
An Observation
Silk and light double glades of beauty on a wire of thin
I cannot help by wonder how long it took him to spin
this singular string of intricate structure, this web

Early morning sips , the air brushes my rousing cheek
as the sun yawns out I observe softly, but do not speak
this natural fiber of ancient wisdom still hasn't ebbed  

its incandescent firey blaze is a mirage a shaft of light
the remnant of a spider still attached from yester night
this arachnid wanderer of dawn by morning's celeb,  

has captured my imagination and my inquisitive mind
this creature of weave has me, vaguely entwined...
Jun 2022 · 141
By Evening Glow
Quite often I pick up my quill
and sit on my favorite seat
Although each writer knows the drill
not every author/muse do meet
sometimes she sleeps,  
at bard's ensweep

Repeatedly  the sun meets plume
with just one gaze she's all aglow;
Catching the scent of her perfume  
I scribe away by evening glow
but when she's here,  
she's oh,... so dear !
May 2022 · 471
The Last Mile
If I had wings the size of helicopter blades
I would circle the world over and look for you
If I owned bulbous sheen o'er Irish glades
tinged in bronze I would enhance, accrue
the worldly space of you, for I love you

If I were paper or some origami glue    
I would enfold your secrets inside my heart    
If I were a harbinger of love an Angel of hue
a Carvaggio masterpiece of light and dark  
I wouldn't need to travel far to be with you

If I knew the waltz I could dance to your music  
I would leave behind my celestial lair
If I knew you needed me, I would be quick
I'd turn back the time and fly through the air
land at your side because I do care

I'd circle the world for the ripple effect of  your smile,  
then enter your soul, just to bridge the last mile.
May 2022 · 158
Those Were The Days
I close my eyes and recall yesterdays beautiful summers
barbecues from charcoal bricks and slow basted meats
aromas that lingered long after the first sizzle of rare
Mother arriving with a platter of raw hotdogs and steaks
dad fanning the fire with an old tin top.   Fumigated waves
of thick gray smoke filling the air, we waited hungerly  .
Later stuffed as little piglets we would gather round
the wooden picnic table, and tell stories and jokes.  
The sun would slowly begin to descend and the air
would gently cool. We'd all go inside for hot tea
and a little T.V. sitcom.
How I miss the old days, wish I could bring back
even for just one day,. so I could smell the barbecue
and drink mother's sugary strawberry Koolaid,
one more time.
May 2022 · 136
Into This World Of Love
I assumed you would always be there
like the sun and the moon and the stars
Deducing that we were like resin and glue  
always adhesive as two

I imagined a life together as one
forging metal, releasing the fire  
into the furnace of love we would go
how was I to know

That a star is none else but a fixed point of light
and the sun is a gleam, of radiant confusion
that the moon is none else but reflective sparks,  
I presumed we'd be together forever

like the sun and the moon and the stars,  
like the sun and the moon and the stars.
May 2022 · 157
The Mirror of Life
In the mirror of life the ripples of time project anew  
while each moment of light simply reflects back to you
every changing nuance captured from a distance
is focused to the point of radius, it's your accrue
Incurved leaning towards your personal perception
the mirror of life delivers the path to your personal truth
Whether accurate or not you shape your reflection
according to what you see and what you deduce;
Intuit thoughts arise and suddenly the mirror cracks
with arms wide open, "come to accept yourself"
In a world of monumental perfect, flaws are beautiful too
the mirror of life is kind to you, when you decide to look
deeper than the surface, wider than the sea
in the end the mirror says, " it's always been you and me "
The womb of a mother is a cradle for a child to grow in
a nine month gestation grace period is a child's sweet elation
Mother tenderly sings to her little one as she waits to give birth !

A mother is a vessel of purity, also a    

Mother's heart, is full of love for her child
Object of her desire, "a baby with ten little toes and ten little fingers"
Tenderly woven thoughts arrive at the font of her pregnancy
Hieroglyphical sounds and body rotations, she is mesmerized
Enchanted by a human life growing inside of her she
Reveres the treasure within her and prays for safe delivery
Search the whole world over and you will never find a purer

Love, than the love a mother has for her child
Over the moon and infatuated with her infant she cradles  
Validating her affections to the gem before her eyes
Each time a woman delivers a child, Angels pluck their harps of gold.  

Copyright © Mystic Rose Rose | Year Posted 2022
May 2022 · 129
The most beautiful morning stretches before my eyes
beneath a parapet of pink gloaming, one promised breath
All Remains of yesterday swallowed by a burst of fresh air
both window and I are privy to a turtle dove cooing on my ledge
"This is not my habitat"  she seems to coo sweetly  
I answer her in honesty " it isn't mine either" sweet thing
The coffee smells good and my dippy egg is semi-soft
I sense a new beginning and I am not afraid;
Tomorrow's hopes are perched safely on my shoulder
and somehow, I am not afraid of growing older
Heaven is not a pipe dream mirage from where I stand
God is having a giggle, at the turtle dove and I

Written by: Mystic Rose
We are depleting our planet little by little while taking what we need
perhaps this is the time to give back to Mother Earth and plant a seed
Imagine yourself in the forest picking chanterelles, like times of old
Wild animals running free, deer panting by the river with eyes of gold
Take a deep breath in, (hold) breathe out
Giant trees with leafy arms that encircle you with love and breeze
they talk to you in whispers, about the magical ignite of precious soil
Best part of you is now immersed inside this magical embroil
you are part of the whole, part of everything that breathes
Take a deep breath in, (hold) breathe out  
Place your back against the trunk of a tree and allow the energy to enter
Up in the heavens the angels are sending you rays of golden sun
Your creator is re-shaping you like a soft pliable piece of clay
he wants you back tot he original shape of the creature you once were
Take a deep breath in, (hold) breathe out  
You own blessed hands, a blessed heart and a capable body that works
give thanks for the gift of living, give thanks to Mother Earth
and the One who has given you life, you are loved beyond all measure.
Apr 2022 · 122
Whos fault Is It
God speaks as conscience;
childlike innocence.
When we disobey,
soul’s blue skies turn grey.

The ever changing moods of a soul that longs to be free
can be varied and vast like an ocean's fluctuate artistry
So often we lose the hearing of the young
replacing it with stubborn ears of old that refuse to believe
Having stared at grey skies for a lifetime we no longer
sheen the Faith of our forefathers ;
We never turn the finger nor blame the culprit  
for the turning of events
we turn a blind eye to our past actions
the ones that have led us astray;  
God speaks as conscience but sometimes
we interpret His voice any which way we please
when soul's blue skies turn grey,
whos fault is it anyway !

Betrayed by our hand,
life’s barren and bland,
until we awake;
dark desires forsake.
Engulfed in the carnage desires of flesh and wanton beat
we lose sight of the glorious pregnant gardens of our youth
Slighting beauty we abuse of the God given gift of choice  
we opt for a barren and bland life of repetitive fractal sins;
Betrayed by our own hand we have no recourse
until we awaken to the calling of an Arching blessing;  
Then we move into a colored world full of bright nuances,  
where everyone can see that we have finally understood
the true meaning of being fully awakened by the Spirit.
Amen !
Apr 2022 · 229
April Beauties
April beauties waiting to be born beneath the warmer soil
every spring flower sings the praises of the seeds before
Applause them, for they are brave to return with petals
full of bloom, time and time again just to scent our garden
They show up with sheer delight looking all so pretty,  
in their bright petals of red, yellow and purple too;

April showers  ever so generous with their water works  
refreshing the air with sweet petrichor they drench us to the core
We all know that after the rain, rainbows are never far in toe
Streaks of color bringing promises of hope and renewal
I for one am glad that April is finally here,
we should go out and plant a seed, now that the winter's gone away

The End.
Apr 2022 · 121
Purity Of Mind
Clean vessels made of snow and powder dust
softly lifting from the gaze of the wind
Gentle hands rising towards the heavenly realm
Soft as the rain on a spider web in the early morning dawn
silky as the waters of the Meridian sea
Song of the lark reaching across the meadows of your mind
even the angels are grazing the portals of human kind  
Eyes wide open, heart agape, soul enamored
mala beads gently clacking awakening the presence
into the field of green we go to find the burnished ambers
of yesterday's lifetime glows
where we will end up , nobody knows
and so the feeling grows, and so the feeling goes
into those beautiful vessels of ours,
made of powder dust and snow.
Purity of mind, a precious find...
Apr 2022 · 108
Finally Home
For love of night I claimed my fears released them to the moon
like a crawfish in the sand I sifted through my magical runes
seeking for symbols and answers but only found the croon
of a lonely seagull, over trees shaped like ******* balloons

The ocean resembled tempered glass reflecting stars above
foamy sea spray, a roar, a wave then, silence...
leaping into the deep I probed the mysteries of my living essence
and found a kindship with the creatures of the sea

Watching a lighthouse from a distance I heard the foghorn go
three blasts from the lighthouse, "going astern"
returning to the amniotic fluids of my mother's womb
then reborn by the stability of past virtues, soul accepted day

For love of sleep I dismembered before the sea
diving into its partitions like a mermaid longing to be free
claiming meteors and shooting stars as my very own
I sailed away without a life jacket for I was safely home.
Mar 2022 · 140
The Black Cat
I had been searching high and low for the perfect cat
visited adoption centers and grooming centers every day
Then one day I decided to walk into a pet store at the mall
and lo and behold, in front of me was the prettiest black cat
I knew the sales girl well I used to call her "the cat whisperer"
She treated every cat with such loving reverence
When I asked if I could adopt her she just stared at me blankly
"Do you realize that today is Halloween"
there is a rule  here, we don't sell black cats on Halloween!  
Some people are cruel and torture them
I shook my head not believing what I was hearing;
Meanwhile two big green eyes pinned me as if to say ,
"won't you adopt me please, get me out of here "
The sales girl relented partly because she knew me,
partly because of her soft tender heart,
"tell you what,  fill in the papers and  come back tomorrow "
I smiled as the world righted before my very eyes,
she licked her paws then let out the cutest meowl,  
she was mine, and she knew it !
Mar 2022 · 168
Author of Poem:  Mystic Rose

I stood there in a field of tall tall grass light pouring softly from the moon
beneath my feet, earth was getting ready for a dormant state of mind
I watched the dandelion puffs huddle amidst the dark and wondered,
what it would be like if we finally achieved world peace...
My gauzy gown of gray floated in the wind.  As I hugged myself
real tight, I started to pray to the moon that it would not withdraw
its liquid light of gold.  World peace had been sleeved for too long
and now I wanted to see it, before I grew old...
Laced in a field of nature I rounded up all my hopes and wishes
then I blew the dandelion puffs one by one like a brave child;
Yesterday I danced on a hot sidewalk with a skipping rope by the sun
tonight I dance on a patch of cool damp earth, hoping the battle is won
I cupped my ear to the sound of silence and sure enough it sounded
like a cease fired moment of nothing, a sound never heard before
one I knew nothing about, the sound of world peace.
Ren - Name given at birth, person lived as long as name was spoken
Sheut- persons shadow or silhouette
Ka -  Vessels carrying souls. In human consciousness, a pulsing spirit
We are seeds bred to become stars, when we have done on earth, we
own the capacity to reignite in heaven leaving behind our earthly shell.  
Ba -  Unique and individual as stars, our personality varies in grades of light
Jb – The Heart, home of human emotion.  Center of thought, will, & intention
Heart scarabs & amulets were used for the physical heart
it kept the soul's mummified secrets
Akh – Immortal Self, contained an enlightened immortal being, in the after life
Sahu – The Judge & Spiritual Body, another aspect of the Akh  
Deemed worthy of entering afterlife Sahu splits from other forms of the soul
it haunts those who have wronged other souls, & may appear in dreams, an appeasement to the living (this is where forgiveness helps )
Khat - Inherent decay, doppelgänger or double. Endowed with a person’s qualities and faults
Sekhem –  considered a form of life energy of the soul. Present in the afterlife after judgement,  it was passed on if the soul was considered worthy.
Mar 2022 · 183
War And Peace
Quote by Dandapani:
Man who prepares for war invites war/Man who prepares for God invites God

I am not ready to strap a grenade to my chest
for the sake of more power
Nor am I ready to **** my fellow man for the
sake of pleasing my Government
I am not ready to die so that I could know
which side of the fence I didn't blow
War and Peace, a silver knife ready to be used
Once side butters organs for evil doers full of hate
the other, the cockles of a compassionate heart
I rather die in peace donating my parts to love
then in a merciless cruel way such as war...
How about you, how do you wish to die ?
Mar 2022 · 340
Blessed Easter Morning
Like the first lily that pushes out of the ground
You raised your arms and rose to heaven
Revived and restored like a turtle dove in flight    
You opened your heart and He raised you up,  
on this "Blessed Easter Morning"
As the larks deliver their song in flight
we celebrate you,   "Lord, Savior, King"
This heavenly reward is our countenance of light  
bestowed on us today brighter than sunlight;
You, first tulip of Spring rejoice in our hearts  
as we awaken to a new world full of promise
You auroral dawning (alibi) rose of Sharon  
bring us tidings of love and renewal
Mar 2022 · 161
A Magical Spell
In the twilight, amid the cacophony of a birthing evening light
the scent of petrichor, boardwalk talks in standstill time  
Discarded yellow buckets feet of clay that toed in tight,  
imperviously swift to a descending sun your eyes in slow met mine  
suddenly you were a somber California boy in my parade  
I was quick to draw a spell with the magic  of my jade
Magical Spells
A sorcery of love
Girl meets boy
In the most clandestine way
California land of dreams  
Another place another time, love bloomed with grace
crystal ball fantasies, we both flew from place to place  
in the twilight, amid the cacophony of a birthing evening light
she walked me to the beach, then introduced me to the night.
Field of Reeds is a heavenly paradise where Osiris rules. Ka of the Nile.
Ancient Egyptians believed that the soul resides in the heart.
Upon death, the Weighing of the Heart occurs.

I drank from the cup of His salvation and entered in
while the sun drank me and poured me out
I stood in the silence of time with my heels down  
weighing out the world  I measured my breath,
and found it to be good.  It is there that I understood
that Aaru fields of reeds is a golden healing place
that I could go to when I needed to be comforted;
I walked in with my shield and sword lifted high
shuffling through the reeds with my tender feet
not a blade of grass stirred not a single sound incurred
as my vision blurred, I dropped all my weapons
all my masks and facades for an ounce of Honesty;
I took my first sip of life at the cusp of death
and realized it was not I who named me Great Warrior
it was Osiris, as He pressed the Ankh to my forehead
my third eye opened and what I saw was a man with a heart of Gold.
Summer thoughts arrive and soon I glide away behind a dream  
scribbling in the sand poetic words as I sit beside the stream

watching children play aside sandcastles tall as bastle forts
I capture every smile and laughter rising up with sweet escort

beneath a sky of rosy quartz I ease, content as a poet in love
words flow out and flap away like  happy wings on a turtle dove

Wading pools, barking dogs, ice cream trucks with jingles, a refresh  
ablaze with summer heat I scribe beside the water tanned enmeshed

Taken in by the fragrance of a moment, I get lost aside the sea  
scratching at the surface of a written verse that only I can see    

I am the composer of this love letter, down the river of joy it glides  
sailboat fantasies arrive and before I know it, I'm on the other side.  

March 3, 2022
Feb 2022 · 267
All The Way To Mars
And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music.” ~ Friedrich Nietzsche

Dance beneath the magic moon and listen to the flute
the stars will spangle brightly and then render you a mute
Twirl around the trees feel the brush of wind against your skin
the music of the forest has bounce it lives and breathes within
Bap Bap boom boom boom bap goes the sound of the rain
let it trickle down your face and take away your pain
life a technicolor beat in every note pure heaven
twisty water waves that flow with ascension  
the music of the nymphs will take you  higher than the stars  
mayhap it will just guide you, all the way to Mars
Copyright © Mystic Rose Rose | Year Posted 2022
Feb 2022 · 156
You Are His
Go ahead and lift your broken wings to the Lord
He is more than capable of stitching ever wayward feather
remember that you were once an angel in His ward
just like St Michael, back then you used to wear a sword
In A satchel of hope, he has placed brilliant silver
stars that never extinguished with the dying of the light
inside you...
He loved you despite your wounded self
He loved you despite your angry self
Don't allow Satan the opportunity to cleave you
and make you feel like throw away trash
He is the one that formed you in your mother's belly  
not a day goes by that He doesn't check on you
Remember that you were once an angel to reckon with
back in the days when the earth was a ball of blue
and it had nothing to do with you;
He loved you because your heart was His,  
He loves you still,  because you are still,    HIS *

Date: Feb 25, 2022
Sponsor Regina McIntosh
Contest Name Inspirational Christian
Feb 2022 · 166
I Will Never Be Blue
I see a world in dire need of rose colored glasses
though the earth has memorized the cradle of my form
I have yet to find the fitted shape of my reality;
Looking around me I see scared people living in fear
crucially masked they long for, yesterday's dream;
The elongated hope that has stretched our living days
is coming to an end.  It is time for positive change...
One day soon you will see my pupils once again
and I will blind you with the sight of my smile !
You will feel my hug, and when we touch again  
the cornerstone of our free world
will pierce through past illusions
and you will see me as the girl you once knew
I will be happy all the time and I will never be blue.

Copyright © Mystic Rose Rose | Year Posted 2022
Feb 2022 · 172
My Zen Vacation
Far away by the oceanside  I sit and watch the seagulls fly
inside a pale orange sun that has yet to warm a reposing sand
Over by the boardwalk the air still hums of yesterday's feet
two youngsters feeding pelicans perched on feathered height

The smell of fried shrimp coming out of a windowless kitchen
tall glass pina colada bottles with little umbrellas inserted in  
down by the ocean the burgundy traces of a latent sun arrives
as we sip slowly, and eat quietly, atop the hotel peer

Its as if it happened yesterday but I can still smell the French fries
wrapped in plaid red and white paper drenched in crisping oils
Pungent odors of chlorinated water from the pool now all gone
replaced by freshly shampooed hair, and lingering sun tan lotion

Wearing a linen white dress and my recently purchased mala beads
I feel more Zen in my pinky today then I felt in a lifetime my friend
far away by that ocean it was the perfect vacation without any fear  
when I stop to think, I hope that I could return there, next year....
Beyond the escarpment of love a 2nd hand rose thrives, trying not to die  
the gardens are pregnant in bloom as Mei in her China gown asks why
the authentic sun shines both to burn the winding paths of languid lies
and to non-discriminate the swell of her pearls, this is her Dynasty cry

Stunning gardens giving birth, young brides and padded stoic grooms
happy gregarious music plays a Guangling melody of old while she enchants
the whispering winds, she tries not to think of her future  as the hour slips
Typhoon Marge 1973, a wedding picture framed in white taken by the lot
but on this previous day not a stroke of wind not an ounce of water to mar
the union of two souls,  beyond the crystal ball gazes of two young lovers
the sea is still untouched, no rain induced landslides yet, no ***** terrain

A flood of emotions isolate Mei, the coastal flood fill  her lungs  
she is a deluge before a torrent of people who watch in quiet consent    
This ceremonial ritual quadrant union breaks, as she makes her escape
no pre-arranged singling spot, just a rolling sea and the rise of her breast
******* in air she runs, runs, runs, and runs, away from him .
Copyright © Mystic Rose Rose | Year Posted 2022
Feb 2022 · 107
She puts on her sweat pants and heads out towards the door  
over to the gym to exercise and tone her body just so
Diner reservations are at eight and she has much to do
before meeting him in her silk red dress and winning smile

At the makeup counter she chooses a vigorous ***** scent
and with two dreamy eyes she pays the lady then walks out
Unbeknownst, her darling Mark is at a glass case choosing  
a diamond ring for a rare occasion called love and marriage

The gentleman across from him snaps the velvet case closed
son there is a reason why they call this place The Sweat Shop
He knows he spend too much, but she is worth every penny
arriving early he hides the ring underneath the damask cloth

Chopin plays on and as he gazes in her eyes of tinkling glass
he holds out  the ring to her  " Will You Marry Me"  he says
and as the world falls away, for a moment, a second, a day
two lovers kiss in a booth that smells like, roses and wine.
Feb 2022 · 458
Clog Of Silence
The trill of the morning the sound of light like a clog of silence in my heart
A dawn chorus moment a warbling bird, an aura of ease a fine work of art
Feb 2022 · 130
Love's Tender Moments
They arrive on the wings of a dove, quiet loyal and true
always on time they fill the hour with beauty and grace
Cinnamon hearts and chocolate, it is Valentine every day
when you realize that love is the only thing worth giving

They show up in the most convenient times, each second
a moment on the heart, each minute a revelation of love
Love's tender moments cannot be bought nor borrowed
they are living in the hourglass of perfection, we all know

That love cannot be bought nor can it be sold, it has to be
lived under the umbrella of altruistic  emotion, and love,  
cannot be overrated for it all that it deems to be for many
love is the millisecond that saves, for others its a drowning

Love's tender moments are either  received or rejected
according to the temperatures of the individual it is either
embraced with open arms or dejected, regardless of this
Love is Love, in eternity's plan, it always show up on time.
Feb 2022 · 121
Cupid Goes To Hawaii
Cupid the sweet saintling of Love Village decided to go visit Hawaii
Always dressed in a dapper diaper he looked love struck and dashing
with frosty gold hair combed just so and silver tip wings oh so fancy
he dropped love into hearts quicker than a penny in a bucket goes ping

When he landed on land he saw pineapples and Hawaiian luaus too
rounded hips slow swaying and voices greeting him like an old friend
They draped leis on his shoulders then said "welcome to Honolulu"
where dreams come true for everyone, yes we got the magic blend;

So they put him on a pedestal for he was after all messenger of love
he surfed in Lanai, Pineaple Island of sweet , oh you should see Him    
shooting arrows as he walked on water, fitting them all like a glove  
Lei skirts ruffled and feet shuffled, as the stars shone beneath a rim

They danced and they danced far into the night for love was finally here
Cupid did it once again in his dapper diaper and gold tipped spear.
Feb 2022 · 166
Celestial Chabers
O'er here is that ok ? asks the Angel with her quiet ways  
as she lights the wax candle and rises the temperature in the room
She takes us on a journey of escape where golden dreams await;
A purple butterfly flies by and with awesome wings she lands,;
upon a lily pad.  Fluttery sounds of water ripple on a happy river,  
seasonal and joyful they chime through your senses as you listen,
to a gurgling brook  your body begins to float light as a feather;
The Angel guides us, with her luminous light over to the other side
where millions of butterflies frame the doorway that leads to heaven
gossomar wings, monarch butterflies, and red admiral beauties,
All lead by a thousand purple winged butterflies, each holding  
Ori Light Enshrined, one for each soul present here, ...
Shine dear soul shine as bright as you can, you are an echo,  
enter the Sacred Temple and receive your transillumination: ,  
Adamah, earth being, detach from the world and connect with
your celestial Chabers, heart to heart soul to soul we empowered
live to breathe, we co - exist in total harmony with each other .
Like the  metamorphosis of butterflies we change and become,  
purple butterflies, endowed with restored strength and vigor .
Pace Sia Con Voi, Cari Amici
Jan 2022 · 154
Burnt by Love
Burnt by love my soul is singed with pain ..
Wish it would rain

Embers of the past keep licking me like fire
nothing can quench the anger that is raging inside
when a woman has been cheated on and stepped on
there is no place to hide...
Destruction becomes her new path and deceit becomes mate
she smiles her ruby lips, the Mona Lisa pact induced  
deep inside are raging demons of revenge
I find him by the lake peacefully building a Stonehenge
I invite him to come home but he says,  
" I rather be alone "
so I sit and stew beneath the hot sun
isn't it sad when love goes awry,
and you find yourself sitting, with a smoking gun !
Jan 2022 · 263
Chalice Of Night
Open lotuses of purple and indigo hues
casting spells beneath lawny skies of midnight blue  
each brilliant star more sparkly then the next by heaven's roam;  

Like shooting fireflies and minuets of silent reveries,
the neon fairies claim the quiet waters of the Thame,  
as lilies glide inside slow gentle rain ....
Opuses of art in natures private Cul de sac
water vessel of grace, incumbent chalice of the night
undulating sinuously towards the evening light
none can duplicate the beauty of, your even flow;

Who knows who knows which way the gale winds blow
but this I know,... no never have I seen
such incandescent fiery light, cleaving at the cusp of night.

January 20, 2022
Jan 2022 · 127
Into The Arms Of Love

I invite you into the path of internal freedom my friend,  
Receive the gift of joy that comes into your presence
Allow your Divine self  to flow gently into the arms of love
Give yourself time to create a worthy space within you,  
so you can live with gentle breath, upon this loving earth...
The voice of your soul is calling you
softly home.  Tender whispers light as a breeze  
are flying you back to your dwelling place.  
Embrace and receive your calm with quiet residue
and find your peaceful essence beneath the Holiest of Sun
Feel the warmth that comes from within
as you learn to let go of all negative emotions.
Breathe in and breathe out
Open yourself to the mighty chi and be the star that
illumines the skies;
as your body gives rise to the ebb and flow of life
allow your Divine self to fall gently, into the arms of love.
Jan 2022 · 128
Surrender And Breathe

Surrender and bond with your inner self, breathe deeply
accept the moment that has been given to you and share
the inner circles of your positive energy, be yourself  

Immerse your thoughts in beautiful light and re-incarnate
with your present concept, it is there to teach you how
to live freely, without ties to earth dramas and misshapes

Repeat your mantra " I am potential " and enter into bliss
flower your thoughts and vine them to your corporal light
breathe in the oneness of the Universe and breathe out

Water your senses with peaceful rhythm and like water
move gently into the waves of contentment one breath
at a time...  Time erased, you are a nanosecond away,
Jan 2022 · 159
Whispering Wings
Quote: Don't let the lilacs die without a touch of sweet perfume
send forth, from life to grave

She scented her wings with a powdery substance of lilac
then parachuted to earth tipping her scissions
with utmost precision;
Stardust fell across his cupid cheek but he did not rouse  
talcum scent of baby powder mingled with sweet sachets
alighting gently like the moon when discerning the sky;

With whispering wings wrapped snuggly  
she leaned over his tiny body then whispered,    
" go ahead,... live "  

January 14, 2022
Jan 2022 · 471
A Winter Scene
I close my eyes and dream of winters so pretty that even angels sigh at the scene  
cascading snowflakes softly falling, in shapes of doilies and paper ruffle dollies  
Winter hats and muffle mitts of red, snowman whispers as red sled rides go by
carnival rides and children full of chide, what a wonderful world of white...
A winter scent of magic, white deer and shadowed antlers of incandescent wood
log cabins with fireplaces and verandas with copper foot welcome matts, come in
make yourself comfortable while the kettle roars to life, tea toddler or coffee lover?  
Enter into our little jovial cottage story and stay a while.
Jan 2022 · 441
Helter Skelter
Soaked to the bone with top-splashes of news
I cannot create what I need on my plate
I want songs, I want poems, I want so much more
then the bad news I hear on this forked road of hate

Drenched from the fear that has clothed my days
I refuse to adhere to the orders they give
one day I hear truth one day I hear lies
one day we are living one day we might die

Pass me an umbrella the rain has drenched me anew
its pouring in a helter skelter way, and I don't know what to do
Jan 2022 · 150
A New Year Has Begun

You can live on land or you can live on water

breathe the scent of angel's chiffon wings

A New Year has started on Time

it is handling your Hopes with great care

Feel free to check out the video,
Namaste !

Copyright © Mystic Rose Rose | Year Posted 2022
Jan 2022 · 249
Bright shiny new marbles, we knew just what to do
Bro and I slid them against the door, they went smack clickety clack
as we just laughed and rolled some more...
The year was 1967 and the colors in our head had wit and sparkle
we rolled them in the heel of our hand  turning them to the light
we would play for hours and never fight;
Then one day we grew old and the marbles were put away
I moved down South and Tony stayed in my childhood quarter
Today I pray each day that as the years go by, I won't begin to cry
over a lost marble or two, when the cells won't multiply
We had life in the palm of our hand but we were too young to know
that sooner or later, we had to change and grow...
Dec 2021 · 113
Let Me Be A Rose
Let me be a rose onto thy name
place a frivol kiss upon my rouge
wild as a breath of life I'm never tame    
caress my petal soft, my subterfuge  
Roses live for water, sun and shine
hold a stem, know that you are mine
I bloom at every turn of love my dear,  
wild flowers are always keeping time  
I am a rose of valor treat me kind
and I will never rob you blind
Place me in your heart and sing to me
until we both have set our hunger free
Let me be a rose onto thy name
I'll turn you over, make you right as rain
Dec 2021 · 450
Cherished AS A Rose
cherished as a rose
that is how angels make you feel
when they surround you
Dec 2021 · 89
White Snow

White snow begins to settle round the coffee shop as we sip our cafe
the Christmas lights twinkle in the evening as a cadence of beauty  
falls in amber shades aglow,  kissing quadrant windows perfect view
bright shiny mirrors in our eyes, we are staring into each others souls...

Wreaths of green with silver baubles frame the wooden entrance door  
street lamps are smiling at the halos of our shadowy coupling silhouettes
The aromatic scent of coffee bean and vanilla essence reaches our nose  
sweetly wrapping us in festive shawls our mood rejoices, oh love,  oh love,

Dance with me to the end of this dream for I believe your are my music
hold my hands across this sturdy table,  let me feel your ****** warmth
Peppermint kisses and wooly eyes that see only the gaze of each other  
as the snow falls gently twirling all around us at the cafe, we talk softly

Like lovers of old in a realm of new, the weather is so cozy and charming  
we huddle closer to each other as the fireplace invites us to its hearth
we choose to stay little longer as the white snow settles all around us
the snowman outside grins a silly grin and says " heh, I know those two"
Copyright © Mystic Rose Rose | Year Posted 2021
Dec 2021 · 139
Floral Aspects Of My Life
Floral aspects of my life blooming in front of me
like wallpaper memories of my pink room
The smell of loose leaf hugging a red leather binder
flourishes underneath the sunlit words
of my young maiden's hand;
Looping letters that show the romantic side of me
small caricature vowels and nouns
that reveal the private parts that are never seen
Blushing mornings that drench the violets
in that little garden where father kept his vines
Quiet evenings spent in my room
talking to a Statue, "reflection of a Mystic soul"
I was so many girls back then, but today I am only one
A seasoned writer with who lives and strives  
despite the world's demise.

Dec 15, 2021
Dec 2021 · 172
Mental Health
Memorial days of when my mind was clear as rain. Back then I did not feel so
Elementally insane.  I used to whip up a poem in minutes and smile like a
Neuromental trigger happy woman.  Then, as years went by I noticed the
Tell tale signs of aging and slowing.   Stress settled in as life changed and  
A virus spread through the land.  I swallowed my fears and continued to  
Love, live and laugh but something had changed.  Me... My mental health...


Healthy is the man and woman who digs her own garden or grave, I say  
Enlist in the power of heavenly beings and do your very best. Life is
A series of battles, lift your sword on high and don't let the devil win.
Learn to live with what you have and find strength and comfort in the  
Truth.  Mental health is pliable, it can break it can heal, it can change.  
Help is there if you ask for it. You are not alone, so share your story...

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